
KEYNOTE (8:45am – 9:45am)
Michael Martine - IBM
SAP has played a key role in IBM’s transformation over the years. As we strive to simplify our business processes and drive our
globally integrated enterprise strategy, the blueprint calls for close coordination between our legacy, tactical and strategic systems to
leverage the capabilities we have and are enabling with SAP. Accomplishing such business transformation across the globe, for
multiple constituencies on time and on budget is an Apollo 11 proposition, requiring IBMers to perform at their best.
This keynote presentation tells the story of how IBM is executing on the globally integrated enterprise strategy and living into the
smarter planet vision to drive instrumented, interconnected and intelligent systems to help our clients, employees and partners
unleash their potential to create value.
Track 1
Peter McNulty - SAP
Title: SAP Development Tools & What’s New (10:00am – 10:45am)
This session will provide you updates to the latest tools on Java (Composition Environment 7.20) as well as overview of upcoming
ABAP language and ABAP Workbench innovations
Title: SOA & Interoperability (11:00am – 11:45am)
This session provides an overview of interoperability standards supported by SAP middleware for heterogeneous landscapes.
Understand how to leverage supported standards and new functionality to better interoperate with third party technologies. Learn
how to set up secure and reliable Web services communication between ABAP systems and a Microsoft .Net 3.5 frameworkcompliant system using SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
Title: Web Dynpro for ABAP (1:30pm – 2:15pm)
Web Dynpro is SAP's main technology for developing user interfaces in ABAP. This lecture explains the Web Dynpro programming
model and how to develop Web Dynpro applications within the ABAP workbench.
Katie Beavers
Title: Extending Value of SAP with SAP BusinessObjects Intelligence Platform (2:30pm – 3:15pm)
This presentation provides an update on the roadmap for the convergence of SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (BW) and the
SAP BusinessObjects Intelligence Platform. While similar in structure and messaging to previous versions of the roadmap, this
update goes into the next level of detail of product integration for the key functional areas of SAP NetWeaver BW. As well as
describing the plans for ongoing development of the core foundation of SAP NetWeaver BW and the SAP NetWeaver BW
Accelerator, this presentation also helps position the value of the SAP BusinessObjects Intelligence Platform.
Title: Project Pioneer: SAP's Next-Generation Analysis Client (3:30pm – 4:15pm)
Pioneer is SAP's development project aimed at delivering the next-generation of OLAP analysis tools. This presentation will give an
overview on the positioning, user segment, and functional scope of the product and will outline how SAP BusinessObjects Voyager
(Voyager), SAP Business Explorer Analyzer (BEx Analyzer), and BEx Web Analyzer will evolve into Pioneer. We'll also see an early
view of Pioneer Web and the Excel add-in for Pioneer Office with demonstrations.
Track 2
David Nelson – SAP
Title: Guide to IFRS (10:00am – 10:45am)
This presentation offers an overview of the accounting issues involved in understanding and applying IFRS. The latest
pronouncements and the current requirements for the preparation of IFRS financial statements will be discussed. Included in the
presentation is some guidance as to how to implement IFRS within your current SAP Business Suite system and a guide as to how
the SAP Business ByDesign solution tackles the same issue.
David Nelson – SAP
Title: Comparison of IFRS and US GAAP (11:00am – 11:45am)
Using examples, this presentation will explain specific differences between the IFRS “principles-based” accounting standards and
the US GAAP “rules-based” standards by comparing the financial statements of each. The differences in the accounting rules for
assets, liabilities, revenue recognition, financial instruments and fair value accounting will be explored..
Rich Travis - IBM
Title: Utilizing BWA and Explorer at IBM (1:30pm – 2:15pm)
IBM will highlight the proven reliable and scalable of their BWA solution that has been optimized to meets the ever increasing
memory and processing demands of the SAP Business Warehouse and the Explorer Accelerated Environment.
Connie Begovich – ORNL
Title: ORNL’s Web Service Approach into SAP (2:30pm – 3:15pm)
ORNL has a wide variety of locally developed web applications that extend SAP’s features and implement site-specific
requirements. Many of them use web services to both retrieve and update SAP information. This session will discuss the use of
SAP web services at ORNL. In addition, some of the ways that SAP information and applications have been integrated into the
SharePoint portal will be discussed.
Title: TBD (3:30pm – 4:15pm)
Track 3
Jocelyn Hayes - Klee Associates
Title: Purchase Requisition Release Strategies (10:00am – 10:45am)
The words “SAP” and “easy” are rarely used in the same sentence, but ERPtips SAP Practice Director Jocelyn Hayes is ready to
prove it can be done. In a review and demo of her debut article for the ERPtips journal, she sets out a four-step strategy that is not
only practical, but achievable. In fact, Jocelyn has employed this strategy at multiple installations, across a variety of purchasing
methodologies with great success. Her secret for success? Jocelyn says it’s all about keeping it simple.
