Evolution - My Teacher Pages


Journal Week 22- Wed 2/10

• J: 30 Facts from “What Darwin Never Knew” Video

• TI: Unit 4 Genetics Folder (50 pts)

• CW: “What Darwin Never Knew” Video, Genetics Test

Remediation 

• HW: Interactive Reader pgs 172-182 DUE Th 2/19

Journal Week 22- Thurs 2/12

• J: none

• TI: none

• CW: Set up Unit 5 Evolution Folder, Course


• HW: Evolution Unit Cover Page & Vocab DUE T

2/17 (20 pts), Interactive Reader pgs 172-

182 DUE Th 2/19

Update Table of Contents &

Title AND Number EACH page!

Left Side, pg # Right Side, pg #

(1) Table of Contents

(3) Review & Reflection

(5) Vocab

(7) Early Ideas About Evolution

(9) Evidence Debate Paragraph

(11) Draw the 5 fingers of Evolution

(2) Essential Questions

(4) Unit Concept Map

(6) Vocab

(8) Fathers of Evolution Guided Notes

(10) Evidence for Evolution Notes

(12) Mechanisms of Evolution Notes

(13) Selection graphs & Practice (14) Types of Selection Notes

(15) Speciation through isolation Notes (16) Patterns in Evolution Notes

(17) Natural Selection Simulation

(19) Origins of Life Video Questions

(21) Hominid Concept Map

(18) Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium Notes

(20) Fossil Record & Origins Guided Notes

(22) Hominid Evolution Notes

Journal Week 22- Fri 2/13

• J: none

• TI: Journal Weeks 21 & 22 (50 pts)

• CW: Fathers of Evolution Guided Notes, Early Ideas about

Evolution Power Notes

• HW: Evolution Unit Cover Page & Vocab DUE T 2/17 (20 pts), Interactive reader pgs 172-182 DUE Th 2/19,

Genetics Test Remediation DUE T 2/17 (30 pts)

Left Side Pg # Right Side

Early Ideas about Evolution 7 Fathers of Evolution Guided Notes

Pg #




Mrs. Narubin

Theory of Evolution

• Evolution: is the change of a species over time

• Modern organisms descended from ancient organisms.

Charles Darwin

• Father of Evolution

• Born in England 1809

• 1831 set sail from

England around the world on H.M.S. Beagle

• Published the

“Origin of Species” which proposed that natural selection caused evolution

Galapagos Islands

• Group of islands off the coast of South America

• Islands are close together, but have different climates

• Turtles on each island had different shells

• Finch’s had different beaks

Darwin’s Observations

• Collected fossils around the world and compared them to modern species.

• Some were similar to species alive now and some were completely different.

• He questioned why so many species had become extinct and if they were related to living species.

Darwin’s Theories: Evolution by Natural Selection

• 1) Survival of the Fittest- organisms with the best adaptations survive (strength, speed, camouflage, armor, ect.)

• 2) Natural Selection- those individuals that are best suited for their environment get to live and reproduce.

• 3) Struggle for existence- all members of an ecosystem are in constant competition for food and survival.

Natural Selection Cont’d.

• Natural selection changes a population over many successive generations-NOT AN


• Changes that increase a species fitness

• Fitness- ability to reproduce and survive in environment

• Adaptation- inherited characteristics that increase chance of survival

• Beaks on finches, porcupine quills

Not Natural…Artificial


• Artificial Selection: nature provides a variety of off spring and humans select the variations they like.

Summary of Darwin’s Theory

• Individual organisms differ, some is due to genetics variation- variations in genes from parent to offspring (ex: Some cows produce more milk than others, Some horses faster than others)

• Organisms produce more offspring than can survive, and many do not survive.

• The survivors are in constant competition over resources. (ex: food)

Summary of Darwin’s Theory,


• Organisms have unique advantages and disadvantages.

• Best suited individuals for the environment survive and reproduce, passing on the best traits for survival to the new generation.

Descent with Modification- Todays living species descended with changes from other species over time

Common descent- all species come from a common ancestor

Origin of Species

• Darwin published “On the Origin of

Species” in 1859

• Origin of Species- Proposed natural selection caused evolution

• He was reluctant to publish his controversial theory of Evolution.

