
Sybil Francis, Ph.D., Executive Director
Amanda Burke, Director, Education Strategy and Innovation
The Role of the Center for the Future of Arizona
• 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 2002.
• Helping shape and define Arizona’s future through an action-oriented
agenda with goal of improving the quality of life for all Arizonans.
• Selected by the Arizona State Board of Education in September, 2010
to manage and oversee the Move On When Ready Initiative in our
• Instrumental in working with the National Center on Education
(NCEE) and the Economy to bring the board examination systems
model to Arizona.
Move On When Ready: Building a Foundation
for Student Success – For All Children
• Clearly identify for students what we want them to know and provide
a way for them to get there, with less worry about how long it takes.
• Move away from a “one-size-fits-all” industrial-era system to one that
is adaptive to individual student interests and needs.
• Bring proven complete instructional systems aligned to national and
internationally benchmarked standards to Arizona high schools,
moving us towards outcomes-based learning and away from timebased learning.
• Greatly increase the number of high school students who leave high
school ready to do college-level work without remediation, opening
up multiple pathways for students.
The Arizona Move On When Ready Model:
A Few Important Points
The Move On When Ready strategy and the related Grand Canyon High
School Diploma provide rigor and college readiness for ALL learners – it
is not an elite program.
The Grand Canyon High School Diploma is directly tied to a minimum
level of college readiness and signals that students are READY to
“move on” to different programs of study within and beyond the high
Students become “diploma eligible” – are NOT required to graduate
Voluntary program for interested schools. No present options open to
students for high school study are closed by the passage of the Move
On When Ready legislation.
Requires collaboration across the P-20 educational pipeline.
A Commitment to All Students:
The Whole-School Move On When Ready Strategy
Bold commitment to ensure every student participates in a rigorous, curriculumdriven program of study guided by national and international college- and careerreadiness standard.
In this model, every student is in a challenging performance-based curriculum
designed to ensure they meet college‐ready requirements before they leave high
The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) is intentionally working with early
adopter schools to develop a planning and implementation approach for the
whole-school Move On When Ready strategy.
Ready Now Yuma – With support from Helios Education Foundation, CFA
is working with Yuma Union High School District to develop and plan for a
comprehensive, school-wide approach framed around the whole-school
Move On When Ready model.
The Arizona Move On When Ready Model in Practice:
Competency-Based Pathways Leading to College and Career Readiness
Grand Canyon H.S. Diploma Option
(Demonstrating Minimum College Readiness)
Grand Canyon High School Diploma
Fine Arts/CTE
Economics (1/2 credit)
(Elective Options Available)
Current Certified Providers:
ACT QualityCore
Enhanced High School Option
Upper Division
Diploma Program
(College Prep)
Public Open
Admission Colleges
(Accredited PostSecondary Career and
Technical Programs or
college transfer program)
Current Certified
ACT QualityCore
Advanced Placement
Local, Regional High
School Career and
Technical Education
Education Options
Currently Available
to Students
Specialized STEM
Programs, etc.)
Selective 4-year
Appropriate Exams and Credentials
(Diplomas awarded as early as end of grade
10 upon passing the board examinations at a
minimum college-readiness level. Students
who do not initially qualify or need
additional time can continue to prepare for
and take the exams in grade 11 and 12.)
Lower Division Exams (Qualify for Diploma When Passed)
Lower Division
Diploma Program
“Move On” Option
Public Open
Arizona State Board of Education Approved
Board Examination System Providers
Lower Division Program
Upper Division Program
The purpose of the lower division program
(grades 9 and 10) is to create a very solid
core curriculum for all high school
Students who take an upper division Board
Examination System program (grades 11 and
12) would typically do so to prepare for
admission to a selective college and continue
with a rigorous core course of study.
Providers approved by the Arizona State
Board of Education Include:
Providers approved by the Arizona State
Board of Education Include:
ACT QualityCore
ACT QualityCore (upper level)
Cambridge International Examinations
-General Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
Cambridge International Examinations
- Advanced International Certificate
program (AICE)
College Board Advanced Placement
International Baccalaureate
Arizona Grand Canyon High School Diploma
Minimum Graduation Requirements*
Two BES** credits of English
Two BES credits of mathematics
Two BES credits of science, including lab-based science,
engineering or information technologies
One BES credit of World History
One BES credit of American History
One BES credit of fine arts or career and technical education; and
One half-credit of economics (may be a local offering)
*Adopted in Rule by the Arizona State Board of Education on 1/24/2011
**BES stands for Board Examination System
Current Participating Arizona Schools
ASU Preparatory Academies - University
Public Schools
ASU Preparatory Academy High School
ASU Preparatory Academy High School –
Polytechnic (Mesa)
BASIS Schools Inc.
