People who inject drugs: methods Goal The study goal was to gather strategic information regarding the risk factors contributing to transmission of HIV, virus of Hepatitis B and C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners for a better advocacy, planning, and design of the future prevention programs. Objectives: 1. To collect data for non-routine HIV surveillance purposes on people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners 2. To measure knowledge, attitudes and risk practices related to HIV and AIDS, Viral Hepatitis B (HVB) and C (HVC), and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners in three main cities (municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti and Tiraspol town). 3. To measure the seroprevalence of HIV, HCV, HBV and Syphilis in the people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners in three main cities (municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti and Tiraspol town) 4. To contribute to the estimation of the size of the population of people who inject drugs in the three main cities of the Republic of Moldova (municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti and Tiraspol town). Target groups 1. Person who injects drugs is a person of both sexes aged 18 and older who injected any type of drugs at least once during the last 12 months. 2. Sexual partner of the person who inject drugs, participating in the study and identified by the respondent as steady sexual partner according to the definition . Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for people who inject drugs Inclusion criteria: 1. Self reported drug injection at least once in the last 12 months before the interview, 2. Physical and mental ability to understand the questionnaire, testing, and other instructions in the study, 3. Provide informed consent at least for the questionnaire, 4. Aged 18 years and older, 5. Oral statement of living in geographical limits for each implementation location (municipality of Chisinau, Balti and Bender and Tiraspol and surrounding localities) in the past 12 months, 6. Valid recruitment coupon for main sample. Exclusion criteria: 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 Participation in the current study in another data collection site (locality) Valid recruitment coupon for another data collection site1 Valid recruitment coupon for sexual partner Enrolment in methadone substitution treatment The recruitment cupons for the 3 localities and each target groups were of different colours . Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for steady sexual partners of the people who inject drugs recruited within the study Inclusion criteria: 1. Physical and mental ability to understand the questionnaire, testing, and other instructions in the study, 2. Provide informed consent at least for the questionnaire, 3. Aged 18 years and older, 4. Oral statement of living in geographical limits for each implementation location (municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti and Bender and Tiraspol towns and surrounding localities) in the past 12 months, 5. Valid recruitment coupon for sexual partners’ sample. Exclusion criteria: 6. Participation in the current study in another data collection site (locality) 7. Valid recruitment coupon for another data collection site 8. Valid recruitment coupon for main sample Study Type The study is: Multi-centric (3 implementation sites – municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti and Tiraspol town)2 Population-based Cross sectional Questionnaire-based, Linked with the qualitative testing for antibodies to HIV, HCV. HBV and Treponema Pallidum. Sampling and Recruitment Respondent Driven Sampling was applied. The recruitment was conducted independently in three established study areas (municipality of Chisinau, municipality of Balti, and Tiraspol city). In each location 6-10 persons - „seeds” were selected to represent different strata of people who inject drugs (age group, opiate/ephedrine users, males/females, beneficiaries/non beneficiaries of harm reduction services). Each respondent for participation received the primary incentive of 40-80 MDL (equivalent to US $3.3-6.73). There were issued a maximum number of three coupons. The respondents received secondary incentive of 25-50 MDL (equivalent to US $2 – 4.2). An additional coupon4 was given to the respondents who reported having a steady sexual partner to recruit him/her as well. For recruitment of sexual partner, the respondent received the secondary incentive as well. The recruited sexual partner received incentives for participation and was not given coupons for recruitment of other respondents. Maximum one coupon per respondent for sexual partner was given and only one sexual partner per coupon was accepted in the study. 2 Data bases were not merged for analysis. Analysis was caried out for each site separatly. The amount t of incentives varied according to the living standards in each of data collection localities and based on the results of the formative research conducted before the study. 4 The cupon for sexual partners were of different colour than that for the main sample and of different colours in 3 data collection locations. 3 If the respondent refused blood taking, s/he received primary incentives of lower value (25 - 60 MDL or equivalent to US $2 - 5). The recruited samples by data collection locations are presented in the Table 1. Table 1 The recruited samples by implementation locations of the Integrated Bio-Behavioral Survey in people who inject drugs and their steady sexual partners, Republic of Moldova, 2009 No 1. 2. 3. Name of implementing organization Youth friendly center “ATIS” “Medical Reforms” NGO “Healthy Generation” NGO Location Balti Chisinau Tiraspol Sample size of people who inject drugs 369 328 281 Sample size of steady sexual partners 49 48 19 Data Collection Data collection was carried out during the period of June 12-October 15, 2009. The questionnaire was available in Romanian and Russian. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of the recommendations developed by Family Health International for the Behaviour Surveillance Survey among IDUs5 and the questionnaire applied in 2007 within the integrated bio-behavioral study6. The chapter on drug use initiation and overdoses was developed by UNICEF consultants and LSHTM. According to the method, after the questionnaire was administrated, 5-ml blood samples were collected. The unique identifiers of the questionnaire and of the blood sample were identical, which allowed the analysis of the results of the behavioral and biological components to be linked. In few cases blood sample collection was refused or was impossible because of inaccessible veins (Table 16). According to the method, the blood testing was linked and the respondents were notified about the results, and pre- and post-test counseling was carried out. The testing was carried out in the national reference laboratories in the Chisinau municipality and this fact increased the time of results delivery up to 2-3 weeks. The laboratory methods applied for the testing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and Treponema Pallidum antibodies are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Each respondent received a set of informational materials on HIV prevention and the list of service providers within the limits of the data collection locality and at national level. Confidentiality/Anonymity The survey was carried out under confidentiality/anonymity conditions. These conditions were assured as follows: 1. Respondent’s name and surname were not used throughout the entire participation in the survey. No records with the respondent’s name and surname were used, 2. Respondent’s name and surname did not serve as basis for the formula generating questionnaire unique code, thus it is not possible to identify the respondent directly or indirectly, 3. Every person involved in survey implementation signed an agreement, committing himself/herself to respect the survey frame of confidentiality/anonymity. 5 Family Health International. "Behavior Surveillance Surveys: Guidelines for Repeated Behavioral Survey in Population at Risk for HIV." 2004. 6 Scutelniciuc et. all Data Quality Assurance Several procedures were used within the study to assure data quality: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Staff training, Progress reports on study implementation, Field visits Different colors coupons for each of target groups and for each of data collection locations Regular verifications of the coupon management data base, Questionnaire verification, Double data entry, Statistical data comparison. Data analysis The data collected in people who inject drugs were analyzed using the RDSAT software version 5.6.0. For generation of numeric averages the weighted data were exported into SPSS software version 13.0. The data collected among steady sexual partners of people who inject drugs were analyzed using the SPSS software version 13.0. Study limitations All data were collected on self reporting basis, which encompasses social desirability in answers. Recall bias might have occurred in answers of IDUs who experience less frequent actualization of events the questionnaire mentioned as occurring over the last year and last month (such as last injection, last sexual intercourse, etc.). People who inject drugs living in Balti municipality: Results Socio-Demographic Structure Sex and Age The study sample consists of 81.0% males and 19.0% females. The respondents’ ages vary between 18 and 52 years old. The majority of the study respondents belong to the group aged 25 years old and over (85.4%) The 30-34 age group has the largest share in the study sample (26.6%), both for males (26.1%) and females (30.8%).The mean ages are approximately the same for males and females. Significant difference is registered in case of median age, females being older than males (Table 2). Table 2 Socio-Demographic Structure of the Sample, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Total 18 – 19 years old 20 – 24 years old 25 – 29 years old 30 – 34 years old 35 – 39 years old 40 – 49 years old 50 years old and > Total # 11 39 75 92 81 68 4 370 Males % 3.0 12.1 22.8 26.6 19.4 15.4 0.8 - # 9 32 64 65 60 56 3 289 Females % 3.0 11.3 23.5 26.1 19.7 15.8 0.7 - # 2 7 11 27 21 12 1 81 % 2.4 23.8 13.0 30.8 18.8 10.1 1.1 - Mean age, years SD, years Median age, years 31.9 7.3 32 31.8 7.4 30 32.0 6.8 33 Marital status When asked about their marital status, the largest group of respondents reported being single 42.9%. Of the sample36.7% were married or living in a partnership. The share of males who are married or who are living in a partnership (35.0%) is lower than the share of married females or females living in a partnership (44.3%). To be noted the high share of divorced (16.1%) in the recruited sample both for males (15.9%) and females (16.6%) The sample’s distribution, based on the marital status, is shown in the Table 3. Table 3 Marital status of the respondents, distribution based on gender and age group, IDUs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Single Married Living in partnership Divorced Widowed Total 42.9 12.5 24.2 16.1 4.2 Males 47.8 13.8 21.2 15.9 1.3 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 22.3 35.9 83.2 7.3 14.8 0.8 37.0 26.0 16.0 16.6 18.5 0.0 16.7 4.9 0.0 The share of respondents who are married or who are living in a partnership is larger in the age group of 25 years old and over both for males (38.9%) and females (49.9%) in comparison with the age group under 25 (12.6% for males and 30.3% for females). Educational level The majority of the respondents completed secondary education or specialized secondary education (65.3%). About fourth of respondents (17.5%) have not finished the secondary incomplete school level (Table 4). Table 4 Educational level, distribution based on gender and age group, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Primary school (4 grades) Less than 9 grades Incomplete secondary education Complete secondary education Specialized secondary education Incomplete higher education Higher education Total 1.0 16.5 Males 1.1 18.1 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 0.2 1.0 0.7 7.8 13.8 33.1 6.1 6.4 5.6 6.2 6.9 39.2 39.0 43.5 37.5 39.8 26.1 25.2 28.2 30.0 11.5 6.8 4.4 5.4 4.8 12.5 2.2 6.8 4.7 6.4 1.6 Language spoken and area of residency Of the sample, 7.2% stated that most of the time they prefer to speak Moldovan/Romanian; 92.6% prefer to use Russian and 0.2% of the respondents prefer other languages. There are no differences between males (91.5% prefer Russian) and females (92.4% prefer Russian). At the time of the interviews about 99.7% of the respondents were living in large urban areas and 0.3% in rayon centers or other small urban localities around or part of the Balti municipality. Mobility Of the sample, 93.3% were born in the Republic of Moldova. The rest of 6.7% were born outside, but in one of the former Soviet Union republics. The respondents were living in the current area of residency 30.9 years on average (median –31.0, SD=±8.7). Hence, respondents came to the Balti municipality 1-2 years old and were living there permanently during there lifetime (Table 2). The vast majority of the respondents (82.0%) had not been away from the area of their residence for longer than one month during the last year (Table 5). Table 5 Being away from the area of residence for longer than a month during the last year, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Being away from the area of residence for longer than a month during the last year Total Males Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 18.0 18.3 16.9 19.0 12.0 A higher rate of mobility within the last 12 months was registered in the case of respondents of 25 years and older compared to respondents younger than 25. Economic status Employment and Income Only 14.5% of the sample reported permanent employment. Half of respondents (50.6%) reported to be unemployed at the interview time7. 7 Housekeepers were not taken into account in the calculation of the unemployment share. Figure 1 Employment status, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 The proportion of those unemployed is higher in the subsample of male respondents (52.1%) compared to the female subsample (44.7%). The rate of housekeepers among female respondents is of 8.0%. Respondents younger than 25 years less frequently are unemployed (48.3%) compared to those who are 25 and older (53.3%). Of the total survey sample, 35.8% reported having no income (Figure 2). Another 2.8% lives in extreme poverty on 330 MDL8 or less a month, equivalent to less than US$1/day, and 6.1% live on less than US$2/day. Females and those younger than 25 years old reported a higher income. 