Thumbs up - Golden Olympians

Quick Liners
What prize would you not want
to find on the bottom of a box
of cereal?
Put your
answer on the
back of your
Page 1 Notes
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
• Knees together
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
• Knees together
• Bottoms up
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
• Knees together
• Bottoms up
• Tongues out
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
• Knees together
• Bottoms up
• Tongues out
• Eyes shut
“A Tooty Ta”
• Thumbs up
• Elbows back
• Feet apart
• Knees together
• Bottoms up
• Tongues out
• Eyes shut
• Turn around
Tonight’s homework
Go over last night’s homework
Test – Thursday
Snowman Series Competition
due next Tuesday
• Pile o’ Questions
• Golden Age of Greece
Golden Age of Greece
Golden Age of Greece - Notes (page 1)
The Golden Age of Greece
• What was it?
(1) ________________________
The Golden Age of Greece
• What was it?
(1) a time when the city-states of
Greece achieved a high level of
______and _____________
The Golden Age of Greece
• What was it?
(1) a time when the city-states of
Greece achieved a high level of
culture and political stability
• When was it?
(1) __-year period from the end of
_____________ (480 BCE) until
the death of ______ (430 BCE)
• When was it?
(1) 50-year period from the end of
_____________ (480 BCE) until
the death of ______ (430 BCE)
• When was it?
(1) 50-year period from the end of
the Persian Wars (480 BCE) until
the death of ______ (430 BCE)
• When was it?
(1) 50-year period from the end of
the Persian Wars (480 BCE) until
the death of Pericles (430 BCE)
• Where was the focal point?
(1) the city-state of _____
• Where was the focal point?
(1) the city-state of Athens
• Why is it so famous?
(1) Greeks made great advancements
in the areas of…
* ________
* __________
* _____
* ___
* __________
* _____
* ______
* ________
* _____________
• Why is it so famous?
(1) Greeks made great advancements
in the areas of…
* government
* drama (plays)
* poetry
* art
* architecture
* science
* medicine
* philosophy
* recorded history
• Who was its leading figure?
(1) ______
• Who was its leading figure?
(1) Pericles
*** The __________ played an important
role in ____________ of Greece. For
more on the __________, turn the page
*** The __________ played an important
role in the Golden Age of Greece. For
more on the __________, turn the page
*** The Delian League played an important
role in the Golden Age of Greece. For
more on the Delian League, turn the page
*** The Delian League played an important
role in the Golden Age of Greece. For
more on the Delian League, turn the page
Based on your
background reading,
what role did the
Delian League play?
The Delian League
• a _______ league set up by the
• purpose – ________________
The Delian League
• a defensive league set up by the
• purpose – ________________
The Delian League
• a defensive league set up by the
• purpose – protect Greece from
future Persian attacks
• headquarters – ___________
• headquarters – island of Delos
• Delian League had a common ___ to
protect its members
(1) ships built and crewed by _______
• Delian League had a common navy to
protect its members
(1) ships built and crewed by _______
• Delian League had a common navy to
protect its members
(1) ships built and crewed by Athenians
• ______________ bore the costs running
the navy
• Other city-states bore the costs running
the navy
• _____ would not join
• Sparta would not join
• _____ eventually controlled the
League and grew ___ from
monopolizing it
(1) The League became __________
• Athens eventually controlled the
League and grew ___ from
monopolizing it
(1) The League became __________
• Athens eventually controlled the
League and grew rich from
monopolizing it
(1) The League became __________
• Athens eventually controlled the
League and grew rich from
monopolizing it
(1) The League became the Athenian
So, how does the Delian League tie in
with the Golden Age of Greece?
Quick Liners
What prize would you not want
to find on the bottom of a box
of cereal?
Put your
answer on the
back of your
Page 1 Notes
Golden Age of Greece - Notes (page 2)
The Age of Pericles
• Pericles led Athens from ___ BCE –
___ BCE (_________________)
(1) he was re-elected as _______
(military archon) every year
for __ years
The Age of Pericles
• Pericles led Athens from 461 BCE –
429 BCE (_________________)
(1) he was re-elected as _______
(military archon) every year
for __ years
The Age of Pericles
• Pericles led Athens from 461 BCE –
429 BCE (“The Age of Pericles”)
(1) he was re-elected as _______
(military archon) every year
for __ years
The Age of Pericles
• Pericles led Athens from 461 BCE –
429 BCE (“The Age of Pericles”)
(1) he was re-elected as strategos
(military archon) every year
for __ years
The Age of Pericles
• Pericles led Athens from 461 BCE –
429 BCE (“The Age of Pericles”)
(1) he was re-elected as strategos
(military archon) every year
for 30 years
• “The Golden Age” and “The Age of
Pericles” can almost be used as
_______ for one another.
• “The Golden Age” and “The Age of
Pericles” can almost be used as
synonyms for one another.
