Miss. Davis’ 4th Grade Math Class 4th Grade Unit 1: Whole Numbers, Place Value and Rounding in Computation Georgia Standards of Excellence MGSE4.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in any one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division. Learning Targets I can recognize that a digit in one place is 10 times bigger than its neighbor to the right. I can use my knowledge of place value to find patterns when I multiply and divide. I can decide if my answers make sense and are reasonable using mental math and estimation. Mini Lessons & Support *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” Name: _________________________ #_______ Practice for Mastery CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn Lesson 15, pages 29-30 Lesson 16, pages 31-32 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: LZ515 LZ805 LZ806 I can read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals. I can read and write multi-digit whole numbers using number names. I can read and write multi-digit whole numbers using expanded form. I can compare two multi-digit numbers using >, <, and =. *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” MGSE4.NBT.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. I can use my understanding of place value to round to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000. I can use a number line and a hundreds chart to round numbers. I can use my understanding of place value to round to any place! *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” I can use many different strategies to solve addition problems within 1,000,000. I can use many different strategies to solve subtraction problems within 1,000,000. I can decide if my answers make sense and are reasonable using mental math and estimation. *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” _______________________ _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn Lesson 17, pages 33-34 Lesson 18, pages 35-36 Leveled Practice Unit 5, Pages 27-30 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: LZ517 LZ518 LZ519 LZ520 LZ521 LZ522 CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn: Lesson 19, pages 37-38 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: LZ523 LZ524 LZ525 LZ526 LZ527 Assessment Attempt #1: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #2: _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #1: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #2: _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” MGSE4.NBT.4 Fluently add and subtract multidigit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Assessment Attempt #1: Assessment Attempt #2: *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” MGSE4.NBT.2 Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons. Assessments & Parent Signature CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn: Lesson 20, pages 39-40 Lesson 21, pages 41-42 Leveled Practice Unit 6, pages 31-35 Unit 7, pages 37-40 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: LZ3121 LZ3057 LZ3122 LZ3123 LZ3160 Assessment Attempt #1: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #2: _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ MGSE4.OA.3 Solve multistep word problems with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a symbol or letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. MGSE4.MD.2 Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale. Vocabulary: ● algorithm ● digits ● estimate ● expanded form ● numbers ● numerals ● period ● place value ● rounding I can solve multi-step word problems using division where remainders must be interpreted. I can represent multi-step word problems using a letter that stands for the unknown number. I can identify when to add, subtract, multiply or divide in multistep word problems. I can use many different strategies to figure out X and divide multi-step word problems. I can check the reasonableness of my answers using mental math, estimation and rounding. *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” I can use the four operations to solve word problems. I can use a number line to help me solve word problems involving measurement. I can solve word problems involving distances, time, liquid, volumes, masses of objects and money. I can solve word problems involving simple fractions and decimals. I can solve word problems that involve converting bigger units of measure into smaller units of measure. *Data Discussion *Peer Instructional Flipped Classroom *Video Debrief *Number Talks +Math 4 Today +Support Activities +”Davis Direct” *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” *Whole Group +”Davis Direct” CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn: Lesson 3, pages 5-6 Lesson 4, pages 7-8 Lesson 5, pages 9-10 Lesson 6, pages 11-12 Lesson 7, pages 13-14 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: Mathantics: “Order of Operations” LZ1722 LZ1724 LZ1725 LZ1726 CLOSE Reading Task Foldable Activity Steck-Vaughn: Lesson 84, pages 167-168 Lesson 85, pages 169-170 Lesson 86, pages 171-172 Leveled Practice Unit 20, pages 102-105 Unit 21, pages 107-110 Remediation: Yes/No Small Group Extra Practice Learning Videos: LZ2723 LZ2915 LZ2916 LZ2917 LZ2918 Assessment Attempt #1: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #2: _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ Introductory Task: 3 Act Task: “NFL Salaries” Assessment Attempt #1: _______________________ Assessment Attempt #2: _______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ Culminating Frameworks Task: “It’s in the Numbers” (Project Based Task) Participation and Teacher Observation Student Jigsaw Puzzle Rubric Exemplar: “I Did A Read” Student Jigsaw Puzzle Rubric