• Originally told his wife to publish book after he died, but another scientist was trying to take credit for the theory.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

• French Naturalist

• One of the 1 st scientists to recognize things changed over time

& species descended from other species

• Before Darwin-- believed organisms change over time

• Believed organisms lost or gained certain traits over time– pass favorable traits to offspring

Lamarck’s Theories

• Tendency Towards Perfection:

• Organisms tend to develop towards complexity and perfection…so they continually change to make them live more successfully.

• EX: Birds urge to fly and over time…their wings grew in size to be used for flying

Lamarck’s Theories

• Use & Disuse:

• organisms can change the size/shape of organs by using their bodies a different way

• EX: Birds use front limbs more so they could use it them for flying

Lamarck’s Theories

• Inheritance of Acquired Traits:

• acquired traits could be inherited by the next generations

• EX: Bigger front limbs on birds to use for flying…passed down to offspring

• EX: If you workout and have big muscles…so will your children

Famous Example: Giraffe Necks

Disproven Theories

• Lamarck’s theories have been disproven…but at the time these scientists developed these theories they knew very little about genetics and how traits are passed on from generation to generation.

Journal Week 23- Mon 2/16

• No School for students

Journal Week 23- Tues 2/17

• J: Fathers of Evolution Concept Check (10 pts)

• Get a clicker and get logged in

• Take Fathers of Evolution Concept Check, you need to re-write the question and CORRECT answer for the one you got wrong. If you got them all right write “I’m so smart!”

• TI: Genetics Test Remediation (30 pts), Cover pg and Vocab check (20 pts)

• CW: Evidence for Evolution Notes , 5 sentence Evidence


Left Side Pg # Right Side

Evidence Debate Paragraph 9 Evidence for Evolution

Pg #


• HW: Evidence for Evolution Review wkst DUE W 2/18

Fathers of Evolution

Concept Check

Question 1

Charles Darwin’s observation that finches of different species on the Galapagos Island have many similar characteristics supports the hypothesis that these finches a.) have the ability to interbreed b.) acquired traits through use and disuse c.) all eat the same type of food d.) descended from a common ancestor

Question 2

Which scientist proposed that if an organism used a structure so much that it grew, the trait of that larger structure could be passed to its offspring?

(a) Erasmus Darwin

(b) Jean-Baptiste Lamark

(c) Georges de Buffon

(d) Charles Lyell

Question 3

When lions prey on a herd of antelopes, some antelopes are killed and some escape.

Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?

a.) acquired characteristics b.) reproductive isolation c.) survival of the fittest d.) descent with modification

Question 4

According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have a.) characteristics their parents acquired through use and disuse b.) characteristics that plant and animal breeders value c.) the greatest number of offspring d.) variations best suited to the environment

Question 5

The theory that landforms on Earth’s surface, such as mountains, waterfalls, and canyons, were created as the result of sudden spectacular events is called the theory of

(a) uniformitarianism

(b) catastrophism

(c) gradualism

(d) evolution

Evidence for Evolution Notes

The Evidence of Evolution

• 1) The Fossil Record

• 2) Geographic Distribution of Living Species

• 3) Molecular Biology

• 4) Homologous Body Structures

• 5) Similarities in Embryology (Embryos)

1) The Fossil Record

• Fossils: the remains of ancient life

• Fossils in different layers of rock that formed at different times in Earth’s history show a change in organisms over time.

• Layers of rocks have the youngest on top and oldest underneath

• Darwin asked “ If the Earth could change over time, is it possible for life on Earth to change with it?”

• Proposed Earth was millions of years old, many species came into being, lived, the vanished.

2) Geographic Distribution of

Living Species

• Remember Darwin’s finches?

• How were they so similar, but so different?

• Similar species living in different parts of the world adapt to different traits for survival, particular to their environment, but descend from a common mainland ancestor.

• Ex. Thick fur for bears in cold climates and thin fur in warm climates.

• Ex. Short or long beaks, pointed or round beaks

3) Molecular Biology

• Species from different time periods…and initial simpler organisms vs. more complex organisms had similar biochemicals and cell parts.