8 In 2009 the annual average exchange rate of US 1$ was of 11.1134 MDL Figure 2 Monthly income, people who use injecting drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Ability to pay More than half of respondents could pay for water bills (55.2%), electricity bills (57.8%) and medicines for emergency situations (53.4%) (Figure 3). For less than half of respondents home heating (39.1%) and meals with meat or fish every other day (28.6%)are within their means. Figure 3 Ability to pay for basic items, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Unexpectedly high percent of respondents (11.4% – 20.3%) stated that they can afford to buy new items which are part of the life comfort products (TV set, fridge, furniture, washing machine). Drug Use Legal drug use Of the sample, 95.7% were smokers at the interview time and 98.6% of the sample has ever smoked tobacco. Last month prevalence of the alcohol use in the recruited sample was of 85.3%. Length of Illegal Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the length of their drug use generally varies between one year and 32 years. The mean length of drug use within the sample studied is of 12.8 years (median – 12.0, SD=±7.2). The length of injecting drug use varies between one year and 30 years. The mean length of injecting drug use within the sample studied is 10.8 years (median – 10.0, SD=±7.1). The mean length of injecting drug use in males is 11.0 years (median – 10.0, SD=±7.2), and in females it is 10.1 years (median – 9.0, SD=±6.6). In the vast majority of cases the respondents’ first experience of injecting drugs occurred 3 years or more before the study (89.5%) (Figure 4). Figure 4 Sample distribution based on length of injecting drug use, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 About 10.5% of the respondents have been using injecting drugs for less than 3 years (39 respondents), these being the new entrants to the key population at higher risk. They are 24.2 years old on average (median – 23.0, SD=±6.0) and 73.7% of them are males. Initiation of Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the age at which they first injected varies between 12 and 47 years. The first injection of drugs occurred at 21.3 years old on average (median - 20.0 years, SD=±5.7 ) with homemade extract of opium (shirka) (in 91.6% of cases), after an average of 2.0 years of non injecting drug use (median –0.09, SD=±3.0). Among drugs used at first injection there was as well ephedron (3.8%), heroine (2.7%), metamphetamines (1.3%) or other drugs (0.7%). While the length of the injecting drug use is increasing, the mean age at first injection is decreasing (Table 6). Table 6 Mean age at first drug injection by length of drug injection, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Length of injecting drug use 3 years and less 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 10 years and more 9 Less than 1 year. # respondents 59 46 43 221 Mean 23.6 24.4 22.5 19.9 Median 21.0 23.5 20.0 19.0 SD ±7.0 ±5.8 ±6.3 ±4.7 Total 369 21.3 20.0 ±5.7 In 95.3% of cases, the initiation in injection of drugs was done by somebody else than the respondents themselves. In most of the cases, the initiator has been part of the close social environment (friend 42.1%, acquaintance - 45.0%, sexual partner - 7.0% and siblings - 3.5%) and on average 3.4 years older (mean age – 24.7 years, median –24.00, SD=±6.0) than the respondents themselves. At first injection, 14.8% of people who inject drugs used unsterile needles/syringes. Most of the respondents agreed that prior to the first injection they had become curious as to what injecting would be like (94.0%). Almost half of them wanted to inject drugs to be the same as their friends (57.3%) and had come to see injecting as something that could be a good experience (46.0%). About two thirds of the people who inject drugs (59.8%) have ever been asked to help with the initiation in injection of drugs and one fifth (20.6%) have ever helped, being aware of the fact of initiation. Per respondent who have ever been asked to help with the initiation, there were on average 0.5 persons in last month (median –0.0, SD=±1.1) and 1.5 persons in the last 6 months (median –1.0, SD=±2.5). Per respondent who have ever helped someone else, being aware of the fact of initiation, there were 0.5 persons on average in the last month (median – 0, SD=±1.3) and 1.2 persons on average in the last 6 months (median –1.0, SD=±1.9) who were helped with the initiation injection by the respondents themselves. There may be underreporting due to social desirability. The last initiated were 21.9 years old on average (median – 20 years, SD=±4.7). Drugs Used During Lifetime The recruited sample has used during the lifetime a diversity of injecting and non injecting drugs. Vast majority mentioned lifetime use of no injecting drugs (cannabis) which occurred about 1-2 years before the first injection. Every tenth respondent has ever sniffed glue and did it for the first time about 1-2 years before the first injection (Table 7). Table 7 Lifetime prevalence of drug use, age and method at first use, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drugs Lifetime Age at first use prevalence, % Mean/median/SD Method at first use, % Inject Smoke 99.2 - Glue Marijuana Heroin Methadone Morphine 9.9 75.3 47.2 9.1 13.6 18.9/17.0/±6.5 18.3/17.0/±5.0 24.8/24.0/±7.1 98.0 33.2/32.8/±9.4 27.5 23.4/23.1/±6.0 100.0 Cocaine 5.1 27.3/27.0/±6.9 100.0 - 1.4 39.5 8.0 25.3 6.9 14.6 23.9/24.0/±6.5 19.3/18.0/±5.1 26.0/24.6/±10.2 22.6/23.0/±5.1 22.0/22.0/±4.4 25.7/25.0/±6.6 + 48.8 6.9 - 100.0 - 100.0 21.3/20.0/±5.7 95.0 - Kalipsol Hashish Amphetamines Tranquilizers LSD Ecstasy Extract of opium (“shirka”) Sniff Swallow Age at first injection Mean/median/SD 100.0 2.0 24.7/24/±7.1 72.5 31.4/32/±8.2 23.6/24/±6.0 60.9 4.3 (0.0) 31.6/35.5/±7.7 (0.0) + + 27.3/24/±5.7 0.0 51.2 28.3/27/±9.7 93.1 21.7/21/±5.0 100.0 100.0 - 5.0 21.5/20/±5.7 Ephedron Metamphetamines Codeine 34.5 16.9 29.7 21.0/21.0/±0.5 24.8/25.0/±2.4 24.0/24.0/±6.4 97.5 100.0 - - - 2.5 100.0 21.0/21/±0.5 24.8/25/±2.4 - Historically the ephedrone was widely injected by people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality. Thus, about third of respondents (34.5%) have ever tried ephedrone and injected it for the first time at the age close to the initiation average age (Table 6). This drug is rarely injected currently in Balti municipality. Thus, of those who injected in the last month, 3.1% have ever injected it in the last month and for only 1.3% it was the main injected drug in the last month (Table 11). Last Injection When asked about the last time they had injected, 79.4% of the sample mentioned the last month, 14.3% more than one month ago, but during the last 3 months prior to the interview, and 6.3% of the respondents had last injected drugs more than 3 months prior to the interview.. The rate of injecting during the last month was lower among females (66.8%) than among males (82.4%). Comparing the results for each age group, a lower rate of injecting during the last month prior to the interview was registered in respondents aged 25 years old and over (78.7%) compared to respondents aged under 25 (86.5%). Places for Injecting Drugs Being asked where they have injected drugs most frequently during the last month, the majority of respondents mentioned their private house/apartment (70.4%). About 16.5% mentioned the place where the injection drug users congregate to inject drugs, 5.1%- the dealer’s house and 2.6% - in public places (Table 8). The disaggregation by age groups and length of drug injection is presented in the Table 8 and Compared with respondents 25 years and older, those younger than 25 years and those with a shorter length of drug injection less frequently injected in private house/apartment, but more frequently in the dealer’s house/apartment and in places where people who inject drugs congregate to inject drugs (Table 8 and Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.). Table 9. Table 8 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by age group, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where people who inject drugs congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # Total 70.4 0.2 0.0 5.1 2.6 1.1 2.1 Less than 25 years old 48.7 2.3 1.0 19.7 5.7 7.1 3.7 25 years and older 71.6 0.2 0.2 3.4 2.4 0.4 2.2 16.5 10.8 16.7 1.9 289 1.0 42 2.9 247 Compared with respondents 25 years and older, those younger than 25 years and those with a shorter length of drug injection less frequently injected in private house/apartment, but more frequently in the dealer’s house/apartment and in places where people who inject drugs congregate to inject drugs (Table 8 and Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.). Table 9 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by length of injection drug use, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where people who inject drugs congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # 3 years and less 49.1 1.7 1.1 18.8 7.1 6.2 3.9 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 76.9 1.2 1.2 2.8 3.3 1.2 2.8 63.1 1.4 1.6 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.8 10 years and more 69.5 0.4 0.4 4.8 1.6 0.4 2.0 11.2 9.4 3.3 20.4 1.1 46 1.2 40 2.5 29 0.6 173 Compared to males, females more frequently injected in dealer’s house/apartment. In case of males, they mentioned more frequently than females the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs (Table 10). Table 10 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by gender, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where people who inject drugs congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # Total 70.4 0.2 0.0 5.1 2.6 1.1 2.1 Males 70.1 0.3 0.2 2.6 2.6 1.1 2.6 Females 68.6 0.8 0.8 19.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 16.5 17.9 6.6 1.9 289 2.6 238 0.8 51 Drugs Used During the Last Month The most commonly injected drug during the last month prior to the interview was the extract of opium - in 92.2% of cases, followed by heroine with 4.3% (Table 11). Hence, the people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality are in principal opiates users. Among non injected drugs, the highest rate is registered for marijuana (30.4%). Table 11 Drugs used during the last month, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drug Marijuana Hashish Heroin Methadone Morphine Cocaine Calipsol Amphetamines Tranquillizers LSD Ecstasy Extract of opium (shirka) Ephedrone Methamphetamines Codeine Others Last month noninjecting use 30.4 0.6 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 9.9 2.9 9.3 0.6 0.2 % Last month injecting use 17.3 0.4 0.9 4.0 96.1 3.1 3.6 - Main injected drug in the last month 4.3 0.3 0.7 92.2 1.3 1.2 - The Frequency of Drug Injection in the Last Month Third of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they had injected drugs less than once per week (38.2% of the cases). More than half of them did it 1-6 times per week (53.1%). The daily use was reported by 8.8% of respondents (Figure 5). Figure 5 The frequency of drug injection during the last month, disaggregation by gender and age groups, people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Injection of drugs on weekly basis is higher among males compared to females and in 25 years and older compared to those less than 25 years old. Sharing of Injecting Equipment The value of the UNGASS indicator No. 21 is of 97.7%10. When asked about the frequency with which they had used shared syringes during the last month, 92.4% of the respondents reported that it had never happened and 6.0% of the respondents had used shared needles/syringes at least once in the past month. No significant differences were found between the share of males who never shared syringes in last month (91.5%) and females (95.2%), age groups (89.7% in those younger than 25 years old and 91.7% in those of 25 years and older). When asked about how frequently offered/sold/lent their own personal needles/syringes to other people who inject drugs, 98.0%of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they never did that in last month. Less than half of the sample (42.9%) reported that they used a common jar to draw up drug solutions, 51.2% injected drugs using a preloaded syringe, and 17.8% of the respondents reported front-/backloading (Figure 6). Hence, the indirect sharing is spread in drugs injecting population from Balti municipality. 10 UNGASS Indicator 21 takes into account only those respondents who had injected drugs during the last month and had used sterile equipment for their last injection. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. Figure 6 Indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 The value of the integrated indicator11 for the indirect sharing of injecting equipment in the last month is of 61.9%. Thus, more than half of the respondents who injected drugs in the last month shared their injecting equipment indirectly. Females more frequently reported indirect sharing (74.7%) compared to males (60.1%). Availability of Sterile Syringes Third of the respondents reported that they had received syringes for free (29.6%) during the last 12 months; 99.1% of the respondents can obtain sterile syringes when needed and 100.0% of the respondents know where syringes can be obtained. When asked about their main source of sterile syringes, the majority of the respondents reported buying syringes from pharmacies (63.1%), followed by those who reported using needles exchange services (25.8%). Among the remaining 11.1% there were mentioned the pharmacist (3.6%), family (0.1%), sexual partner (0.4%), friends (2.7%), other people who inject drugs (1.0%), dealer (1.5%), buying in the street (0.8%) and others (1.0%). Females get syringes in needles exchange services twice less frequently (26.1%) than in pharmacies (52.4%). In case of males the pharmacy also is the main source even more frequently (65.1%) than needles exchange services (25.6%). Pharmacy is the main source for 51.8% of HIV positive respondents and for 72.2% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive more frequently go for syringes to needles exchange services (36.3%) compared to those who are HIV negative (17.1%). Younger people who inject drugs buy syringes in pharmacies in 70.6% of cases and go to needles exchange services only 11 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up a drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs using a preloaded syringe, or front-/back-loading. in 8.3% of cases, while those aged 25 years and older buy syringes in pharmacies in 60.2% of cases and go to needles exchange services in 28.1% of cases. Overdoses and Mortality in People Who Inject drugs Of the 224 respondents12, 54.2% have ever had overdoses and 18.5% had it in last 12 months. Respondents who reported overdoses in the last 12 months had it 1.9 times on average (median - 2, SD±0.9) and only in 0.3 times (median - 0, SD±0.5) seeked for health care services in case of overdoses. Males more frequently reported overdoses ever (56.9%) and within the last 12 months (35.0%) compared to females (36.5% had ever and 15.5% in last 12 months). When asked (101 respondents) how many people who inject drugs they knew who died in 2008 due to different causes, on average they knew 3.0 persons (median – 3, SD±0.2) and of them – 1.7 persons (median – 2, SD±1.0) died due to overdoses. Drug Addiction Treatment Of the sample, 47.9% consider themselves drug-addicted. The number of self-reported drug addicts is higher in males (51.7%) compared to females (33.0%) and in the group aged 25 and older (51.8%) compared to those less than 25 years old (28.3%). Less than half of the respondents (43.2%) reported to be under narcological surveillance and in 95.6% they were brought to the narcologist by the police. The share of respondents under narcological surveillance is higher in males (46.5%) compared to females (28.9%) and in the group aged 25 and older (44.7%) compared to those less than 25 years old (33.1%). The mean length of narcological surveillance is of 8.3 years (median– 9, SD±5.9). Of the sample, 32.4% reported that they had undergone drug addiction treatment at some point in time. The share of the respondents who had undergone drug addiction treatment is much higher in the group aged 25 and older (37.3%) compared to the under-25 age group (4.9%) and is higher in males (34.3%) than in females (24.2%). Most of the respondents had been through detoxification with other medications (31.6%) (2.0%) followed by expert consultation (14.3%) (27.5%), detoxification without other medications (12.4%) (18.3%) and outpatient treatment (10.3%) (20.8%). Other types of treatment reached lower values (Figure 7). 