Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart Course Syllabi 2012-2013 Course Title: French 3 Course Pre-requisites: Passing grade in Level 2 French or in the Level 2 Placement Exam (incoming ninth graders only). Teacher: Mrs. Anne Spasiano Required Texts: Bien Dit 2 and 3. Other Suggested Resources: Bien Dit 2 and 3 - Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook, NYS Comprehensive French Regents workbook. Supplies: 3-ring binder and loose leaf paper Homework: Review what is covered in class each day; various exercises from text, workbook or worksheets; written paragraphs; NYS Regents exams practice. Sometimes homework is memorization of assigned vocabulary Assessment: Periodic quizzes on vocabulary, verbs, and various grammatical items. Test after each chapter, mid-term exam in January, Regents type final exam in June. Grading: Quarterly averages are based on total of points. Quizzes are assigned various point values. Tests are usually worth 100 points. Mid-term exam in January counts twice into second quarter average. Final exam in June counts as much as a quarter grade. Final average equals average of four quarters plus June exam. Classroom Policies: Arrive on time. Be prepared for class with textbook, workbook and homework. Cooperate with teacher and classroom routine Participate actively in class. Be respectful of teacher and fellow students. Speak with teacher after an absence to get assignments, missed work, etc. Make arrangements with teacher for a make-up exam is a test is missed. Attend extra help sessions if teacher deems it necessary. Topical Timeline: French 3 covers any chapters in Bien Dit 2 text that were not previously finished and Chapters 1 – 3 of Bien Dit 3 text.