• What do you think they shared?

 DNA (Nucleic Acids)

 Membranes

 Cytoplasm

 Fats, Proteins, Carbs

4) Homologous Structures

• “Homo” means same

• Body parts in living species with the same structure and embryonic tissue, but used for different purposes to help with survival



…or as we know them


Homologous Structures Cont.

• Ex. 1: If we compare front limbs…we see that bird wings are more similar to one another than any of them to bat wings.

• The bones that support the wings of bats are more similar to the front limbs of humans, whales, and other mammals, than birds…which helps scientists determine how recently they shared an ancestor.

 Ex. 2: Dolphins look something like fish, but the homologies show they are mammals…they have lungs and use air to breath, rather than gills and water… How do you breath?

You may share a more recent ancestor with Dolphins than fish do?!

More Homologous Structures!

• Do all Homologous structures serve an important purpose?


 Vestigial Organs: organs of animals are so reduced in size that they are just vestiges, or traces, of homologous structures.

 Why keep them with no purpose?

One possibility is that the presence of these organs doesn’t affect the organism’s ability to survive and reproduce...so natural selection doesn’t “eliminate” that organ

Pics of Vestiges!


Femur and

Pelvis in a


5) Embryology

• During the early stages of development, or embryos, many animals with backbones are very similar.

• So what does this tell us?

• Same groups of embryonic cells develop in the same order and similar patterns to make the tissues and organs of all vertebrates.

• These help create the homologous structures! (It all connects!)

Here you are!

How Cute?!

Evidence Debate Paragraph

• On pg 9

• Write 1 paragraph (5 sentence

MINIMUM) explaining which piece of evidence (pick one) you feel is the most effective in explaining evolution.

Journal Week 23- Wed 2/18

• J: None

• TI: Evidence for Evolution Review wkst

• CW: Five fingers of Evolution, Mechanisms of

Evolution Notes

Left Side Pg # Right Side Pg #

Draw the 5 Fingers of Evolution 11 Mechanisms of Evolution Notes 12

• HW: Interactive Reader pgs 172-182 DUE Thurs

Five Fingers of Evolution

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NdMnlt2keE

Natural Selection in


• Natural selection acts on different phenotypes in a population.

• In order for natural selection to occur, a population must have different phenotypes to be selected for or against.

• In this way, a variety of phenotypes makes it more likely that certain individuals will survive different environmental pressures.

Categories of Evolution

• Microevolution- evolution at the species/ population level

• Species- group of interbreeding organisms that can produce fertile offspring

• Population- all the individuals of a species that live in the same area at the same time

• Macroevolution- evolution within a population over a very long time period

Macroevolution vs. Microevolution

• These two ideas attempt to explain the difference between small changes

(micro) versus large changes (macro). There is really no difference, other than macroevolution takes a very long time and results in profound changes in the species.

• Microevolution refers to minor changes that can occur within a species in a relatively short period of time, like a change in coloration within a fish population.

Genetic Variation in Populations

• Genetic variation is stored in a population’s gene poolthe combined alleles of all the individuals in a population

• Examples: Humans have alleles for-

• blue eyes / brown eyes /green eyes

• curly/straight hair

• blood type A / B / O / AB

• Different combinations of alleles in a gene pool can be formed with organisms mate and have offspring

• Each allele exists at a certain rate or frequency

• Allele frequency- the measure of how common a certain allele is in the population

Sources of Genetic Variation

• Genetic variation comes from two main sources:

• Mutation- A random change in the DNA of a gene

• Because there are many genes in each individual and many individuals in a population, new mutations form frequently in gene pools

• Recombination- parental gametes are rearranged during meiosis

Movement of Alleles

• When an organism joins a new population and reproduces, its alleles become part of that populations gene pool.

• At the same time, those alleles are removed from the gene pool of its former population

• Gene Flow- movement of alleles among populations, by migration

• Increases variation

• Continued gene flow decreases diversity, gene pools become more similar

• Can prevent speciation from occurring

Example of GENE FLOW

• Each rat snake represents a separate population of snakes

• These snake remain similar and can interbreed

• This keeps their gene pools somewhat similar

• They are considered subspecies

Changing Allele Frequencies

• Imagine you have a patch of 100 flowers growing in a field. 50 are white and 50 are purple.

