In the name of god

In the name of god
Utzel and his daughter ,
Isaac Bashevis Singer was born in 1904 in Poland. He
wrote mostly in Yiddish, a language spoken by Eastern
European Jews. He came to the United States in 1935
and at first earned his living writing for Yiddish newspapers.
He eventually became famous for his stories about Jewish life
in Eastern Europe. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in
1978. In
his Nobel award speech he said, “The storyteller and poet of
time, as in any other time, must be an entertainer of the
Once there was a man named Utzel.he was very poor
and even more lazy. He lived in a cottage. He had a
daughter and he called her Poverty. Utzel loved to
sleep most of the time. He loved nobody and was
jealous of everybody. He was a small man,but his
daughter was tall,broad and heavy.he daydreamed that
a rich young man would fall in love with his daughter,
marry her ,and provide for his wife and his father-inlaw.
One day Utzel learned that a certain charitable society
in the village loaned poor people money,and he went
to the office and said: I would like to borrow five
gulden.I want to have a pair of shoes made for my
daughter. Then the shoemaker had wanted his money
in advance.when my daughter gets married,I will be
able to pay back.The official decided to give him the
loan.after a week when the shoes made,Poverty was
very surprised;suddenly the shoes were small for her.
After that the shoemaker told them:there is only one
way out for you,Go to work.
Utzel and Poverty both decided started working for
people and earned some money. At last they
understood that all a man possesses he gains through
work , and not by lying in bed .Utzel`s dreams came in
true and Poverty married with the son of a wealthy
merchant . who was called mahir . before long Utzel
got a better job . Now on the wall of his office , he
writes a motto that it is : whatever you can do today ,
don`t put off till tomorrow.
• Thatched: covered
with dried straw , reeds
•Toadstool: any of various types of amberlla-shaped fungus
,poisonous one
•Crooked: not straight or level
•Cot : simple narrow bed
•Curse: bring down evil or harm
• Reproach: criticize sb esp . For failing to do sth
•Charitable: of , for or connected with a society or organization
for helping the needy
• promissory note: signed document containing a promise to
pay a stated sum of money on demand or on a specified date
•Gulden: unit of currency of Netherland
•Consternation: surprise
and anxiety ; great dismay
•Diligently : showing care and effort
•Lo and behold:(idm) used to indicate surprise
•Industrious: hard-working ; diligent
•Mole: small dark-grey fur-covered animal with tiny
eyes , living in tunnels which it makes
•Squirrel: small tree-climbing animal with a bushy
tail and red or grey fur
• Court: try to win the affections of a woman
• Warden: person responsible for supervising sth
• Cottage: a small house especially in a village
• Sum : an amount of money
•Adore: love
•Broad: wide
, large
•Provide for : support
•Loan : lend
•Advance : money paid to someone before the usual
time , especially someone`s salary
•Measurement: to discover the size or amount of sth
•Possess: to have or own sth
•Gain : get sth
•Wealthy : rich
•Merchant: someone who busy and sells good , trades
•Motto: proverb
•Puffy : swollen
This story is about work that every wish come true by work and
without work you don`t get any thing. And emphasized struggle and
Internal : Utzel and his mind : he has taught to became rich with
borrowing five gulden and his daughter can marry with a rich young
man . and he thought other people are lucky , I`m cursed.
• External: rich and money : he became poorer with borrowing five
gulden and now he had five gulden less than nothing
Thatched roof , Toadstools that had grown on crooked walls and
the floor had rotted away show that Utzel was very lazy man
and poor.
Lo and behold , used to indicate surprise
Protagonist: Utzel( lazy , poor , jealous)
Round: Utzel , Poverty (indigent , idle , broad , heavy)
Flat : Sandler ( shoemaker) , Mahir(husband`s Poverty)
Place : in a cottage in a village
Time : Friday
Season : winter
Whatever you can do today , don`t put off till
No pain , no gain
When Poverty wanted to try the shoes but she could not
get them on her puffy feet
When they began to work and reached money
Moral point
From borrowing one gets poorer and from work one gets
All a man possesses he gains through work , and not by lying
in bed
Utzel and Poverty decided that go to work and at last they
became job so he became respected and Poverty married with
the son of a wealthy merchant