Pre-Paving Conference Agenda SR – Job Description Contract No. FM No. Date Time Location (Note: This meeting is being recorded) 1. Introductions A. Name, Company; B. Please make sure that everyone has signed the attendance list. 2. Description of Project A. This project consists of: Contractor: 3. Points of Contact and Phone Numbers A. Contacts: FDOT NAME PHONE NAME PHONE District Construction Engineer Resident Engineer/Sr. Project Eng Project Manager Project Administrator Resident Asphalt Specialist VT Roadway Technician VT Plant Technician IA Inspector CONTRACTOR Project Manager Superintendent Asphalt QC Manager QC Roadway Technician QC Plant Technician EMERGENCY CONTACTS (DAY AND NIGHT) NAME COMPANY PHONE B. Discuss who gets notified when problems or issues arise. Revised 8/23/2011 Page 1 of 10 4. Important Dates A. Contractor’s anticipated start date for the project: 1) Contractor’s anticipated start date for paving: 2) Hours of paving operation: 5. Important Specification Requirement (requested to make as separate bullet) A. Give the Department 48 hours notice before the start of any asphalt work to assure Technician coverage (Specification Section 8 “Prosecution of Work”-“Beginning Work”). The Engineer is to be notified in writing at least two days in advance of starting date of important features of the work. 6. Submittals A. Is an approved QC Plan for Production and Paving on file with the FDOT office? B. Night Work - If applicable, has a lighting plan been submitted (Specification Section 8 “Limitations of Operations”-“Night Work”)? C. Approved Mix Designs to be used on the project (See Item #15 “Selection of Materials Acceptance Option and Setting Spread Rates”). D. Rubber certifications in accordance with Specification Sections 336 “Testing and Certification Requirements”-“Blending at the Supplier’s Terminal” and 919 “Certification Requirements”. E. Certification of Asphalt Quantities for the monthly estimate. 7. Asphalt Plant A. Plant Location (or name of plant if sub is used): 1) Plant number: 2) Phone number: B. Lab Information 1) Phone number: 2) Fax Number: C. Production 1) Maximum production rate of the plant: 2) Expected production rate: D. Hauling Distance 1) Distance from the plant to the project: a) Is this an issue? E. Trucks 1) Number being used? 2) Provide each truck with a tarpaulin or other weather proof cover for rain or cold weather (Specification Section 320 “Paving Equipment”-“Trucks”). 3) Provide weekly scale checks (Specification Section 320 “Requirements for All Plants”-Weekly Electronic Weigh System Comparison Checks”-“Electronic Weigh System on Truck Scales”). F. Will friction course GTR (Ground Tire Rubber) be terminal or site blend? 8. Asphalt Lots A. Lot sizes will be defined as either 2000 tons or 4000 tons. The contractor is to select the size prior to the start of the Lot (Specification Section 334 “Acceptance of the Mixture”-“Lot Sizes”). B. Lot will be closed 30 calendar days after start of the lot (time frames other than 30 calendar days may be used if agreed upon by both the Engineer and the contractor). Revised 8/23/2011 Page 2 of 10 9. Asphalt Placement Methods A. MILLING and MIX PLACEMENT – Proposed operation. 1) The type of equipment for milling, cross-slope control and clean up. a) Roadway must be clean and free of dirt, dust, rocks, loose material, etc. before paving. 2) Check and control cross-slope as per specifications. 3) Width of milling machine? 4) Width of paving machine? B. PAVING Operations – Proposed sequence 1) Discussion: C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 2) Type of mixes and lift thicknesses to be used (see plan typical sections and notes). a) Milling – b) Asphalt Base – c) Structural – d) Friction – e) ARMI – Overbuild – To be placed before structural course. Do not include the overbuild tonnage with the structural tonnage on the QC Road Report. Keep them separate. ARMI Layer - Check contractor’s method of installation. Also check that materials being used meet the required specifications. Auger Extensions – To be used when extending the screed 24” or more (Specification Section 320 “Paving Equipment”-“Mechanical Spreading and Screeding Equipment”-“Screed Width”). Longitudinal Joints - Plan mat widths so that longitudinal joints are staggered (Specification Section 330 “Joints”-“Longitudinal Joints”). Transverse Joints (Specification Section 330 “Joints”-“”Transverse Joints”) 1) Place the mixture as continuously as possible. Should the paver stop, a transverse joint will be formed when the temperature of the mix in the hopper falls below the master range (Specification Section 330 “Placing Mixture”-“Temperature of Spreading” and Section330 “Preparation of the Mixture”-“Mix Temperature”). Temperature of the mix - At the time of spreading is to be maintained within the master range as defined in Specification Section 330 “Preparation of the Mixture”-“Mix Temperature”. 