12 The questions on overdoses were added to the data collection tool after the recruitment was initiated. Figure 7 Drug addiction treatment followed by the respondents, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 About one fourth (24.5%) think they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. Half of self-reported drug addicts (48.4%) and third of those who had undergone treatment at some point (29.2%) consider that they (still) need treatment. Sexual Behavior Of the sample, 100.0% have lifetime sexual experience, and 89.9% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The ages of the 35 respondents (26 males and 9 females) who reported no sexual intercourse during the last year ranged between 18 and 47 years old (mean – 35.6 years, median - 36 years, SD±). When asked about the number of sexual partners they had had during the last year, 49.7% of the respondents reported one partner and 50.3% had had more sexual partners. The mean number of partners is of 2.6 and the median is 1 partner (SD±). Of those who had had sex within the last year, 44.3% of the respondents had their spouse or live-in partner as their sexual partner (mean – 1.00 partner, median – 1 partner, SD), 15.2% had steady sexual partners living separately (mean – 1.7 partners, median – 1 partner, SD), 7.4% had commercial sexual partners (mean – 2.4 partners , median – 1 partner, SD ) and 54.4% had casual partners (mean - 3.5 partners, median – 2 partners_ SD). When asked if their cohabitating partner had ever injected drugs, 43.1% of the respondents answered affirmatively. The proportion of affirmative answers is significantly higher in females (95.8%) compared to males (24.2%). Of the male respondents, 1.9% (5 respondents) reported homosexual anal intercourse during the last year. Condom Use The rate of condom use varies depending on the type of sex partner (Table 12). Table 12 Condom use, people who use injecting drug from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Spouse/live-in partner Steady partner Commercial partner Casual partner Last sexual intercourse 36.1 47.4 53.4 75.4 Consistent use during the last month13 19.6 40.0 52.7 52.2 Consistent use during the last year 21.4 21.4 -14 48.5 When asked if they knew the HIV status of their spouse/live-in partner, 84.8% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. When asked why they did not use the condom the last time they had sexual intercourse with different types of partners, the most frequent reason was that they did not consider it necessary in the case of spouses and live-in partners (48.0%), in the case of steady partners (32.1%) and a reduction in pleasure was stated in the case of casual partners (50.4%). The number of respondents who had commercial sex and did not use condoms is too small to allow any calculations. 61.2% of the respondents used condoms the last time they had sexual intercourse; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 are of 62.4%15. Lower values of UNGASS indicator No. 20 were registered among the female respondents (50.1%) compared to male respondents (63.8%) and among the respondents aged 25 years and older (57.8%) compared to respondents under 25 years of age (79.1%)16. Out of 2 male respondents who had had anal homosexual intercourse during the last 6 months, none used condoms the last time they had anal homosexual intercourse. Condoms Availability About third of the respondents (29.9%) had received condoms for free in the last year and 100% knew where they can get condoms if needed; 99.5% (would need up to an hour to get condoms if needed. When asked about their main source of condoms, the most frequently mentioned source was the pharmacy (59.0%), followed by needles exchange services (25.8%). Females get condoms in needles exchange services twice less frequently (25.3%) than in pharmacies (52.6%). In case of males the pharmacy is also the main source more frequently (59.9%) than needles exchange services (25.6%). Pharmacy is the main source for 54.7% of HIV positive respondents and for 61.7% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive more frequently go for condoms to needles exchange services (32.2%) compared to those who are HIV negative (21.6%). Younger people who inject drugs buy condoms in pharmacies in 69.3% of cases, while those aged 25 years and older buy condoms in pharmacies only in half of cases 54.1%. The availability of condoms was highly rated. Hence, 98.4% of respondents stated that on Sunday evening their can find condoms, if needed. 13 Among those who had sex in the last month with such type of partner The number of observations is too small to generate weighed frequencies. 15 UNGASS indicator No. 20, takes into account only the respondents who injected drugs and had sexual intercourse in the last month. 16 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. 14 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 98.5% of the respondents have ever heard about STDs, but 24.8% could not name any STDs symptoms in the case of females and 59.6% in the case of males. Of the sample, 2.6% had had STI symptoms17 during the last year (males – 1.5%, females – 7.4%). Pregnancy Of the female subsample, 78.4% have been ever pregnant on average once in the lifetime (median – 1, SD 0.1 times). Of those who have been ever pregnant, 65.6% had at least one pregnancy ended up with an abortion on average 1.8 times (median – 1, SD=2) and 37.6% had miscarriages on average 0.9 times (median – 0, SD = 1.1). Health status Less than half of the sample self assessed their health status as a good (31.4%) or a very good one (7.4%). Every fifth respondent self assessed their health status as a poor (18.8%) or a very poor one (3.5%). About 31.9% have health insurance. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS All the respondents have heard about HIV or AIDS. 82.7% of them know persons with HIV seropositive status or persons who died due to AIDS. The share of respondents who know HIV-positive persons or persons who died due to AIDS is higher in HIV positive respondents (87.8%) as compared to those who are HIV negative (78.9%), and in the group aged 25 years old and over (87.9%) compared to the age group under 25 (52.3%). Overall, the respondents answered the questions on the routes of HIV transmission correctly (Table 13). The study results make it clear that the level of tolerant attitudes is low. Table 13 Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV /AIDS, correct answers, people who use injecting drug from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Correct answer, % Knowledge 1 Have heard about HIV or AIDS 100.0 2 Know HIV-positive persons or persons who died as a result of AIDS 82.7 3 The risk of infection may be reduced by correctly using condoms during 96.3 each episode of sexual intercourse. 4 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same toilet 87.0 5 The risk of infection may be reduced by having one faithful and uninfected 94.5 sexual partner. 6 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same plates and dishes 88.6 7 The possibility of HIV transmission by using a syringe previously used by 98.6 someone else 8 The risk of infection with HIV may be reduced by passing from injecting drug 93.6 use to non-injecting drug use 9 A healthy-looking person may be infected with HIV 95.5 Attitudes 10 Are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person 76.2 11 Would not keep information secret if found out that a friend or 15.3 17 Abnormal genital discharges or ulcers. acquaintance is HIV-positive 12- Integrated indicator on tolerant attitudes XXXX The integrated indicator of knowledge about HIV18 has a value of 80.6%19. The value of this indicator is higher in the group aged 25 and older (83.6%) compared to the age group under 25 years old (59.9%). Male respondents appear better informed (83.0%) compared to female respondents (71.8%). Very low level of tolerant attitudes is registered among people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality. Hence, only 15.3 % will not keep in secret if found out that a friend or acquaintance is HIVpositive even if 76.2% are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person. Differences between males-females, age groups. Knowledge about viral hepatitis B and C Of the sample 91.2% have ever heard about hepatitis B and 90.7% have ever heard about hepatitis C. Younger respondents have ever heard less frequently about hepatitis B (77.0%) and C (78.1%) than those 25 years and older (93.6% have ever heard about hepatitis B and 92.4% ahev ever heard about hepatitis C). Of those who ever heard about hepatitis B or C, 95.3% identified them as infectious diseases. About half of the sample self assessed their level of knowledge on viral hepatitis B or C as a low or lacking one, their share being higher among the younger age group and female respondents (Table 14). Table 14 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B and C, people who use injecting drug from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 9.9 2.4 9.7 5.8 42.8 49.7 44.2 38.9 39.9 36.3 33.9 42.4 12.4 11.5 12.2 13.0 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis C 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 10.5 2.5 9.6 9.0 44.4 51.6 44.7 47.1 32.2 34.6 33.2 31.1 12.8 11.3 12.6 12.8 Total 8.9 43.2 35.5 12.4 Total 9.5 45.0 32.8 12.7 Being asked about the sympthoms of the viral hepatitis B and C, every 10th respondent answered correctly to all questions. Thus, the integrated indicator of knowledge on sympthoms20 of the viral hepatitis reached 11.6% (males –11.3%, females –13.2%), being lower in younger respondents (5.0%), compared to those who are 25 years and older (13.3%). 18 UNGASS Indicator No. 14, which takes into account only correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3,4,5,6,and 9 inTable 13). 19 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 20 Table 15 Knowledge and attitudes regarding about Hepatitis B and C, correct answers, people who use injecting drug from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Risk of transmission through 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sharing of needs/syringes (direct sharing) Sharing other equipment to prepare drugs (indirect sharing) Dental interventions/treatment with unsterile equipment Sharing of toothbrush, shaving blades, manicure scissors Use of unsterile medical equipment and needles Heterosexual contacts Homosexual contacts Transfusion of infected blood Contact with body fluids Kissing Sharing plates, knives, forks Social contact (shaking hands, coughing) Piercing Mother to child transmission Breastfeeding Tattoo Would not keep information confidential if found out that a friend or acquaintance is Hepatitis B or C positive Correct answers, % Tota l >25 <25 M F Tota l >25 HCV <25 80.6 84.9 57.0 83.5 69.1 82.2 86.7 57.1 83.3 76.1 74.9 79.7 47.5 78.9 58.0 75.5 80.5 46.9 78.9 61.3 75.6 79.0 56.5 78.9 61.7 76.2 79.6 56.6 78.8 65.7 69.4 72.6 51.8 71.7 59.9 70.3 73.6 51.8 71.6 62.9 78.1 82.5 52.7 80.0 71.1 78.7 83.1 53.7 79.7 74.5 59.2 57.6 79.2 64.3 61.9 83.4 32.5 32.9 57.1 58.4 56.1 81.2 64.9 66.4 71.6 61.0 58.7 79.7 66.1 62.9 84.0 34.8 34.9 56.8 59.1 56.3 80.9 70.3 70.5 75.0 30.5 50.7 53.6 33.1 51.7 55.6 13.8 41.9 42.0 31.6 53.8 54.2 24.9 37.5 50.9 31.0 48.6 52.3 33.7 49.2 54.1 13.7 41.8 41.9 31.5 50.5 51.8 27.8 40.7 54.5 65.4 67.8 52.5 65.6 65.3 63.7 65.9 51.8 62.6 68.8 75.8 47.5 79.9 51.1 52.2 29.5 77.9 47.1 65.7 50.9 75.7 48.0 79.6 51.7 53.1 29.6 76.9 47.1 69.1 50.1 11.8 76.8 13.0 82.1 6.8 50.1 12.8 79.0 7.3 68.7 12.1 78.1 13.4 83.3 6.8 50.7 13.2 79.5 7.0 73.1 M F 18.4 Respondents 25 years old appeared tolerant in 33.6% of cases and younger age group – in 15.9% of cases. No significant differences were registered between males (18.3%) and females (19.4%). HIV Testing When asked if they know where an HIV test can be taken, 67.5% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. Of the sample, 68.0% reported that there is a possibility to be tested to HIV in the locality where they live. Females more frequently reported this possibility (72.8%) than males (66.7%). Older respondents also appeared more informed (72.0%) than those younger than 25 years (43.1%). Of the ample, 66.2% reported that HIV testing may be undertaken in a confidential manner. Of the sample, 64.0% have undertaken an HIV test at some point in their lifetime (18.0% once in their lifetime and 46.0% many times in their lifetime). Only 6 persons of the sample had had an HIV test at some point and did not know the results of the last test. All respondents who have never undertaken and HIV test would be interested to pass it. During the last year, 29.1% of the sample took an HIV test and know the result of the last test. Males slightly more frequently reported to be tested for HIV in last 12 months (30.2%) compared to females (24.9%). The HIV testing indicator with known results during the last year is three times lower in the age group under 25 years old (9.8%) compared to those who are 25 years and older (32.8%). Being asked to tell their last HIV test result, 23.6% of the whole sample reported to be HIV positive (2.5% where not confirmed when tested within the study). Additionally, within the study sample there where found 18.7%respondents with HIV positive samples. Thus, almost half (46.9%) of the HIV positive people who inject drugs recruited within the study were not aware of their HIV positive status. The non response rate to the question is of 2% of those who were asked about the last test result (who have been ever tested to HIV). Viral hepatitis testing Of the sample, 51.2% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C (52.1% of male respondents and 47.4% of female respondents). About third (34.0%) had had ever been tested to both infections (males – 35.7%, females – 28.2%). Only 0.4% of the sample had had ever been tested only to viral hepatitis C and 1.3% of the sample had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Of the sample 55.2% had had never been tested to any of two infections (56.1% of male subsample, 50.9% of female subsample). In those younger than 25 years, 18.3% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C. About 15.5% had had ever been tested to both infections, 63.7% had had never been tested to any of two infections, o one had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis C and to viral hepatitis B n. In those 25 years and older, 60.8% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C, 37.2% had had ever been tested to both infections and 53.4% had had never been tested to any of two infections, 0.4% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis C and 1.6% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Vaccination against viral hepatitis B Of the sample 24.5% knew about vaccination against viral hepatitis B and only 4.0% have been vaccinated. Respondents younger than 25 more reported vaccination in 0.6% of cases and those who are 25 and older - in 4.6%). There were not registred differences between males (4.0%) and females (3.5%). HIV, HVC, HBV Prevalence, and Treponema Pallidum antibodies Blood samples were subjected to testing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and Treponema Pallidum antibodies (syphilis). The results are shown in the Table 16. Table 16 HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies prevalence (weighted in RDSAT), people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 HIV Prevalence # % HCV Prevalence # % HBV Prevalence # % TP Antibodies # % 152/352 39.8 249/362 70.2 41/362 14.2 13/362 2.7 Disaggregated by age group and gender (Table 17), the prevalence of bio-markers registered significantly higher values in the age group 25 years old and over compared to the under-25 age group, and higher in males than in females, except prevalence of Treponema Pallidum antibodies and HIV. Along with the increase of the length of drug injection, there is an increase of HIV and HCV prevalence. Table 17 HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies prevalence (weighted in RDSAT), disaggregation by age group, gender and length of drug injection, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Up to 25 years old 25 and over Males Females Injected drug for 3 years and less Injected drug for 4 -6 years Injected drug for 79 years Injected drug for 10 years and more HIV prevalence 15.5 43.2 39.5 40.5 HCV prevalence 31.5 76.8 73.7 55.5 HBV prevalence 3.3 16.0 15.0 9.3 TP antibodies 0.6 3.1 2.4 4.3 19.6 22.0 1.1 5.0 31.7 4.0 10.0 50.6 39.9 76.8 24.7 3.7 47.4 86.7 16.1 3.6 Conclusions and implications for interventions The sample method applied makes the study representative of the population of people who inject drugs who are living in the assigned geographical location. The summary of the study results is as follows: 1. The study sample consists of 81.0% male respondents and 19.0% female respondents. The respondents’ ages ranged between 18 and 52 years old, the average being 31.9 years. The majority of the respondents belong to the group aged 25 and older (86.1% of the respondents who reported their age). The largest group of respondents reported being single (42.9%). The majority of respondents have secondary education or specialized secondary education (65.3%). Of the sample, 92.6% reported preferring to speak Russian. At the time of the interviews approximately 99.7% of the respondents lived in large urban area (Balti). The majority of the study respondents (82.0%) had not been away from home during the last year for longer than one month. 2. The mean length of the drug injecting career in the study sample is 10.8 years. The mean age at the time of the first injection was 21.3 years old. When asked about the last time they had injected a drug, 79.4% of the sample reported that it had been during the last month. The most commonly injected drug during the last month was extract of opium in 92.2% of cases. 