Print Name Truman Student ID # Signature

Student Government Facts
What is the Student Government Association (SGA)?
The Student Government Association is a representative assembly elected by the students of
Truman College. Members of Student Government serve for a term of one year. Officers must
maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average and senators must maintain a
minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average. SGA members serve on committees, assist with
campus events, attend leadership conferences and volunteer in their community. Elections are
held each spring semester in April.
The purpose of the Student Government Association shall be:
Representing and serving as liaison between the student body of this college in all
matters including, but not limited to, relations with the college administration, the Board
of Trustees of Community College District No. 508, County of Cook and State of Illinois,
and any other society, individual or body has now or may have responsibility for or
interest in the student affairs at this college.
Structuring the affairs of the student body according to and in conformity with laws and
rules, regardless of their local state or foreign origin.
Providing a forum for open exchange of views on matters of importance to the student
body and providing for the resolution of issues to the benefit of the student body.
General oversight of all campus student clubs and organizations through initial club
ratification and fiscal authority.
Abiding by the student rights and responsibilities as contained in the Rules of the Board of
Trustees of Community College District No. 508, County of Cook and State of Illinois.
What’s in it for you?
1. Gain career related experiences
2. Learn and practice leadership skills such as communication, delegation, goal setting,
budgeting and programming.
3. Develop personal skills by meeting staff and students at Truman College, City College of
Chicago and other college’s across the nation.
4. Make a difference on campus and impact your college community.
5. An opportunity for recognition and achievement.
6. Travel to leadership conferences.
7. Make lifelong friends.
8. Executive Officer Tuition Waiver (upon completion of the tuition waiver application).
Student Government Officer Job Description
Prepare an agenda and preside over all Executive Board meetings, general assembly and/or
special meetings of this Association. Announce meeting dates. Call all meetings of this
Association to order. Call all special meetings. Appoint committee members and their
chairpersons. Make interim appointments as needed with the approval of the Executive Board.
Sign all requisitions with the advisors of this Association. Sign all approved contracts with the
advisor. Serve as ex-officio member without voting privileges on all committees. Vote in case
of a tie. Enforce and uphold the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and the Guidelines for
the Organization and Operation of Student Government Associations and ensure that all
members adhere to the same. Discipline wayward individuals or groups of this Association,
utilizing the means provided in these Bylaws. Communicate the needs and/or desires of this
Association, and its members to the administration of this college. Serve as Chief
spokesperson of this Association. Manage the leadership development of the Association.
Assume the duties of the office of the President in the event of the President’s absence. Act as
chief students’ liaison of this Association and communicate the needs and/or desires of the
student body to the President, Executive Board, and the membership of this Association. Act
as chief program coordinator of this Association, and coordinate all the necessary elements of
approved proposals and activities in which the association will participate or be involved
in.Oversight of the charters of all new clubs for SGA. Presides over the Vice-President’s
Council. Plan the annual SGA Leadership Awards Banquet.
Keep accurate records for the association including a roll call, officers, and active members
present at each meeting. Keep accurate minutes of all Executive Board meetings, general
assemble meetings, and any special meetings. Keep in his or her possession the originals of
said records, and distribute two identical sets of records as follows: one set to the President,
and one set to the advisor. Act as chief corresponding agent for the Association. Be
responsible for the final content of all publications, announcements, invitations, thank you
letters, and advertisements for the association. Assist the President in the preparation of all
agendas. Make sure all notices are posted in a timely manner. Oversight of the Public
Relations Committee.
Maintain accurate records of all monies coming and being disbursed by the association.
Deposit all funds within 24 hours of receipt (either from sales or donations.) Secure all monthly
statements from the Student Services. Prepare a per semester budget with the assistance of
the Budget Committee, and submit it to the Executive Board, and upon approval of the board,
submit the same to the active members for approval. Act as chief economic advisor of the
association and advise the Executive Board and members on economic and/or financial
matters, in so far as this is possible, when requested to so, acting within budget limitations.