1) Mix temperature to be checked at the plant and roadway and any load or portion of a load outside the master range (+30°F from established mix design temperature) is to be rejected (Specification Section 330 “Preparation of the Mix”-“Mix Temperature”). 2) Size of thermometers to be used 8” or 12”? No diesel to be used in truck beds or on tail gates or in the hopper of the paver. Rollers (Revised) 1) Contractor to provide list of all rollers with equipment numbers and weights. 2) Is static mode only compaction specified for this project? a) Yes: - Target for density is 92% of Gmm b) No: - Target for density is 93% of Gmm 3) Open graded friction course. a) Provide two, static steel-wheeled rollers (Specification Section 337 “Special Construction Requirements”-“Compaction of FC-5”). 4) Non-Density Tested Areas - A “Standard Rolling Pattern” will be followed and noted on QC and VT reports (Specification Section 330 “Compacting Mixture”). a) Static mode compaction required in non-density tested areas when using standard rolling pattern. Revised 8/23/2011 Page 3 of 10 K. Prime (requested to be put back in agenda) 1) What type of prime will be used? a) For day operation – b) For night operation – 2) Follow the application rates specified in Specification Section 300 “Application of Prime Coat”“Rate of Application”. 3) Every prime distributor is to have a copy of the tack certification as to the type of prime being delivered. L. Tack 1) What type of tack will be used? a) For day operation – b) For night operation – 2) Follow the application rates specified in Specification Section 300 “Application of Tack Coat”“Rate of Application”. 3) Every tack distributor is to have a copy of the tack certification as to the type of tack being delivered. 10. Asphalt Equipment A. Paver Speed for each placement operation shall be as specified in Specification Section 330 “Placing Mixture” B. Type of Electronic Screed Control to be used for each placement of mix on thickness and cross-slope (Specification Section 320 “Paving Equipment”-“Mechanical Spreading and Screeding Equipment”“Automatic Screed Control”). C. What type of equipment will be used in areas where it is not possible with standard rollers? 1) Submit method to the Project Engineer for approval. D. Coring and Straightedging - Equipment used shall meet the requirements outlined in the contract documents (Specification Sections 330 and 334). 11. Surface Requirements (Specification Section 330 “Surface Requirements”) A. Texture of Finished Surface of Paving Layers 1) Produce a finished surface of uniform texture and compaction with no pulled, torn, crushed or loosened portions and free of segregation, sand streaks, sand spots, or ripples. Correct any area of the surface that does not meet the foregoing requirements in accordance with Specification Section 330 “Surface Requirements”-“Unacceptable Pavement”. Do not use asphalt concrete mixtures containing aggregates that cause a different color appearance in the final wearing surface in sections less than 1 mile [1.5 km] in length and across the full width of the roadway unless approved by the Engineer. B. Straightedge (Specification Section 330 “Surface Requirements”-“Pavement Smoothness”) 1) Furnish a 15 foot manual and a 15 foot rolling straightedge meeting the requirements of Florida Sampling & Testing Methods (FSTM) FM 5-50 and is to be on the job site and in good working condition at all times. 