3. The value of UNGASS indicator No. 21 is 97.7% 21. During the last month, 92.4% of the respondents reported that they had not injected drugs with syringes previously used by 21 Respondents who used sterile needles/syringes the last time they had injected during the last month. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. someone else. The value of the integrated indicator22 of indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month is 61.9%. 4. Of the total number of respondents, 47.9% consider themselves drug-addicted; 32.4% reported having been treated for drug addiction at some point in their lifetime, and 24.5% consider that they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. 5. 89.9% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The mean number of partners was 2.6. When asked if their spouse or live-in partner had ever injected drugs, 43.1% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. The rate of this affirmative answer is higher among females (95.8%) compared to males (24.2%). Homosexual anal intercourses during the last year were reported by 1.9% of male respondents (5 respondents). 6. 61.2% of the sample used condoms the last time they had sexual intercourse; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 is 62.4%23. The rate of condom use varies, depending on the type of partner. 7. One third of the respondents (29.9%) had received condoms for free during the last year and 100% know where they can get condoms when they need to. 8. One third of the respondents (29.6%) had received syringes for free during the last year and 100% know where they can get condoms when they need to. 9. The integrated indicator on HIV24 knowledge has a value of 80.6%. 10. During the last year, out of the total sample, 29.1% of the respondents underwent an HIV test and know the results. 11. HIV prevalence reached 39.8%, HCV prevalence -70.2%, HBV prevalence -14.2%, and the prevalence of TP antibodies 2.7%. The prevalence of bio-markers registered higher values in the group aged 25 and older compared to the age group under 25 years old and higher in males compared to females, except the syphilis data. People who inject drugs living in Chisinau municipality: results Socio-Demographic Structure of the Sample Sex and Age The study sample consists of 81.0% males and 19.0% females. The respondents’ ages vary between 18 and 70 years old. The majority of the study respondents belong to the group aged 25 years old and over (85.4%). The mean and median ages are approximately the same for males and females (Table 18). The 30 – 34 age group has the largest share of the study sample (26.6%), both for males (26.1%) and females (30.8%). 22 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up the drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs with a preloaded syringe, front-/back-loading 23 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 24 UNGASS indicator No. 14, which takes into consideration only the correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of Table 13). Table 18 Socio-Demographic Structure of the Sample, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Total 18 – 19 years old 20 – 24 years old 25 – 29 years old 30 – 34 years old 35 – 39 years old 40 – 49 years old 50 years old and > Total Mean age, years SD, years Median age, years # 4 61 115 84 37 23 4 328 Males % 0.5 18.6 34.7 26.7 11.6 4.4 3.6 - # 3 55 99 74 32 19 4 286 30.3 7.7 29 Females % 0.4 16.3 34.5 28.4 12.2 3.7 4.5 - 30.4 7.9 29 # 1 6 16 10 5 4 0 42 % 1.7 23.9 36.6 22.2 8.8 6.5 0.4 30.2 6.2 29 Marital status When asked about their marital status, the largest group of respondents reported being single (48.6%).Of the sample 38.1% of respondents were married or living in a partnership. The respondents’ distribution, based on their marital status, is shown in Table 19. Every tenth respondent is divorced. Table 19 Marital Status of the Respondents, distribution based on gender and age group, IDUs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Single Married Living in partnership Divorced Widowed Total 48.7 14.0 24.1 10.5 2.8 Males 49.2 14.9 24.0 10.0 1.9 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 42.3 39.4 78.7 10.4 17.3 0.5 21.4 28.3 13.1 15.8 11.8 7.2 10.2 3.3 0.6 The share of males who are married or who are living in a partnership (38.9%) is higher than of married females or females living in a partnership (31.8%). The number of respondents who are married or who are living in a partnership is larger in the age group 25 years old and over both for males (46.9%) and females (38.6%) in comparison with the age group under 25 (14.4% for males and 13.6% for females). Educational level The majority of the respondents have secondary education or specialized secondary education (65.4%) (Table 20). Table 20 Education level, distribution based on gender and age group, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Primary school (4 grades) Less than 9 grades Incomplete secondary education Complete secondary Total 0.2 6.9 Males 0.2 7.7 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 0.6 0.2 0.2 3.5 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.3 11.2 47.4 46.3 54.1 6.9 45.3 7.4 62.2 education Specialized secondary education Incomplete higher education Higher education 18.0 18.0 19.1 19.6 8.0 9.6 10.9 9.6 11.9 7.7 3.8 11.0 10.1 4.0 11.3 Language spoken and area of residency Of the sample, 10.2% stated that most of the time they prefer to speak Moldovan/Romanian; 89.8% prefer to use Russian. At the time of the interviews about 99.2% of the respondents were living in large urban area and 0.8% in rayon centers or other small urban localities. Mobility Of the sample, 97.6% were born in the Republic of Moldova. The rest of 2.4% were born outside, but in one of the Eastern European country (Russian Federation, Ukraine and Poland). The respondents were living in the current area of residency 35.5 years on average (median –36.0, SD=±3.0). The majority of the respondents (79.0%) had not been away from the area of their residence for longer than a month during the last year (Table 21). Table 21 Being away from the area of residence for longer than a month during the last year, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Being away from the area of residence for longer than a month during the last year Total Males Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 21.0 21.4 18.2 18.7 31.8 A higher rate of mobility was registered in the case of respondents under 25 years old compared to respondents over 25. Economic status Employment and Income Every fourth respondent (26.8%) reported permanent employment. Half of respondents (48.4%) were unemployed at the interview time25. 25 Housewives were not taken into account in the calculation of the unemployment rate. Figure 8 Employment status, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 The proportion of those unemployed in male respondents is of 49.2%, in female subsample - 44.5%. About fourth of females are housewives (25.8%) There is no significant difference between those younger than 25 (43.1%) and those 25 years old and older (41.0%). Of the total survey sample, 39.5% reported having no income (Figure 9). Females more frequently reported lack of income (54.0%) compared to males (37.9%). Another 0.3% lives in extreme poverty on 330 MDL or less a month, equivalent to less than US$1/day, and 1.4% live on less than US$2/day. Figure 9 Monthly income, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Ability to pay More than half of respondents could pay for water bills (72.2%), electricity bills (73.4%) and medicines for emergency situations (81.5%), home heating (60.3%) and meals with meat or fish every other day (53.9%) (Figure 10). Unexpectedly high percent of respondents stated that they can afford to buy new items which are part of the life comfort products (TV set, fridge, furniture, washing machine, new car) or services (a vacation once per year). Figure 10 Ability to pay for basic items, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Drug Use Legal drug use Of the sample, 90.8% were tobacco smokers at the interview time and 99,1% had smoked at some point in their lifetime. In the recruited sample, the last month alcohol use prevalence is of 72.5%. Length of Illegal Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the length of their drug use generally varies between one year and 55 years. The mean length of drug use within the sample studied is 13.7 years (median – 13.0, SD=±5.8). The length of injecting drug use varies between less than one year and 51 years. The mean length of injecting drug use within the sample studied is 11 years (median – 10.0, SD=±6.9). The mean length of injecting drug use in males is 10.9 years (median – 10.0, SD=±6.8), and in females it is 11.6 years (median – 11.0, SD=±7.3). Most of the respondents’ first experience of injecting drugs occurred 3 years or more before the study (88.7%) (Figure 11). Figure 11 Sample distribution based on length of drug use, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 About 11.3% of the respondents have been using injecting drugs for less than 3 years (35 respondents), these being the new entrants to the key population at higher risk. In 89.4% of cases they are males and in 10.6%of cases they are females and 25.4 years old on average (median – 24.0, SD=±5.3). Initiation of Injecting Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the age at which they first injected varies between 10 and 42 years. The first injection of drugs occurred at 19.8 years old on average (median - 19.0 years, SD=±5.1) in more than half of cases with homemade extract of opium (shirka) (in 63.1% of cases), after an average of 3.4 years of non injecting drug use. Among drugs used at first injection there was as well heroine (9.3%), metamphetamines (9.1%), ephedron (6.0%), and other drugs (12.5%). While the length of the injecting drug use is increasing, the mean age at first injection is decreasing. Hence, over time there is an increase in the mean/median age at first drug injection (Table 22). Table 22 Mean age at first drug injection by length of drug injection, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Length of injecting drug use 3 years and less 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 10 years and more Total # respondents 47 59 36 184 326 Mean 23.8 20.8 19.2 18.6 19.8 Median 22 20 18 18 19 SD ±6.3 ±4.0 ±5.8 ±4.3 ±5.1 In 91.6% of cases, the initiation in injection of drugs was done by somebody else than the respondents themselves. In most of the cases, the initiator has been part of the close social environment (acquaintance - 66.1%, friend - 28.2%, sexual partner - 3.3% and siblings or other relatives - 0.7%, stranger –1.6%) and on average 4.1 years older (mean age – 23.9 years, median –22.00, SD=±6.2) than the respondents themselves. At first injection, 3.3% of respondents used unsterile needles/syringes. Most of the respondents agreed that prior to the first injection they had become curious as to what injecting would be like (90.0%). Less than third of them wanted to inject drugs to be the same as their friends (28.3%), wanted to try drugs and injection is the easiest way to do it (26.2%) and had come to see injecting as something that could be a good experience (21.4%). Of the sample, 74.5% have ever been asked to help with the initiation injection of drugs and 15.2% have ever helped, being aware of the fact of initiation. Per respondent who have been ever asked to help with initiation, there were on average 0.3 persons in last month (median –0.0, SD=±1.8) and 0.8 persons in the last 6 months (median –0.0, SD=±3.2) who asked for help with the initiation injection of drugs. Per respondent who have ever helped with the first injection , none helped in the last month , but in the last 6 months there were helped 3.0 persons on average (median – 3.0, SD=±1.1 with the first initiation injection . There may be underreporting due to social desirability. The last initiated was 21.6 years old on average (median – 20 years, SD=±5.0). Drugs Used During Lifetime The recruited sample has used during the lifetime a diversity of injecting and non injecting drugs. Vast majority mentioned lifetime use of non injecting drugs (cannabis) which occurred about 3 years before the first injection. Every tenth respondent has ever sniffed glue and did it for the first time about 4 years before the first injection. About two thirds of the sample have ever tried heroine (72.9%) and metamphetamines (66.5%) about 3 years before the initiation to the injecting drug use. The highest lifetime prevalence rate (is registered for the home made extract of opium (Table 23). Table 23 Lifetime prevalence of drug use and age at first use, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drugs Glue Marijuana Heroin Methadone Morphine Cocaine Kalipsol Hashish Amphetamines Tranquilizers LSD Ecstasy Shirka Ephedron Metamphetamines Codeine Lifetime Age at first use prevalence, % Mean/median/SD 25.0 95.4 72.9 12.7 33.9 23.2 20.2 63.1 46.3 50.5 9.4 44.4 94.6 33.2 66.5 50.4 15.0/15/±3.8 16.9/16/±4.3 23.2/22/±6.4 27.4/26/±6.9 32.8/33/±1.4 26.0/26/±0.2 18.8/18/±5.4 18.6/18/±4.5 20.9/20/±3.7 21.5/20/±7.3 25.0/25/±0.2 22.7/20/±5.6 20.3/19/±5.4 23.3/20/±7.1 23.2/23/±4.6 26.0/26/±0.6 Method at first use, % Inject Smoke Sniff Swallow Age at first injection Mean/median/SD 66.4 39.0 94.8 6.0 68.8 40.4 16.2 100.0 4.3 6.2 99.2 - 98.3 27.4 16.8 72.5 31.2 0.8 45.0 0.4 - 1.7 1.9 44.3 5.2 15.4 0.0 14.6 83.8 100.0 100.0 1.7 3.5 7.3 98.4 24.8/23/±8.1 22.8/24/±3.8 23.9/24/±3.8 25.8/23/±5.6 18.5/16/±5.5 24.3/24/±6.8 27.1/24/±9.5 20.0/19/±5.1 18.0/18/±0.3 22.7/23/±4.5 22.4/22/±3.8 98.3 96.5 92.3 1.6 Historically the ephedrone was widely injected by people who inject drugs living in Chisinau municipality. Thus, about third of respondents (33.2%) have ever tried ephedrone and injected it for the first time at the age close to the initiation average age (Table 22). This drug is rarely injected currently in Chisinau municipality. Thus, of those who injected in the last month, 4.5% have ever injected it in the last month and for only 1.3% it was the main injected drug in the last month (Table 11). Last Injection When asked about the last time they had injected, 71.3% of the sample mentioned the last month, 10.7% more than one month ago, but during the last 3 months prior to the interview, and 18.0% of the respondents had last injected drugs more than 3 months prior to the interview.. The rate of injecting during the last month was lower among females (66.7%) than among males (79.4%). Comparing the results for each age group, the rate of injecting during the last month prior to the interview did not register significant difference in respondents aged 25 years old and over (71.7%) compared to respondents aged under 25 (71.5%). Places for Injecting Drugs Being asked where they have injected drugs most frequently during the last month (255 respondents), the majority of respondents mentioned their private house/apartment (80.9%) (Table 24). To be noted that older and those with longer length of injecting drug use more frequently reported injection in dealer’s house/apartment and in public places, but no significant differences were found out when disaggregating by age groups, gender and length of drug injection (Table 24, Table 25 and Table 26). Table 24 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by age group, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # Total 80.9 0.3 0.9 5.9 4.4 0.05.1 Less than 25 years old 80.3 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.0 11.1 25 years and older 80.8 0.4 1.0 6.8 5.1 0.0 3.8 0.6 0.9 0.5 1.3 255 0.5 51 1.5 204 Table 25 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by length of injection drug use, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % 3 years and less 80.7 3.1 1.6 6.2 1.6 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 84.1 0.9 0.9 2.7 0.3 63.1 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.3 10 years and more 76.6 0.3 1.5 7.7 6.6 In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.6 0.0 26.4 0.0 5.6 1.6 1.8 1.6 0.3 1.6 31 2.6 45 2.6 28 1.1 150 Table 26 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by gender, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Other, % Total respondents, # Total 80.9 0.3 0.9 5.9 4.4 5.1 Males 80.9 0.4 1.1 7.0 5.1 0.3 Females 71.