Elements of Cultural Systems 1 What is culture? Society Culture 2 A Script for Society Culture teaches rules, rituals, procedures Socialization Culture reinforces values Culture teaches relationships with others Communication styles Perceptions 3 What is culture? Holistic interrelationship of a group’s: Identity Beliefs Values Activities Rules Customs Communication patterns Institutions 4 Elements of Culture History Inner Core 5 American history tells us who we are as a nation! 6 American history informs what we value! 7 Conflicts in American history influence the direction our nation has taken! 8 Recent events shape our national consciousness! 9 Elements of Culture History Identity Inner Core 10 Cultural Dimensions Individualism/Collectivism Masculine/Feminine Ties between individuals are loose or tight Value assertiveness, competition, have rigid gender roles /Value caring, relationships, have fluid gender roles Power/Distance Power distributed more or less equally 11 Cultural Dimensions Uncertainty Avoidance How much a culture avoids or tolerates uncertainty Long-Term/Short-Term Orientation Thrift & perseverance/Respect for tradition and saving ‘face’ 12 Elements of Culture History Identity Cultural Beliefs Inner Core 13 Social Status ‘Everyday’ meaning: Prestige Sociological meaning: Position a person occupies Status Set: All the statuses or positions a person occupies 14 Social Status Ascribed Status: Involuntary position Achieved Status: Voluntary position you earn or accomplish Status provides guidelines for how we are to act and feel 15 Social Status Status symbols: Signs that identify a status, allow others to recognize status Master Statuses: Cuts across other statuses one holds, such as age, gender 16 Roles Behaviors, obligations, privileges attached to a status Role exit 17 Cultural Roles Age roles Occupational roles Friendship roles Gender roles 18 Values Long-enduring judgments about the worth of an: Idea Object Person Place Practice 19 Elements of Culture Cultural Activities Inner Core 20 Technology and Material Culture Material objects conceived and manufactured by humans Created to fill a shared need of the society Form, function, meaning 21 22 Artistic Expression 23 Communication Patterns Culture is based on symbols Something to which we attach meaning Meanings are understood & shared by members of society 24 Systems of symbols in a culture Language Elements of language name objects, people, categories, abstractions Essential to the development and transmission of culture Human knowledge expands, accumulates 25 Systems of symbols in a culture Language Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: We can know the world only as far as our language permits 26 Communication Styles How much of a message is conveyed by spoken language? How much of a message is conveyed by the context? 27 Communication Styles Low-Context Culture: Information is explicit The message intended is mostly contained in the words spoken High-Context Culture: Information is implicit Spoken words only contain a small part of the message Recipient must infer the rest by context 28 Systems of symbols in a culture Rules and customs Nonverbal communication Spatial relations (proxemics) Rewards and gifts Conceptions of time 29 Conception of Time Monochronic One thing at a time Time is linear Polychronic Multiple things at once Time is fluid 30