File course syllabi 12-13 french 3

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart
Course Syllabi 2012-2013
Course Title: French 3
Course Pre-requisites: Passing grade in Level 2 French or in the Level 2 Placement
Exam (incoming ninth graders only).
Teacher: Mrs. Anne Spasiano
Required Texts: Bien Dit 2 and 3.
Other Suggested Resources: Bien Dit 2 and 3 - Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook,
NYS Comprehensive French Regents workbook.
3-ring binder and loose leaf paper
Homework: Review what is covered in class each day; various exercises from text,
workbook or worksheets; written paragraphs; NYS Regents exams practice.
Sometimes homework is memorization of assigned vocabulary
Assessment: Periodic quizzes on vocabulary, verbs, and various grammatical items.
Test after each chapter, mid-term exam in January, Regents type final exam in June.
Grading: Quarterly averages are based on total of points.
 Quizzes are assigned various point values.
 Tests are usually worth 100 points.
 Mid-term exam in January counts twice into second quarter average.
 Final exam in June counts as much as a quarter grade.
 Final average equals average of four quarters plus June exam.
Classroom Policies:
 Arrive on time.
 Be prepared for class with textbook, workbook and homework.
 Cooperate with teacher and classroom routine
 Participate actively in class.
 Be respectful of teacher and fellow students.
 Speak with teacher after an absence to get assignments, missed work,
 Make arrangements with teacher for a make-up exam is a test is
 Attend extra help sessions if teacher deems it necessary.
Topical Timeline: French 3 covers any chapters in Bien Dit 2 text that were not
previously finished and Chapters 1 – 3 of Bien Dit 3 text.