
Realism, Naturalism, Modernism
In African American Literature
Realism – illusion of reality – literature steeped in signs, sights, and
sounds of the city.
Naturalism – The urban effect on families and individuals; the
environment’s conditioning of individuals; the limitation of choices
because of racism and these conditions shape the individual’s life and
Black Modernism – Experimental attitude committed to a social
responsibility. Reeling from the fact that Naturalism’s pointing to what
would make Af. Am. Free lost the power to protect from despair – Realism
was too restricting to contain a variety of Af. Am. Experiences. Began to
focus more on technicalities of the novel.
Roll Call
James Baldwin – Go Tell it on a Mountain
Gwendolyn Brooks -- Poetry and Maud Martha
Ralph Ellison -- Invisible Man
Robert Hayden -- Poetry
Ann Petry – The Street
Melvin Tolson -- Poet
Margaret Walker -- Poet
Dorothy West – Short Stories
Richard Wright – Native Son, Black Boy
Lorraine Hansberry – Raisin in the Sun
A second wave of African American Literary
Output – yet there are few African American
literary critics.
Alain Locke wants black authors to break the
silence and write against Southern Culture, the
false idea about race, and counter the stereotype.
He calls for Af. Am. Literary critics as such is a
sign of cultural maturity and will validate
African American Literature.
You can ear the Jazz influence; but listen closely, you can hear
moments when the beat sounds restrained. We are on the verge of a
blues revival and an explosion into Rock and Roll – Memphis Style!