Real Time Solutions

Real Time Solutions
Mainstreams of the developments in the field of
electronic apparatus, hardware and software
complex solutions
Development of the embedded real-time systems on the basis of microcontrollers and
signal processors
Systems of information capture and control over the objects of industrial automatics
Systems of information capture / treatment for public utilities
Units of power electronics (power current converters)
of the development team
8, 16-Bit Microcontrollers (Atmel, Intel, Microchip, Motorola)
FPGA (Altera, Xilinx), Languages Verilog, AHDL
DSP (Motorola, TI)
Development tool: AVR-GCC (WinAVR), AVR Studio, Code Composer Studio, MPLAB
IDE, Code Warrior, Qurtus II, IAR C, OrCAD, Accel EDA
Programming languages: C, Assembler
Hard-and Software Complex Solutions Elevator
Control -and Dispatch Station „Soyuz“.
Main features
Distributed control system consists of peripheral controllers which are installed in the
elevator shaft and on the elevator cabin and central controller of the elevator
automatic. The information which comes from the peripheral controllers is worked on
by the central controller which executive instructions provides.
The connection with the peripheral apparatus is realized by two double-wire lines via
protocols CAN (separate channels of shaft and cabin)
Hard-and Software Complex Solutions Elevator
Control -and Dispatch Station „Soyuz“.
Main features
The reduction of number of the laid cables belongs to the differences of the system;
possibilities of operating system adaptation to the private demands; energy saving and
resource enlargement of the energy installation; uninterrupted standby electricity
supply; integrated system of dispatch a. o.
The system supports some operation modes of the elevator, including four emergency
operation modes (danger of fire; fire-brigade transportation; evacuation; standby
electricity supply).
Module design of the system allows improving the component independently and
extending the functionality easily.
Hard-and Software Complex Solutions
Elevator Control -and Dispatch Station „Soyuz“.
Main features
Frequency converter with the vector control for main driving gear and door driving gear
provide moderation of the cabin heave and higher comfort.
With the mains voltage failure the evacuator protects the passenger's transportation up
to the next floor and the opening of the cabin doors.
With the mains voltage failure the standby current source protects emergency lighting in
the cabin and vocal connection with the dispatcher during at least one hour.
The system demands no additional security and dispatcher arrangements.
Possible means to connect organization of the elevator control and dispatch center:
ISDN; ADSL, HDSL; Ethernet (TCP/IP); radio channel; arrangements of the foreign
Software is developed using C and Assembler languages, and is characterized by the
real time-operating system, module architecture, scalability, self-control and selfdynamics.
By module substitute and addition one can implement different modes of elevator
operation; use different types of frequency converter and communication protocols;
connect devices of data capture and remote control.
Presentation of the Elevator control station „Soyuz“ at
„Lift Expo 2005,” Moscow.
Perspective development streams in the field of
elevator automatics:
Development of the program of elevator control center and advancement of dispatch
(installation of the communication controllers on the electric wiring; development of the
program for capture and treatment of elevator transactions, for planning and capture of
elevators service works)
Perspective development streams in the field of
elevator automatics:
Elevator evacuator (stand-alone installation supplied with batteries, voltage converter,
logical control device, which is installed in elevators of every construction)
System of vocal signal
Video control of the elevator cabins (stand-alone, with data storage on the hard disk or
net-supervision cameras).
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Phone: USA +1 (978) 287 4855