Chapter 10 REMIX

Chapter 10 REMIX
1. In her research, Professor Kyoto seeks to identify circumstances in which confirmation bias is
especially likely to impede effective problem solving. Which specialty area does her research best
a) biological psychology
b) developmental psychology
c) personality psychology
d) clinical psychology
e) cognitive psychology
2. Arnold had difficulty recognizing that bullfighting was a sport because it failed to resemble his
________ of a sport.
a) Phoneme
b) Prototype
c) Algorithm
d) Heuristic
3. In attempting to solve difficult sexual assault cases, a police detective frequently reminds himself to
focus investigative suspicion on the victims' friends and acquaintances. This strategy best illustrates the
use of:
a) An algorithm
b) A heuristic
c) Telegraphic speech
d) The framing effect
4. Because he erroneously believes that older workers are not as motivated as younger workers to work
hard, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for any signs of laziness among his senior workers. His
supervision strategy best illustrates:
a) The framing effect
b) The availability heuristic
c) Functional fixedness
d) Confirmation bias
e) The representativeness heuristic
5. People are often unable to come up with the simple solutions to some of the three-jugs problems
presented in the text because they repeat more complicated solutions that worked in the past. This best
illustrates the dynamics of:
a) The framing effect
b) Functional fixedness
c) The availability heuristic
d) Artificial intelligence
e) A mental set
6. A defense attorney emphasizes to a jury that her client works full-time, supports his family, and
enjoys leisure-time hobbies. Although none of this information is relevant to the trial, it is designed to
make the defendant appear to be a typical member of the local community. The lawyer is most clearly
seeking to take advantage of:
a) A confirmation bias
b) Functional fixedness
c) Belief perseverance
d) The representativeness heuristic
7. The text defines cognition as:
a) Silent speech
b) All mental activities
c) Mental activities associated with processing, understating and communicating information
d) Logical reasoning
e) Problem solving
8. Dr. Mendoza is studying the mental strategies people use when solving problems Dr. Mendoza is
clearly a(n):
a) Cognitive psychologist
b) Experimental psychologist
c) Organizational psychologist
d) Developmental psychologist
9. A mental grouping of similar things, events, or people is called a(n):
a) Prototype
b) Concept
c) Algorithm
d) Heuristic
e) Mental set
10. When forming a concept, people often develop a best example, or _________, of a category
a) Denote
b) Heuristic
c) Prototype
d) Algorithm
11. The basic units of cognition are:
a) Phonemes
b) Concepts
c) Prototypes
d) Morphemes
12. Rose is to flower as: _________ is to ___________.
a) Concept is to prototype
b) Prototype is to concept
c) Concept is to hierarchy
d) Hierarchy is to concept.
13. The word "chimps" contains ________ phoneme(s) and ________ morpheme(s).
a) 5;2
b) 6;2
c) 1;5
d) 2;6
14. Adding -ed to the word "laugh" means that the action took place in the past. This illustrates one of
the rules of English:
a) Semantics
b) Algorithms
c) Syntax
d) Phonemes
15. Vocal sounds that are not included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage
during the ________ stage of language development
a) One-word
b) Two-word
c) Telegraphic
d) Babbling
16. Which language theorist would have been most likely to emphasize that children master the rule for
forming the past tense of regular verbs like "push" before they learn common past tense constructions
of irregular verbs like "go"?
a) Skinner
b) Whorf
c) Chomsky
d) Frisch
17. To simulate the learning of the statistical relationships among language terms, researchers are likely
to make use of:
a) telegraphic speech
b) The framing effect
c) Computer neural networks
d) The representativeness heuristic
18. Your ability to recall which direction you turn the faucet handle in your bathroom in order to get
cold water best illustrates the importance of:
a) Algorithms
b) The framing effect
c) Thinking without language
d) The representativeness heuristic
e) The belief perseverance phenomenon
19 We more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay
more closely resembles our________ of a bird.
a) Heuristic
b) Prototype
c) Algorithm
d) Phoneme
20. Prototype is to category as _________ is to ___________.
a) Wheel; car
b) Milk; beverage
c) Waiter; restaurant
d) Comedian; laughter
21 To find Tabasco sauce in a large grocery store, you could systematically search every shelf in every
store aisle. This best illustrates problem solving by means of:
a) The availability heuristic
b) Functional fixedness
c) An algorithm
d) belief perseverance
e) The representativeness heuristic
22. . Max is so used to thinking that a tough competitive style of behavior is the best way to impress
others that he fails to recognize that the most effective way to impress his girlfriend is with cooperative
tenderness. Max's oversight best illustrates:
a) A fixation
b) The framing effect
c) The representativeness heuristic
d) Functional fixedness
e) Overconfidence
23. Pablo vainly searches for a screwdriver while failing to recognize that a readily available coin in his
pocket would turn the screw. His oversight best illustrates:
a) functional fixedness
b) The availability heuristic
c) Belief perseverance
d) The framing effect
e) The representativeness heuristic
24. The easier it is for people to remember an instance in which they were betrayed by a friend, the
more they expect such an event to recur. This best illustrates the impact of:
a) Framing
b) Belief perseverance
c) The representativeness heuristic
d) Functional fixedness
e) The availability heuristic.
