Lesson Plan 2010

Lesson Plan – week of November 8, 2010
Monday: – no class (speaker)
Review: importance of research and developing a research question, hypothesis
Identify questions of interest
Formulating an explanation
Theory: broad explanation
Hypothesis: prediction stated in a way that it can be tested
Carrying out research designed to support or refute
Who participates in the study?
Representative sample
How do psychologists study behavior?
Descriptive studies – recording of behaviors that have been recorded systematically
o Simplest method of scientific inquiry
o Describe behavior and mental processes
o Most widely used
o Survey method – ask people’s opinions
 Case study – one individual
 Naturalistic observation – watch, describe
 Archival research – using already collected data - newspapers
 Clinical method – observe in clinic setting
All have advantages and disadvantages
Correlational Studies
– Correlational method: measure two variables for statistical relationship
– Variable: anything that can be assigned a numerical value
– Uses quantitative measures
Correlational Studies
– Correlation coefficient
• Measures each variable
Indicates strength ( - 1 to 0 to 1) and direction (negative or positive) of
Correlation does not mean causation – could be a third factor involved
• Positive correlation – both factors increase
• more study, better grades
• Negative correlation – as one factor increases, the second factor decreases
• More study, less recreation
• No relationship (close to zero) – number of hours studied and height
• Lack of interest could be affecting test performance not hours studied
Experimental research:
Tests relationship of two or more variables
Allows conclusions about cause-and-effect
Quantitative measures of behavior compared in different conditions created by
Evidence supports or rejects hypothesis
Independent variable – gets manipulated
Dependent variable – amount of change
Experimental group – exposed to independent variable or conditions expected to create
Control group – presents normal behavior used for comparison
Random assignment
Experimental control
Summarize the four types of research and discuss the advantages and disadvantages
Experimental: Manipulation and control of variables
Purpose: identify cause and effect
Allows researchers precise control over variables
Can identify cause and effect
Ethical concerns, practical limitations, artificiality of lab condition, uncontrolled variables
confound results, researcher and participant biases
Descriptive Research: naturalistic observation, case studies, surveys
Purpose: observe, collect and record data
Minimizes artificiality, easier to collect data, allows description of behavior and mental
processes as they occur
Little or no control over variables,
researcher and participant biases
cannot explain cause and effect
Correlational research: statistical analyses of relationships between variables
Purpose: identify relationships and how well one variable predicts another
Advantages: helps clarify relationships between variables that cannot be examined by other methods
and allows prediction
Disadvantages: researchers cannot identify cause and effect
Biological research: Studies the brain and other parts of the nervous system
Purpose: identify causation as well as description and prediction
Advantages: shares many of the advantages of experimental, descriptive, correlational research
Disadvantages: shares many of the disadvantages of experimental, descriptive, correlational research
Hand out article and worksheet – for Tuesday
Spend period reviewing for exam – go into computer lab and using quizlet.com (a flashcard and study
game website) go over the material for the exam
Exam – Units 1-4
Monday: November 15, 2010
Watch video on Intelligence Unit – learner.org
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Work on article worksheet – read article, fill out answers
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Discuss experimenter and subject biases:
Internal validity – the extent to which changes in the dependent variable can be attributed to
the independent variable
Confounding variable – a variable whose unwanted effect on the dependent variable might be
confused with that of the independent variable
Subject bias – what the subject expects the study to be about
Experimenter bias – what the researcher expects
Experimenter effects – the personality, dress
Pygmalion effect – the subject performs better because of experimenter
Double blind technique
Types of Random Assignment
Placebo control
Placebo effect: provides no active effect
Use in identical conditions for control and experimental groups
Blind experiment
Researchers blind to group membership of participants to rule out experimenter bias
Strongest experiments – double blind
Researchers and participants kept blind
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Descriptive statistics – how do we understand the data?
Central tendency asks what the average score is like in the distribution of scores
Mean: Statistical average of all scores
Median: The fiftieth percentile (half of the scores are above this score, half are below)
Mode: The most frequent score
Variability asks how dispersed the scores are relative to the average score or mean
Standard deviation: How far the average participant score deviates from the average
(square root of the variance)
Standard score – (z score)
scores on a normal curve can be described as their distance from the mean of the
distribution using SD units
It allows you to compare scores from different distributions
The score at or below which a particular percentage of scores fall
Friday, November 19
Skewness - when scores are bunched up on either side of the bell curve
Scores bunched at the high end = negative skew
Test is too easy
Scores bunched at the low end = positive skew
Test is too hard
Is the difference between the two groups caused by our manipulation or by chance?
We test the null hypothesis – we predict that there will be no effect of the independent variable
No difference btw the groups – fail to reject the null hypothesis
Difference between the two groups – reject the null hypothesis
We are looking for true difference between groups – a statement of probability
the larger the difference between the groups, the more likely it is not by chance.
Psychologists accept .05 as being statistically significant
A probability of less than 5% that the results occurred by chance
The results are more likely to be statistically significant if:
Samples are large
The differences between the two means is large
The variability within the groups is small
Internal validity – the extent to which changes in the dependent variable can be attributed to
the independent variable rather than a confounding variable
External validity – the extent to which the results of a research study can be generalized
Reliable – safe to generalize from a sample
Representative sample
More cases are better than fewer