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 18.0 0.6 0.8 3.0 1.3 255 0.9 227 4.6 28 Drugs Used During the Last Month The most commonly injected drug during the last month prior to the interview was extract of opium in 69.2% of cases, followed by metamphetamines with 15.3% and heroine with 8.9% (Table 27). Hence, the people who inject drugs from Chisinau are in their majority opiates users (69.2% used mostly extract of opium and 8.9% used mostly heroine). Among non injected drugs, the highest rate is registered for cannabis (marijuana with 67.4% and hashish with 16.5%). Table 27 Drugs used during the last month, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drug Marijuana Hashish Heroin Methadone Morphine Cocaine Calipsol Amphetamines Tranquillizers LSD Ecstasy Poppy (extract of opium) Ephedrone Last month noninjecting use 67.4 16.5 5.5 0.3 1.9 0.8 0.3 3.0 11.1 0.0 1.3 9.5 0.3 % Last month injecting use 24.4 2.7 4.1 79.9 4.5 Main injected drug in the last month 8.9 2.6 69.2 1.4 Methamphetamines Codeine Others 2.2 1.0 0.0 29.4 - 15.3 2.6 The Frequency of Drug Use in the Last Month Firth of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they had injected drugs less than once per week (21.5% of the cases). About half of them did it 1-6 times per week (50.7%). The daily use was reported by 27.7% of respondents (Figure 12). Figure 12 The frequency of drug injection during the last month, disaggregation by gender and age groups, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Sharing of Injecting Equipment The value of the UNGASS No. 21 is 98.8%26. When asked about the frequency with which they had used shared syringes during the last month, 98.8% of the respondents reported that it had never happened and 1.2% of the respondents had used shared needles/syringes at least once in the past month. No significant differences were found between males and females, age groups and length of injecting drug use. When asked about how frequently they offered/sold/lent their own personal needles/syringes to other IDUs, 97.3% of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they never did that. 26 UNGASS Indicator 21 takes into account only those respondents who had injected drugs during the last month and had used sterile equipment for their last injection. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. About half of the sample (45.2%) reported that they used a common jar to draw up drug solutions, 44.7% injected drugs using a preloaded syringe, and 1.6% of the respondents reported front-/backloading (Figure 13). Figure 13 Indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month, people who inject drugs from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 The value of the integrated indicator27 for the indirect sharing of injecting equipment in the last month is 65.6%. Thus, more than half of the respondents who injected drugs in the last month shared their injecting equipment indirectly. Females less frequently reported indirect sharing (59.6%) compared to males (66.6%). Availability of Sterile Syringes Of the sample, 9.3% reported that they had received syringes for free during the last 12 months; 99.7% of the respondents can obtain sterile syringes when needed. When asked about their main source of sterile syringes, the majority of the respondents reported buying syringes from pharmacies (96.2%), followed by those who reported using needles exchange services (2.7%). Females get syringes in needles exchange services much less frequently (4.9%) than in pharmacies (92.6%). In case of males the pharmacy also is the main source (96.7%) than needles exchange services (2.3%). Pharmacy is the main source for 85.9% of HIV positive respondents and for 96.2% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive more frequently go for syringes to needles exchange services (9.6%) compared to those who are HIV negative (2.8%). Younger people who inject drugs buy 27 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up a drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs using a preloaded syringe, or front-/back-loading. syringes in pharmacies in 95.3% of cases and go to needles exchange services only in 0.4% of cases, while those aged 25 years and older buy syringes in pharmacies in 96.0% of cases and go to needles exchange services in 3.3% of cases. Overdoses and Mortality in IDUs Of the 326 respondents, 40.5% have ever had overdoses and 7.9% had it in last 12 months. Respondents who reported overdoses in the last 12 months had it 1.0 times on average (median – 1, SD 0.0) and only in 0.5 of times seeked for health care services Males more frequently reported overdoses ever (39.9%) and less within the last 12 months (6.8.0%) compared to females (43.3% had ever and 14.2% in last 12 months). When asked (109 respondents) how many people who inject drugs they knew who died in 2008, on average they stated 2.1 people (median –1.0, SD 3.2), of them due to overdoses – 1.3 on average (median –0.0, SD - 2.6). Drug Addiction Treatment Of the sample, 56.3% consider themselves drug-addicted. The share of self-reported drug addicts is higher in females (77.7%) compared to males (52.9%). More than half of the respondents (63.5%) reported to be under narcological surveillance and in 94.6% of cases were brought to the narcologist by the police. The share of respondents under narcological surveillance is lower in males (62.7%) compared to females (69.7%). The mean length of narcological surveillance is 7.2 years (mediana, DS). Of the sample, 36.6% reported that they had undergone drug addiction treatment at some point in their life. The share of the respondents who had undergone drug addiction treatment is higher in the group aged 25 and older (39.1%) compared to the under-25 age group (23.2%) and is higher in males (36.9%) than in females (29.7%). Most of the respondents had been through detoxification with other medications (27.1%) followed by expert consultation (26.5%), rehabilitation in a specialized centre (21.0%), outpatient treatment (20.1%). Other types of treatment reached lower values (Figure 14). Figure 14 Drug addiction treatment followed by the respondents, IDUs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Less than half of the sample (39.3%) thinks they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. More than half of self-reported drug addicts (65.9%) and about half of those who had undergone treatment at some point (48.4%) consider that they (still) need treatment. Sexual Behavior Of the sample, 12.2% refused to answer to the questions related to sexual behavior. They were excluded form the data analysis. Of the analyzed sample, 100.0% have lifetime sexual experience, and 94.3% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The ages of the 13 respondents (12 males and 1 female) who reported no sexual intercourse during the last year ranged between 19 and 48 years old (mean – 31.8 years , median- 31 , SD±8.4). When asked about the number of sexual partners they had had during the last year, 54.9% of the respondents reported one partner and 45.1% had had many sexual partners. The mean number of partners in last 12 months is of 2.5 partners (median = 1 partner, SD±3.4 partners). Of those who had had sex within the last year, 57.6% of the respondents had their spouse or live-in partner as their sexual partner (mean –1.0 partner, median – 1 partner, SD±0.1), 57.6% had steady sexual partners living separately (mean – 1.4 partners, median – 1 partner, SD±0.9), 4.7% had commercial sexual partners (mean –3.6 partners, median –2 partners, SD±3.4) and 38.7% had casual partners (mean - 4.0 partners, median – 2 partners, SD±5.0). When asked if their cohabitating partner had ever injected drugs, 36.5% of the respondents answered affirmatively. The proportion of affirmative answers is higher in females (86.2%) compared to males (21.8%). Of the male respondents1 respondent reported homosexual anal intercourse during the last year. Condom Use The rate of condom use varies depending on the type of partner (Table 28). Table 28 Condom use with different types of partners, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Spouse/live-in partner Steady partner Commercial partner Casual partner Last sexual intercourse 19.4 49.0 78.6 64.9 Consistent use during the last month28 6.0 29.4 51.8 Consistent use during the last year 6.1 26.6 71.4 52.1 When asked if they know the HIV status of their spouse/live-in partner, 94.0% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer and 67.6% of the respondents reported the HIV status of their steady partner. When asked why they did not use a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse with different types of partners, the most frequent reason was that they did not consider it necessary in the case of spouses and live-in partners (69.4%), in the case of steady partners (71.9%), in case of casual partners (25.4%) and a reduction in pleasure was stated in the case of casual partners (14.4%) and steady partner (12.0%). The number of respondents who had commercial sex and did not use condoms is too small to allow any calculations. At last sex 34.9% of the respondents used condoms; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 is 36.1%29. Lower values of UNGASS indicator No. 20 were registered among the female respondents (12.2%) compared to male respondents (40.5%). There are small differences in the rates of condom use at last sex within the last month among the respondents aged 25 years and older (37.7%) compared to respondents under 25 years of age (32.5%)30. Condom Availability Of the sample, 14.5% had received condoms for free in the last year and 91.9% knew where they can get condoms if needed; 99.2% would need up to an hour to get condoms. When asked about their main source of condoms, the most frequently mentioned source was the pharmacy (82.9%), followed by needles exchange services (5.6%). Females got condoms in pharmacies less (63.9%) and more in needles exchange services (23.6%). In case of males the pharmacy is also the main source (84.6%). To be noted that 16.3% of females stated that they don’t need and/or don’t use condoms. Pharmacy is the main source for 67.9% of HIV positive respondents and 87.0% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive four times frequently go for condoms to needles exchange services (14.2%) compared to those HIV negative (4.7%). No significant differences were found out between younger and those aged 25 years and older. The availability of condoms was highly rated. Hence, 96.9% of respondents stated that on Sunday evening their can find condoms, if needed. 28 Among those who had sex in the last month with such type of partner UNGASS indicator No. 20, takes into account only the respondents who injected drugs and had sexual intercourse in the last month. 30 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 29 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 100.0% of the respondents have ever heard about STDs, but 73.0% could not name any STDs symptoms in the case of females and 29.7% in the case of males. Of the sample, 2.6% had had STD symptoms during the last year31 (X% in males and X% in females). Pregnancy Of the female subsample, 76.9% have been ever pregnant on average 4 times in the lifetime (median – 3, SD 3 times). Of those who have been ever pregnant, 70.3% had at least one pregnancy ended up with an abortion 1.4 times on average (median – 0, SD=1.5) and 30.6% have had ever a miscarriage 0.6 times on average (median – 0, SD=0.8). Health status Less than half of the sample self assessed their health status as a good (26.7%) or a very good one (5.6%). Every fifth respondent self assessed their health status as a poor (18.0%) or a very poor one (0.5%). About 39.5% have health insurance. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS All the respondents have ever heard about HIV or AIDS and 77.4% of them know persons with HIV seropositive status or persons who died due to AIDS. The share of respondents who know HIV-positive persons or persons who died due to AIDS is higher in HIV positive respondents (96.0%) as compared to those who are HIV negative (73.9%), and in the group aged 25 years old and over (80.0%) compared to the age group under 25 (64.5%). In general, the respondents answered the questions on the route of HIV transmission correctly (Table 29). The study results make it clear that the level of tolerant attitudes is low. Table 29 Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV /AIDS, correct answers, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Correct answer, % Knowledge 1 Have heard about HIV or AIDS 100.0 2 Know HIV-positive persons or persons who died as a result of AIDS 77.4 3 The risk of infection may be reduced by correctly using condoms during each 94.7 episode of sexual intercourse. 4 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same toilet 82.4 5 The risk of infection may be reduced by having one faithful and uninfected 93.0 sexual partner. 6 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same plates and dishes 86.0 7 The possibility of HIV transmission by using a syringe previously used by 99.1 someone else 8 The risk of infection with HIV may be reduced by passing from injecting drug 92.9 use to non-injecting drug use 9 A healthy-looking person may be infected with HIV 93.6 Attitudes 10 Are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person 53.1 11 Would not keep information secret if found out that a friend or acquaintance 35.8 31 12 is HIV-positive Integrated indicator on tolerant attitudes The integrated indicator of knowledge about HIV32 has a value of (65.1%)33. The value of this indicator is lower in the group aged 25 and older (64.7%) compared to the age group under 25 years old (70.3%). Only 35.8% will not keep information secret if found out that a friend or acquaintance is HIV-positive and 53.1% are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person. The integrated indicator for males, females, age groups. Knowledge about viral hepatitis B and C Of the sample 97.4% have ever heard about hepatitis B and 98.8% have ever heard about hepatitis C. There were not differences between age groups and genders (in all subsamples more than 96% of respondenst have ever heard about hepatitis B or C). Of those who ever heard about hepatitis B or C, 99.4% identified them as infectious diseases. About half of the sample self assessed their level of knowledge on viral hepatitis B or C as a low or a lacking one, their share being higher among the younger age group respondents (Table 30). Table 30 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B and C, people who use injecting drug from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 12.3 4.6 11.1 9.9 39.7 20.5 36.8 30.7 41.8 59.3 44.7 46.1 6.3 15.6 7.4 13.3 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis C 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 12.3 3.9 11.2 9.4 41.4 18.4 37.1 32.4 40.6 61.5 44.1 49.1 5.6 16.2 7.6 9.2 Total 10.9 36.0 45.0 8.1 Total 10.8 36.8 44.7 7.7 Being asked about the sympthoms of the viral hepatitis B and C, every 10th respondent answered correctly to all questions. Thus, the integrated indicator of knowledge on sympthoms34 of the viral hepatitis reached 11.6% (males –11.3%, females –13.2%), being lower in younger respondents (5.0%), compared to those who are 25 years and older (13.3%). Table 31 Knowledge and attitudes regarding about Hepatitis B and C, correct answers, people who use injecting drug from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Risk of transmission through 32 Correct answers, % HCV UNGASS Indicator No. 14, which takes into account only correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3,4,5,6,and 9 inTable 13). 