VILLAGE OF LAKE VILLA VILLAGE BOARD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE January 13, 2016 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Loffredo. Present: Mayor Loffredo; Trustees Bartlett, Battistone, Harms, McDonald, Kruckeberg and Nielsen. Also present was Administrator Warwick, Finance Director Heitman, Public Works Director McCollum and Chief Somerville. Clerk Pro-tem – It was moved by Trustee Harms and seconded by Trustee Battistone to appoint Lori Heitman as Clerk pro-tem. ROLL CALL: AYES 6 MOTION CARRIED Minutes Approved - It was moved by Trustee Nielsen and seconded by Trustee Harms to approve the December 9, 2015 Committee Meeting Minutes. ROLL CALL: AYES 5 ABSTAIN 1 (Kruckeberg) MOTION CARRIED Public Comment - There were no public comments. Discussion: Business and Recreational Services Agreement – The Committee discussed an intergovernmental agreement between Lake Villa, Lindenhurst, Lake Villa Township, Lindenhurst Park District and the Chamber of Commerce for business and recreational services. A general discussion on the agreement occurred. Discussion: Mansion Services Agreement- The Committee discussed the opportunity for an intergovernmental agreement between the Village and the Lindenhurst Park District for recreational services programming at the Mansion. The committee suggested limiting the number of pre-registrations to give a better opportunity to Lake Villa residents. Discussion: Water Improvement Projects - Administrator Warwick explained that the Village received an approved loan agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for improvements to the Village’s drinking water system. The IEPA recently approved a loan amount of $4,452,372.80 at a 1.86% interest rate. The next step for the Village is to authorize the execution of the three construction projects: Sun Lake water main, water facilities building improvements and the 1.5 million gallon water storage tank. A general discussion on this project occurred. Discussion: Business District – The Committee discussed the process to create a Business District to assist with improvements within the business district. Administrator Warwick explained the concept and a proposal from Teska and Associates to complete a Business District study in the amount of $17,000. The committee requested additional information on the financial impact of the new sales tax. Discussion: TIF Interested Parties Registry – The Committee generally discussed the proposed ordinance to create an interested parties registry for the TIF. Discussion: Mansion Pergola Replacement – Administrator Warwick and Director of Public Works McCollum described the work that would be completed under the Mansion Pergola Replacement project. The contract on the agenda is to remove the top area of the concrete so that a new level concrete pad can be installed at a later date. This pad would be constructed as one even level. It was explained that Public Works would demolish the pergola leaving the brick pillars. It was also explained that the estimated cost to replace the pergola and new concrete pad is $90,000. Administrator Warwick stated that this preparation work be done now so construction can be completed by the first event in the spring. Discussion: Mansion Interior Repairs – The Committee discussed the proposed contract for plaster repairs to the Mansion that were damaged by the leaky roof. Staff recommends approval of a contract with Epoxy Wizard for plaster and repainting in the amount of $6,735. Discussion: Police Pension Reporting – The Village received the annual report from the Police Pension Fund Board and held a general discussion about this report. Discussion: Second Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding for the Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group – Administrator Warwick explained the purpose of the restated MOU is to provide a funding source for the needed project easements. The cost of easements needs to be paid upfront by the members of the Northern Lake County Lake Michigan Water Planning Group and these contributions will be returned once the IEPA reimburses the Group for the engineering costs that were prefunded. It was stated that the Village share of the contribution would be $540,000. Adjourned – 8:00 p.m. Submitted by: Lori Heitman