• If you randomly pick flowers from the patch to create a bouquet, you would expect to pick half white and half purple.

• The more you pick, the more likely you are to get these numbers

• The fewer flowers you pick, the more likely you are to have a bouquet that is NOT representative of the patch.

• It might even be all one color

Changing Allele Frequencies

• A similar situation can occur in small populations as they are more likely to be affected by chance

• Due to chance:

• Some alleles will likely decrease and become eliminated while others increase and become fixed

• Genetic drift- changes in allele frequency due to chance which causes a loss of genetic diversity in a population

Results of Genetic Drift

• Bottleneck effect- genetic drift that occurs after a destructive event that leaves only a few survivors, greatly reduces genetic diversity

Results of Genetic Drift

• Founder Effect- genetic drift occurring after a small number of individuals colonize a new area

Founder Effect

• The founder effect is an example of genetic drift where rare alleles or combinations occur in higher frequency in a population isolated from the general population.

• Dwarfism in Amish communities

• Due to few German founders

Journal Week 23- Thurs 2/19

• J: Bozeman- Selection- 10 facts

• TI: Interactive Reader pgs 172-182

• CW: Types of Selection Notes

Left Side Pg # Right Side

Selection Graphs & Practice 13 Types of Selection Notes

Pg #


• HW: Types of Selection Practice wkst DUE F 2/20

Types of Selection

• Natural Selection

• Directional selection

• Stabilizing selection

• Disruptive selection

• Sexual selection

• Artificial selection

Natural Selection

• Not Random

• Based on 3 conditions:

• Variation- differences must exist between individuals, even if slight

• Heritability- parents must be able to pass on traits to children

• Differential reproductive success- how many offspring successfully produced

Natural Selection

• Natural selection can only utilize variations that are randomly provided; therefore there is no directedness or anticipation of future needs.

• Extinction occurs when previous adaptations are no longer suitable to a changed environment.

Directional selection

• When individuals at one end of the curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or other end

• Example: Darwin’s finches—seed size increases beak size increases

• Color your diagram

Stabilizing selection

• When individuals near the center of the curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end

• Example: Human babies----small babies less healthy, large babies difficulty being born, medium better chance

Disruptive selection

• When individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle.

• Example: Birds live in area with large and small seeds but not many medium seeds----develop large and small beaks

Sexual selection

• Within-sex competition and choice

• Intrasexual selection- competition among males (ex bighorn sheep)

• Intersexual selection- males display certain traits to attract females (ex peacocks)

• Not caused by natural selection

• Differ in mating success

• Males compete, woman choose

• Males sperm endless, woman eggs limited

• Female choose traits that show healthy maleHonest indicators

Artificial Selection

• Humans determine what organisms will breed or not breed

• Pedigrees

• Certain flower colors

• Larger more colorful vegetables

• Purebred dogs

Practice Selection

• A population of fish has a normal distribution curve of genotype frequencies where a solid pale tan color is homozygous dominant, a striped pattern of light and tan is heterozygous, and a solid dark tan is homozygous recessive.

The fish normally live in a mangrove forest where there are dark tree roots in the water growing out of pale sand. Over time, a disease strikes the mangroves and they begin to die, so there are no more roots in the water, just sand.

• Which fish would now have an advantage in the environment and reproduce more offspring than the other types?

• What type of selection is this? Explain.

• Draw a graph that shows the type of selection this demonstrates.

• How have the genotype frequencies changed?

• How is this natural selection?

Journal Week 23- Fri 2/20

• J: How is natural selection different from artificial selection?

Give an example of each.

• TI: Types of Selection Practice

• CW: Speciation through Isolation & Patterns in Evolution

• HW: Bozeman- Origin of Life Video Walk through- DUE M

2/23, Interactive Reader pgs 189-196 DUE Th 2/26

Left Side Pg # Right Side Pg #

Speciation Through Isolation Notes 15 Patterns in Evolution Notes 16

The Isolation of Populations can Lead to Speciation (pg 15)

• If gene flow between two populations stops for any reason, the populations are said to be isolated.

