Acad Bio Directed Reading - Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Rotifera

Name: ________________________
Date: _________________
Period: _______
Phylum Platyhelminthes ~ Directed Reading
1. What is another name for the members of the phylum Platyhelminthes and how did they get
that name?
2. What type of symmetry, body cavity, and germ layers do Platyhelminthes have?
3. What is a gastrovascular cavity and where is its opening located in Platyhelminthes (hint: look
at pictures)?
4. What is another name for the members of the Turbellaria class?
a. How do Turbellaria live their lives and what do they eat?
b. What are flame cells and what function do they serve?
c. How do Turbellaria sense light?
d. How do Planaria reproduce?
5. What is another name for members of the Trematoda and Monogenea classes?
a. How do these classes live and where/how do they obtain their food?
b. What is a tegument and what is its function?
c. What is a primary host?
d. What is a secondary host?
6. What is another name for the members of the Cestoda class?
Acad Bio
a. How and where do members of this class live and how do they get food?
b. What are proglottids and what do they do?
Phylum Nematoda ~ Directed Reading
1. What is another name for the phylum Nematoda?
a. What kind of body cavity do these animals have?
b. What is the cuticle?
c. What are Ascaris?
d. What are hookworms?
e. What are Trichinella?
f. What are pinworms?
g. What are filarial worms?
Phylum Rotifera ~ Directed Reading
1. What is the rotifer’s crown made up of?
a. What is the mustax?
b. What is the cloaca?
Acad Bio