Pan-Canadian RDA Training Module: Cataloguing with RDA Identifying persons, families, corporate bodies & places and recording attributes Based on modules from RDA Test at LC and GPLS Cataloging Summit Modified by: Alison Hitchens University of Waterloo Library Re-Use of Materials This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 3 Acknowledgements • On behalf of the Pan-Canadian RDA trainers, I would like to thank the Library of Congress for allowing use and modification of their training modules and supplementary RDA training materials (for RDA Test at LC, June 2010 and Georgia Public Library Cataloging Summit (August 2011) and RDA Refresher Training at LC (October 2011) available at • Thank you also to the copyright holders of RDA Toolkit for permission to copy screens and the RDA logo for educational purposes. All screens copied are identified with: "Screen image from the RDA Toolkit ( used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals”. RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 4 Brenndorfer’s RDA in 10 Easy Steps Step 6 - Consider the persons, families and corporate bodies associated with the book – Record the things that help people identify a person/family/corporate body. – End with the construction of the authorized access point for the person/family/corporate body, with the other identifying elements going into new or existing MARC authority fields. Construct variant access points as required. Source: Brenndorfer, Thomas. RDA in 10 easy steps. (January 2011) RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 5 Objectives of this module • Be able to identify persons, families and corporate bodies by using or adding additional elements in authority records • Be able to record persons, families and corporate bodies by using or creating authorized access points • Understand when to use attributes as part of the authorized access point • Be aware of chapter 16 for identifying places RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 6 Relevant RDA chapters • • • • • 8 9 10 11 16 General guidelines... Identifying persons* Identifying families* Identifying corporate bodies* Identifying places** *FRBR/FRAD group 2 entities **FRBR/FRAD group 3 entity RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 7 Review: FRBR/FRAD user tasks • FIND persons, families, and corporate bodies that correspond to the user's stated search criteria • IDENTIFY the person, family, or corporate body represented by the data (i.e., confirm that the person… is the one sought, or distinguish between two or more persons… with … similar names) • UNDERSTAND the relationship between the name used to represent the person… and another name by which that person… is known (e.g., a different language form of the name) • UNDERSTAND why a particular name has been recorded as a preferred or variant name. RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 8 Review: vocabulary • Heading Authorized access point • See reference Variant access point • Core elements = elements that support the user tasks find and identify RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 9 Authorized access points • How to identify (RDA 8-11) • Form of authorized access point (RDA 8-11) • Who to record in bibliographic records (RDA 18-22) • Who to record as related access points in other authority records (RDA 29-32) RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 10 Variant access points • Which variants to include in authority record as 4XX fields? – None are core in RDA – LC policy: Cataloguer judgment – PCC, consortia, and local libraries may want to develop “best practices” RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 11 MARC changes for RDA Name Authority Records (NAR) • Two clues that the authority record is an RDA record: – 008/10: value “z” (Other) – 040 $a ___ $b ___ $c ___ $e rda • You may also notice some of the new MARC fields such as 370 for associated place RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 12 Already an NAR in LC Name Authority File (NAF)? • During Test, if the RDA form is different from the AACR2 form, the RDA form is given in a 7XX field with a 2nd indicator of “4”. • This practice has been discontinued. • You could still find authority records with the 7XX field: – If the 1XX and the 7XX are the same, delete the 7XX – If the 1XX and the 7XX are different, do not remove the 7XX. These types of NARs will be reviewed as part of a PCC project. RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 13 Context of this module • Elements in authorized access points • Other identifying elements • New fields for some of the data elements in authority records • Not how to create authority records RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 14 General guidelines (RDA 8) • • • • Terminology Core elements Language and script Recording names – – – – Capitalization – follow appendix A Numbers, hyphens: give as found Spacing of initials and acronyms Abbreviations – follow RDA appendix B • Additional notes for authority records – Scope of usage – Source consulted, etc. RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 15 1 Exploring RDA RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 16 Assemble elements to create access points • All elements for identification are listed first • Cataloguers choose from those elements the ones needed for use in the authorized access point in order to distinguish between entities • RDA is broader in scope than AACR2 – identification of entities not just “ name headings” RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 17 2 Exploring RDA RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 18 Chapter 9 IDENTIFYING PERSONS AND RECORDING ATTRIBUTES RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 19 Persons: scope of “person” • Definition (RDA 8.1.2) = “An individual or an identity established by an individual (either alone or in collaboration with one or more other individuals)” • RDA 9.0: Includes fictitious entities – Caillou, Mamma Yamma, etc. now in scope if presented as having responsibility in some way for a work, expression, manifestation, or item Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 12 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 20 Preferred name (RDA 9.2.2) • Form to be used when constructing the authorized access point • If individual has more than one identity, a preferred name for each identity (RDA – No time period restrictions • Choose the form most commonly known – Variant spellings: choose the form found on the first resource received (RDA • Includes relationship words such as Jr., Sr., IV, etc. Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 15 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 21 Title (9.4) and Other designations (9.6) • Title is limited to: – Royalty, nobility or ecclesiastical rank or office – Person of religious vocation – E.g. King, Pope • Any other designation has very limited scope: – Christian saints – Spirits RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 22 Date associated with the person • Three dates: – Date of birth (RDA 9.3.2) * – Date of death (RDA 9.3.3) * – Period of activity of the person – if needed to differentiate and dates of birth/death not known – no restrictions on time period (RDA 9.3.4) • Guidelines for probable dates (RDA 9.3.1) *LC policy: core when readily available Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 19 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 23 Changes when giving dates for persons • Abbreviations “cent.,” “ca.,” “b.,” “d.,” and “fl.” not in appendix B – “cent.” becomes “century” – “approximately” replaces “ca.” – “b.” and “d.” dates: LC Policy - use hyphens instead of spelling out the abbreviations – LC Policy - Use “active” for “fl.” Chrétien, Jean, $d 1934Chrétien, Jean, $d born 1934 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 24 Fuller form of name (RDA 9.5) • Scope: – Full form of a part of a name represented only by an initial or abbreviation in the form chosen as the preferred name, or – A part of the name not included in the form chosen as the preferred name (change from AACR2) LC policy: only when needed to differentiate 100 1# $a Riel, Louis $q (Louis David) $d 1844-1885 Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 23 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 25 Profession or occupation (RDA 9.16) • Core: – for a person whose name consists of a phrase or appellation not conveying the idea of a person, or – if needed to distinguish one person from another with the same name 100 1# $a Smith, Michael $c (Chef) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 27 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 26 Elements for Identifying Persons: MARC fields 046: special coded dates 370: associated place* 371: address* 372 field of activity* 373: associated group* 374: occupation 375: gender* 377: associated language* 378: fuller form of personal name 678: can include biographical information* *elements not used in 100 but useful for identification RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 27 Persons example 046 $f 19310710 date of birth Place of birth; associated country; place of residence 100 $a Munro, Alice, $d1931370 $a Wingham, Ont. $c Canada $e Clinton, Ont. 374 $a Short-story writer occupation 375 $a female gender 377 $a eng language that she writes in 378 $q Alice Ann fuller form of name 400 $a Laidlaw, Alice Ann, $d1931- variant name 678 $a Alice Ann Munro (née Laidlaw) is a Canadian short-story writer and three-time winner of Canada’s Governor General Award for English-language fiction... RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 28 3 Identifying persons 4 Verifying access points RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 29 RDA chapter 10 IDENTIFYING FAMILIES AND RECORDING ATTRIBUTES RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 30 Scope and Role of “family” • Definition: “two or more persons related by birth, marriage, adoption, civil union, or similar legal status, or who otherwise present themselves as a family” (RDA 8.1.2) • Role: creators, contributors etc. – Important for archives, museums, special collections, genealogy newsletters, family reunion publications etc. Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slides 35-36 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 31 Name Authorities vs. Subject Headings • Ch. 10 applies to distinctive family entities • Continue the current subject cataloguing policy for general family groupings • There will be separate authority records in LC/NACO authority file and in LCSH Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 37 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 32 Preferred Name (RDA 10.2.2) • Form to be used when constructing the authorized access point – Variant name used in variant access points • Choose the form most commonly known – Surname or equivalent – Royal house, dynasty, clan etc. 100 3# $a Eaton Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 40 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 33 Type of family (RDA 10.3) • Scope = categorization or generic descriptor for the type of family – Cataloguer’s choice, e.g. “Family,” “Clan,” “Royal house,” “Dynasty,” etc. 100 3# $a Eaton (Family) Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 41 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 34 Date associated (RDA 10.4) • Scope = “a significant date associated with a family,” e.g. – 1802-1945 – 4th-9th centuries 100 3# $a Eaton (Family : $d 1869-1999) Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 42 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 35 Place associated (RDA 10.5) • Scope = “place where a family resides or has resided or has some connection” • Include in access point if needed to distinguish or identify • Give place in its form as an authorized access point (see RDA 16) 100 3# $a Eaton (Family : $d 1869-1999 : $c Toronto, Ont.) Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 43 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 36 Prominent member (RDA 10.6) • Scope = “a well-known individual who is a member of a family” • Include in access point if needed to distinguish or identify • Give name in form as an authorized access point (see RDA 9) 100 3# $a Trudeau (Family : $g Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 1919-2000) Modified from: LC RDA for Georgia Cataloging Summit, slide 44 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 37 Elements for identifying families: MARC fields • 046: Special coded dates* • 370: Associated place* • 376: Family information* – Type of family, prominent member, hereditary title** • 678: can include family history *new fields **hereditary title never included in authorized access points RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 38 Family example 046 $s 1869 $t 1999 associated dates 100 3# $a Eaton (Family : $d 1869-1999 : $c Toronto, Ont.) 370 $e Toronto, Ont. Place of residence 376 $a Family $b Eaton, Timothy, $d 1834-1907 type of family; prominent member 678 0# $a Timothy Eaton was born in March 1834 in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. At the age of 20 he moved to Ontario. He married Margaret Beattie in 1862 and had 5 children. He opened a dry goods store in 1869 in Toronto which was the cornerstone for the large Canadian retail chain Eaton's. John Craig Eaton inherited the business in 1907... The business finally went bankrupt in 1999 family history RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 39 5 Code the elements in the correct MARC fields RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 40 Chapter 11 IDENTIFYING CORPORATE BODIES AND RECORDING ATTRIBUTES RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 41 Scope of “corporate body” • Definition (RDA 8.1.2) = “an organization or group of persons and/or organizations that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as a unit” • Includes ad hoc events (such as athletic contests, exhibitions, expeditions, fairs, and festivals) and vessels (e.g., ships and spacecraft) Source: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -module 4, slide 40 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 42 Preferred name for the corporate body (RDA 11.2.2) • Choose the form most commonly known • Variant spellings: choose the form found in the first resource received (RDA • Not abbreviating “Department” (should not have abbreviated in AACR2 headings either) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 42 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 43 Some categories of corporate bodies • Subordinate/related non-government bodies recorded subordinately – RDA • Government bodies recorded subordinately – RDA • Legislative bodies – RDA Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 45 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 44 Location of headquarters (RDA 11.3.3) • Scope = country, state, province, etc., or local place of headquarters, or geographic area of corporate body’s activities • Core if needed to distinguish one corporate body from another with the same name • Use same form as the authorized access point for the location(Ch. 16) 110 2# $a Manitoba Rolling Mills (Selkirk, Man.) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 47 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 45 Date of establishment (RDA 11.4.3) or termination (RDA 11.4.4) • Scope = year in which a corporate body was established or terminated • Give if needed to distinguish the name of one corporate body from another 110 2# $a Conservative Party of Canada (2003- ) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 49 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 46 Associated institution (RDA 11.5) • Core: – for conferences, etc., if the institution’s name provides better identification than the local place name or if the local place name is unknown – if needed to distinguish one corporate body from another with the same name • In the form and language recorded as the preferred name for the institution (not the whole authorized access point for the institution) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, 50 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 47 MARC for Associated institution • For access point: – Conference: subfield $c – Other corporate bodies: add to the preferred name of the corporate body (subfielding and punctuation will vary) 111 2# $a Symposium on Risk in New Technologies $n(1st : $d 1981 : $c University of Waterloo) 110 2# $a CGA Accounting Research Centre (University of Ottawa) Source: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -module 4, slide 51 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 48 Other designation associated with the corporate body (RDA 11.7) • Scope: – a word, phrase, or abbreviation indicating incorporation or legal status; any term serving to differentiate the body from other corporate bodies, persons, etc. – Includes names not conveying the idea of a corporate body • Core: – For a body whose name does not convey the idea of a corporate body – if needed to distinguish one corporate body from another with the same name 110 2# $a Tragically Hip (Musical group) Modified from: RDA Test at LC: June 2010 -- module 4, slide 53 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 49 Some changes for conferences, etc. • Merged instruction for preferred name of a conference, congress, meeting, exhibition, fair, festival, etc. - changes from AACR2: – Retain frequency in the name