Second Grade Notes & News October 2015 Issue #2 Dear Second Grade Families, Cool weather is in the air! Please keep in mind that the daily weather may change quickly. Students need to bring a jacket (and maybe even hats and gloves) for recess. This past month we have been singing songs about fall and learning poems about fall. Hopefully the winter weather will hold off for a little while! Sincerely, Frost Lake School: 651-293-8930 Mrs. Olson & Ms. M Reading: Writing: In Reading Workshop we began our “Small Moments” (Personal Narrative Genre Study). We read The Fire (Annette Griessman), Bigmamma, The Shortcut, and School Bus (Donald Crews), Two Mrs. Gibsons by Toyomi Igus, and When I Was Young in the Mountains (Cynthia Rylant). We used the reading strategy “Stop and Think” to help us predict and summarize these stories. We also used story maps and character webs to identify story elements and character descriptions. Book bags (from our guided reading groups will be coming home each Friday). It is In Writing Workshop, we shared our expert books “All About Frost Lake.” Ms. Heurh’s class was our audience, and we were lucky to have them share their books with us! It is fun to spend time with other second grade friends. We also began our Personal Narrative Small Moment Stories. Since we have been reading examples of personal narratives, we wanted to tell our own stories. We started out by thinking about and writing down many different special memories that we hold close to our hearts. It was difficult choosing just one moment, but began planning our recommended that your child practices reading these books at least three times over the weekend. All book bags are due on Mondays. Thank you for your help in supporting reading at home! writing using the writing process. So far we have been working on how writers begin, extend, and conclude their writing. Also, how writers make their stories more interesting (using describing words/adjectives). We have been working hard trying our best to use second grade spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Math: Other: We began Unit 2 “Addition and Subtraction Facts.” Our first problem-solving activity was to create and solve addition number stories. We reviewed: addition facts, doubles facts, turn around facts, fact families (+ and -), name collections, and frames-and-arrows routines. We have been practicing using multiple strategies to figure out and solve these math problems. Math games have extended our learning using: dominoes, math deck cards, dice, unifix cubes and flash cards. All of these daily tasks have helped us meet our learning targets this month. UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. 30 No School (Teacher Work Day) Nov. 12 Frost Lake Movie Night Nov. 19 MN Sinfonia Concert Evening Conferences Nov. 20 No School (Conferences) Nov. 24 Evening Conferences Nov. 26-27 No School Mrs. Olson’s & Ms. M’s Second Grade (Room 1101)