Safety Power Point 12.9.15

First Aid
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will
demonstrate proper techniques to treat victims of sudden
injury or illness such as , fractures, sprains, and strains.
Students will also demonstrate and explain the importance
of using universal precautions.
Universal Precautions
(First Aid for Bleeding)
-Are the steps you take to prevent the spread of
diseases through bodily fluids. Body fluids that carry
pathogens are blood.
Pull the second glove toward the
fingertips until it is inside out, then remove it
Step 3. Finish removing both gloves.
These items (precautions) are call PPE’s or Personal
Grasp both gloves with your free hand.
Protective Equipment.
Touch only the clean interior surface of
Examples of PPE’s are gloves, face shields and
the glove.
Step 4. After removing both gloves.
Discard gloves in appropriate container.
Removing the gloves.
Wash hands thoroughly.
Step 1. Partially remove first glove
Pinch glove at the wrist , being careful
to touch only. the glove’s outside surface.
pull glove towards the fingertip without
completely removing it.
The glove is now inside out.
Step 2. Remove second glove
With partially gloved hand, pinch the
exterior of second glove.
Stop Bleeding1. Put on gloves
2. Apply Pressure using gauze or clean cloth.
If bleeding continues, apply pressure to
artery to slow down bleeding.
3. If gauze soaks through, apply another pad
on top.
4. Elevate injured area above heart.
5. If severe, take injured person to hospital to
receive sutures.
Do You Know the
Sprain vs Strain?
• when ligaments are
stretched or partially torn.
Symptoms of a sprain are
swelling, pain and
• Treatment for a SprainR.I.C.E
1. Rest the injury
2. Ice should be applied to
the injury.
3. Compression, wrap the
injury completely.
4. Elevate the injured joint 6
to 10 inches.
• are caused by overexertion of
the muscle. Symptoms of a
strain are the muscle may
become swollen or stiff. First
aid for a strain is the same as
for a Sprain.
What is the difference
a Closed Fracture vs an Open Fracture?
A fracture is a break or crack in a bone, there are two different types of
fractures; closed and open. A closed fracture occurs under the skin and
an open fracture breaks the skin and the bone protrudes through.
The signs of possible break are:
• painful to move
• abnormal shape
• pain
• swelling
• numbness
• skin discoloration.
(no matter where the break is you must keep the area above and below
the break from moving)
(Note: only apply a splint if you will do no further damage or cause more
pain.There are 3 basic types of splints. Rigid, soft and anatomic. Rigid splints
are boards and sticks that will not bend. Soft splints can be made with pillows
and blankets. Anatomic splints are made to match the joint of limb)
Scene Safety
the precautions that
you must take to
ensure your personal
safety first, before you
can help a victim of an
This means that you
should check the area
for things that you can
or cannot see or smell.
Hazards such as
electrical wires, cars,
and fire.
• when moving an
injured victim, you
should only do so if the
scene is becoming
unsafe or you need to
move the victim to a
more stable area.
• *Note: do not move
victims if there is a
neck or back injury.
• There are 5 moves that
can be used to move a
victim. They are: the
Clothes Drag, The two
person seat carry,
walking assist, the
blanket drag and the
foot drag.
*check the scene
1.Clothes Drag: to move a victim that may
have a head, neck, or or back injury.
a.Gather the victim's clothing behind
the victim’s neck
b.Pull the victims to safety.
c.While moving the victim, cradle the
head with the victims clothes and
your hands.
2. Two-Person Seat Carry: To carry a
victim who cannot walk and has no
suspected head, neck, or back injury.
a.Put one arm under the victim's
thighs and the other across the
victim’s back.
b.Interlock your arms with those of a
second rescuer under the victim’s
legs and across the victim’s back.
c.Move the victim to safety
3. Walking Assist: To help a victim who
needs assistance to safety.
a.Place the victim's arm across
your shoulders, and hold it in place
with one hand.
b.Support the victim with your
other hand around the victim’s
c.Move the victim to safety.
4. Blanket Drag: To move a victim in
an emergency situation when you have
limited equipment.
a.Keep the victim between you
and the blanket.
b.Gather half the blanket and place
it against the victim’s side.
c.Roll the victim as a unit towards
d.Reach over and place the
blanket so that it will be
positioned under the victim.
e.Roll the victim onto the
f.Gather the Blanket at the
head and move the victim.
5. Foot Drag: To move a
victim too large to carry or
move otherwise:
a. Firmly grasp the victim’s
ankles and move
b.Pull the victim in a
straight line, and be careful
not bump the victim’s head
Do you know what the
universal signal for
Why would a signal be
needed if someone is
What causes choking?
Choking is when a
person suddenly
cannot breathe,
cough, or speak.
choking occurs when
an object lodges in
any part of the
• Choking is likely to occur
when food is not chewed
properly, and talking with a
mouthful of food. Signs of
choking include sudden
collapse; bluish color of
face, neck, or hands; an
ineffective high pitched
cough; difficulty breathing;
inability to speak;
unconsciousness or panic.
• 1. Stand or kneel behind the
choking person with one of
your legs straddling the
victim’s legs. Both of your
arms around the victim’s
• 2. Place the thumb side of your
fist against the person’s
abdomen, right above the
navel. Grasp your fist with
your other hand.
• 3. Press your fist into the
choking person’s abdomen
with quick hard inward,
upward thrust. Each thrust
should be a separate, distinct
motion to dislodge the object.
Continue the thrust until the
person is able to cough
forcefully or breathe, or
becomes unconscious.
• 4. If the per loses
consciousness, lay the help
victim down face up. Visually
check the mouth the mouth
for objects that may be
blocking the airway. If you can
see the object remove it.
• 5. Continue abdominal thrust
until EMS arrives.
What is Anaphylaxis?
What causes it?
• anaphylaxis is: A lifethreatening breathing
emergency resulting from
an allergic reaction. It is
caused by the inability to
breathe because of swollen
airway passages. These
reaction may result in death
within minutes if untreated.
• A. Breathing
difficulty/shortness of
breath and wheezing
• B. Skin reaction/ itching or
burning skin, over the face
and upper part of the chest
with rash or hives.
• C. Swelling of the tongue,
mouth, or throat.
• D. Other signs of
anaphylaxis are: sneezing,
coughing, tightness in the
chest, blueness around lips
and mouth, dizziness, and
nausea and vomiting.