25. College students are more likely to judge a condom as effective when informed that it has a 95
percent success rate than when told it has a 5 percent failure rate. This best illustrates the impact of:
a) Framing
b) Confirmation bias
c) Functional fixedness
d) Belief perseverance
e) The representativeness heuristic
26. The indelible memories of the 9/11 terrorist tragedy unduly inflated many peoples estimates of the
risks associated with air travel. This best illustrates the importance of:
a) Functional fixedness
b) The representativeness heuristics
c) The availability heuristic
d) Confirmation bias
e) Framing
27. Stockbrokers often believe that their own expertise will enable them to select stocks that will
outperform the market average. This belief best illustrates:
a) Functional fixedness
b) Confirmation bias
c) The framing effect
d) The availability heuristic
e) Overconfidence
28. On Monday, the meteorologist forecast a 20 percent chance of rain, so Sheryl took her umbrella to
work. On Friday, he reported an 80% chance that it would not rain, so Sheryl left her umbrella at home.
Sheryl’s behavior illustrates:
a) Confirmation bias
b) The belief perseverance phenomenon
c) Overconfidence
d) The representativeness heuristic
e) The framing effect
29. The tendency for one’s preexisting opinions to distort logical reasoning is known as:
a) Belief bias
b) Functional fixedness
c) Framing
d) Linguistic determinism
30 Research findings suggest that the best advice to give people who want to avoid belief perseverance
a) “Try to justify your positions.”
b) “Consider the opposite.”
c) “Don’t draw hasty conclusions.”
d) “Consider the objective evidence.”
31 Psychologists are interested in artificial intelligence because:
a) Computers have minds but not emotions that cloud judgement
b) Computer microchips operate almost exactly like the neurons of the brain
c) Computers can simulate some human problem-solving strategies
d) All of the above
32. Unlike conventional computer systems, neural networks have a capacity for:
a) Following precise rules of logic
b) Retrieving detailed facts from memory
c) Using algorithms to solve problems
d) Processing numerous informational units simultaneously
e) Using heuristics to solve problems
33. The smallest distinctive sound unit of language is a:
a) Prototype
b) Phenotype
c) Morpheme
d) Phoneme
34. The various vowel sounds that can be placed between a “t” and an “n” produce words such as tan,
ten, tin, and ton. These various vowel sounds represent different:
a) Morphemes
b) Prototypes
c) Phonemes
d) Semantics
e) Phenotypes
35. Infants are first able to discriminate speech sounds during the ________ stage.
a) One-word
b) Telegraphic
c) Babbling
d) Syntactic
e) Echoic
36. At age 15 months, Anita repeatedly cries “hoy” when she wants her mother to hold her. Anita is
most likely in the _________ stage of language development
a) Syntactic
b) Babbling
c) Telegraphic speech
d) Echoic
e) One-word
37. Telegraphic speech is most closely associated with the _______ stage of language development
a) One-word
b) Babbling
c) Two-word
d) Echoic
38. The fact that we can think without language is best illustrated in research on:
a) Mental imagery
b) Functional fixedness
c) The framing effect
d) Algorithms
39. The problem-solving abilities of forest-dwelling chimpanzees are best illustrated by their naturally
developed use of:
a) Sign language
b) Hand tools
c) Heuristics
d) Artificial intelligence
40. Those who are skeptical with regards to claims that apes share our capacity for language are
especially likely to highlight chimps’ limited use of appropriate:
a) Morphemes
b) Heuristics
c) Syntax
d) Phonemes
e) Neural networks
41. Airline reservations typically decline after a highly publicized airplane crash because people
overestimate the incidence of such disasters. In such instances, people’s decision are being influenced
a) Belief bias
b) The availability heuristic
c) The representativeness heuristic
d) Functional fixedness
42. Most people tend to:
a) Accurately estimate the accuracy of their knowledge and judgment
b) Underestimate the accuracy of their knowledge and judgements
c) Overestimate the accuracy of their knowledge and judgment
d) Lack confidence in their decision-making strategies
43. Phonemes are the basic units of __________ in language
a) Sound
b) Meaning
c) Grammar
d) Semantics
e) Syntax
44. Syntax refers to the:
a) Sounds in a word.
b) Rules for grouping words into sentences
c) Rules by which meaning is derived from sentences
d) Overall rules of a language
45. The child who says “milk gone” is engaging in _________. This type of utterance demonstrates that
children are actively experimenting with the rules of ___________.
a) Babbling; syntax
b) Telegraphic speech; syntax
c) Babbling; semantics
d) Telegraphic speech; semantics
46. Which of the following is NOT cited by Chomsky as evidence that language acquisition cannot be
explained by learning alone?
a) Children master the complicated rules of grammar with ease
b) Children create sentences they have never heard.
c) Children make the kinds of mistakes that suggest they are attempting to apply rules of grammar
d) Children raised in isolation from language spontaneously begin speaking words
47. Deaf children who are not exposed to sign language until they are teenagers”
a) Are unable to master the basic words of sign language
b) Learn the basic words but not how to order them
c) Are unable to master either the basic words or syntax of sing language
d) Never become as fluent as those who learned to sign at a younger age
48. According to the text, language acquisition is best described as:
a) The result of conditioning and reinforcement
b) A biological process of maturation
c) An interaction between biology and experience
d) A mystery of which researchers have no real understanding.
49. The chimpanzee Sultan used a short stick to pull a longer stick that was out of reach into his cage. He
then used the longer stick to reach a piece of fruit. Researchers hypothesized that Sultan’s discovery of
the solution to his problem was the result of:
a) Trial and error
b) Heuristics
c) Functional fixedness
d) Mental set
e) Insight
50. Researchers taught the chimpanzee Washoe and the gorilla Koko to communicate by using:
a) Various sounds
b) Plastic symbols of various shapes and colors
c) Sign language
d) All of the above