Evaluation of the project Annamari Ylonen and Brahm Norwich Session outline Evaluation at different levels Goal Monitoring and Evaluation – principles and guidelines Ethnographic research – what is this and what does it involve? Process evaluation Ethical issues Timeline of evaluation activities One survey to be filled in: concepts of inclusion & MLD Different levels of evaluation Pupil level o Goal Monitoring and Evaluation (GME) by teachers as part of the Lesson Study Teacher level o Questionnaires /surveys : online (Survey-Monkey), email or hard copies Classroom and school level o Ethnographic research: observations of LS meetings and classes; some interviews Process level (‘realistic evaluation’) o A survey/interviews about the Lesson Study process Goal Monitoring and evaluation Developed from Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) for the Lesson Study project Method of monitoring the learning outcomes of the case pupils (2 in each class identified as having MLD) •2-3 research questions for each pupil (related to LS aims) •3 goals for each pupil (related to LS aims and RQs). Within each goal, 3 levels: 2 before the LS (baseline and expected levels) and 1 after the LS (an achieved level) The process is teacher/LS team-led How? Detailed instructions are in the pack together with a template to be filled in for each Lesson Study/case pupils Example of a GME goal and levels GOAL 1 Be more frequently engaged in group activities when emphasis is on using key vocabulary Rating scale: Low Baseline Expected Achieved High X X X Baseline descriptor Is often disengaged in group activities when she needs to use vocabulary Specific evidence for descriptor Expected descriptor Specific evidence for descriptor Achieved descriptor Specific evidence for descriptor Because of problems in written and verbal language tends to be disengaged and not participate More frequent engagement in group activities Increased participation, improved speech, increased confidence More frequent engagement in group activities Participated more during question and answer sessions; vocabulary still limited but conversations contains more basic structure; more willing to write and less anxious about her work Ethnographic research Real time observations of the Lesson Study process (LS team meetings and classes) in schools The focus is on the process, not on outcomes How? School visits (estimated 2-4 visits per school in each LS) Observations in a small number of case study schools Short interviews: a. with teachers, other LS team members and some senior leaders: views about the process, impact on pupil learning, issues arisen etc. b. with the case pupil focusing on their views about LS and how it affects their learning Ethnographic research: case study schools There will be 5 case study schools (same for both LS cycles) How are these schools selected? • By distance to Exeter: time constraints/logistics – easy access • If your school fits this criteria, you may be asked to take part How are the visits planned? • By negotiating suitable times to fit within teaching timetables etc. • Suggestion: initial visit ASAP to plan dates/times Process evaluation Focus on the LS process at teacher and school levels why and how the LS works in schools/impact on teaching and teachers construction of process theory (links between contexts, mechanisms and outcomes) How? 1. An online survey at the end of the project (Feb/March 2012) OR at the final conference 2. Short interviews with a sample of teachers – possibly by phone Ethical issues The research and evaluation in the project follows ethical guidelines (by the British Educational Research Association) Consent from research participants: • Understand what the project is, what it is aiming to do and its purposes • What taking part involves • Right to confidentiality and anonymity (e.g. in any subsequent reporting of research findings) • Right to withdraw from the study at any time For case pupils interviews: written parental consent • template available from project website TIME PERIOD STUDENT TEACHER ETHNOGRAPHIC PROCESS EVALUATION AT THE 1st CONFERE NCE n/a 1. MLD teaching approaches questionnaire 2. Inclusion survey n/a n/a LESSON STUDY 1 GME – by teachers Visits to case study schools (observations and interviews LESSON STUDY 2 GME – by teachers Visits to case study schools (observations and interviews AT THE FINAL CONFERE NCE (OR AFTER) GME – final details (if not finished) 1. MLD teaching approaches quest. repeat 2. Inclusion survey repeat OTHER School identification of MLD questionnaire Process survey (if not done) Process interviews (sample)