33 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 34 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sharing of needs/syringes (direct sharing) Sharing other equipment to prepare drugs (indirect sharing) Dental interventions/treatment with unsterile equipment Sharing of toothbrush, shaving blades, manicure scissors Use of unsterile medical equipment and needles Heterosexual contacts Homosexual contacts Transfusion of infected blood Contact with body fluids Kissing Sharing plates, knives, forks Social contact (shaking hands, coughing) Piercing Mother to child transmission Breastfeeding Tattoo Would not keep information confidential if found out that a friend or acquaintance is Hepatitis B or C positive Tota l >25 <25 M F Tota l >25 <25 M F 91.3 94.0 79.5 91.1 92.3 90.8 93.5 78.4 90.7 91.4 69.4 76.7 35.5 70.0 64.8 69.3 76.6 35.7 70.0 65.3 86.0 91.2 64.3 84.7 93.5 86.3 91.4 64.3 85.2 93.3 85.6 88.9 71.6 85.3 86.4 86.1 89.2 72.3 86.0 86.4 90.7 92.9 80.8 90.0 93.5 90.5 92.6 80.8 90.0 93.4 75.4 73.4 91.5 77.2 76.3 94.0 59.2 56.1 80.2 73.3 71.0 91.0 87.5 87.5 93.5 74.4 72.5 90.9 75.9 75.1 93.3 59.3 56.2 80.0 72.3 70.1 90.5 87.2 87.3 93.3 28.5 60.2 68.7 30.3 63.8 72.8 20.5 46.1 54.3 27.8 57.5 68.3 32.5 78.4 71.5 27.7 58.9 69.4 29.2 62.9 74.1 20.5 43.1 51.7 26.9 55.9 68.4 32.5 78.3 76.0 78.9 82.2 64.4 77.9 84.4 79.3 83.1 62.1 77.7 88.6 83.1 67.2 86.2 70.5 68.3 55.2 82.3 67.8 86.0 62.4 83.0 67.3 86.0 70.4 68.3 55.1 82.3 68.0 85.7 63.0 21.0 88.0 22.8 90.6 14.6 76.0 21.7 87.3 16.0 89.1 20.6 86.7 22.4 88.9 14.6 76.0 21.2 86.4 16.1 87.5 36.8 Respondents younger than 25 years old would not keep information confidential if found out that a friend or acquaintance is Hepatitis B or C positive in 34.8% of cases, those 25 years and older - in 36.7% of cases. No significant differences were registered between males (37.5%) and females (32.1%). HIV Testing When asked if they know where an HIV test can be taken, 67.5% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. Of the sample, 85.0% reported that there is a possibility to be tested to HIV in the locality where they live without differences between females (86.1%) and males (85.0%). Older respondents appeared more informed (86.3%) than those younger than 25 years (81.1%). Of the ample, 75.0% reported that HIV testing may be undertaken in a confidential manner. Of the sample, 63.9% have undertaken an HIV test at some point in their lifetime (18.0% once in their lifetime and 46.0% many times in their lifetime). Only 6 persons of the sample had had an HIV test at some point and did not know the results of the last test. Of the respondents who have never undertaken an HIV test 98.4% would be interested to pass it. During the last year, 29.1% of the sample took an HIV test and know the result of the last test. Males slightly more frequently reported to be tested for HIV in last 12 months (30.2%) compared to females (24.9%). The HIV testing indicator with known results during the last year is three times lower in the age group under 25 years old (9.8%) compared to those who are 25 years and older (32.8%). Being asked to tell their last HIV test result, 7.1% of the whole sample reported to be HIV positive (0.9% where not confirmed when tested within the study). Additionally, within the study sample there where found 8.6%respondents with HIV positive samples. Thus, almost half (50.8%) of the HIV positive people who inject drugs recruited within the study were not aware of their HIV positive status. The non response rate to the question is of 1.1% of those who were asked about the last test result (who have been ever tested to HIV). Viral hepatitis testing Of the sample, 71.7% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C (71.6% of male respondents and 70.5% of female respondents). More than half (53.0%) had had ever been tested to both infections (males – 53.3%, females – 48.4%). Only 0.5% of the sample had had ever been tested only to viral hepatitis C and 1.3% of the sample had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Of the sample 36.6% had had never been tested to any of two infections (35.5% of male subsample, 41.9% of female subsample). In those younger than 25 years, 63.2% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C. About 35.5% had had ever been tested to both infections, 40.6% had had never been tested to any of two infections, 3.5% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B and 0,8% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis C. In those 25 years and older, 72.5% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C, 56.4% had had ever been tested to both infections, 34.6% had had never been tested to any of two infections, 0.8% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis C and 0.8% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Vaccination against viral hepatitis B Of the sample 54.3% were aware about vaccination against viral hepatitis B and 14.6% have been vaccinated. Younger respondents twice more frequently reported vaccination against viral hepatitis B (22.7%) compared to those 25 years and older (11.8%). There were not registred differences in the self reported vaccination rate between males (14.5%) and females (13.1%). HIV, HVC, HBV Prevalence, and TP antibodies Blood samples were subjected to testing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies (syphilis). The detailed results are shown in Table 32. Table 32 HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies prevalence, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 HIV Prevalence # % 48/301 16.4 HCV Prevalence # % 225/301 77.9 HBV Prevalence # % 34/301 10.3 TP Antibodies # % 13/301 4.2 Disaggregated by age group and gender (Table 33), HIV, HCV, and TP antibodies registered significantly higher values in the age group 25 years old and over compared to the under-25 age group. Compared to males, females registered higher values in case of HIV, HCV and TP prevalence. Table 33 Prevalence of antibodies to HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies, disaggregation by age group, gender and length of injecting drug use, people who inject drugs from Chisinau municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Up to 25 years old 25 and over Male Female Injected drug for 3 years and less Injected drug for 4 -6 years Injected drug for 79 years Injected drug for 10 years and more HIV prevalence 12.4 17.8 14.2 29.8 HCV prevalence 54.7 83.2 76.4 86.2 HBV prevalence 17.0 9.3 11.2 4.4 TP antibodies 0.0 5.0 4.1 6.8 1.2 25.1 21.0 4.3 2.5 10.2 52.9 2.3 23.4 24.1 75.0 3.8 23.0 6.9 95.4 5.5 Conclusions and implications for interventions The sample method applied makes the study representative of the population of people who inject drugs living in the assigned geographical location. The summary of the study results is as follows: 1. The study sample consists of 81.0% male respondents and 19.0% female respondents. The respondents’ ages ranged between 18 and 70 years old, the average being 30.3 years. The majority of the respondents belong to the group aged 25 and older (86.1% of the respondents who reported their age). The largest group of respondents reported being single (48.6%). The majority of respondents have secondary education or specialized secondary education (65.4%). Of the sample, 89.8% reported speaking Russian most frequently. At the time of the interviews 99.2% of the respondents lived in large urban area (Chisinau). The majority of the study respondents (79.0%) had not been away from home during the last year for longer than one month. 2. The mean length of the drug injecting career in the study sample is 11.0 years. The mean age at the time of the first injection was 19.8 years old. When asked about the last time they had injected a drug, 71.3% of the sample reported that it had been during the last month. The most commonly injected drug during the last month was extract of opium in 69.2% of cases, followed by methamphetamine (pervitin) in 15.3% of cases. 3. The value of UNGASS indicator No. 21 is 98.8%35. During the last month, 98.8% of the respondents reported that they had not used syringes previously used by someone else. The 35 Respondents who used sterile needles/syringes the last time they had injected during the last month. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. value of the integrated indicator36 of indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month is 65.6%. 4. Of the total number of respondents, 56.3% consider themselves drug-addicted; 36.6% reported having been treated for drug addiction at some point, and 39.3% consider that they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. 5. 94.3% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The mean number of partners was 2.5. When asked if their spouse or live-in partner had ever injected drugs, 36.5% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. The rate of this affirmative answer is higher among females (86.2%) compared to males (21.8%). Homosexual anal contacts during the last year were reported by 1 male respondent. 6. 34.9% of the sample used condoms the last time they had sexual intercourse; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 is 36.1%37. The rate of condom use varies, depending on the type of partner. 7. 14.5% of respondents had received condoms for free during the last year and 91.9% know where they can get condoms when they need to, and it would take up to an hour for 99.2% of the respondents to get condoms. 8. The integrated indicator on HIV38 knowledge has a value of 65.1%. 9. Of the sample, 9.3% received syringes for free during the last 12 months 10. Of the sample, 14.5% received condoms for free during the last 12 months 11. During the last year, out of the total sample, 48.5% of the respondents underwent an HIV test and know the results. 12. HIV prevalence reached 16.4%, HCV prevalence 77.9%, HBV prevalence 10.3%, and the prevalence of TP antibodies 2.0%. The prevalence of HIV, HBV, and HCV registered higher values in the group aged 25 and older compared to the age group under 25 years old. Due to low coverage with HIV prevention programmes, the comparability analysis results between beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of needles exchange services is not possible. People who inject drugs living in Tiraspol town: results Socio-Demographic Structure of the Sample Sex and Age The study sample consists of 69.4% males and 30.6% females. The respondents’ ages vary between 18 and 59 years old. The majority of the study respondents belong to the group aged 25 years old and over (70.6%). The mean and median age is lower in case of females (Table 34). 36 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up the drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs with a preloaded syringe, front-/back-loading 37 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 38 UNGASS indicator No. 14, which takes into consideration only the correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of Table 13). Table 34 Socio-Demographic Structure of the Sample, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Total 18 – 19 years old 20 – 24 years old 25 – 29 years old 30 – 34 years old 35 – 39 years old 40 – 49 years old 50 years old and > Total Mean age, years SD, years Median age, years # 18 54 59 58 44 46 2 281 Males % 10.6 19.6 18.4 20.7 13.9 16.1 0.8 - # 10 37 48 37 38 38 2 210 30.5 8.8 30 Females % 8.9 17.3 20.3 15.4 16.2 20.5 1.4 - 31.4 8.9 30 # 8 17 11 21 6 8 0 71 % 13.2 23.7 14.7 32.4 6.9 9.1 0.0 28.1 8.0 27 Marital status When asked about their marital status, the largest group of respondents reported being single (48.0%). Only 25.4% of respondents were married or living in a partnership. To be noted that one fifth of respondents (22.5%) are divorced. Males reported more frequently (24.9%) to be divorced than females (18.2%). The respondents’ distribution, based on their marital status is shown in Table 35. Table 35 Marital Status of the Respondents, distribution based on gender and age group, %, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Single Married Living in partnership Divorced Widowed Total 48.0 16.8 8.6 22.5 4.0 Males 43.1 18.1 10.0 24.9 3.9 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 57.8 37.7 81.7 14.2 19.7 5.3 4.4 7.0 12.4 18.2 30.6 0.6 5.3 4.9 0.1 The share of respondents who are married or who are living in a partnership is larger in the age group 25 years old and over especially for males (29.6%) (23.9% in females) in comparison with the age group under 25 (13.9% for males and 26.8% for females). Educational level The majority of the respondents have secondary education or specialized secondary education (58.2%). Every tenth respondent did not complete the secondary school level (Table 36). Table 36 Educational level, distribution based on gender and age group, %, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Primary school (4 grades) Less than 9 grades Incomplete secondary education Complete secondary education Specialized secondary education Total 0.0 9.3 14.7 27.3 30.9 Males 0.0 7.9 12.8 24.4 38.9 Females 25 years and older Under 25 years old 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.2 8.4 8.1 17.4 14.5 20.6 34.4 27.2 25.6 15.6 30.8 29.7 Incomplete higher education Higher education 11.0 6.8 9.2 6.9 11.6 5.7 9.4 9.8 16.0 0.0 Language spoken and area of residency Of the sample, 4.1% stated that most of the time they prefer to speak Moldovan/Romanian and 95.9% prefer to use Russian. At the time of the interviews about 55.0% of the respondents were living in large urban areas and 45.0% in rayon centers or other small urban localities around Tiraspol. Mobility Of the sample, 78.3% were born in the Republic of Moldova. The rest of 21.7% were born outside, but in one of the Eastern European country (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, former Democratic Republic of Germany, and former Czechoslovakia). The respondents were living in the current area of residency 25.5 years on average (median – 26.0, SD=±11.0). The majority of the respondents (98.8%) had not been away from the area of their residence for longer than a month during the last year. Economic status Employment and Income Every tenth respondent (12.1%) reported permanent employment. One third reprted to be employed seasonaly. Less than half of respondents (39.0%) were unemployed39 (Figure 15). The proportion of those unemployed is higher in female respondents (50.4%) compared to the male subsample (33.0%). Males more frequently reported to be seasonally employed (38.1%) compared to females (26.2%). The unemployment rate is higehr among those younger than 25 (45.1%) compared to and those 25 years old and older (35.3%). 39 Housewives were not taken into account in the calculation of the unemployment rate. Figure 15 Employment status, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Of the total survey sample, 14.9% reported having no income (Figure 16). Males more frequently reported lack of income (16.6%) compared to females (12.4%). Among age groups, there are no significant differences in lack of household income. Another 1.3% lives in extreme poverty on 330 MDL or less a month, equivalent to less than US$1/day, and 8.5% live on less than US$2/day. Figure 16 Monthly household income, IDUs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Ability to pay More than half of respondents could pay for water bills (62.4%), electricity bills (61.8%) and medicines for emergency situations (67.2%), home heating (52.7%). Less than half of respondents can afford meals with meat or fish every other day (38.9%) (Figure 17). Less than one fourth of respondents stated that they can afford to buy new items which are part of the life comfort products (TV set, fridge, furniture, washing machine) or services (a vacation once per year). Figure 17 Ability to pay for basic items, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Drug Use Legal drug use Of the sample, 98.0% were tobacco smokers at the interview time and 100.0% had smoked at some point in their lifetime. In the recruited sample, the last month alcohol use prevalence is of 91.4%. Length of Illegal Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the length of their drug use generally varies between one year and 37 years. The mean length of drug use within the sample studied is of 10.7 years (median –9.0, SD=±7.7). The length of injecting drug use varies between one year and 37 years. The mean length of injecting drug use within the studied sample is of 7.9 years (median –5.0, SD=±7.3). The mean length of injecting drug use in males is 8.9 years (median –6.0, SD=±7.8)), and in females - 5.1 years (median – 4.0, SD=±4.8). Most of the respondents’ first experience of injecting drugs occurred 3 years or more before the study (75,3%) (Figure 18). Figure 18 Sample distribution based on length of drug use, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 About 24,7% of the respondents have been using injecting drugs for less than 3 years (54 respondents), these being the new entrants to the key population at higher risk, 58.5% being males and 41.5% are females of 25.5 years old on average (median – 22.0, SD=±8.1). Initiation of Drug Use According to the respondents’ answers, the age at which they first injected varies between 11 and 45 years. The first injection of drugs occurred at 23.0 years old on average (median - 20.0 years, SD=±7.0) in more than half of cases with homemade extract of opium (shirka) (in 70.8% of cases), after an average of 3.7 years of non injecting drug use (median –2.0 years, SD=±5.1). Among drugs used at first injection there was as well ephedron (7.7%), heroine (8.4%), metamphetamines (4.5%), and other drugs (8.7%). While the length of the injecting drug use is increasing, the mean age at first injection is decreasing. Hence, over time there is an increase in the mean/median age at first drug injection (Table 37). Table 37 Mean age at first drug injection by length of drug injection, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Length of injecting drug use 3 years and less 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 10 years and more Total # respondents 78 48 45 99 281 Mean 25.3 26.1 20.9 20.5 23.0 Median 22.