BASIS Scottsdale
BASIS Tucson
BASIS Oro Valley
Dysart Unified School District
Marley Park Middle School (El Mirage)
Willow Canyon High School (Surprise)
Gary K. Herberger Young Scholars
Academy - ASU West Campus
Nadaburg Unified School District
The Academy at Desert Oasis (Surprise)
Phoenix Union High School District
Central High School
Metro Tech High School
Wickenburg Unified School District
Wickenburg High School
Yuma Union High School District
Cibola High School
Gila Ridge High School
Kofa High School
San Luis High School
Yuma High School
Arizona Early Adopter Schools: 2012
Schools may implement Move On When Ready as a partial program or as a
school-wide model.
Schools will work with CFA and NCEE to plan for and implement Move On
When Ready.
Fall 2012 Start Commitment:
 Offer a complete lower division Board Examination System in a high
school to a cohort of grade 9 students (minimum of 30% student
participation rate) – including assessments.
 Ensure teachers participate in professional development offered by the
Board Examination System provider.
 Offer an upper division Board Examination System.
 Participate in the NCEE longitudinal study led by the University of
 Make the Grand Canyon H.S. Diploma available to those students who
qualify and wish to pursue that option.
Planning and Support Structures - Arizona Schools
Move On When Ready Learning Collaborative
A knowledge-sharing network facilitated by CFA.
Intended to enable communication and collaboration across
early adopter schools.
Meets monthly (teleconference and quarterly in-person)
District/Charter Network and School Design Teams
• Serve as the primary point of contact for CFA and NCEE
throughout the planning and implementation process.
Oversee the planning, implementation, and knowledge/resource
sharing at the school site.
Timeline for Interested Arizona Schools - 2012
(Cambridge Specific)
Ideal Target Date
November 15, 2011
or earlier if possible
Cambridge Registration Form Completed and Sent to Cambridge
Board Examination Systems Pilot Commitment Letter Submission to
Center for the Future of Arizona Commitment Letter Submission to
New School Site Visits Conducted by Cambridge
Design Teams Established and Implementation Planning Commenced
February – April 2012 
February/April – July
November 2011 –
January 2012
January 2012
March 15 2012 or
earlier if possible
Implementation Planning Via Design Teams Commenced – with NCEE
facilitation and CFA involvement
Implementation Planning Continued – with NCEE facilitation and CFA
Implementation Planning Guide Submission to CFA
January – March
April 2012
Cambridge Stage One On-Line Teacher and Principal Training
Cambridge Face to Face Teacher and Principal Training Conducted
Thank You!
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Sybil Francis, Executive Director
Center for the Future of Arizona or 480-335-8533
Amanda Burke, Director, Education Strategy and Innovation
Center for the Future of Arizona or 602-496-2037
Timeline for Interested Arizona Schools - 2012
(Cambridge Specific)
Ideal Target Date
November 15, 2011
or earlier if possible
Cambridge Registration Form Completed and Sent to Cambridge
Board Examination Systems Pilot Commitment Letter Submission to
Center for the Future of Arizona Commitment Letter Submission to
New School Site Visits Conducted by Cambridge
Design Teams Established and Implementation Planning Commenced
February – April 2012 
February/April – July
November 2011 –
January 2012
January 2012
March 15 2012 or
earlier if possible
Implementation Planning Via Design Teams Commenced – with NCEE
facilitation and CFA involvement
Implementation Planning Continued – with NCEE facilitation and CFA
Implementation Planning Guide Submission to CFA
January – March
April 2012
Cambridge Stage One On-Line Teacher and Principal Training
Cambridge Face to Face Teacher and Principal Training Conducted
Next Steps Following Today’s Session
Following the information sessions this week, the Center for the Future of
Arizona will electronically send out the materials presented today.
The National Center on Education and the Economy and the Center for the
Future of Arizona will follow-up with schools that express interest in
participating in 2012 (identified through the interest forms).
Schools may also directly contact the Center for the Future of Arizona for
additional information as well as visit our web site: