Final Review Sheet


Français 3—Final Exam Review Sheet

I would recommend that you concentrate your preparation for the final exam in the following areas:


Culture: Review: a.

Health (what one must do to be healthy, French attitudes) b.

Communication of ideas c.

Diversity in France, including:


Articles: La France-une mosaïque and notes ; table with percentages of immigrants ; wordles


Movie Entre les murs (The Class)


Communication: Study your chemise de référence

(reference section). If you are unsure what should be in there, please ask to review the sample reference section in the classroom.

Communication means using vocabulary and language use.


Vocabulary: knowing vocabulary is essential to all parts of the exam.


You are especially responsible to know vocabulary that we have covered this semester.

Know means that you know what words and expressions mean and can understand them when listening and reading and use them when speaking and writing.


The following are the main topics we have covered: ways of communicating ideas; verbs

(see below), health vocabulary, parts of body, sports, diversity c.

Tips (you decide what works best for you): make two-column lists (English/French, where you can cover one side and state the word); make flashcards (on paper or electronically, there are some great apps); a friend and you can quiz each other; reread compositions/stories/articles. Redo exercises (on quizzes, in packets, on worksheets: cover answer, redo and check answer with what you had before). Study words and expressions in context (meaning being used).


Language use: knowing how to use the language is essential to all parts of the exam. a.

You are especially responsible to know how to use the language that we have covered this semester. Know means being able to understand and form sentences and paragraphs in order to communicate. The following are areas where you should concentrate your efforts: b.

Be able to write using the verbs: study especially these verbs: dire, écrire, lire, envoyer, prendre, voir, se brosser, se laver, laver, avoir, faire . Be able to form these verbs in the present, passé composé , with infinitives ( Je vais dormir…) and the negative of all of these forms. Know the passé composé (regular and irregular) of the verbs we have studied. c.

Also review all regular verbs (-er (including -ger verbs), -ir, -re); aller, avoir, être, faire, mettre. Be able to form these verbs in the present tense, with infinitves ( Je vais dormir…) and the negative of all of these forms. d.

Be able to answer questions personnelles on all topics studied. e.

Be able to say how you feel, where it hurts and what sports you do.



The best preparation is your speaking French on a regular basis in class and your review for the exam in general. There will be two parts: a.

Interpersonal: I will be asking you questions about you or about French culture.


Presentational: you will speak on a topic related to what we have studied this semester.


Reading/Writing: a.

Reading will encompass all aspects of what we have done this semester. Prepare well for everything mentioned above and you will do fine on the reading section. b.

Writing: subjects that would be good to review: writing about what you do to be healthy and what French people do to be healthy (and what both should do), French diversity (is

France diverse), communication of ideas.


Tips for preparing for the final exam. a.

Start studying now.

There is too much information on this exam for you to be able to review it in one night. Also, by repeating some things over and over, you will remember them better. This exam counts 10% of your final grade. Take it seriously. b.

Use the following materials to study: your reference section, notes, packets/worksheets.

You may also sign out your quiz folder. c.

Bring in questions. By studying early, you can identify where you need help. d.

Repeat, repeat, repeat. Write things out for practice. Study with a friend; you can quiz each other. e.

Remember that language acquisition is accumulative. You are also responsible to know what your learned in French 1, French 2 and first semester French 3. f.

If you would like to sign out your test folder, you may do so. You must return it by

Friday, June 12, 2015.


During the final exam a.

It is Thursday, June 17, 2014 from 7:30 to 9:30 in Room 109 (our regular classroom).

Be on time! b.

Do not be late . The exam will start immediately. (If you are late, you must have a pass from the office. We will be starting with the listening exercises. These will not be repeated once complete. Anyone arriving late will receive a zero for sections missed.) c.

No food or drink (besides water and water-based drinks) is allowed during the exam . Eat breakfast before the exam, and bring a snack for the break between the two exams (9:35 – 9:50). d.

Bring your own writing utensil (and eraser) .

None will be provided for you. e.

Take care of personal business before the scheduled exam time. No one will be allowed to leave during the exam.


Bring something quiet to do in case you finish early.

Suggestions: appropriate book or magazine, study materials for another class, paper to write a letter, etc. No electronics will be allowed during this period (Example: smartphones, ipods, ipads….).


Bon courage !
