Individuals and Their Destiny - Stjohns

Individuals and Their Destiny
 Buddhism is not interested in speculation but rather inward observation of
the human condition, the individual and his or her destiny
 Paradox: to examine completely the inner realm of self leads to the discovery
that the self does not exist.
 Everything is changing
The Three Marks of existence:
1. Anatta: no self, no ultimate reality within, no essence underlying existence
The essence of Buddhism is, there is no essence.
2. Anicca:
3. Dukkha:
Buddhist karma
 Karma:
 Karma is constantly affected by:
 The moral law requires observance of five precepts:
II) Do not take what is not given
III) Do not engage in sensuous misconduct
The Four Noble Truths
2) Suffering is caused by desire (tanha: desire, thirst, craving)
Diagnosis of the Disease: Dukkha
 Buddha pinpoints six moments in life when this becomes very apparent…
2.The pathology of sickness
3. Decrepitude: fear of being unloved, illness/pain, failure, etc: various fears
arrive in later years
4. Being tied to what one dislikes
Determination of the Cause: Tanha (desire)
For brokenness to be healed we need to know the cause
 It is impossible not to desire anything (Buddha encourages the desire for
liberation) tanha refers to the desire for private fulfillment/selfish desires
 Unavoidable: how can one refrain from desiring personal fulfillment?
 Buddha answers:
 When we claim:
 The way out of our captivity is:
The Noble Eightfold Path
 Preliminary step (before we even get to the 8): keep good company
1) Right knowledge/views:
2) Right intent: knowing what we really want, which is liberation: abandon
evil attitudes, nurture good attitudes
3) Right speech:
4) Right conduct: Live morally by obeying Five Precepts, counsel is toward
selflessness and charity.
5) Right livelihood: Abstain from occupations that harm living beings, such
as selling weapons, selling liquor, being a soldier
6) Right effort: moral exertion, trying hard to discriminate between wise
and unwise mental activity
7) Right mindfulness:
8) Right meditation:
3 Focal points of the Eightfold Path
2. Morality [steps 3,4, and 5]
  The heart of Buddhist practice lies in:
Other concepts to know:
 Teachings were not written down.
 There is no animating principle that animates the body.
 The ultimate destiny of the human spirit is a condition in which the finite self
will disappear