2) Perform all straightedge testing in accordance with FSTM FM 5-509 in the outside wheel path of each lane. 3) What acceptance straightedge process will be used? Behind the final roller of the paving train or as a separate operation? a) For Structural – b) For Friction – 4) Laser Profiler – Refer to contract (Specification Section 330 “Surface Requirements”-“Pavement Smoothness”-“Acceptance”-“Laser Acceptance”) Revised 8/23/2011 Page 4 of 10 12. Cross Slope A. Identify if the contract documents call for matching existing cross slope or if they specify a cross slope. B. Identify if the contract documents calls for paving a uniform thickness or denotes an average thickness. C. Positive Drainage – Maintained during all phases of construction D. Monitor and maintain the pavement cross slope per the Standard Specifications and the contract documents to control the cross slope of each pavement layer during construction. E. Level - Furnish a level with a minimum length of 4 feet or a digital measuring device. Make this level or measuring device available at the jobsite at all times during paving operations. Measuring devices should be compared between QC & VT. F. Frequency of Measurements 1) During Milling Operations (Specification Section 327 “Construction”) a) QC shall measure cross slope at a minimum of once per every 250 feet, to assure that the cross slope is uniform and incompliance with design milling slopes. b) VT will randomly take a minimum of 10 cross slope measurements per day for the first 2 days to assure that the cross slope are uniform and in compliance with the plan typical sections. 2) During Paving Operations (Specification Section 330 “Surface Requirements”-“Cross Slope”“Quality Control Requirements” and “Verification”) a) QC shall measure cross slope at a minimum of once per every 100 feet, to assure that the cross slope is uniform and incompliance with design milling slopes. b) VT will randomly take a minimum of 10 cross slope measurements per day to assure that the cross slope are uniform and in compliance with the plan typical sections. c) Cross slope of the pavement surface is to be measured by placing the measuring device perpendicular to the roadway centerline at a minimum frequency of one measurement every 100 feet to ensure that the cross slope is uniform and incompliance with the design cross slope. Report the cross slopes to the nearest 0.1%. Record all measurements on an approved form (700-010-98) and submit to the engineer for documentation. G. Tolerance - Assure that the difference between the measured cross slope and the design cross slope does not exceed +/- 0.2% for the travel lanes (including turn lanes) or +/- 0.5% for shoulders for both milling and paved surfaces. 13. DDM’s. EAR’s, and Penalties A. In accordance with Specification Section 334 “Acceptance of the Mixture”, the Contractor may have to remove and replace low pay factor material. Therefore, they are placing remaining lifts at their own risk. B. The amount of passing material to replace the removed deficient material will be deducted from the lot of the deficient material and the same amount will also be deducted from the composite pay factor (CPF) pay adjustment for the deficient material. C. Straightedge corrections will be at no pay and noted on the QC road report. 14. Bike Paths/Lanes A. Definition 1) Bike Path is separate from the roadway and can only be used by Bicyclist, Pedestrians, or any other non motor vehicular traffic. 2) Bike Lane is adjacent to the roadway where motor vehicles can drive across the lane. B. Density Requirements 1) Bike Path – no density required 2) Bike Lane – density required Revised 8/23/2011 Page 5 of 10 15. Asphalt Lot Packages A. Lines of communication if problems with paperwork. 1) Paperwork will be sent back to the Originator or QC Manager for corrections. B. Asphalt used for overbuild is to be recorded separate from the structural course on the QC Road Report. C. Any asphalt to be paid by a Supplemental Agreement or Work Order is to be recorded separate from the regular pay item on the road report. D. QC Roles - (Quality Control Technician) 1) Paperwork is to be available for review on a daily basis (Specification Section 105 “Personnel Qualifications”). a) Please email Roadway reports to the PA & RAS daily. 2) Asphalt Plant Worksheets have year Specs (Refer to contract for asphalt spec year). 3) Lot Paperwork - turn in to VT within one working day of Lot being closed. 4) Who is the person in charge of the LIMS / Auto Upload Entry? 5) All process control tests are to be entered into LIMS (Specification Section 334 “Contractor Process Control (for Option 1 Mixture Acceptance”)). 6) QC Samples are to be entered daily. E. VT Roles - (Verification Technician) 1) VT – Lot Package set up with District 5 checklist. 2) Asphalt Plant Worksheets have year Specs (Refer to contract for asphalt spec year). 3) VT – Keep up with Lot closings so they can be verified. 4) VT will approve QC samples in LIMS. 5) VT – Lot Packages are to be available within one working day of Lot being completed. 