REPORT GROUP 2 – CURRICULUM, TEXTBOOKS, TEACHER TRAINING 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 1 Participants MoE (Secondary education; Girls education) Teachers Curriculum developers UNICEF UNESCO USAID Save the children SIL 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 2 1. Background and context Situation to date in the North and South What is common and what is different What changed What needs to be changed Need to base decision making on sound research Many players Different systems of training (confusing) 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 3 Issues Links between North and South Language policy Curriculum: values and principles Displaced people: setting equivalences (common outcomes?) Institutional development Challenges (financial; capacities; expertise) 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 4 2. JAM & UN Work Plan SWAP (e.g. resource allocation for teacher salaries & teacher training) Strategic planning led by the government Sustainable structures System monitoring (e.g. UNICEF/UNESCO: gender issues in the curriculum) 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 5 3. Partners and stakeholders UNICEF: pre-school and primary (Teacher training; curriculum; back to school; nonformal literacy; fast-track learning; childfriendly school model; HIV/AIDS; Peace education; Life skills; Policy dialogue; Standards & competencies;) USAID: Teacher education; non-formal ed.; curriculum; Distance education/Radio; System building/EMIS; Institutional development 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 6 3. Partners and stakeholders SIL: Mother tongue education in primary schools Save the children Many others… 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 7 4. UNESCO: expertise and areas of competence To fill/bridge the gap… ECE; primary (with UNICEF); secondary education UNESCO Cairo: Teacher training (training of trainers) Division of labour (Go to the South…) Convergence and coordination General curriculum framework 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 8 UNESCO Build on strengths (planning; curriculum development; teacher training; HRE; technical assistance; secondary education) Consultancy 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 9 5. Inter-agency cooperation and networking Continuity Sustainability Time schedule Clear division of tasks How: e.g. SWAP – sharing resources, tools, consultants; joint projects/action; exchanges; assisting the government on long-term) 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 10 6. Conclusions and recommendations 1. Visioning exercises (vision helps you plan) 2. Taking stock: where we are… (curriculum assessment; TT; assessing processes and products) 3. SWAP: things that we can do together 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 11 Conclusions and recommendations 4. Technical assistance: capacity building (MoE; Curriculum & textbook development; TT; Institutional development) 5. Developing a Curriculum Framework (common quality standards; unity and diversity) 6. Improve dialogue with stakeholders 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 12 7. Follow-up to the workshop and new steps Consolidated work plan for short-, medium- and long-term Capacity building Institutional development 15.03.06 D. Georgescu, Khartoum 13