Each TPR will count as a quiz grade. In order to

Name:___________________________TPR#2 – Due Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Each TPR will count as a quiz grade. In order to receive full credit, students
MUST show their work. Late assignments will receive a 1-point grade
deduction for each day it is late.
1. Find all the factor pairs of 18. Write your factor pairs like this: 18 x 1. If
you write 18 x 1, you do not need to write 1 x 18 (1 point)
2. Find all the factor pairs for 83. Write your factor pairs like this: 83 x 1. If
you write 83 x 1, you do not need to write 1 x 83. (1 point)
3. Mary has a bunch of tiles with the following numbers on them: 7, 8, 19, 25,
31, 33, 49. Mary also has four buckets labeled Multiples of 2, Multiples of
3, Multiples of 5, and Multiples of 7. Which tiles should go in which
buckets and which tiles do not belong in any of the buckets. (2 points)
4. Joseph has a bunch of tiles with the following numbers on them: 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 23, 30, 49, 81, 89, and 99. Joseph also has two buckets
labeled Prime and Composite. Define prime and composite. Which tiles
should go in which buckets?
(3 points)
Prime: __________________________________________________________________
Composite: _____________________________________________________________
5. There are 4 beans in the jar. Each day 3 beans are added. How many beans
are in the jar on the fifth day? (1 point)
Day 1 = 4 beans.
6. The 24 students in Mrs. Dee’s class formed a line. Every third student was
wearing red. Every fifth student was wearing blue. What was the fifteenth
student in line wearing? (2 points)
*You must show your work to receive both points*
7. Which of the number patterns below follows the rule “add 3” to get to the
next number? (1 point)
A. 13,16,18, 21, 24
B. 28, 32, 36, 40, 44
C. 42, 45, 48, 51, 53
D. 61, 64, 67, 71, 74
8. Jack and Jill each created a pattern of numbers.
Jack: 48, 52, 56, 60, . . .
Jill: 76, 73, 70, 67, . . .
What is the rule for each pattern? (1 point)
Jack: add 3
Jill: subtract 4
Jack: subtract 4
Jill: add 3
Jack: add 4
Jill: subtract 3
Jack: subtract 3
Jill: add 4
9. Vivian bought 32 pieces of gum at the candy store. She bought twice as
many chocolate bars as gum. She bought 3 times as many Swedish fish as
chocolate bars. How many Swedish fish did she buy? (2 points)