Exploring the dream World

Exploring the dream World
Objectives: the student will=
• Analyze Freud’s dream theories
• Compare and contrast dream theories such as
information processing model and Activation
synthesis theory
• Almost everyone dreams; usually people that
say they don’t, when woke up, in REM sleep,
they do
• However Not everyone dreams; possible
brain injury
• Lucid dreams- where they know your
dreaming and feel as if your conscious (can
Dreams as Unconscious wishes=
Dream analysis
• Freud- PSYCHOANALYSIS- The Interpretation
of Dreams (1900) two types of dreams=
• First- Guard sleep by distinguishing disruptive
thoughts with symbols
• Second- source of wish fulfillment
• First reveals psychic tensions
• Second Gives pleasure
• Every dream is meaningful
chapter 5
Dreams as unconscious
Freud concluded that dreams might provide insight into
our unconscious.
Manifest content includes aspects of the dream we
consciously experience. Latent content includes
unconscious wishes and thoughts symbolized in the
To understand a dream we must distinguish manifest
from latent content.
Not everything in dreams is symbolic.
Freud’s terms
• Manifest content- Dream’s story line
• Latent content- Symbolic meaning (supposed)
• M.C. looks for clues to unconsciousmotivations
• L.C. No solid scientific evidence to support
Day dreams
• Attention turns inward to memories,
expectations and desires- Often with vivid
• Occurs when relaxed, alone, engaged in
boarding task
• Young adults do it the most
• Goals, interpersonal relationships, classes all
Dreams as efforts to deal with
• Conscious problems in real life; relationship, work, sex
• Information processing dream theory- symbols convey
• Women in water, swimming with child on back,
husband supposed to take picture. What does it mean?
• Current concerns, college dreams, can’t find class for
test, wrong test
• Traumatic concerns also effect dreams; war zone
chapter 5
Dreams as efforts to deal
with problems
Dreams may reflect ongoing conscious issues
such as concerns over relationships, work,
sex, or health.
Dreams are more likely to contain material
related to a person’s current concerns than
chance would predict.
Example: college students and testing
Males and females appear to dream about
similar issues now that lives and concerns of
the two sexes have become more similar.
Dreams as thinking
- current concerns but no answers
Brain is doing same work as when awake
Cerebral cortex, perception, highly active
But cut off from world so no feedback
chapter 5
Dreams as thinking
Dreams are the same kind of activity that
the waking brain does—but cut off from
external stimulation.
Dreams as Interpreted Brain Activity
• Usually dream about last experience of the
day in first REM cycle
• REM sleep helps us remember
• Activation synthesis theory- dreams make
sense of spontaneous bursts of activity
• Lower part of the brain-PONS
• Neurons control movement gaze, balance
chapter 5
Dreams as interpreted
brain activity
Activation-synthesis theory
Dreaming results from the cortical synthesis and
interpretation of neural signals triggered by activity in
the lower part of the brain.
At the same time, brain regions that handle logical
thought and sensation from the external world are shut
Evaluating Dream Theories
• Each account has merit and drawbacks
• Freud, more coherent than ramblings but
traditional psychoanalysis far fetched
• Solving problems, clear related to work and
life But can you solve problems in sleep
• A.C.T.- not all bizarre, some dreams goes on
outside REM sleep
• Freud; manifest, latent
• Other theories