
Before Giving Care
How Infections Occur
 Disease process begins when a pathogen
(germ) enters the body.
 Most infectious diseases are caused by
bacteria and viruses.
Disease- Causing Agents
 Bacteria
 Antibiotics kill or weaken bacteria enough for
body to get rid of them
 Viruses
 Few medications are effective against viral
 Immune system is main defense
How Blood borne Pathogens are Spread
 All four of the following conditions must be
 A pathogen is present
 Enough of the pathogen present to cause
 Pathogen passes through correct entry site
 Person is susceptible to pathogen
Direct vs Indirect Contact
 Direct Contact
 Infected blood or body fluids from one person enters
another person’s body
 Indirect Contact
 Person touches an object that contains blood or other
body fluids of an infected person.
Standard Precautions
 Treat everyone as if they are an infected person
Personal Protective Equipment
 Disposable Gloves (DO NOT: Reuse, use if discolored,
torn, or punctured)
Breathing barriers
Remove jewelry before putting on disposable gloves
Cover cuts, scrapes, or sores prior to using protective
Remove gloves properly
Legal Considerations
 Before giving care to a conscious adult, you must get
their permission
 Who you are
 Level of training
 Care you would like to give
 Unconscious victim
 Implied consent: assume consent, if they were conscious
they would agree to be cared for.
Good Samaritan Laws
 These laws give legal protection to people who are
willing to provide emergency care to ill or injured
Emergency Moves
 Walking assist
 Pack- strap carry
 Two person seat carry
 Clothes drag