• “The Golden Age” and “The Age of
Pericles” can almost be used as
synonyms for one another.
• Pericles was known as “____________”
of Athens
• Pericles was known as “the first citizen”
of Athens
The First Lady
The First Family
The First Dog
• Pericles wanted to rebuild Athens after
(1) hired best artisans and
craftsman to redesign the
• Pericles wanted to rebuild Athens after
the Persian Wars
(1) hired best artisans and
craftsman to redesign the
• Pericles wanted to rebuild Athens after
the Persian Wars
(1) hired best artisans and
craftsman to redesign the
(1) hired best artisans and craftsmen to
redesign the Acropolis
(a) best architect – _____
(b) best sculptor - _____
(1) hired best artisans and craftsmen to
redesign the Acropolis
(a) best architect – Ictinus
(b) best sculptor - _____
(1) hired best artisans and craftsmen to
redesign the Acropolis
(a) best architect – Ictinus
(b) best sculptor - Phidias
The Parthenon
By Ictinus
Athena Parthenos
Athena Parthenos
• Pericles built ___________
(1) ___________ – 5 miles of walls
built from Athens to _____
(a) Athens would never be cut
off from their ___
• Pericles built the Long Walls
(1) ___________ – 5 miles of walls
built from Athens to _____
(a) Athens would never be cut
off from their ___
• Pericles built the Long Walls
(1) the Long Walls – 5 miles of walls
built from Athens to Piraeus
(a) Athens would never be cut
off from their ___
• Pericles built the Long Walls
(1) the Long Walls – 5 miles of walls
built from Athens to Piraeus
(a) Athens would never be cut
off from their port
• Pericles tried to make Athens more
• Pericles tried to make Athens more
• Pericles tried to make Athens more
***Who remembers the definition
of a democracy?***
(1) Athens did remain a __________
***Who remembers
what a limited direct
democracy is?***
(1) Athens did remain a limited direct
***Who remembers
what a limited direct
democracy is?***
• Bottom line – Pericles ____ Athens, his
• Bottom line – Pericles loved Athens, his
Golden Age of Greece - Notes (page 3)
Daily Life in Athens during the Golden Age
• Athenian homes built around a ________ –
keeps house cool
Daily Life in Athens during the Golden Age
• Athenian homes built around a courtyard –
keeps house cool
• Athenian breakfast – ___ with _____
and __________
• Athenian breakfast – wine with _____
and __________
• Athenian breakfast – wine with honey
and __________
• Athenian breakfast – wine with honey
and barley cakes
• Go to ____ and shop at ____
(1) agora – __________________
(2) stoa – _________________
• Go to agora and shop at stoae
(1) agora – __________________
(2) stoa – _________________
• Go to agora and shop at stoae
(1) agora – open air marketplace at
foot of acropolis
(2) stoa – _________________
• Go to agora and shop at stoae
(1) agora – open air marketplace at
foot of acropolis
(2) stoa – store or stall at agora
• Citizens did _______________ during
• Citizens did government business during
• Leisure time – go to _________ for
______ or to ____ to __________
• Leisure time – go to olive groves for
______ or to fields to __________
• Leisure time – go to olive groves for
lectures or to fields to __________
• Leisure time – go to olive groves for
lectures or to fields to watch games
• Before dinner – _____
• Before dinner – bathe
• Attend _______ in the evening
(1) only ___ attended
(a) proper women __________
___________ (only ______
and _________ were there)
• Attend banquets in the evening
(1) only ___ attended
(a) proper women __________
___________ (only ______
and _________ were there)
• Attend banquets in the evening
(1) only men attended
(a) proper women __________
___________ (only ______
and _________ were there)
• Attend banquets in the evening
(1) only men attended
(a) proper women stayed home
in their rooms (only ______
and _________ were there)
• Attend banquets in the evening
(1) only men attended
(a) proper women stayed home
in their rooms (only dancers
and slave women were there)
(2) laid on ______ to ___
(a) ate lightly – _____________
(2) laid on ______ to eat
(a) ate lightly – _____________
(2) laid on couches to eat
(a) ate lightly – _____________
(2) laid on couches to eat
(a) ate lightly – finger foods, lots
of garlic
(3) evening’s entertainment – ________
(a) means “______________”
(b) _________ like _______ invited
to start these conversations
(3) evening’s entertainment – symposium
(a) means “______________”
(b) _________ like _______ invited
to start these conversations
(3) evening’s entertainment – symposium
(a) means “good conversation”
(b) _________ like _______ invited
to start these conversations
(3) evening’s entertainment – symposium
(a) means “good conversation”
(b) _________ like Socrates invited
to start these conversations
(3) evening’s entertainment – symposium
(a) means “good conversation”
(b) philosophers like Socrates invited
to start these conversations
(4) before dinner, a _____ was poured
out of _ cups and they said…
(4) before dinner, a libation was poured
out of _ cups and they said…
(4) before dinner, a libation was poured
out of 3 cups and they said…
(4) before dinner, a libation was poured
out of 3 cups and they said…
“To the gods, to the heroes, to
