View my short story

Ja’Net Holliday- Stephens
Fairy Tale
“What True Friends”
Once upon a time there were twin girls named Jay and
Tee. They had special powers but hid them from their
friends. They were scared that her friends would hate
them and want to kill them because of what they can do.
Every time they got angry with each other or their friends,
they would run off and not return for several days.
“ I’m tired of hiding my true self from my friends. I want
them to know the real me,” said Tee after running away
from Ernest, a friend. “It was so close… it almost
happened. I want him to know but I’m scared. What
happen to our good friendship?”
“Look sis, I know how you feel. I want all our friends…
well the ones we have left to know what we truly are.
They need to know for their and our sake.
A knock came to the door and the girls jumped with a little
fright. They heard people laugh in front of the door. They
knew it was their friends. “Ernest must be coming to
apologize to you, Tee.”
“I want nothing to do with him.”
“Well you can stay here and I’ll answer the door.” Jay
appoarch the door and Tee let out a scream.
Jay turned around to see what in the world Tee was
screaming at. Tee stared wide-eyed at Jay’s back pointing
at her back side. Jay looked down and saw what Tee had
screamed at. She screamed to and began to cry. The
boys on the other side of the door started to knock even
“What’s going on in there? Are you guys ok?” asked
Ernest. A muffled “I’m fine” is all they heard. Then it got
quiet and the boys began to worry even more. Finally the
door opened and
Jay stepped out with tears still falling down her
eyes. Tee walks out next holding her hand
behind her back. The girls try to crack a smile but
they couldn’t.
“What are you girls hiding?” asked Mate, Jay’s
boyfriend. “What was all the screaming for?”
“Nothing…for you to worry about. We were just
watching a scary movie,” said Jay while wiping
her eyes.
The boys looked at them weird and then brushed
it off. They asked the girls if they were going to
left them come in.
The girls let the boys in. The girls lived alone in a rickety
old house. They were only 17 and all alone in house by
their selves. All they know is that their mother was killed
and their father ran off. Ernest, Mate, B-Boy, T-Bone, and
Darius looked around like they always did when they
entered the girls’ house. The girls kept their hands behind
their back. The boys were wondering what the girls were
“What’s behind your back, Jay?” asked Mate.
“Nothing. Not a thing.” Jay answered shyly. She slide
across the floor and to the other side of the living room.
Mate looked at her with concern. “What?”
“Put your hands out in front,” commanded Mate. “Don’t
play put it out in front. At the same time.”
Jay slowly rubbed her hand into the front of her.
“See, now was that so bad?” asked Mate smiling.
Mate sat down but Jay stayed in one spot. She knew that
was behind her back was still there. She knew that if she
moved it was going to move. Mate looked up at her and
then looked at Tee who was wrestling Ernest. He was
trying to see what was behind her back. Tee is yelling for
him to stop. Slowly her hands are starting to come forward.
As her hands got pulled out into the front something came
out with them. Jay yelled to make all the boys look at her.
“Jay, why are you yelling? They’re just playing around,”
said B-Boy and T-Bone.
Tee looked down to her hand and noticed why Jay was
yelling. The thing she was hiding was in her hand and
moving. As she stared on at the object T-Bone turned to
look at her and saw what she was looking at. His mouth
open and…
“Oh My God!!” yelled T-Bone as he stared on. Tee looked
up startled. “You have… You have…”
“A tail!” B-Boy finished T-Bone sentenced. He walked over
to Jay and turned her around. There was a tail too, but the
tail looked nothing like Tee’s. “Why is your tail so
“Why didn’t you tell us that you were just hiding your tails?”
asked Mate.
The girls didn’t know what to say so they stood their as
their tails wagged or wiggled around.
“Answer the question,” commanded B-Boy.
“I am not human. Neither is Tee but we are twins. Where
we come from… we can transform into animals. I, a wolf
and Tee, a tiger,” said Jay looking dead into B-Boy’s eyes.
“If we would to transform at this point in time we would
show you how big we are and what we are capable of,”
said Tee while holding back tears. Mate got up and walked
towards Jay. He gave her a hug and looked at the door.
“If you want to leave then go ahead. We’re not going to
stop you.”
Darius walked toward the door and B-Boy, T-Bone, and
Ernest followed. When they reached the door, they opened
it, looked back and walked out the door. Only person that
stayed was Mate. He was Jay’s best friend and her soul
mate and he stayed loyal to his girl.
“I don’t know why they are making a big deal with it. I’m
just like you guys, but I’m a wolf. I think wolf’s attract each
other,” said Mate. Jay and Tee looked at him surprised.
A knock came to the front door and Tee walked over to
answer it. When she opened the door her friends stood
there with huge smiles on their face.
“You actually thought we were going to ditch you guys,” said
“No matter what you are and where your from… your still our
friends,” stated Ernest.
“We’ll be together through thick and thin,” said B-Boy.
The End.
Moral Of the Story
• Don’t judge people because of what they
are, but for who they are.