of a conference, congress, or meeting – Omit year of convocation from the name of an exhibition, fair, or festival (will be included in the authorized access point in subfield $d) • Locations – Can include more than 3 locations – Can use “Online” for online conferences RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 50 Elements for identifying corporate bodies: MARC fields 046: special coded dates 368: other corporate body attributes 370: associated place 371: address* 372: field of activity* 373: associated group 377: associated language* 678: can include corporate history* *elements not used in 110/111 but useful for identification RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 51 Corporate Body example 046 $s 2007 start date 110 $a Canada. $b Public Safety Canada 410 $a Canada. $b Sécurité publique Canada (2007) 370 $e Ottawa, Ont. headquarters 371 $a 269 Laurier Ave. W. $b Ottawa $d Canada $e K1A 0P8 address 372 $a Public Safety Canada was created to ensure coordination across all federal departments and agencies responsible for national security and the safety of Canadians field of activity 377 $a eng $a fre associated languages RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 52 6 Identifying corporate bodies 7 Identifying core elements RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 53 RDA chapter 16 IDENTIFYING PLACES: CHOOSING PREFERRED NAME TO BE USED IN AUTHORIZED ACCESS POINTS RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 54 Place names in RDA • Place belongs to the Group 3 FRBR entities – entities with a subject relationship to a work • Part of Section 4: Recording Attributes of Concept, Object, Event & Place – Not yet developed • Place included in first release of RDA because place names are used in authorized access points RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 55 Places are used... • As additions to corporate body headings and conferences • As names of government bodies • For recording places associated with a person, family or corporate body • As additions to titles of works RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 56 Preferred Name (16.2.2) • the name or form of name chosen to represent a place Choose as the preferred name a. the form of the name in the language preferred by the agency preparing the data, if there is one in general use b. the form of the name in the official language of the jurisdiction in which the place is located RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 57 Recording the preferred name • Record as part of the name of a place the name of the larger place in which it is located or the larger jurisdiction to which it belongs ( – exceptions for countries and states, provinces, territories, etc. of Australia, Canada, Malaysia, the United States, the USSR or Yugoslavia and places in the British Isles – abbreviate the name of the larger place as instructed in Appendix B.2 Budapest (Hungary) Jasper (Alta.) Academy of Medicine (Toronto, Ont.) RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 58 Variant name (16.2.3) • Includes: – significantly different names – expanded names – initialism/abbreviated form – alternate linguistic form of name RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 59 SUMMARY RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 60 Authorized access point vs. Other identifying elements • Chapters 8-11 meet several user tasks – find, identify, understand – Concerned with more than just form of name headings – Include many elements for identification – Some of these elements are used to create authorized access points RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 61 New MARC fields (as of June 2012 update) • • • • • • • • • • • 046 - Special Coded Dates 368 - Other Corporate Body Attributes 370 - Associated Place 371 - Address 372 - Field of Activity 373 - Associated group 374 - Occupation 375 - Gender 376 - Family Information 377 - Associated Language 378 - Fuller Form of Name Source: RDA in MARC, June 2012 RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 62 What to do with an existing NAR : PCC Policy • PCC cataloguers creating RDA bibliographic records will use authorized forms of names and titles established in existing AACR2 and RDA authority records. • If no AACR2 or RDA authority record exists, PCC cataloguers continuing to use RDA will create RDA authority records. The resulting RDA authorized access points will be used as needed on RDA and AACR2 bibliographic records. • Some bibliographic records may contain a mix of authorized headings for different names or titles created according to AACR2 and RDA. Source: PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 63 8 AACR2 and RDA access points RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 64 Questions/Comments Contact: Alison Hitchens Cataloguing & Metadata Librarian University of Waterloo Library RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 65 Useful Resource Library of Congress. Resource Description and Access (RDA): Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA. Access at RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 66 References • • • • • • Brenndorfer, Thomas. RDA in 10 easy steps. (January 2011) Kuhagen, Judith A. “RDA Test at LC.” PowerPoint modules prepared for the Library of Congress participants in the U.S. RDA test and presented June 2010. Access at Library of Congress. “Module 4: Persons, Families and Corporate Bodies: Elements and authorized access points.” PowerPoint module prepared for the Georgia Public Library Service Cataloging Summit, Aug. 9-10, 2011. Access at PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines. Access at html RDA in MARC – Summary of Additions, October 2012. Access at RDA Toolkit. Access at (subscription required beyond table of contents) RDA Module - Identifying persons etc. 67