The Last Ninja Intern (comic)

Steve Cha
CTWR 518
The Last Ninja Intern, Part the Second!
Character Descriptions
Hero: Asian-American male in his early twenties. Appears stoic and grave to a fault.
Samuel O. Rai: Asian-American male in the late twenties. Sports a great deal of stubble. Dressed
in a bathroom robe with a heavy felt belt.
Page 1
Pic 1
Hero stands before an apartment door.
Hero (caption): Alas. My target.
Pic 2
Close up on the door, which is guarded by a “No Solicitations” sign.
Hero (caption). Heavily fortified. Still, I must spring the trap.
Pic 3
Extra close up panel on Hero’s hand pressing the door bell.
Pic 4
Samuel opens the door, but finds nobody there. He looks puzzled.
Page 2/3
Pic 1
Wide, establishing panel of Samuel’s large loft. Framed photography and paintings cover much of
the walls. The open space contains a bed in one corner and an easel in the opposite. Samuel stands
in a third corner, cooking eggs, spatula in hand.
Page 4
Pic 1
Extra close up panel of a trio of shurikens flying through the air.
Pic 2
Without looking, Samuel casually blocks the three shurikens, each ninja star neatly caught in one of
the spatula’s slots. Closer inspection reveals that that spatula’s handle resembles the hilt of a
Pic 3
Samuel resumes scrambling his eggs with the spatula.
Samuel: "What do you want, Hero?"
Pic 4
Wide shot of Samuel preparing his breakfast tray. His silverware resembles weaponry.
Page 5
Pic 1
A medium shot of Samuel carrying this tray past a wall of photos and paintings. His spatula has
been tucked into the belt of his robe. Many of the framed photographs contains portraits of men.
The largest one, sitting on the bottom right of the panel, contains a portrait of a Hero. Samuel wears
a wry smile.
Samuel: "Did anyone tell you that you take this whole Silent Ninja thing too serious?"
Pic 2:
A wider shot. Samuel has turned to face the portrait of Hero, which is the actual Hero, holding up a
picture frame.
Samuel: "Seriously. What do you want?"
Page 6
Pic 1:
Hero leaps through the frame, blade drawn, his eyes bloodshot.
Pic 2
A close up of Samuel and Hero facing each other, blades crossed. Hero wields his tanto with both
hands, while Samuel holds his spatula-katana with one hand. Samuel’s free hand cradles his
breakfast. The two stand intimately close. Samuel remains nonchalant, smirking. Even through his
mask, Hero strains and sweats.
Samuel: Anger. Much better.
Hero: I am here to reclaim what you took from me!
Samuel: Your v-card?
Hero (stammering): I-I wasn’t a virg-Pic 3
A wide panel. Samuel kicks Hero, sending the ninja flying across the room.
Page 7
Pic 1
A continuation of the previous wide panel. As he sets his breakfast down on a table, Samuel speaks
to Hero, who fumes under a pile of fallen paintings.
Samuel: You seeing anyone?
Hero: I have a date with revenge!
Pic 2
Hero flies around the room so quickly that it seems as if multiple ninjas are striking at Samuel. Each
Hero either scowls, growls, or cries. The exasperated Samuel stands in the center of the panel, his
sword/spatula a blur as he casually deflects the flailing ninja.
Samuel: That's a “no.” Move on, buddy. It's been a year.
Hero (Angry): I gave you the best years-Samuel: -- Three months. We dated for -Hero (Crying): --three months? We were facebook official for eight!
Page 8
Pic 1
A medium shot of Samuel slashing at Hero with the spatu-tana, narrowly missing…
Pic 2
… but the sheer, superhuman force of the swing sends Hero, and a few chairs, tumbling.
Pic 3
The exhausted Hero, kneeling, stares up defiantly at Samuel, who surveys the mess with annoyance.
Samuel: You could've called if you wanted to talk.
Hero: This is the accredited Way of the Ninja™!
Samuel (mutters to himself): Mom warned me about Ninjas...
Page 9
Pic 1
Hero hurls a round ball towards Samuel, which Samuel blocks with his spatu-tana.
Pic 2
A wide shot as the water balloon bursts, leaving Samuel soaked. Hero, prepares his next assault.
Pic 3
A close-up of a visibly irritated Samuel, his wet hair matted against his face.
Samuel: Seriously. What do you want?
Page 9
Pic 1
Hero launches himself into a somersault, all of his weapons – shurikens, kunai, tanto, scissors, an
old hammer, a stuffed bear – swirling out. He resembles a deadly pinwheel.
Pic 2
A medium shot of Samuel as sidesteps the attack. Hero lands, dizzy.
Samuel: Nope.
Pic 3
A wide shot, drawn entirely in black-and-white silhouettes. Samuel has run passed Hero, his spatutana drawn.
Pic 4
A continuation of the previous panel. Samuel now stands upright, his weapon sheathed, as Hero
slumps to the ground unconscious.
Page 10
Pic 1
Smug, Samuel sits before his breakfast. In the background, Hero remains fallen and unconscious.
Pic 2
Samuel takes a bite of egg.
Samuel: Do me a favor and clean up when you leave. You always were sloppy.
Pic 3
Samuel pauses mid bite. Inset image of the shurikens, dripping with poison, embedded in his
Pic 4
Samuel eyes start to close as he begin to slump forward.
Samuel: “Ninja roofies…?”
Pic 5
Samuel passed out on the table, drooling scrambled egg in his sleep. Hero sits up in the background.
Hero: “Yup.”
Pic 6
A medium panel of Hero, now standing amidst the debris.
Hero: “Toaster, come.”
Toaster (off panel): “Arf!”
Page 11
Pic 1
Close up on a Yorkshire Terrier, dressed as a ninja. On his collar reads “Toaster.”