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 SD ±8.0 ±8.2 ±4.9 ±4.6 ±7.0 In 86.0% of cases, the initiation in injection of drugs was done by somebody else than the respondents themselves. In most of the cases, the initiator has been part of the close social environment (acquaintance - 38.2%, friend - 27.5%, sexual partner - 17.3% and siblings or other relatives - 10.7%, stranger –4.1%, dealer –2.3%) and on average 4.7 years older (mean age –27.7 years, median –25.00, SD=±9.1) than the respondents themselves. At first injection, 26.6% of respondents used unsterile needles/syringes. Most of the respondents agreed that prior to the first injection they had become curious as to what injecting would be like (68.0%). Almost third of them wanted to inject drugs to be the same as their friends (24.9%) and wanted to try drugs and injection is the easiest way to do (24.1%). Of the sample, 56.8% have ever been asked to help with the initiation injection of drugs and 21.2% have ever helped, being aware of the fact of initiation. Per respondent, there were on average 1.2 persons in last month (median –0.0, SD=±1.9) and 3.2 persons in the last 6 months (median –2.0, SD=±4.2) who asked for help with the initiation injection of drugs. Per respondent, 0.5 persons on average in the last month (median –0.0, SD=±0.9) and 1.9 persons on average in the last 6 months (median – 1, SD=±2.3) were helped with the first initiation injection by the respondents themselves. There may be underreporting due to social desirability. The last initiated was 24.0 years old on average (median – 23 years, SD=±5.7). Drugs Used During Lifetime The recruited sample has used during the lifetime a diversity of injecting and non injecting drugs. Vast majority mentioned lifetime use of non injecting drugs (cannabis) which occurred about 3 years before the first injection. Every tenth respondent has ever sniffed glue and did it for the first time about 4 years before the first injection. About two thirds of the sample has ever tried heroine (72.9%) and metamphetamines (66.5%) about 3 years before the initiation to the injecting drug use. The highest lifetime prevalence rate (is registered for the home made extract of opium (Table 23). Table 38 Lifetime prevalence of drug use and age at first use, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drugs Lifetime Age at first use prevalence, % Mean/median/SD Glue Marijuana Heroin 21.7 92.1 27.9 14.9/15/±3.0 19.8/18/±7.0 25.1/23./±8.6 Methadone 4.0 28.9/26/±8.4 Morphine 19.1 21.9/21/±2.1 Cocaine 13.5 28.6/28/±7.4 Kalipsol Hashish 2.8 31.9 21.6/23/±5.3 22.0/19/±7.7 Amphetamines 13.6 24.9/23/±8.3 Tranquilizers LSD Ecstasy Shirka Ephedron 36.6 22.1 19.2 94.4 25.0 23.6/21/±7.1 20.5/18/±6.3 28.2/28/±9.4 23.6/21/±7.3 24.0/20/±7.6 Method at first use, % Inject Smoke 40.9 100.0 0.0 Sniff Swallow 100.0 0.0 59.1 7.1 36.1 53.1 (10.8) 100.0 0.0 31.0 4.8 64.3 - (-) (22.1) (15.2) (62.7) 70.0 (-) - (-) 30.0 (-) - (-) 87.8 9.0 (6.3) 2.0 (1.1) 20.4 0.0 - (-) 0.0 (100.0) 38.3 61.7 100.0 9.2 90.8 100.0 83.6 16.4 Age at first injection Mean/median/SD 27.3/23/±9.1 30.3/26/±10.8 21.9/21/±2.1 27.1/29/±4.7 22.3/23/±5.6 24.9/23/±7.4 23.2/22/±6.8 23.6/21/±7.3 23.5/20/±7.1 Metamphetamines 70.1 (16.1) Codeine 5.9 25.1/25/±6.6 21.8/23/±4.8 100.0 16.4 - - 83.6 24.6/23/±6.9 22.8/23/±2.5 Historically the ephedrone was widely injected by people who inject drugs living in Balti municipality. Thus, about third of respondents (34.5%) have ever tried ephedrone and injected it for the first time at the age close to the initiation average age (Table 6). This drug is rarely injected currently in Balti municipality. Thus, of those who injected in the last month, 3.1% have ever injected it in the last month and for only 1.3% it was the main injected drug in the last month (Table 11). Last Injection When asked about the last time they had injected, 47.2% of the sample mentioned the last month, 28.7% more than one month ago, but during the last 3 months prior to the interview, and 24.2% of the respondents had last injected drugs more than 3 months prior to the interview.. No differences were found when comparing male and female respondents. Comparing the results for each age group, the rate of injecting during the last month prior to the interview is higher in respondents aged under 25 (59.6%) compared to respondents 25 years old and over (44.8%). Places for Injecting Drugs Being asked where they have injected drugs most frequently during the last month (136 respondents), almost half of respondents mentioned their private house/apartment (44.9%) and almost half the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs (Table 39). When disaggregating by age groups, gender and length of drug injection, no significant differences were found out (Table 39, Table 40 and Table 41). Table 39 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by age group, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Total respondents, # Total 44.9 0.0 0.7 3.7 5.1 2.9 0.7 41.9 Less than 25 years old 43.9 0.0 2.4 2.4 0.0 4.9 0.0 46.3 25 years and older 45.3 0.0 0.0 4.2 7.4 2.1 1.1 40.0 136 41 95 Table 40 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by length of injection drug use, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % 3 years and less 37.1 0.0 0.0 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 47.6 0.0 0.0 57.1 0.0 3.6 10 years and more 40.4 0.0 0.0 In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Total respondents, # 2.9 2.9 8.6 2.9 9.5 0.0 4.8 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 12.8 0.0 0.0 45.7 38.1 35.7 44.7 35 21 28 47 Table 41 The most frequent place for injecting drugs during the last month, disaggregation by gender, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 In private house, apartment, % At a public institution, on premises, % In a bathroom, % In a dealer’s house/apartment, % In a public place, % In an abandoned building, % In a building’s basement, % In the place where injecting drug users congregate to inject drugs, % Total respondents, # Total 44.9 0.0 0.7 3.7 5.1 2.9 0.7 41.9 Males 46.6 0.0 1.0 3.9 5.8 1.0 1.0 Females 39.4 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 9.1 0.0 40.8 45.5 136 103 33 Drugs Used During the Last Month The most commonly injected drug during the last month prior to the interview was extract of opium in 87.6% of cases, followed by methamphetamine with 4.0% and heroine with 3.1%)(Table 42). Hence, the people who inject drugs from Tiraspol are in their majority opiates users (87.6% used mostly extract of opium and 3.1% used mostly heroine). Among non injected drugs, the highest rate is registered for cannabis (marijuana with 58.9% and hashish with 13.2%). Table 42 Drugs used during the last month, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Type of drug Marijuana Hashish Heroin Methadone Morphine Cocaine Calipsol Amphetamines Tranquillizers LSD Ecstasy Poppy (extract of opium) Ephedrone Methamphetamines Last month noninjecting use 58.9 13.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 15.5 6.4 0.3 - % Last month injecting use 3.8 0.0 0.0 2.8 91.8 6.8 10.3 Main injected drug in the last month 3.1 1.3 87.6 3.2 4.0 Codeine Others 1.4 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 The Frequency of Drug Use in the Last Month About half of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they had injected drugs less than once per week (49.9% of the cases) and 1-6 times per week (42.0%). The daily use was reported by 8.1% of respondents (Figure 19). Injection of drugs on weekly basis is higher among females compared to males and in those 25 years and older compared to those less than 25 years old. The daily use is higher in those 25 years and older compared to those less than 25 years old. Figure 19 The frequency of drug injection during the last month, disaggregation by gender and age groups, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Sharing of Injecting Equipment The value of the UNGASS No. 21 is 86.0%40. When asked about the frequency with which they had used shared syringes during the last month, 77.6% of the respondents reported that it had never happened. The rate of consistent use of sterile syringes during the last month is lower in males (82.7%) compared to females (95.2%). When asked about how frequently they offered/sold/lent their own personal needles/syringes to other persons, 85.2% of the respondents who had injected drugs during the last month reported that they never did that in last month. 40 UNGASS Indicator 21 takes into account only those respondents who had injected drugs during the last month and had used sterile equipment for their last injection. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. Less than half of the sample (41.1%) reported that they used a common jar to draw up drug solutions, more than half (60.1%) injected drugs using a preloaded syringe, and few of them (3.5%) of the respondents reported front-/back-loading (Figure 20). Figure 20 Indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 The value of the integrated indicator41 for the indirect sharing of injecting equipment in the last month is 81.8%. Thus, vast majority of the respondents who injected drugs in the last month shared their injecting equipment indirectly. Availability of Sterile Syringes Almost fourth of respondents (28.6%) reported that they had received syringes for free during the last 12 months; 99.7% of the respondents can obtain sterile syringes when needed. When asked about their main source of sterile syringes, the majority of the respondents reported buying syringes from pharmacies (71.1%), followed by those who reported using needles exchange services (12.7%). Females get syringes in needles exchange services much less frequently (15.2%) than in pharmacies (57.5%). In case of males the pharmacy also is the main source (72.4%) than needles exchange services (11.3%). Pharmacy is the main source for 67.5% of HIV positive respondents and for 69.5% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive less frequently go for syringes to needles exchange services (10.0%) compared to those who are HIV negative (14.1%). Younger people who inject drugs buy syringes in pharmacies in 65.2% of cases and go to needles exchange services only in 9.3% of cases, 41 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up a drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs using a preloaded syringe, or front-/back-loading. while those aged 25 years and older buy syringes in pharmacies in 73.3% of cases and go to needles exchange services in 14.3% of cases. Overdoses and Mortality in people who inject drugs Of 247 respondents, 24.8% have ever had overdoses and 7.3% had it in last 12 months. Respondents who reported overdoses in the last 12 months had it 2.2 times on average and never seeked for health care services in case of overdoses. When asked (109 respondents) how many people who inject drugs they knew who died in 2008 due different causes, on average they stated 3.5 persons (median – 2, SD=5,2), of them due to overdoses – 0.5 on average (median –0.0, SD=0.8). Drug Addiction Treatment Of the sample, 39.8% consider themselves drug-addicted. The number of self-reported drug addicts is higher in males (44.1%) compared to females (32.5%). About one third of the respondents (32.6%) reported to be under narcological surveillance and in 94.2% of cases they were brought to the narcologist by the police. The share of respondents under narcological surveillance is higher in males (38.5%) compared to females (17.9%). The mean length of narcological surveillance is 11.0 years (mediana, DS). Of the sample, 12.1% reported that they had undergone drug addiction treatment at some point. The group aged 25 and older did not undergone a drug addiction treatment (0.0%) compared to the under25 age group (13.9%) (8.6%). The share of the respondents who had undergone drug addiction treatment is higher in males (150%) than in females (6.2%). Most of the respondents had been through expert consultation (14.2%) followed by detoxification with other medications (13.9%), outpatient treatment (12.5%) and detoxification without medications (11.0%). Other types of treatment reached lower values (Figure 21). Figure 21 Drug addiction treatment followed by the respondents, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Less than half of the sample (40.5%) think they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. More than half of self-reported drug addicts (76.3%) and half of those who had undergone treatment at some point (48.6%) consider that they (still) need treatment. Sexual Behavior Of the analyzed sample, 100.0% have lifetime sexual experience, and 84.1% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The ages of the 47 respondents (37 males and 10 females) who reported no sexual intercourse during the last year ranged between 18 and 49 years old (mean – 32.0 years, median- 30, SD±8.7). When asked about the number of sexual partners they had had during the last year, 39.9% of the respondents reported one partner and 60.1% had had more sexual partners. The mean number of partners is 3.7 partners (median = 2 partners, SD±5.1). Of those who had had sex within the last year, 34.3% of the respondents had their spouse or live-in partner as their sexual partner (mean –1.1 partner, median –1 partner, SD±0.3), 47.1% had steady sexual partners living separately (mean –1.8 partners, median – 1 partner, SD±2.0), 13.7% had commercial sexual partners (mean –3.4 partners, median – 2 partner, SD±5.0) and 53.6% had casual partners (mean - 4.4 partners, median –3 partner, SD±5.4 ). When asked if their cohabitating partner had ever injected drugs, 28.8% of the respondents answered affirmatively. The proportion of affirmative answers is higher in females (58.8%) (100.0%) compared to males (14.4%). Of the male respondents, 18 have ever experienced a homosexual anal intercourse (8.5%). Only 1 male respondent reported homosexual anal contact during the last year. Condom Use The rate of condom use varies depending on the type of partner (Table 43). Table 43 Condom use with different types of partners, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Spouse/live-in partner Steady partner Commercial partner Casual partner Last sexual intercourse 13.9 35.5 52.9 61.2 Consistent use during the last month42 13.5 22.8 60.9 49.5 Consistent use during the last year 11.2 18.6 29.3 46.1 When asked if they knew the HIV status of their spouse/live-in partner, 51.7% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. When asked why they did not use a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse with different types of partners, the most frequent reason was that they did not consider it necessary in the case of spouses and live-in partners(78.1%), in the case of steady partners (37.1%) and a reduction in pleasure was stated in the case of spouses and live-in partners (13.6%), casual partners (36.5%) and steady partner (20.9%). The number of respondents who had commercial sex and did not use condoms is too small to allow any calculations. 