Living in North America Pages 13-20


Living in North America Pages 13-20


-Climate-the kind of weather a place has over a period of time.

-Population density- how many people there are in a given area?

-Rural and urban are antonyms, therefore they have opposite meanings

-Rural –country


Climate Affects Ways of Life

Climate is different depending on location.

*Places near the equator such as Central America (Belize,

Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama) are warmer.

*Places farther from the equator such as Canada and the northern parts of the United States are cooler.

Climate affects

*What people wear

*What kind of houses they build

*The way they earn a living

Landforms Affect Ways of Life

*Landforms affects where people settle

*People settled on plains because of the flat land.

*People avoid mountainous areas and marshlands

*Landforms affects what people do for fun

Living Near Bodies of Water

*Help people meet their needs

*Provide transportation routes

*It helps countries connect to other parts of the world.

*Vancouver in Canada, Seattle in the United States, and

Panama City in Panama are all on the Pacific Ocean

*Canada’s largest city is Toronto and it is on Lake Ontario

*United State largest city is New York City and it is where the

Hudson River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

*Lakes make it easier for businesses to ship their goods.

Resources Affects Ways of Life

*Natural resources affect where people settle.

*Early people settled where they could gather fruit, nuts, and hunt.

*People later settled where soil was good to farm.

*Natural resources have an effect on people’s way of life

*People along the coast fish for a living

*Off the coast of Mexico and southern part of the U. S., people drill for oil beneath the Gulf of Mexico.

*The oil industry provide jobs

Soil is another important resource in North America

People farm in the Interior Plains

Population in North American

*Climate, bodies of water, natural resources, and landforms affect population distribution.

*Different places have different population density (avg. # of people in area usually 1 square mile).

Urban and Rural Areas

*Most large urban areas are located along the coast of North America.

*Chicago is one of the largest cities and is located on Lake Michigan

*Lake Michigan is fresh water and a shipping route.

*Mexico City, North America’s largest city is located inland on the

Mexican Plateau

*San Salvador is El Salvador is one of the largest cities in Central

America, located in a valley inland from the Pacific coast.

The land is flat and very fertile.

Acelhuate River provides San Salvador with fresh water for drinking and growing crops.
