Basics of Love Junior Lesson

The Basics of Love - Tuesday
In this lesson we are going to look at the three ways the Bible talks about
love. The new testament was written in Greek. The three words used in
the Greek for “love” are “agape,” “storge,” and “philia.” The reason the
Bible uses three words for love is that each one has a little different
meaning. We will look at how the meanings of these words are different.
13 And
now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is
love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
7 Beloved,
let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who
loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not
know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:7-8
What does this verse mean? It means everyone, should love each other,
for love comes from God. Each one who loves is God’s child and knows
God. The person who does not love does not know God because God is
God showed his love for man by sending His Son to die for our sins (John
3:16, Romans 5:8). This is the greatest act of love man has ever seen.
The sinless Son of God paying the debt for our sins (I Peter 2:22-24). The
Greek word for this type of love is agape. We will talk more about this love
later, but let’s take a look at the three ways the Bible talks about love.
Storge—Family love or affection
We can see this type of love in a family—the love we have for our mother,
father, sister, or brother. It’s the kind of love you feel for your mother even
when you get mad at her. People who try to do God’s will have this love for
their family as well as people who are not interested in obeying God. It’s
the kind of love people all over the world have for their families. There are
several examples in the Bible of this type of love. One is see in the story of
Joseph showing love for his brothers even though they sold him into
slavery. When they came down to Egypt to buy food, Joseph cried
because he was so glad to see them. He hadn’t seen them in years and
years, but he still loved them.
Another example is seen in Jacob’s love for his sons. The brothers
told Joseph that if Benjamin couldn’t go home to his Father, Jacob would
die. Then when Jacob found out Joseph was alive, he was so happy that
he almost passed out. When he realized he was going to see Joseph
again, he said that was all he needed before he died.
Let’s also look at the story of Lazarus’ death. Remember, he had two
sisters, Mary and Martha. We can see how sad they were when he died,
and how happy that Jesus came to bring him back to life (John 11:28-33).
Philia – brotherly love
This word is used for the feeling of brotherly love or close friendship.
Jonathan and David are a good example of close friends in the Old
Testament (I Samuel 18:1-3). The Bible says Jonathan loved David “as his
own soul.” Jonathan’s father, Saul, wanted to kill David. Jonathan was
willing to help his friend David escape from Saul (I Samuel 20:13).
Jesus had close friendships while on earth. He had a special closeness
with the family of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (John 11:5). He also had a
special love for one of his disciples (John 13:23, John 19:26, John 20:2).
Although we are not told the name of this disciple, most everyone agrees
this disciple is John, the one who wrote the books of John, I, II, III John and
Revelation. We are also told to show brotherly love to each other
(Romans 12:10, Hebrews 13:1).
Agape - charity
God showed His love for sinful man by sending his Son as a gift for the sins
of the world (John 3:16, Romans 5:8). Man did not deserve such a gift.
We should have to pay the price for our own sins. The cost of our sins
would be our death and separation from God for all eternity (Romans 6:23,
James 1:14, 15). But because God loved us so much (Romans 5:20, 21)
He let Jesus pay our debt for our sins. God gave this gift of love to all.
Many have accepted it, but more have rejected it (Matthew 7:13, 14). The
special thing about agape is that the person who gives doesn’t expect
anything back. Jesus gave His life for our sins even though He knew that
most men would not accept it.
Think about where Jesus told us to “love your enemies” in Matthew 5:4348. An enemy would be someone you would not want to be around. He
would be outside your circle of friends. You would not go to the movie with
your enemy. You would not have lunch with your enemy. You would not
call or text your enemy to keep up with what is going on in his life. But,
Jesus says if your enemy really needs your help, you should help him (Matt
5:44). Paul says almost the same thing in Romans 12:20-21 and
Galatians 6:9-10.
As Christians, we should have this love in our hearts (Romans 5:5)
and be ready to put it into action. Jesus told his disciples to “love one
another” (John 13:34, 35). John said we should be ready to show the
unselfish nature of agape “in deed” and not in word only (I John 3:16-18).
Remember the old saying: actions speak louder than words. This is the
kind of love Christians should have for one another. This love holds us
together as the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:15, Colossians 3:12-14, I John
Family Love or Affection
Brotherly Love
Mary, Martha, Lazarus
1. What are some things that are the same about each example of love
(Joseph, Jacob, etc.)?
Gen. 45:1-4, 14, 15
Gen. 44:20-22,
45:27-28, 46L29-30
John 11:3, 21
2. Who else was real good friends with Jesus?
3. What is the most famous chapter on Love in the Bible?
Write your memory verse, why is love the greatest?
4. Who is the most loving person ever? Draw a picture of Him blessing
children (Matt. 19:13-15).
Words: Father, God,
Honor, Life, Love,
Mother, Neighbor,
Obey, Parents,
Promises, Protect,
The letters left over
after you’ve found all
the ones above form
a mystery word.
What is this word?
(hint: write down the
left over letters and
unscramble them)