42 Among those who had sex in the last month with such type of partner Of the sample 38.0% used condoms the last time they had sexual intercourse; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 is 45.1%43. Lower values of UNGASS indicator No. 20 were registered among the female respondents (30.3%) compared to male respondents (50.3%) and among the respondents aged 25 years and older (47.2%) compared to respondents under 25 years of age (67.0%)44. Condom Availability One fifth of the respondents (20.3%) had received condoms for free in the last year and 98.7% knew where they can get condoms if needed; 70.0% would need up to an hour to get condoms. When asked about their main source of condoms, the most frequently mentioned source was the pharmacy (39.7%), followed by shops (27.4%) and needles exchange services (18.2%). To be noted that 33.1% of respondents stated that they don’t need and/or don’t use condoms. Those females that get condoms mostly do it in pharmacies (33.6%) and needles exchange services (30.9%). In case of males the pharmacy is the main source (42.1%). Pharmacy is the main source for 34.5% of HIV positive respondents and 40.2% of HIV negative respondents. Those who are HIV positive four times frequently go for condoms to needles exchange services (26.4%) compared to those HIV negative (17.3%). No significant differences were found out between younger and those aged 25 years and older. The availability of condoms was rated as a moderate one. Hence, 79.3% of respondents stated that on Sunday evening their can find condoms, if needed. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Of the sample 98.7% have ever heard about STDs, but 21.3% could not name any STD symptoms in the case of females and 49.7% in the case of males. Of the sample, 5.9% had had STD symptoms during the last year. Pregnancy Of the female subsample, 90.3% have been ever pregnant on average 3.3 times in the lifetime (median – 3, SD =1.7 times). Of those who have been ever pregnant, 76.2% had at least one pregnancy ended up with an abortion (mean – 1.3, median – 1, DS =1.4) and 11.7% have even had miscarriage 0.9 times on average (median – 0, SD =2.3). Health status Less than half of the sample self assessed their health status as a good (38.6%) or a very good one (3.3%). Every tenth respondent self assessed their health status as a poor (11.9%) or a very poor one (0.7%). Knowledge about HIV/AIDS Almost all the respondents have heard about HIV or AIDS (98.7%). 51.9% of them know persons with HIV seropositive status or persons who died due to AIDS. The share of respondents who know HIV-positive persons or persons who died due to AIDS is higher in HIV positive respondents (58.3%) as compared to 43 UNGASS indicator No. 20, takes into account only the respondents who injected drugs and had sexual intercourse in the last month. 44 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. those who are HIV negative (50.4%), and in the group aged 25 years old and over (62.7%) compared to the age group under 25 (30.3%). In general, the respondents answered the questions on the route of HIV transmission correctly (Table 44). The study results make it clear that the level of tolerant attitudes is low. Table 44 Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV /AIDS, correct answers, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Correct answer, % Knowledge 1 Have heard about HIV or AIDS 98.7. 2 Know HIV-positive persons or persons who died as a result of AIDS 51.9 The risk of infection may be reduced by correctly using condoms during each 3 83.6 episode of sexual intercourse. 4 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same toilet 52.2 The risk of infection may be reduced by having one faithful and uninfected 5 76.0 sexual partner. 6 The possibility of HIV transmission by using the same plates and dishes 67.6 The possibility of HIV transmission by using a syringe previously used by 7 98.5 someone else The risk of infection with HIV may be reduced by passing from injecting drug 8 35.8 use to non-injecting drug use 9 A healthy-looking person may be infected with HIV 70.8 Attitudes 10 Are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person 25.8 Would not keep information secret if found out that a friend or acquaintance 11 46.7 is HIV-positive 12 Integrated indicator on tolerant attitudes XXXX The integrated indicator of knowledge about HIV45 has a value of 34.3%46. The value of this indicator is higher in the group aged 25 and older (38.3%) compared to the age group under 25 years old (27.4%). Low level of tolerant attitudes is registered among people who inject drugs living in Tiraspol municipality. Hence, half of the sample (46.7%) will not keep information secret if found out that a friend or acquaintance is HIV-positive and only fourth (25.8%) are ready to eat from the same plates and dishes as an HIV-positive person. Knowledge about viral hepatitis B and C Of the sample 74.0% have ever heard about hepatitis B and 76.4% have ever heard about hepatitis C. Younger respondents have ever heard less frequently about hepatitis B (54.2%) and C (55.8%) than those 25 years and older (77.9% have ever heard about hepatitis B and 83.0% ahev ever heard about hepatitis C). Of those who ever heard about hepatitis B or C, 80.5% identified them as infectious diseases. 45 UNGASS Indicator No. 14, which takes into account only correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3,4,5,6,and 9 inTable 13). 46 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2010. Two thirds of the sample self assessed their level of knowledge on viral hepatitis B or C as a low or lacking one, their share being higher among the younger age group and female respondents (Table 45). Table 45 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B and C, people who use injecting drug from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Well informed Somewhat informed Poorly informed Not informed Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis B 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 3.5 1.5 3.3 1.5 30.6 18.9 30.3 22.0 37.6 31.4 36.9 37.3 27.7 48.2 28.8 39.0 Self assessed level of information about Hepatitis C 25 years Less than 25 Males Females and older years old 3.1 1.4 2.9 0.4 30.2 20.6 30.3 22.9 40.5 31.0 38.6 37.6 26.2 47.0 28.2 39.1 Total 2.8 27.2 37.2 32.1 Total 2.5 27.0 38.4 32.1 Being asked about the sympthoms of the viral hepatitis B and C, every 10th respondent answered correctly to all questions. Thus, the integrated indicator of knowledge on sympthoms47 of the viral hepatitis reached 11.6% (males –11.3%, females –13.2%), being lower in younger respondents (5.0%), compared to those who are 25 years and older (13.3%). Table 46 Knowledge and attitudes regarding about Hepatitis B and C, correct answers, people who use injecting drug from Balti municipality, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Variable Risk of transmission through 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 47 Sharing of needs/syringes (direct sharing) Sharing other equipment to prepare drugs (indirect sharing) Dental interventions/treatment with unsterile equipment Sharing of toothbrush, shaving blades, manicure scissors Use of unsterile medical equipment and needles Heterosexual contacts Homosexual contacts Transfusion of infected Correct answers, % Tota l >25 <25 M F Tota l >25 HCV <25 M F 57.2 61.3 45.6 60.4 47.8 57.3 61.3 45.4 60.5 47.9 35.9 39.8 19.9 38.6 28.3 36.2 40,5 20.6 38,9 28.5 41.1 46.7 24.2 45.3 29.1 41.1 46.3 26.3 45.3 29.1 39.9 43.7 29.4 45.7 27.5 39.9 43.0 30.3 45.1 27.1 49.4 52.5 41.4 54.4 33.6 49.2 52.0 42.1 53.8 33.6 28.0 28.7 59.7 31.5 33.3 63.8 19.4 16.8 48.6 35.4 35.1 63.0 10.8 13.1 49.8 27.4 28.7 59.8 30.4 33.3 64.1 17.9 16.8 48.3 34.6 35.1 63.4 10.4 13.1 49.8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. blood Contact with body fluids Kissing Sharing plates, knives, forks Social contact (shaking hands, coughing) Piercing Mother to child transmission Breastfeeding Tattoo Would not keep information confidential if found out that a friend or acquaintance is Hepatitis B or C positive 19.7 33.5 32.2 22.0 34.6 32.5 11.2 22.4 27.6 23.6 33.8 30.8 9.3 32.2 35.3 20.0 31.8 31.3 22.4 33.0 32.2 11.0 20.8 26.9 23.9 32.7 30.1 9.3 29.6 33.9 40.8 44.2 35.7 40.2 40.0 40.2 43.3 35.2 39.8 38.8 39.0 24.7 39.6 26.6 32.6 11.6 42.3 29.1 29.9 13.3 39.7 24.6 41.0 26.6 31.8 11.3 42.9 29.0 31.0 13.3 15.5 48.4 15.2 50.8 16.0 35.2 14.3 50.0 16.7 42.2 15.2 46.2 14.8 49.0 16.0 31.8 14.1 48.5 16.8 39.9 33.9 Respondents 25 years old appeared tolerant in 41.8% of cases and younger age group – in 30.0% of cases. Differences were registered between males (31.4%) and females (39.7%). HIV Testing When asked if they know where an HIV test can be taken, 68.7% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. Of the sample, 95.0% reported that there is a possibility to be tested to HIV in the locality where they live without differences between females (96.2%) and males (95.0%), between older respondents (95.5%) and those younger than 25 years (94.1%). Of the ample, 16.4% reported that HIV testing may be undertaken in a confidential manner. Of the sample, 43.2% have undertaken an HIV test at some point in their lifetime (18.9% once in their lifetime and 24.3% many times in their lifetime). More than half (56.8%) have never been tested for HIV. Only 6 persons had had an HIV test at some point and did not know the results (2.2% of those who have been ever tested). Of respondents who have never undertaken an HIV test 98.9% would be interested to pass it. During the last year, 20.1% of the sample took an HIV test and know the result of the last test. Being asked to tell their last HIV test result, 3.5% of the whole sample reported to be HIV positive (0.5% where not confirmed when tested within the study). Additionally, within the study sample there where found 7.3%respondents with HIV positive samples. Thus, more than half (75.9%) of the HIV positive people who inject drugs recruited within the study were not aware of their HIV positive status. The non response rate to the question is of 0.0% of those who were asked about the last test result (who have been ever tested to HIV). Viral hepatitis testing Of the sample, 36.2% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C (39.4% of male respondents and 27.9% of female respondents). About 15.9% had had ever been tested to both infections (males – 16.1%, females – 15.2%). Only 1.0% of the sample had had ever been tested only to viral hepatitis C and 0.6% of the sample had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Of the sample 58.8% had had never been tested to any of two infections (58.3% of male subsample, 59.9% of female subsample). In those younger than 25 years, 25.1% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C. About 6.9% had had ever been tested to both infections, 51.2% had had never been tested to any of two infections, and none had had ever been tested to only viral hepatitis B or only to viral hepatitis C. In those 25 years and older, 39.0% know where they can get tested to viral hepatitis B or C, 18.7% had had ever been tested to both infections, 60.8% had had never been tested to any of two infections, 1.4% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis C and 0.7% had had ever been tested to viral hepatitis B. Vaccination against viral hepatitis B Of the sample 31.3% were aware about vaccination against viral hepatitis B and 14.6% have been vaccinated. Younger respondents reported a vaccination rate against viral hepatitis B of 3.7%) and those 25 years and older - 3.8%). There were not registred differences in the self reported vaccination rate between males (5.4.5%) and females (0.7%). HIV, HVC, HBV Prevalence, and TP antibodies Blood samples were subjected to testing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies (syphilis). The detailed results are shown in Table 47. Table 47 HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies prevalence, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 HIV Prevalence # % 40/281 12.1 HCV Prevalence # % 84/281 20.8 HBV Prevalence # % 25/281 7.7 TP Antibodies # % 4/281 1.3 Disaggregated by age group and gender (Table 48), the prevalence of antibodies to HIV, HCV and Treponema Pallidum registered higher values in the age group 25 years old and over compared to the under-25 age group. Compared to males, females registered higher values in case of HIV prevalence. Table 48 HIV, HCV, HBV, and TP antibodies prevalence, disaggregation by age group and gender, people who inject drugs from Tiraspol town, %, Republic of Moldova, 2009 Up to 25 years old 25 and over Males Females Injected drug for 3 years and less Injected drug for 4 -6 years Injected drug for 79 years Injected drug for 10 years and more HIV prevalence 8.1 14.3 10.1 17.7 HCV prevalence 8.7 24.6 25.4 11.1 HBV prevalence 7.4 6.9 9.0 5.1 TP antibodies 4.3 0.3 1.7 0.0 12.6 6.1 6.4 0.0 11,2 21.0 5.8 2.6 20,1 30.9 1.9 1.2 12.5 33.7 11.7 0.8 Conclusions and implications for interventions The sample method applied makes the study representative of the population of people who inject drugs who are living in the assigned geographical location. The summary of the study results is as follows: 1. The study sample consists of 69.4% male respondents and 30.6% female respondents. The respondents’ ages ranged between 18 and 59 years old, the average being 30.5 years. The majority of the respondents belong to the group aged 25 and older (70.6% of the respondents who reported their age). The largest group of respondents reported being single (48.0%). The majority of respondents have secondary education or specialized secondary education (58.3%). Of the sample, 95.9% reported speaking Russian most frequently. At the time of the interviews approximately 55.0% of the respondents lived in large urban area (Tiraspol or Bender). The majority of the study respondents (98.8%) had not been away from home during the last year for longer than one month. 2. The mean length of the drug injecting career in the study sample is 7.8 years. The mean age at the time of the first injection was 23.0 years old. When asked about the last time they had injected a drug, 47.2% of the sample reported that it had been during the last month. The most commonly injected drug during the last month was extract of opium in 87.6% of cases. 3. The value of UNGASS indicator No. 21 is 86.0%48. During the last month, 81.8% of the respondents reported that they had not used syringes previously used by someone else. The value of the integrated indicator49 of indirect sharing of injecting equipment during the last month is 81.8%. 4. Of the total number of respondents, 32.6% consider themselves drug-addicted; 12.1% reported having been treated for drug addiction at some point, and 40.5% consider that they (still) need treatment to stop their drug use. 5. 84.1% had had sexual intercourse during the last year. The mean number of partners was 3.7. When asked if their spouse or live-in partner had ever injected drugs, 28.8% of the respondents gave an affirmative answer. The rate of this affirmative answer is higher among females (58.8%) compared to males (14.4%). Homosexual anal contacts during the last year were reported by 1 respondent. 6. 38.0% of the sample used condoms the last time they had sexual intercourse; the value of UNGASS indicator No. 20 is of 45.1%50. The rate of condom use varies, depending on the type of partner. 7. 20.3% of respondents had received condoms for free during the last year and 98.7% know where they can get condoms when they need to, and it would take up to an hour for 70.0% of the respondents to get condoms. 8. The integrated indicator on HIV51 knowledge has a value of 34.3%. 48 Respondents who used sterile needles/syringes the last time they had injected during the last month. National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 49 The respondents who reported at least one of the following practices during the last month: drawing up the drug solution from a common jar, injecting drugs with a preloaded syringe, front-/back-loading 50 National Centre of Health Management. "National Report.Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS." 2008. 9. About one fourth of respondents (28.6%) had received syringes for free in last 12 months 10. During the last year, out of the total sample, 20.1% of the respondents underwent an HIV test and know the results. 11. HIV prevalence reached 12.1%, HCV prevalence 20.8%, HBV prevalence 7.7%, and the prevalence of TP antibodies 1.3%. The prevalence of HIV, and HCV registered higher values in the group aged 25 and older compared to the age group under 25 years old. Due to low coverage with HIV prevention programmes, the comparability analysis between beneficiaries and non beneficiaries is not possible. 51 UNGASS indicator No. 14, which takes into consideration only the correct answers to all 5 standard questions (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of Table 13).