The Definite Article PowerPoint

The definite article “the”
The definite article is pronounced as [ ðə ] or as [ ði ]
As [ ðə ] before nouns beginning with a consonant:
the book, the man, the table
As [ ði ] before nouns beginning with a vowel:
the apple, the entrance, the idol, the opera, the uncle
* Exceptions:
When a vowel is pronounced as a consonant:
When a consonant is not pronounced at all:
the [ ðə ] university [ ju:nə'vɜ:rsətı ]
the [ ðə ] union [ 'ju:njən ]
the [ ði ] hour [ aʋər ]
the [ ði ] honest [ 'ɒnıst ] man
The definite article “the”
When do we use the definite article “the”?
1. Before nouns of which there is only one:
There are many theories of how the earth was formed.
2. When we know what or who we are talking about:
I see a man walking on the street. The man is running now.
3. Before a noun which can represent only one thing:
My wife is in the kitchen (in our kitchen).
The definite article “the”
When do we use the definite article “the”?
4. Before superlatives of adjectives:
She is the best teacher I’ve ever known.
5. Before names of rivers, seas or mountains:
The Danube is one of the most important rivers in Europe.
6. Before plural names of countries:
The Netherlands is a low-lying country.
The definite article “the”
Differences in meaning:
Without “the”
With “the”
We go to church.
We go to school.
We go to prison.
We go to bed.
= to pray
= to learn
= as a prisoner
= to sleep
We go to the church.
We go to the school.
We go to the prison.
We go to the bed.
= to see the paintings
= to speak to one of the teachers
= to visit a prisoner
= we walk to it (that direction)
The definite article “the”