• As these populations adapt to their environments, their gene pools may change

• All of these changes add up over many generations and with time, isolated populations become more and more genetically different

• Species- a group of interbreeding organisms

• Speciation- formation of a new species

Forms of Speciation

• Two forms of speciation:

• Allopatric speciation-interbreeding stops due to a physical barrier

(mountain, river)

• Sympatric speciation- interbreeding stops even though theres no physical barrier

Types of Isolation


Reproductive Isolation

A. Mechanical Isolation

B. Gametic Isolation

1. Prezyotic

2. Postzygotic


Behavioral Isolation


Geographic Isolation


Temporal Isolation

1. Reproductive Isolation-


• A. Mechanical- Morphological differences can prevent successful mating

• Differences in flower shape and appearance can attract different pollinators (bees, butterflies etc.).

1. Reproductive Isolation-


• B. Gametic- Sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize the eggs of another species.

1. Prezygotic- before creating a zygote (fertilized egg)

2. Postzygotic- creates infertile offspring

2. Behavioral Isolation

• Two populations capable of breeding but have different courtship rituals

• Example: birds with different mating songs

3. Geographic Isolation

• Two populations separated by geographic barriers, rivers, mountains, bodies of water

• May keep certain organisms separate but not others

• Example: River keeps squirrels and rabbit populations separate but not birds—who fly over river

4. Temporal Isolation

• Two or more species reproduce during different times of the year

• Example: Different trees pollinate on different days

Patterns in Evolution (pg16)

• Evolution through natural selection is NOT random

• Species can shape each other over time

• Species can become extinct

• Speciation often occurs in patterns

Evolution is NOT random

• Convergent Evolution

• Two unrelated species evolve in a way that make them more similar

• Ex: Birds and Bees both have wings

• Convergent characters- traits that are similar between two unrelated species

• Divergent Evolution

• Two related species evolve in a way that makes them less similar

Divergent vs. Convergent

Species can shape each other over time

• Species interact with each other in many different ways.

They may compete for the same food source or be involved in a predator- prey relationship.

• Sometimes the evolutionary paths of two species become connected. These can become competitive

• Coevolution

• Predator vs. Prey—2 species evolve together

• Parallel evolution

• Similar evolutionary changes occurring in two species that are related or unrelated

Species can become extinct

• Just as birth and death are natural events in the life of an individual, the rise and fall of a species are natural processes of evolution.

• Extinction- the elimination of a species from Earth.

• Often occurs when a species is unable to adapt to a change in the environment

• There are two categories of extinctions:

• Background extinction- occur continuously but at a very low rate

• Mass extinction- destroy many species due to a catastrophic event

Patterns of Speciation

• Disagreements in pattern of macroevolution

(evolution of group of species over a very long period of time)

• Gradualism- evolutionary progress is slow and steady

• Punctuated equilibrium- rapid burst of change with long periods of no change

• Adaptive radiation- rapid evolution of one ancestral species into many descendent species

• Ex: Darwin’s finches- each occupied a different niche on the galapagoes islands

Gradualism vs. Punctuated

Journal Week 24- Mon 2/23

• J: Bozeman- Evidence for Evolution II-

10 facts

• TI: Bozeman- Origin of Life Video Walk through

• CW: Wooly Booger Lab

• HW: Wooly Booger Lab Analysis

Questions DUE W 2/25, Interactive

Reader pgs 189-196 DUE Th 2/26

Journal Week 24- Tues 2/24

• J: Evolution of Populations Concept Check (20 pts)

• TI: None

• CW: Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium Guided Notes and Natural

Selection Simulation

• HW: Interactive Reader pgs 189-196 DUE Th 2/26

Left Side Pg # Right Side Pg #

Natural Selection Simulation 17 Hardy- Weinburg Equilibrium Guided Notes 18

Journal Week 24- Wed 2/25

• J: none

• TI: Wooley Booger Lab Analysis Questions

• CW: Origin of Life Video, Fossil Record & Origin of Life Guided


Left Side Pg # Right Side Pg #

Origin of Life Video Questions 19 Fossil Record & Origin Guided Notes 20

• HW: Interactive Reader pgs 189-196 DUE Th 2/26, Finish Origin of

Life video Questions DUE Th 2/26

Fossils & Who Studies Them!

• Fossils: traces/remains of ancient life

• What do we discover?

• Structures of Organisms

• Their Diet

• Who are their predators

• Environment they lived in

• Paleontologists: scientists who study fossils

• Fossil Record: all the info adapted from fossil about past life

What does the Fossil Record DO?

• Extinct: species die out

• >99% of all species that lived on


• The fossil record provides evidence about the history of life on Earth. It shows how different groups of organisms, and species, have evolved.

Formation of Fossils

• Can be large and complete like a perfect sized animal or small life a fragment of a jawbone.

• Examples: eggs, footprints, animal droppings

• Most fossils form in sedimentary rock.

• Sedimentary Rock: formed when rain, wind, heat, and cold break down rock into small particles of sand, silt, and clay.

• Streams carry these until they settle at the bottom and build layers. Organisms sink & become buried. Weight & chemical reactions turn them to rocks.

• Quality Varies…why we have gaps!

Finding Evidence

• -Natural forces that made sedimentary rock also can reveal fossils formed millions of years prior, hidden in layers.

• What are paleontologists looking for?

• Anatomical Similarities & Differences

• Age by using 2 techniques

• Relative Dating

• Radioactive Dating

Relative Dating

• Relative Dating: age of a fossil is determined by comparing its placement with that of fossils in other layers of rock.

• Index Fossils: used to compare relative ages of other fossils

• Index Fossils Criteria:

• Easy to Recognize

• Existed for short time

• Wide geographic range

• (Found in only a few layers but in different geographic layers)

• Downfall? No absolute age in years for rocks.

Radioactive Dating

• Scientists use radioactive decay to assign absolute age to rocks

• Radioactive -> decay or breakdown into nonradioactive at a steady rate -> measured in halflifes

• Half-Life: time required for ½ of Radioactive atoms in a sample to decay

• Radioactive Dating: use of half-lifes to determine the age of the sample

Radioactive Dating

• In radioactive dating, we calculate the age of a sample based on the amount of remaining radioactive isotopes it contains

• Ex. C-14 ~ 5730 years -> C-12 (Non-RA)

• More C-12, the older the fossil (up to


• Ex. K-40 -> Ar-40 ~1.26 billion years

The Origin of Life!

Biology 1

Earth’s Early History

• Key points to learn:

• What substances made up Earth’s early atmosphere?

• What did Miller & Urey’s experiments show?

• What occurred when oxygen was added to the Earth’s atmosphere?

The Formation of Earth

• Earth was not born from a single event…Cosmic debris were attracted to one another over time (~100 mil years).

• While the planet was young, it was struck by objects possibly as large as Mars. These collisions made enough heat to melt the entire globe.

• Once Earth melted, the elements rearranged according to density, forming Earth’s core. Radioactive decay made enough heat to convert the core to molten rock..

• The less dense elements moved towards the top to form the surface, the solid crust. The least dense elements (hydrogen & nitrogen) formed the atmosphere.

The Formation of Earth

• Earth’s early atmosphere probably contained: hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and water.

• A few breaths of this would kill you!

• It has been inferred that ~4 billion years ago the world cooled enough to allow rocks to form on

Earth. Volcanoes ruled the Earth for millions of years.

• ~3.8 billion years ago the Earth cooled enough for water to stay a liquid…and thunderstorms ruled forming the current day oceans.

The First Organic Molecules

• In the 1950’s, Miller & Urey designed an experiment that attempted to recreate

Earth’s early environment.

• Step 1: Filled a flask with

Hydrogen, Methane,

Ammonia, and H



• Step 2: Passed electric sparks through mixture to represent lightning.

• Results: After a few days ->

Amino Acids began to accumulate

Spectacular Results!

• Miller & Urey’s experiment showed us that the compounds/elements of life existed in Early Earth.

• What do we know now?

• The experiment was not completely accurate

• With more knowledge, experiments have produced organic compounds

• 1995, Miller produced cytosine and uracil…what are these?

Well…How do we breathe Oxygen now?

 Microscopic Fossils (microfossils) of prokaryotic bacteria have been found in rocks 3.5 billion years old and these lived without oxygen!

• Photosynthetic bacteria were producing oxygen that mixed with ocean water forming rust

• Rust fell to the floor and is mined today as iron ore.

• Oxygen formed our atmosphere and turned sky/ocean from brown to blue.

• Anaerobic (organisms that don’t need oxygen) organisms struggled but aerobic (organisms that need oxygen) organisms did well, were “fit”.

• The rise of oxygen in the atmosphere drove some life forms to extinction, while others evolved new, more efficient way to use oxygen for breathing.

Endosymbiotic Theory: Simple to Complex

• Endosymbiotic Theory: eukaryotic cells arose from living communities formed by prokaryotic organisms.

The prokaryotes devolved

& formed eukaryotic cells.

• Once these Eukaryotic cells formed, they reproduced Sexually, which allowed for variation of species…which started Evolution!

Journal Week 24- Thurs 2/26

• J: Bozeman- Microevolution- 10 facts

• TI: Interactive Reader pgs 189-196, Origin of Life video Questions

• CW: Hominid Evolution Power Notes & Reinforcement, Origin of Life & Hominid Pencil Book Partner Quiz

• Get a blue pencil book and get logged into a clicker

• Read the Origin of Life information on pg 45 then answer questions 1-4 (F=A, G=B, H=C, I=D)

• Read the Hominid information on pg 48 then answer questions 1-

5 (F=A, G=B, H=C, I=D)

Left Side

Hominid Concept Map

• HW: none

Pg # Right Side

21 Hominid Evolution Notes

Pg #


Journal Week 24- Fri 2/27

• J: Explain the results found in the Miller Urey experiment.

Draw AND label a picture of their experimental set up.

• TI: Journal Weeks 23 & 24 (50 pts)

• CW: Evolution Notebook Quiz (50 pts)

• Update your Table of Contents for the next section

Left Side

(23) Classification Chart

(25) How to Make a Cladogram

(27) Cladogram Practice

Right Side

(24) Classification Notes

(26) Cladograms & Dichotomous Key Notes

(28) Dichotomous Key Practice

(29) Evolution Unit Review (30) Evolution Unit Review

• HW: Evolution Notebook Quiz DUE M 2/28

Journal Week 25, Monday 3/2

• J: Why is classifying organisms or objects helpful/important?

• TI: Evolution Notebook Quiz (50 pts)

• CW: Classification Notes

• HW: Organizing Life’s Diversity Wkst DUE T 3/3

Left Side

(23) Classification Chart

Right Side

(24) Classification Notes

Why Classify?

• Scientist group organisms together so that they are easier to study.

• Ex. What do you know about a mammal?

• Animal, with backbone, covered in hair, gets milk from mother, warm blooded ect.


 Taxonomy: is classifying and assigning organisms universally accepted names.

 Binomial nomenclature: each species is given a two-part scientific name

• Created by Carolus Linnaeus

• Italics: 1 st word ‘Genus’, 2 nd word ‘species’

 Scientist use a single name for each species to reduce confusion.

Binomial nomenclature

• Genus : closely related species (1 st word)

• Species: Organisms can produce fertile offspring (2 nd word)

• Genus + species (description of trait)

• Ex. Polar Bear

• Ursus maritimus

• Species name + sea

What animal is this?

Puma, Mountain Lion, Panther

– Science name: Felis concolor

Linnaeus’s Classification

 Taxon: each level in classification system

 From Largest to Smallest: (Most to Least general)

• Kingdom,

• Phylum,

• Class,

• Order

• Family

• Genus

• Species.

• K ing P hilip c ame o ver f or g reat s paghetti.