Jamie Duff (Symtrex)
Title: Compleo Suite for SAP Formatting and Distribution Automation for SAP Systems Reports
(11:00am – 11:45am)
Symtrax will be presenting our Compleo for SAP Solution. The Compleo Suite is an SAP-certified output management tool for
handling spool files. Compleo for SAP reformats background/systems reports directly from within the SAP spool file/output device
system converting them to PC Formats such as excel. Large reports can be broken into perfectly formatted smaller ones, enriched
with external data and graphics and the process can be fully automated. Customer success stories will be discussed and a live
demonstration of Compleo working within a SAP environment will be shown.
Johannes Le Roux (Vortex Consulting)
Title: Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) Components (1:30pm – 2:15pm)
The presentation will cover an overview of the functional, technical and business processes related to Financial Supply Chain
Management. The presentations will also address the integrated approach to provide better visibility and control over all cashrelated processes.
We will educate the participants about the challenges they will face in becoming IFRS compliant:
- Credit Management function in FSCM
- Biller Direct - functions for Electronic Invoice/Bill through the Web
- Collections Management- Collection strategies
- Dispute Management - dispute cases
Our session is geared to all levels of the financial organization from the CFO to the financial super user. Project managers will also
find our presentation helpful in planning their project pipeline.
Amy Collier – Global Soft
Title: Do More in Less Time: Gain Operational Efficiencies within your SAP Application by
Leveraging MS Excel Technologies (2:30pm – 3:15pm)
In these challenging economic times, organizations are asked to do more with fewer resources. Executives need access to
information and they need it provided accurately. Worldwide, spreadsheets are the vehicle of choice to deliver this information.
Without the use of secure and dynamic spreadsheet automation technology, using Microsoft © Excel in your operational analysis and
reporting can be cumbersome and provoke data integrity issues.
This session will review how this technology allows users to access critical SAP© application data with little IT intervention. In
addition, attendees will learn how to enhance their SAP toolkit through Microsoft Excel, including: reduced days to close, limit
manual keying of data into spreadsheets, etc.
Mike McInnis - Epi-Use
Title: Data Sync Manager for ERP - Landscape Optimization for SAP (3:30pm – 4:15pm)
This presentation will address the optimization of SAP landscapes through utilization of the Data Sync Manager for ERP. Current
challenges will be covered along with proposed solution overview and differentiations and additional abilities.
Discussion Sessions (12:30pm – 1:15pm)
Dr. Tony Pittarese – ETSU
Title: Discussion Session on Education & University Connection/Alliance
This discussion session will primarily be an attendee discussion of SAP education and the SAP curriculum at ETSU and the ASUG
University Connection and SAP University Alliance led by D. Tony Pittarese.
Ron Grimes – Eastman
Title: Presentation Discussion Session on Visual Composer
In this presentation discussion session, Ron will briefly highlight one of Eastman’s Visual Composer (VC) application development
initiatives along with show a demo of the VC web app via video cam recording (or possibly live). After the brief presentation and
demo which will include some content on VC how-to’s and learnings, this session will then be opened up for attendee discussion on
VC topics of interest.
Bill Prusha – Eastman
Title: Presentation Discussion Session on ERP 6.0 Upgrade & Enhancement Packages
In this presentation discussion session, Bill will briefly highlight Eastman’s recent successful SAP ERP 6.0 Upgrade Project. After
the brief presentation, this session will then be opened up for attendee discussion on attendee companies 6.0 upgrades and also on
attendee companies plans for installing enhancement packages and support packages.
Johannes Le Roux - Vortex Consulting (& David Nelson - SAP)
Title: Presentation Discussion Session on the New GL vs. Classic GL with Migration Roadmap and
IFRS Reporting
This presentation discussion session will address the impact of the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on
Global organizations and what tools are available in SAP to bring companies into compliance with this new standard. We'll discuss
which countries have already adopted IFRS as well as the upcoming deadline for all US organizations to convert from local GAAP to
We will educate the participants about the challenges they will face in becoming IFRS compliant:
-IFRS compliance is not just a reporting project
-Using New GL for parallel reporting will be needed to enable prior year comparisons
-Explaining the differences / changes between the local accounting standards and IFRS
-Detail the new closing process required in SAP for IFRS
-GAAP based top level adjustments at a consolidation level may no longer be sufficient to be in compliance. Companies may need
to make transactional level adjustments.
Participants will be educated in how to use the New GL to meet IFRS reporting and how to build a business case within the
organization to move forward with both an upgrade to ECC and a migration to new GL.
Our session is geared to all levels of the financial organization from the CFO to the financial super user. Project managers will also
find our presentation helpful in planning their upgrades to ECC and determining the project pipeline required to bring their
organization into compliance with new International financial standards.