pansalb PRESENTATION - Parliamentary Monitoring Group

1. Background
2. First 30 days
3. Turnaround Implementation
4. Conclusion
The Minister in the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) the Honorable Mr. Paul
Mashatile, after dissolving the Board of Directors of Pan South African Language
Board (PanSALB), appointed Mr. M Zwane as a Caretaker Chief Executive Officer
(CCEO) with full executive powers of both the Board and the Executive.
This presentation is a summary report on the PanSALB turnaround as implemented
by the Caretaker CEO, Mr.. Zwane.
This presentation, besides providing progress feedback, seeks to introduce the
revised strategic direction that informs the turnaround strategy and the 2013 to 2017
long-term strategy of PanSALB.
First 30 Days
At the onset of his engagement the CCEO appointed Ntumba and Associates
Consultants (the Team) as independent arbiter to assist him in the process of
implementing the intervention.
The focus during the first 30 days was to conduct a detailed situational analysis, which
incorporated document review, information gathering and verification and one on one
During this phase there were also specific interventions implemented. A summary of
these is listed in the next slide
First 30 Days – cont.
Employee Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Additional Achievements
– Skills audit conducted for all Head office staff;
– Expenditure committee set up;
– Engagement with the Auditor General;
– Implementation of initiatives that address the Auditor General findings;
• Forensic audit of the Legal Fees;
• Review and alignment of all contracts;
• Alignment of the structure to address redundant positions;
• Alignment of the structure to address corporate governance deficiencies identified;
• Appointment of Executives.
Turn Around
The PanSALB turnaround strategy (TS) is intended to ensure that the organisation
effectively discharges its mandate. The Turnaround strategy sets a foundation for
PanSALB readiness to implement their 2013/14 to 2017/18 strategy.
The Turnaround Strategy (TS) adopted by the CCEO and the Team is broken into
three phases i.e.
– first sixty days – stabilisation of the organisation;
– turnaround – put the organisation in the right operational mode;
– long term – implementing a PanSALB strategy in line with national treasury guidelines to
deliver on the mandate.
Turnaround – Stabilisation Phase
The first thirty days and stabilation phase was intended to grab the organisations
attention to stabilise operations by stopping the bleeding, establish the turnaround
strategy action plan, and develop a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan.
The following initiatives were commenced to arrest the negative direction of the
Stop the bleeding by monitoring payments, reviewing contracts, conducting forensic investigations;
Close the skills gaps by conducting commencing the organisational structure review, conducting a skills
audit to determine the organisational capacity to deliver, placement of Executives and skills in critical
position, and reorganizing the office layout in order to ensure increased efficiency and productivity;
Engage stakeholders to obtain their buy-in in the journey going forward;
Develop a strategy to guide the PanSALB operations over the next five years.
Turnaround – Revised PanSALB Strategic Direction
In the preceding process a strategy workshop was conducted and culminated in the
development of a strategic direction for PanSALB. This was adopted as a guide to the
turnaround strategy and the future strategy of PanSALB.
The Vision
•A nation that acts intentionally about its mother languages / tongue
The Mission
•To provide language products and services that lead to equitable use of all South African
languages including Khoe, Nama & San Languages and Sign Language, with a special emphasis
on languages that were previously marginalised. This will be achieved by developing, preserving,
promoting, protecting language rights, and fostering respect for other Languages.
Turnaround – Revised PanSALB Strategic Direction
The Strategic Theme
The strategy of PanSALB is focused on growing the number of people who prefer the
use of mother tongue while multilingual
Predetermined Strategic Objectives
The PanSALB strategy has adopted the following Strategic Objectives:
Ensure the sustainability of PanSALB;
Deliver language products and services that create a conducive environment;
Build PanSALB capability;
Create an effective service delivery Infrastructure;
Create awareness of language use.
Turnaround – Aligned Organisational Structure
In line with the newly developed Turnaround strategy and the draft 5 year MTEF
strategy the current PanSALB organisational structure was reviewed and aligned to
ensure that it does not only enable the delivery of the strategy but also addresses all
concerns that came form the Resolve Group report and Auditor General concerns and
The newly aligned organisational structure ensures that there is adequate balance
between the core mandate of PanSALB and support functions. The functions the newly
aligned structure are listed in the following slide:
Turnaround – Aligned Organisational Structure
Office of the CEO – Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Revenue Generation,
Stakeholder Engagement;
Language Services – Delivery of language products and services that create a
conducive environment (Lexicography, Language Framework, Language in Use,
Language Technical Support and Provincial Coordination and Operations);
Legal Services - Linguistic Human Rights and Corporate Legal, Board Support and
Finance – Financial Management, Accounting and Supply Chain Management; and
Corporate Services – Communications, Promotions and Stakeholder Management,
Human Resources Management, ICT.
Turnaround – Establishment of the Tribunal
In terms of Section 11 Of the PanSALB Act of 1995 as amended, the Board has
powers to establish a body to deal with language violations. To date the following
has been achieved;
Public nomination of commissioners has been finalised;
Nominations from other Chapter 9 institutions (e.g. HRC, NHC, etc.) and
stakeholders has been initiated;
Operating procedure are currently being finalised;
Tribunal Manager has been appointed;
The Tribunal is scheduled to be launched in January 2013.
Turnaround - Governance and Reporting
To date the following reports have been produced;
30 day report detailing organisational analysis findings, recommendations and
immediate implemented actions was developed and presented to DAC;
60 day report detailing progress on implementation of some of the 30 day report
recommendations and the 12 months Turn around strategy was developed and
presented to DAC;
An executive summary progress report was submitted to the DAC at the end of
A forensic report that includes investigation into the Legal Fees has been completed
and submitted to DAC;
Turnaround - Governance and Reporting
The 2012 Annual Report has been completed and submitted to DAC;
Quarter Two Report with an explanation for unsubmitted Quarter One Report;
The AG regulatory audit has been completed and PanSALB has averted a
Disclaimer and ended up with a Qualified Audit. The organisation has enjoyed
constructive on-going engagement with the AG wherein even in the finalisation of
the Annual Report AG staff provided valuable input and support;
Internal controls have been developed and implemented.
Turnaround – Policies and Procedures
The Executives have put a lot of effort in reviewing and devloping policies in line the Turn
around strategy. The following policies have been developed and approved:
•Finance –
– Travel and Subsistence Allowance;
– Cellphone and 3G card;
– Procurement of Goods and Services;
– Delagation of Authority;
– Newly developed Standard Operating Procedures for Finance and SCM are currently being
Turnaround – Policies and Procedures
Human Resources– Recruitment and Selection;
– Job Evaluation;
– Overtime;
– Employee Relations;
– Leave;
– Conditions of Service;
– Employee Wellness;
– Internship, Leanership, Bursaries;
– Employee Performance Management and Development.
The rest of the HR policies are in final draft and in the process of consultation with the union. They
rest will be approved by the 30 of November subject to the Management Union consultation session.
Turnaround – Implementation of the Strategy
The first draft of the Five Year MTEF strategy was submitted to the DAC on the 20th
August 2012. The process of refining this document and developing specif initiatives for
all the programmes is currently underway;
This process includes development of performance measures in line with the Auditor
General requirements;
The next submission is in November and the final is at the end of January 2013.
Turnaround – Implementation of the Structure
The organisational structure implementation is underway with the following milestones;
Presentation of the structure to the following structures; union, Exco, Manco, Head
Office staff, Provincial Staff, PLCs, NLUs and NLBs
Consultation with affected employees;
Assessment of affected employees;
Confirmation of current staff into the new structure;
Advertising of critical vacant positions;
Signing of performance agreements with Head Office staff.
Turnaround – Implementation of the Structure
The roll out of the following activities is underway:
Signing of performance agreements for provincial staff;
Roll out of the Skills audit to the provinces;
Selection and appointment for the advertised position;
Skills Audit feedback to the Head Office staff and incorporation of the information into the
Individual Personal Development Plan;
Confirmation and placement of affected employees;
Development of Linguistic Human Rights and Language processes and standard operating
Grading of all the positions in the structure;
Internal and external salary benchmarking;
Development and implementation of a remuneration strategy.
Turnaround – Employee and Stakeholder Engagement
The CCEO and his Executives continue to engage and share information with the
employees. This is done in the form of Head Office monthly staff meetings held on the
last Friday of the month. The provincial staff are currently being covered through the
provincial visits that the CCEO and his Executive team undertook during the months
of September and October 2012.
A management union monthly meeting has been instituted with two meetings held
already. It is in this forum that management discusses the implementation of the Turn
around strategy and any other issues that the union puts on the agenda.
Turnaround – Provincial Visits
During the months of September to October the CCEO accompanied by the Executive
Team visited all PanSALB Provincial offices. The purpose of these visits were as
•Provide the PanSALB provincial structures and operations with feedback and obtain
their input on the Turnaround Strategy and the PanSALB 2013 – 2017 Strategy;
•Obtain input through a consultative process from all PanSALB structures;
•Conduct an analysis of the status of the provincial offices and their ability to deliver on
the PanSALB mandate;
•Present the realigned PanSALB organisational structure;
Turnaround – Provincial Visits
Engage all PanSALB provincial stakeholders with a view of bringing them up to date
with developments, progress made and future plans.
To establish relationships with the stakeholders in the provinces;
Establish provincial language stakeholder forums.
Foster cooperation and synergistic working relations among all provincial based
PanSALB structures
Turnaround – PanSALB Structures Workshops
As part of the implemntation of the Turn Around strategy and finalisation of the
PanSALB 2013 – 2018 together with the APP workshops with all the PanSALB
structures are underway;
The NLU workshop was held on the 22nd October 2012;
The NLB workshop washeld on the 05th November 2012;
the PLCs together with Provincial Managers workshop will be held on the 08th
November 2012;
The aim of the workshops is to develop and finalise the APP and the operational
• The turnaround strategy is intended to build PanSALB readiness to
effectively discharge on its mandate as outlined in the long term 2013/14 to
2017/18 strategy.
• The turnaround strategy (TS) is centred on the implementation of
predetermined strategic objectives that are common to the TS and the long
term strategy. (2013/14 to 2017/18). This will enable continuity and
alignment with National treasury guidelines for strategy implementation. The
three phase turnaround process, viz. first thirty days, stabilasation
phase,turnaround, and long term, has commenced.
• This process has delivered the following benefits i.e. an understanding of the
problem, halted unnecessary expenditure, appointment of key personnel
and optimised structure.
• These benefits will be able to bring about the much needed change and
continue to turnaround the focus of the organisation to deliver.
Thank You