Teacher Support

Learning Objectives
To understand RILM’s TEACHER SUPPORT program
To be able to identify different teacher support activities
To do supplemental teaching
To strengthen DIETs
To implement an award system for Teacher
To fund Teacher Support Program
To assess Impact of Teacher Support Program
To understand responsibilities of District/Club Teams
 Supplemental Teaching (as extra lessons) by
Volunteer Teachers in primary/elementary schools
 Training/re-training of existing teachers in selected
primary schools
 Advocacy for RTE implementation with regard to
teacher's role
 Strengthening of District Institutes of Education &
Training (DIET) in States
 Nation Builder (Outstanding Teacher) award to
teachers at revenue Districts and below
Supplemental Teaching
 Select Government/Government aided primary or
elementary school that want extra lessons for
students of various classes
 Select Volunteer Teachers -2 hours/day for 15 days
 Assess number of students and classes that need
supplemental teaching
 Classes II and III usually need attention in subjects
such as Mathematics, Science and English
Supplemental Teaching
 Introduce the volunteers to the Head Teacher and
have them oriented about the needs of students
 Discuss the supplemental teaching plan with the
SMC and obtain approval
 Volunteer teachers must submit an “end-of-course”
report to showcase their teaching experience
showcasing students’ improvement in academic
Strengthening of DIETs
 A Rotary district level activity
 Visit the nearest District Institute of Education and
Training (DIET)
 Discuss with Principal/ Teacher Trainers if preservice and in-service training is in accordance with
policy prescriptions of the Regional Committees of
the National Council of Teacher Education
Strengthening of DIETs
 Use Diet Survey Form No. T6 to investigate felt
needs of the DIET
 Based on this survey, estimate costs, tie up funds
and start process of DIET strengthening
 District is expected to use TRF grants to finance
these activities
Award System for Teachers
 Download, print and familiarize yourself with:
Form No. T1 – Student Evaluation Sheet.
Form No. T3 – Compilation Sheet
Form No. T2 – Principal/Head Teacher
Evaluation Sheet
Forms are available at Resources Download Forms
on www.rotaryteach.org
Award System for Teachers
 15 teachers from one or mores schools must be
evaluated against every award
 Select Government/ Government-Aided
primary/elementary schools for evaluation of
Award System for Teachers
 Filling Point T1: Evaluation process by students
Select 5% students of total strength of
school/ 10 students whichever is higher
Ask questions pertaining to Form No. T1 and
have the form filled in by each student for
each of the 15 teachers
Total marks for each Teacher gives Total A
which is crried over to Form No. T3
Award System for Teachers
 Filling T2: Head Teacher’s Evaluation
Have all selected Head Teachers fill out the
Form No. T2
Add up Marks given by individual Head
Teachers to get Total B
Multiple Total B by 5 to get Total C
Total C gets carried over to Form No. T3
Award System for Teachers
 Filling T3: Compilation of Marks for Award
Add Total A from Form No. to Total C for each
Teacher and arrive at final marks for each teacher
The teacher with maximum marks in a school will
be selected for the Nation Builders (Outstanding
Teacher) Award
 If more than one school has been selected, the teacher
with the maximum marks wins from among alll schools
Award System for Teachers
 In case of a tie, the teacher with the highest marks
in Head Teacher’s Sheet will receive the award
 Upload final Complilation sheet Form No.T3 on
the website
 Awards are to be preferably given on Teachers
Day, 5th September
Funding Teacher Support
 Club funds or corporates /philanthropic individuals
 RILM grants @ Rs. 200/day for 15 days for
Volunteer Teacher
 Fill in Teacher Support Grant Application Form No.
T5 to apply for RILM grant
 Upon upload of a completed project, through the
Grant Application Form, grant will be released as
Impact Assessment
 For Nation Builder Awards:
Grade changes in 1/3rd of the students
taught by awarded teacher.
Do this at the interval of 6 months and 1
year from date of award
Impact Assessment
 For Training/Retraining Teachers:
Shifts in average attendance and grades of
1/3rd of the student of teachers who have
undergone training
Do teachers feel better equipped to teach?
 For Supplemental Teaching by Volunteer Teachers
in school:
• Grade changes for 1/3rd of the subject/class
taught by the volunteer teachers
Impact Assessment
 For DIET Strengthening:
• Ask training staff/teacher educators of the
utility of the facilities installed
• Ask teachers of their experience of training
undergone in an improved DIET setup
Responsibility of DG
 Set Goals for Teacher Support
 Compile the District Goal Sheet
 Conduct Level II and Level III training
 Contact DIET and also establish communication with
District/Block level Education Officers for necessary
consent/help and inform Clubs involved suitably