Oversight of the Budget and Finance Committee.
Candidate Eligibility
Membership is open to all City Colleges of Chicago students currently enrolled in credit
courses, including students enrolled in pre-credit classes. City Colleges of Chicago students
that have earned 64 or more credits toward graduation at the time of petition or have earned
an Associates’ Degree at any of the City Colleges of Chicago are not eligible to serve as an
executive officer in the Student Government Association. First semester students are granted
a grade point average waiver and may serve until a grade point average is established.
2.5(a) In order to be eligible to serve as an officer of the Executive Branch of the student
government, a student must maintain a minimum of 6 credit hours with a term and a
cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or greater. Candidates can only run for office at one
campus per academic year.
2.5(b) In order to be eligible to serve as a member of the Legislative Branch of the student
government, a student must maintain a minimum of 3 credit hours with a term and cumulative
grade point average of 2.5 or greater. Candidates can only run for office at one campus per
academic year.
In order to be eligible to serve as an Officer or Senator, a student must nothave incurred any
disciplinary infractions while enrolled at Truman or any other of the City Colleges of Chicago.
To do so would result in immediate disqualification. All candidates’ academic records will be
reviewed by the Student Activities Office prior to the campaign period. Candidates will be
notified immediately should they not be eligible to run for office.
A person elected into office, whose GPA falls below the stipulated GPA and/or who is placed
on Academic Probation for one semester, will relinquish all powers and privileges of that office.
This will also prohibited them from receiving the selected compensation for their term in office.
Candidate Checklist
o All Candidates must submit the following to the Student Activities office in RM 1633 by
5pm on March 16, 2015:
o SGA Official Declaration of Candidacy Form
o Official Candidate Petition
o Candidate General Question Form
o One Page Platform Essay
o Photo
o One Letter of Recommendation\
o Flier (if marketing)
Campaign Practices
All campaigns will run in an ethical manner with mutual respect shown toward other candidates
at all times. Candidates will be responsible for all supporters to follow campaign regulations.
The candidate is responsible for notifying the advisor(s) or Director of Student Activities of any
violations or possible violations that occurred.
Unfair Campaigning Practices
a. Making false statements
b. Destroying or defacing another candidate’s campaign posters or other campaign materials
c. Using physical force for any purpose
d. Voting fraudulently or soliciting fraudulent voting
Slander and Libel
Neither Slander nor libel will be tolerated in any campaigning. Slander is defined as utterance
of a falsehood that may damage another’s reputation unjustly. Libel is defined as any written or
printed matter tending to injure a person’s reputation unjustly or the act of publishing such a
thing. At minimum, any slanderous or libelous statements will result in a public apology and
retraction of statements and possible disqualification.
Election Day
1. All voting will take place via Blackboard.
2. Voting will open up at midnight April 4th and run through midnight April 8th
3. No proxy or absentee ballots.
Election Results
1. Election results will be announced on April 13, 2016.
2. Election results will be postponed if any grievances are filed before noon on March 16,
2016. In the event discrepancies are found, election results must be thrown out and redone
within 3 business days.
3. It is impossible to foresee all possible incidents. Therefore, Student Activities reserves the
right to make additional decisions.
SGA Official Declaration of Candidacy Form
To register as an official candidate for one of the elected Student Government Executive officer you
must submit the items below to the Student Life Office by 5:00 p.m., March 16, 2015. Please print or
type all information.
Name: ______________________________ Candidacy Position: ____________________
Address: _________________________________________ Telephone #_______________
City/State/Zip_________________________ E-mail:_______________________________
Student ID#_____________________________ Major: ______________________________
Cumulative GPA: ________________ Total Credit Hours earned _____________
Expected Graduation Date: _________________________
My signature acknowledges that this information is true and grants permission to verify my academic
and disciplinary status with the appropriate college offices.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________
I agree to step down from SGA position if for any reason my overall Grade Point Average should fall
below 2.75 - Executive Officer
Candidate Biography and Required Information
One Page Platform Essay (Executive Officer Candidates Only)
A platform essay is an opportunity for you to share the abilities you will bring to the position.