Golden Age of Greece Notes (page 4)
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods _________
____ – very “human”
(1) gods have _____ (good points)
and ____ (flaws)
(a) they can be _________, or
they can be _________
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are ______
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods in their own
image – very “human”
(1) gods have _____ (good points)
and ____ (flaws)
(a) they can be _________, or
they can be _________
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are ______
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods in their own
image – very “human”
(1) gods have virtues (good points)
and ____ (flaws)
(a) they can be _________, or
they can be _________
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are ______
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods in their own
image – very “human”
(1) gods have virtues (good points)
and vices (flaws)
(a) they can be _________, or
they can be _________
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are ______
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods in their own
image – very “human”
(1) gods have virtues (good points)
and vices (flaws)
(a) they can be very helpful, or
they can be very jealous
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are ______
Religious Beliefs and Practices
• The Greeks made their gods in their own
image – very “human”
(1) gods have virtues (good points)
and vices (flaws)
(a) they can be very helpful, or
they can be very jealous
(2) a major exception to “humanness” –
gods are immortal
• Myths – ______________________
(1) usually about ________
• Myths – fictional stories passed down
through generations
(1) usually about ________
• Myths – fictional stories passed down
through generations
(1) usually about ancestors,
supernatural beings, heroes
(2) why did the Greeks have myths?
(a) ______________________
(b) _______________________
(2) why did the Greeks have myths?
(a) to explain natural events not
understood (lightning, floods,
(b) _______________________
(2) why did the Greeks have myths?
(a) to explain natural events not
understood (lightning, floods,
(b) to teach lessons or morals to
• Greeks used _____
(1) made ________ about ________
(2) predictions were very ______ –
could be _________ in several
(3) most important oracle in Greece –
• Greeks used oracles
(1) made ________ about ________
(2) predictions were very ______ –
could be _________ in several
(3) most important oracle in Greece –
• Greeks used oracles
(1) made predictions about the future
(2) predictions were very ______ –
could be _________ in several
(3) most important oracle in Greece –
• Greeks used oracles
(1) made predictions about the future
(2) predictions were very general –
could be interpreted in several
(3) most important oracle in Greece –
• Greeks used oracles
(1) made predictions about the future
(2) predictions were very general –
could be interpreted in several
(3) most important oracle in Greece –
Oracle of Delphi
• All Greeks worshipped ___________ –
but each city-state had their
favorite _____ (god) or _______
(1) example – Athens had _____
• All Greeks worshipped the same gods –
but each city-state had their
favorite _____ (god) or _______
(1) example – Athens had _____
• All Greeks worshipped the same gods –
but each city-state had their
favorite patron (god) or _______
(1) example – Athens had _____
• All Greeks worshipped the same gods –
but each city-state had their
favorite patron (god) or patroness
(1) example – Athens had _____
• All Greeks worshipped the same gods –
but each city-state had their
favorite patron (god) or patroness
(1) example – Athens had Athena
• __ major _______ gods and goddesses
(some say __)
(1) lived on ___________
(2) Greeks honored them by building
______ and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• __ major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say __)
(1) lived on ___________
(2) Greeks honored them by building
______ and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say __)
(1) lived on ___________
(2) Greeks honored them by building
______ and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on ___________
(2) Greeks honored them by building
______ and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on Mount Olympus
(2) Greeks honored them by building
______ and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on Mount Olympus
(2) Greeks honored them by building
temples and holding ______
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on Mount Olympus
(2) Greeks honored them by building
temples and holding festivals
(a) festival for Zeus – _______
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on Mount Olympus
(2) Greeks honored them by building
temples and holding festivals
(a) festival for Zeus – Olympics
(b) festival for Dionysus ______
• 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses
(some say 14)
(1) lived on Mount Olympus
(2) Greeks honored them by building
temples and holding festivals
(a) festival for Zeus – Olympics
(b) festival for Dionysus theater
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