Animal Farm and The Taming of the Shrew Review Game

Mr. Plewis
By: Maryem faleh
I’ve made this activity to review the two
books you’ve read this semester and I’ve
included literary terms at the end.
Hopefully it’ll help you for your exam. 
There will be four groups and with your
group members, you will have to answer
the questions in the next slides to earn
your team points. Points are awarded to
teams who are to quick to answer and
whose answers are detailed. Everyone in
your group should write down answers
because I want to collect the papers after
and mark them. When you are done, just
raise your hand.
You must read the questions in the next slide in
your teams and answer them as quickly and
accurately as you can. You’ll have two minutes
to write down your answers and you shouldn’t
be loud or the other team will hear your
answers. You may not use your books, but
don’t worry because they aren’t very hard
Animal Farm
1)What is the name of the prize-winning boar at the
beginning of the book and what does this boar think of
humans and they way they treat animals? 3 points
2)The boar teaches the other animals a song. What is this
song called? Also, write two lyrics of the song for
bonus marks. 1 point + 2 bonus points
3) Who are the three animals who formulate the boars main
principles into a philosophy called Animalism? 3
4)Who gets run out of Manor Farm and what do the
animals then rename it? 2 points
5)What is the name of the most dedicated and loyal animal
on the farm? Also who do they think is always right no
matter what? 2 points
6)Who takes Jessie's puppies and why? 2 points
7)How do the pigs change throughout the story? 3 points
8)Complete this phrase: “All animals are equal, but...” Also
where is this written? 2 points
The Taming of the Shrew
1)Who do we see at the very beginning of the play in the
induction? What is he doing and why? 3 points
2) In which city is the play set? 1 point
3)Why is Lucentio in this city and with whom did he
come? 3 points
4)Who are Bianca’s suitors? Describe each one. Min. 4
5)There are two people who are disguised as teachers in
order to get to know Bianca better. Who are the two men
disguised as the music and Latin teacher? 2 points
6)Who is going to marry Katherine? 1 point
7)How does Katherine's husband arrive to the wedding? 3
8)How does he treat Katherine? 2 points
9)Who ends up marrying Bianca? 1 point
10)How do the two sisters change at the end of the play
(with their husbands and their loyalty towards them)? 2
Literary Terms from the
Short Story Unit
(I would like you to do this on your own, please. I’ll give
you back your papers marked, so you know what you
should study).
Here you have two choices, either give a definition or an
example that shows you understand the term.
Answers in the Next Slide
1)Old major is the name of the boar.
2) He thinks they are controlling and oppressive towards the
animals and they are heartlessly slaughtering them.
3)Beasts of England:
Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland,
Beasts of every land and clime,
Hearken to my joyful tidings
Of the Golden future time.
4)Mr Jones gets run out and they name it animal farm.
5) Boxer thinks napoleon is right.
6)Nap takes them because he wants to educate them on
animalism. He turns them into his personal body guards and
complete savages.
7) They become more like humans, wearing clothes, drinking,
sleeping in beds, carrying whips, eating on tables and doing
everything old major warned them not to do.
8)...some animals are more equal than others.
1-chris sly, he’s drunk arguing with the bar lady and
refusing to pay for the glass he smashed.
3-he came to study at the local university and he came with
his servants tranio and biondello.
4-gremio: creepy, old and hortensio: horse face ugly
5-lucentio and hortensio
7-late, wearing weird clothes on a dying ill horse thing.
8-physically abused by starvation, not allowed to sleep
10-katie is tamed, obedient to petrucio and bianca is
disobedient, opposite what they were in the beginning of
the play.
1- allegory is a narrative technique representing things or
abstract ideas to convey a message (theme). Its used to teach a
lesson and is sometimes used for satire or political purposes.
2-uses mockery humour or wit to make fun of a social
institution or human behaviour
3-when and where story takes place
4-ways we learn about a character
5-emotional quality of the story revealed by diction ex. “tense”
6-choice of words in a story