• Example: several families make up one order and several phylum's make up one kingdom


Broadest Taxon: Domain (3), kingdoms fall under these:

Domain Bacteria

Domain Archaea

Domain Eukarya

Early Classification

• Aristotle had 2 kingdoms

• Animalia

• Plantae (fungi included)

• Had to add kingdoms to account for Bacteria and Fungi

Modern Classification

• Linnaeus started with 5 kingdoms, turned into 7

• Monera (Bacteria)

• Eubacteria & Archaebacteria (kingdoms added later)

• Protista (not plants, fungi, or animals)

• Fungi (made of chitin, decomposers, mushrooms)

• Plantae (plants, cell walls, photosynthesis)

• Animalia ( animals)

Human Classification

• Kingdom . . . .Animalia

Human Classification

• Phylum . . . . .Chordata

Human Classification

• Class . . . . . . Mammalia

Human Classification

• Order . . . . . . Primates

Human Classification

Family…. Hominidae

Human Classification

• Genus . . . . . . Homo

• Species . . . . . sapiens

Domain Bacteria

Kingdom Eubactera

Classification of Living Things

Archae Eukarya

Archaebacteria Protista Fungi

Cell type Prokaryote Prokaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote





Cell structure

Number of cells

Mode of nutrition


Cell walls with peptidoglycan

Cell walls w/o peptidoglycan

Unicellular Unicellular

Auto or hetero


Cell walls of cellulose

Most unicellular some multi

Auto or hetero Auto or hetero

Methanogens Amoeba slime molds, giant kelp

Cell walls of chitan

Most multi some uni


Mushrooms yeast

Cell walls of cellulose- chloroplast

No cell walls or chloroplast

Multicellular Multicellular


Mosses, ferns, flowering plants


Sponges, worms, insects, fishes, mammals

Journal Week: 25, Tuesday, 3/3

• J: Bozeman- Cladograms- 5 facts

• TI: Organizing Life’s Diversity wkst

• CW: Notes on Cladograms & Dichotomous Keys & Practice

• HW: Dichotomous Key Wkst DUE Wed 3/4, Evolution Folder

DUE M 3/9, Homework Stamp Portfolio DUE M 3/9 (Last day to turn in INC  Fri 3/6)

Left Side Right Side

(25) How to Make a Cladogram (26) Cladograms & Dichotomous Key Notes

(27) Cladogram Practice (28) Dichotomous Key Practice


• Cladogram: a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationship among a group of organisms.

• Derived characters: Characteristics that appear in recent parts of a lineage but not in older members

• Used to make cladograms

Dichotomous Keys

• Dichotomous Key: a tool that helps determine the identity of items in the natural world

• Ex. Trees, Animals, Shells

• Lists a series of choices that lead the user to the correct scientific name of a given organism.

• " Dichotomous" means

"divided into two parts".

• Given two choices in each step

How to Construct a Dichotomous Key

• How many steps will I have?

• Number of organisms -1 = Number of steps

• How do I know what to say for (a) and


• Choose a dividing characteristic and write (a) and (b) so they do not match/agree.

• When do I say go to the next step or the animals name?

• When 1 organism is left, then you write their name…if there is more than 1 organism, direct them to the next step.

• How many Characteristics do I use per step?

• 1

• Do my starting groups need to be equal?

• No 

Journal Week: 25, Wednesday 3/4

• J: Interpreting Graphics Questions

• TI: Dichotomous Key Wkst

• CW: Beanie Baby Dichotomous Key Practice

• HW: Evolution Unit Test Friday, Evolution Folder DUE M 3/9,

Homework Stamp Portfolio DUE M 3/9 (Last day to turn in INC 

Fri 3/6)

Journal Week: 25, Thursday, 3/5

• J: Deck of Cards Review Questions

• TI: none

• CW: Evolution Unit Review

• HW: Study for Test, Complete Review, Evolution Folder DUE M

3/9, Homework Stamp Portfolio DUE M 3/9 (Last day to turn in INC  Fri 3/6)

Journal Week: 25, Friday, 3/6

• J: Test Reflection

• Minimum of 5 Sentences describing your thoughts and feelings in regards to the test.

• TI: Check Test Review

• CW: Test

• Evolution Folder DUE M 3/9

• Homework Stamp Portfolio DUE M 3/9 (Last day to turn in INC 


• HW: Folder & Stamps DUE M 3/9
