Do Now ► On a sheet of paper, draw a web diagram. ► In the center bubble, write “Parts of My Culture.” ► Draw additional bubbles and, inside each one, write something you think is a part of culture. ►5 Minutes…Silence during Do Now Essential Question Essential Question: “What are the 8 Elements of Culture and how can we use them to describe people?” Today’s Topic: The Elements of Culture…because culture makes a place unique. What is Culture? ► Culture - Beliefs, customs, laws and way of living that a group of people share. ► Cultural Hearth – Where your culture comes from – the place is spreads from. Culture Activity 1. 2. Write down a belief, custom, and law that we follow in the United States Write down where you think the “Bill of Rights” comes from (what country did we model it from) 1. Social Organizations ► The ways that a society meets the people’s needs. Family ► Family-A group of people that are related by blood or adoption ► Nuclear-Father, mother, and their children ► Extended-Father, other relatives mother, children and Family Activity 3. Provide a example of a nuclear and extended family Dominance ► Dominance-who makes the final decisions in a family ► Patriarchal-the oldest male ► Matriarchal-the oldest female Dominance Activity 4. Write a scenario (mini story) that depicts patriarchal and matriarchal dominance. Marriage ► Marriage-the people ► Monogamy-1 legal joining of 2 or more husband, 1 wife ► Polygamy-1 husband, 2 or more wives ► Polyandry-1 wife, 2 or more husbands Marriage Activity 5. Write 2 different sentences EACH for the following words; monogamy, polygamy, polyandry. 2. Education ► The teaching of the young those skills which are necessary for adult survival ► Two types ► 1. Informal – taught skills to survive ► 2. Formal – The young are sent to school Education Activity 6. Write a list of things that would include formal education 7. Write a list of things that would include informal education 3. Customs and Traditions ►- Rules, beliefs, laws, and values given by the culture ► Example: Freedom of Speech is an American custom/tradition. 4. Language ►- Passes on cultures history and is a source of national pride and identification. ► - Also used for communication Language Activity 8. Why do you think language is important to a culture? Give at least 3 reasons 5. Arts and Literature ► Music, art, literature, culinary arts ► Some cultures identify with a famous artist or writer. Art and Literature Activity 9. What are some famous artist and writers from the American culture (you may research it with your ipads [no musicians please]) 6. Religion ► Belief in a superior being(s) that help to explain our lives. ► Helps provides moral order. ► Monotheism = 1 god ► Polytheism = 2 or more gods Religion Activity 10. Write 2 religions that are monotheist 11. Write 2 religions that are polytheistic 7. Types of Government 1. 2. 3. 4. Direct Democracy – every citizen has a say on every issue Indirect Democracy – elected representatives make decisions Authoritarian – One person has complete control (dictatorship) Oligarchy – A few elite people rule the country Types of Government Activity 12 Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a direct democracy 13. Write the name of a country that is a Indirect Democracy and explain why it is a indirect democracy (provide specific examples) Government Activity continue 14. Write the name of a country that is a Authoritarian government and explain what makes it a authoritarian type of government (provide specific examples) 15. Write the name of a country that is a Oligarchy government and explain what makes it a Oligarchy type of government (provide specific examples) Major Types ► 1. Market – People make their own economic choices. ► 2. Command – The government makes all the economic choices. ► The U.S. is a market system. Economic Systems Activity 16. Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a market economy 17. Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a command economy Ticket Out the Door ► $2 Summary…Each word you use to answer this question is worth 10 cents…that means you get 20 words (or less) to answer this question: ► “What is your culture?”