6) How will the paperwork get to the Resident Asphalt Specialist / Project Administrator? F. Who will check the accuracy of the QC and VT paperwork? G. PA will approve VT samples in LIMS. 16. Setting Spread Rates A. Asphalt Base Course (Specification Section 234 “Thickness Requirements”) before paving the Engineer will determine the thickness of the asphalt base based upon the spread rate of the material. Spread rate for the total thickness shall be established from the plan thickness converted to a spread rate using the specification calculation. 1) Use 43.3 lbs/SY x Gmm of mix design (for every one inch of desired thickness). Design # Design # Design # Design # Gmm Gmm Gmm Gmm Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch B. Superpave Asphalt Concrete (Specification Section 334 “Description”-“Thickness”) before paving, the Contractor is to propose a thickness for each individual layer, converted to a spread rate using the specification calculation. All layers will equal the plan thickness. 1) Use 43.3 lbs/SY x Gmm of mix design (for every one inch of desired thickness). Design # Design # Design # Design # Revised 8/23/2011 Gmm Gmm Gmm Gmm Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Page 6 of 10 C. Asphalt Concrete Friction Course (FC-12.5 & FC-9.5) before paving the plan thickness will be converted to a spread rate using the specification calculation (Specification Section 337 ”Thickness of Friction Course”). 1) Use 43.3 lbs/SY x Gmm of mix design (for every one inch of desired thickness). Design # Design # Design # Design # Design # Gmm Gmm Gmm Gmm Gmm Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch D. Asphalt Concrete Friction Course (FC-5) (Specification Section 337 “”Thickness of Friction Course”) before paving the plan thickness will be converted to a spread rate using the specification calculation. 1) Use 40.5 lbs/SY x Gsb the combined aggregate of the mix design (for every one inch of desired thickness). Design # Design # Design # Design # Gsb Gsb Gsb Gsb Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch Spread Rate per inch E. Miscellaneous Asphalt Concrete (Specification Section 339) 1) Any plant-mixed hot bituminous mixture meeting the requirements of an approved mix design can be used with the exception of open graded friction course (FC-5). 2) Set Spread Rate (Specification Section 339 “Method of Payment”) a) For calculation use a weight of 100 lbs/SY per inch thickness of asphalt with a limitation of a maximum of 105% of the plan thickness. Plan Thickness: Set Spread Rate: Max. Spread Rate: 17. Specification Reminders A. Specification Section 337 “Special Construction Requirements”-“Compaction of FC-5” 1) Provide two, static steel-wheeled rollers, with an effective compactive weight in the range of 135 to 200 PLI [2.4 to 3.6 kg/mm], determined as follows: PLI = Total Weight of Roller (pounds) / Total Width of Drums (inches) (Any variation of this equipment requirement must be approved by the Engineer.) Establish an appropriate rolling pattern for the pavement in order to effectively seat the mixture without crushing the aggregate. In the event that the roller begins to crush the aggregate, reduce the number of coverages or the PLI of the rollers. If the rollers continue to crush the aggregate, use a tandem steel-wheel roller weighing not more than 135 lb/in (PLI) [2.4 kg/mm] of drum width. B. Specification Section 334 “Acceptance of the Mixture”-“Option 1 Mixture Acceptance”-“Acceptance Exceptions” 1) Review contract and discuss. Revised 8/23/2011 Page 7 of 10 18. General Discussion – Q&A 19. Meeting was adjourned at . 20. References & Resources Contract, Special Provisions, & Plans Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction Design Standards Construction Project Administration Manual (CPAM) Materials Manual Qualified Products List QA-QC Guide List – Category 7A Preparation & Documentation Manual Florida Sampling and Testing Methods (FSTM) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Methods American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Methods Laboratory & Information Management System (LIMS) - User Manual Laboratory & Information Management System (LIMS) - Instructions CTQP Manuals Revised 8/23/2011 Page 8 of 10 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR PRE-PAVING MEETING PLEASE PRINT NAME Revised 8/23/2011 COMPANY E-MAIL PHONE Page 9 of 10 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR PRE-PAVING MEETING PLEASE PRINT NAME Revised 8/23/2011 COMPANY E-MAIL Page 10 of 10 PHONE