Information for DN200 Science students on progression to Stage 3 You are in Stage 2, Semester 2 of your degree. Now is the time to consider your options for Stage 3 of the degree. You are at present covering the requirements for the subjects that you chose to study in Stage 2. In Stage 3 you will study one (two for a Joint Major) of these subjects. Before entry to Stage 3 you are required to indicate your order of preference of the subjects that you wish to pursue as your final degree (Single or Joint Major). When selecting the Single Major Preference, you must list all of the subjects that you are studying in Stage 2 in order of preference. Due to the pressure of laboratory space certain majors have restricted places. With 22 degree majors available most, if not all, of the students progressing to Stage 3 will be given their first preference. However, this is not guaranteed and if the demand for a degree major exceeds the number of available places then subjects in Stage 3 of the Science Programme will be allocated to progressing students based on the following criteria: 1. The order of preference expressed by the student. 2. The student’s Stage 2 GPA. You should think carefully about the choices that are available to you and seek advice from academic staff in the various subjects. Finally, you should complete the attached form. Please note that Joint Major Degrees are only available in the following subject areas and must have the permission of the relevant Heads of Subject: Applied & Computational Mathematics Physics Plant Biology Physiology* Cell & Molecular Biology Statistics Chemistry Zoology Mathematics *Students wishing to pursue a joint degree with Physiology and any other subject must demonstrate that such a combination is compatible with Stage 3 and Stage 4 timetables and must have the permission of the relevant Heads of Subjects. Selection of modules in each major of the Joint Degree must be made in consultation with the relevant Heads of School/Subject area. Change of mind: Should you wish to change your choice of subject(s) once the allocation of places has been made, you should seek advice from the Science Programme Office. You may be able to change your selection of subject(s) but the choices available to you may be restricted as some majors have a limited number of places. 1 ADMISSION TO STAGE 3 SCIENCE SUBJECTS 2015/2016 Name: Student No. Telephone (Home): (Dublin): (Mobile): University email address: NB Your selection of subjects must be made with reference to the University General Regulations at and SELECTION OF MAJOR(S): Please complete EITHER the Single Major Preference List OR the Joint Major Preference List. Preferred Major(s) Please list your choice of Single Major in the order of your preference in the appropriate box. You may only select a subject that you are studying in Stage 2 and you must list all of your Stage 2 subjects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please list your choice of Joint Major in the order of your preference in the appropriate box. You may only select subjects that you are studying in Stage 2. Preferred Joint Major Combination 1. 2. 3. 4. APPLICATIONS FOR JOINT MAJORS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED IF THE RELEVANT HEADS OF SCHOOL/SUBJECT AREA HAVE SIGNED THIS APPLICATION FORM. Signature of Head of School/Subject Area (1) _________________________ Signature of Head of School/Subject Area (2) _________________________ Please note that where it is not possible to offer a place in a subject, students will be allocated a place based on their indicated preferred alternative Stage 3 major. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO THE SCIENCE PROGRAMME OFFICE, UCD, BY 5pm on Wednesday 16th April 2014 STUDENTS WHO DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM WILL HAVE THEIR DEGREE MAJOR ASSIGNED TO THEM BY THE SCIENCE PROGRAMME. 2