You should include your reason for running for the position, the issues you would like to
address during your term, and your qualifications for the position.
Essentially, your essay should tell people why they should vote for you. This 1 page platform
essay should be typewritten no more than 250 words. Your essay will be displayed around
campus. Please take the time to make all corrections with spelling and grammatical errors
before submitting. Your essay is due when you submit your election application packet, March
16, 2016, no later than 5:00 p.m.
Flier: (All candidates)
Each candidate will be required to provide at least one copy of the flier they will be posting to
the Student Activities Office. Your flier should include: Name, photograph, office for which you
are running, and a platform statement. All fliers are limited to 8 ½ X 11 size paper. The flier is
due by March 16, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.
I understand that the rules for candidates, campaigning and the election process are listed in
the Student Government Election Packet and I agree to comply with these rules. I further
understand that my failure to follow these rules and regulations or to complete and submit the
required information and materials by the deadline will result in the deletion of my name from
the election ballot.
Signature: ____________________________
Date: _________________________
Candidate General Question Form
How many semesters have you been attending Truman College?__________________
Were you involved in SGA while in high school or college level? Y or N
If yes, please state your involvement:_____________________________________
In your opinion what role does Student Government play on a college campus?
What is missing from your community college experience?
What activities do you participate in on campus?
What is your strongest Leadership Quality? ___________________________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only
Verification GPA ______________ Credit Hour___________
Student is Eligible to hold an SGA office ___________
SGA Advisor(s)
Student Activities Director
Dean of Student Services
Official Candidate Petition
This petition is on behalf of _______________________________________________, a candidate for
the position of _________________________________________________ on the Student Government
Association at Harry S Truman College.
By signing this petition, I realize that I am not committing my vote, but am stating my belief that the
proposed candidate has the right to petition for a position on the Truman College SGA.
Print Name
Truman Student ID # Signature
Elected officers 100 Signatures
ID Will be Verified
Senators 50 Signatures
Official Candidate Petition
This petition is on behalf of _______________________________________________, a candidate for
the position of _________________________________________________ on the Student Government
Association at Harry S Truman College.
By signing this petition, I realize that I am not committing my vote, but am stating my belief that the
proposed candidate has the right to petition for a position on the Truman College SGA.
Print Name
Truman Student ID # Signature
Elected officers 100 Signatures
ID Will be Verified
Senators 50 Signatures
Official Candidate Petition
This petition is on behalf of _______________________________________________, a candidate for
the position of _________________________________________________ on the Student Government
Association at Harry S Truman College.
By signing this petition, I realize that I am not committing my vote, but am stating my belief that the
proposed candidate has the right to petition for a position on the Truman College SGA.
Print Name
Truman Student ID # Signature
Elected officers 100 Signatures
ID Will be Verified
Senators 50 Signatures
Official Candidate Petition
This petition is on behalf of _______________________________________________, a candidate for
the position of _________________________________________________ on the Student Government
Association at Harry S Truman College.
By signing this petition, I realize that I am not committing my vote, but am stating my belief that the
proposed candidate has the right to petition for a position on the Truman College SGA.
Print Name
Truman Student ID # Signature
Elected officers 100 Signatures
ID Will be Verified
Senators 50 Signatures
Official Grievance Form
Name of Person Filing Grievance: ______________________________
Address: _________________________________________ Telephone #_______________
City/State/Zip_________________________ E-mail:_______________________________
Student ID#_____________________________
Approximate Date and Time of Alleged Violation:
Person Grievance is Filed Against:
Please type a concise and detailed description of the grievance. Include specific reference(s). Also
include any attachments or additional information relevant to the filed grievance with this form
My signature acknowledges that the information contained within this statement is true and accurate.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________