Essie Washington Sociology Culture Stage 3 – Learning Plan DIFFERENTIATION (I-3) SCAFFOLD: ACCELERATE: GROUP: Re-teach Learning Activities: Day 1 02/17/14 Day 2: 02/18/14 Day 3 02/19/14 Learning Activities: Objective: Students will complete chapter 2 Review worksheet. Study for Test Objective: Chapter 2 Test Activity: Define Chapter 4 Vocabulary Words: 1. Social structure 2. Status 3. Role 4. Ascribed status 5. Achieved status 6. Reciprocal roles 7. Role expectations 8. Role performance 9. Role set 10. Role conflict 11. Role strain 12. Social institution 13. Exchange 14. reciprocity Objective: Students will describe models of primary, secondary, formal, informal, and reference groups and e-communities. Warm-Up: What are the two major components of social structure? Activity: Chapter 4 discussion/Notes Homework: Students will draw a cartoon character wearing at least five stacked hats labeled with his or her various statuses. Make a chart of all the roles and statuses that you hold in Your life. Closure: Exit card Essie Washington Sociology Culture Day 4: -2/20/14 Objective: Activity: SAME AS WEDNESDAY Day 5: Objective: Students will analyze group in terms of membership roles, status, values, mores, role conflict and method of resolution. Warm- up: How does one role and status affect human interaction? Activity: Students are to share the cartoon as well as their list. Students will write ½ to 1 page paper on Who is your role model. Class discussion Closure: