Treatment Of Unit Non-response In Establishment Surveys ICES –III: June 18 -21, 2007 M.A. Hidiroglou Wesley Yung Statistics Canada Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why is it a problem? Causes Measurement Follow-up Score Function Adjusting for nonresponse Weight adjustment Imputation Summary Why is it a Problem? Bias Non-respondents differ from respondents in the characteristics measured Sampling variance Increased Reduced effective sample size Causes Frame quality Contact information name, address, telephone number and fax number Classification (industry/geography) Over-coverage: sampled unit not in scope to the survey - does not respond Under coverage: units declared out-of-scope – not contacted Causes, cont. Questionnaire Design and layout Coverage: complex businesses Language Length / time to fill out Causes, cont. Data collection method Did not adjust to respondent’s preferred contact mode Mail, personal interview, telephone interview, computer assisted interviewing, etc Causes, cont. Contact: Agency and respondent Lack of communication and follow-up Too much contact: editing checks Timing Best day and time Fiscal year end Causes, cont. Contact: Agency and respondent Data availability Response load Who else is asking? Legal obligations for respondents and statistical agency Confidentiality protection Measurement Compile non-response rates Refusals Non-contact Out-of-scope Seasonality /death status (unknown) Mail returns Other reasons Follow Up Follow-up non-respondents All and/or targeted sub-group Effective way to increase the response rate Follow Up, cont. Prioritise follow-up Who? Target large or significant units first Non-responding births Delinquent businesses How? Score-function Follow Up, cont. Largest Annual business census type surveys Split non-respondents by into take-all and take-some strata Boundary b x c Nx S 2 2 2 Select with certainty ta units: xk b Select n - ta remaining units from take-some stratum xk bx c 2 Nx 2 S 2 0.5 0.5 Follow-up Response NonResponse Smallest Follow Up, cont. sr sr Hansen-Hurwitz (1946) Initial sample: N n n nr nr s1r Follow-up sample of non-respondents nr n1r Estimator nr N ˆ Y s yi n r n1r s1r yi Score Function Basic idea Follow-up non-responding units that have most impact on estimates Adaptation of Latouche and Berthelot (1992), McKenzie (2001), and Hedlin (2003). Score Function, cont. Key steps 1. Define and compute score function from past values 2. Determine score cut-off: minimize absolute standard bias 3. Follow-up units above score cut-off Score Function, cont. 1. Define and compute score function Use past data at time t past (say) sRESP (t past ) respond: y j t past Sample: s (t prev ) imp sRESP (t past ) do not respond: y j t past Follow-up everybody: YˆsRESPF ( t past ) js ( t past ) w j t past y j t past Compute score function using non-responding units: sRESP (t past ) score j (t past ) w j t past y j t past y imp j t past LL YˆsFU ( t past ) *100 Score Function, cont. 2. Determine score cut-off Rank scores score j (t past ) from highest to lowest Follow-up highest B scores 1 B nsRESP - response set : sRESPB (t past ) - non-response set : sRESPB (t past ) New estimate: YˆsRESPB ( t past ) jsRESPB w j t past y j t past sRESPB w j t past y imp j t past Score Function, cont. 2. Determine score cut-off Absolute standard bias: ASB (B)= ˆ RESPB YˆsRESPF Y ( t past ) s ( t past ) s.e. YˆsRESPF ( t past ) Score cut-off: scoreCUT (t past ) where ASB (CUT ) A Reasonable value for A=0.10 If cv=2%, then ASB(CUT )=0.2% 3. Follow-up units above score cut-off Score Function, cont. Score-function (Latouche and Berthelot 1992) Q score k t = q =1 wk t I q xkimp ,q t - xk,q t 1 s ( t 1 ) wk t xk,q t 1 wk t survey weight at time t I q importance of variable q Establish threshold based on ASB Follow-up k-th unit if scorek t threshold Score Function, cont. Absolute standard bias Cut-off 0 Number of recontacts Weight Adjustment, cont. Select sample s: Design weights wi s n Portion of sampled units that respond: sr (nr ) Portion of sampled units that does not respond: sr (nr ) sr sr s1r Adjusting for nonresponse Two options 1. Weight adjustment: Inverse of response probability Use of auxiliary data 2. Imputation: Impute for missing values to get a full data matrix Weight Adjustment Used to reduce bias due to non-response Depends on the probability to respond i Assumes i independent of variable of interest, y Ignorable non-response Respondents behave same as non-respondents Weight Adjustment, cont. If i known, then adjustment is 1/ i Unbiased estimator is 1 ˆ Y wi yi i sr However, i not known Use estimates of ˆi: may be biased If ˆi are ‘good’, then estimates are approximately unbiased Weight Adjustment, cont. Let true response mechanism be Pr k sr s k and Pr k , sr s k k If assume missing at random: Bias for estimated total: Yˆ N 1/ k Yˆ N k U 1 sr y y k U k k U 1 y sr k /k Weight Adjustment, cont. How to estimate (approximate) ˆi ? Auxiliary variables Logistic regression Auxiliary data (discrete, continuous) Weight Adjustment, cont. Logistic regression Define indicator response variable 1 if unit i responds i 0 otherwise Probability that unit k responds i Pr i 1 ziβ 1 exp ziβ Equivalent to: ln i 1 i zi 1, zi1 , 1 ziβ , zip ; auxiliary data β a vector of logistic regression coefficients Weight Adjustment, cont. Logistic regression Solve w 1 e isr i zi βˆ isr ˆ Response probability adjusted weight zi βˆ ˆ ˆ wi wi / i where i 1 e Reweighed estimator: YˆLR s wi yi r zi β zi zi wi 1 e zi i Weight Adjustment, cont. Example: Logistic regression Probability of Response Response status Theta hat Mean theta hat 1.2 1 Theta Hat 127 sampled businesses 71 businesses respond Same : 0.56 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 40 50 60 x-values 70 80 Weight Adjustment, cont. Example Logistic regression Response 71 Respond 55 Respond 1 x- values 76 72 68 51 46 46 46 45 44 44 44 43 43 42 42 42 42 41 0 40 Response 2 Weight Adjustment, cont. Example: Logistic regression Probability of Response Response status Theta hat Mean theta hat 1,2 1 Theta Hat 127 sampled businesses 55 businesses respond Same : 0.43 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 40 50 60 x-values 70 80 Weight Adjustment, cont. Discrete (Count Adjustment) Assume that i and ij i j for all i and j That is, everyone has the same probability of response and the probability of response is independent between individuals (Uniform Response Mechanism) Estimate of is ˆ wi sr w i s Weight Adjustment, cont. Discrete (Count Adjustment) Non-response adjustment is wi s wi sr Non-response adjusted estimator is ˆ Y wi yi wi s s wi sr Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) Suppose we have auxiliary data xi and the known population total X Estimate by either ˆ1 wi xi sr w x i i s or ˆ2 wi xi X sr Under a Uniform Response Mechanism (URM), ̂1 and ̂2 provide approximately unbiased estimates Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) Note that ̂1 leads to a two-phase estimator and ̂ 2 to the well known ratio estimator ̂2 calibrates to the known total X Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) If we have marginal totals for 2 auxiliary variables, X and Z, one can use raking M F 15-30 ? ? Z1 30-65 ? ? Z2 65+ ? ? Z3 X1 X2 Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) Raking assumes that ijk jk and jk j k Raking is an iterative procedure Rake to one margin then the other At convergence, get adjustment so that marginal totals are met Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) Generalized Regression (GREG) estimator Weight adjustment not really an estimate of response probability Can show that bias is function of response probability and predictive power of X Unbiased under URM Weight Adjustment, cont. Continuous (Auxiliary Data) Weight adjustment 1 ai 1 X Xˆ r wi xi xi xi sr ˆ X r wi xi sr Adjusted estimator: Ŷ wi ai yi sr Weight Adjustment, cont. Weighting Classes Assumption of URM very strong and somewhat unrealistic Usually define weighting classes Mutually exclusive and exhaustive groups C1, C2, …,CR Assume URM within each class Weight Adjustment, cont. How to define weighting classes? Using auxiliary data to group units so that within the weighting class i r Using auxiliary data and logistic regression models Obtain ˆi for all i Form groups so that ˆi r Weight Adjustment, cont. Weighting Classes If weighting class variable is good at predicting y and non-response, bias and variance will be reduced If weighting class variable unrelated to nonresponse but is good predictor of y, no bias reduction but variance reduced If weighting class variable unrelated to y, no bias reduction. Variance could increase if weighting class variable good predictor of non-response! Imputation Usually used for item non-response Can be used for unit non-response also Several methods available Deductive imputation Class mean imputation Cold-deck imputation (earlier survey/ historical) Imputation Hot-deck imputation (current survey) Random overall imputation Random imputation classes Sequential hot deck Distance function matching Regression imputation Simplest example is ratio Imputation, cont. For business surveys, most commonly used methods involve auxiliary data Historical data If data available from previous time period, use it with a trend (last month / last year) If none available, use a mean imputation Administrative data (i.e. tax) Use tax data with or without an adjustment At Statistics Canada, annual tax data used to directly replace and monthly tax data adjusted before use Summary Reduce non-response at front-end Frame Contact vehicle Editing Measure non-response Follow-up selectively and representatively Adjust for non-response Model (Weighting /imputing / Logistic Regression) Homogeneous classes References Bethlehem, J.G. (1988) reduction of Nonresponse bias through regression estimation. Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 4, No. 3, 251-260. Cochran, W.G. (1977): Sampling Techniques. Third Edition, Wiley, New York. Cornish J. (2004). Response Problems In Surveys: improving response and minimising the load for UNSD. 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Score Function, cont No follow-up on occasion t-a YˆNO _ FU t - a jRESP wj t a y j t - a 1 w j t a y IMP t - a j jRESP Partial follow-up on occasion t-a YˆPART _ FU t - a jRESP w j t a y j t - a w t a y t - a jFU j 2 w j t a y IMP t - a j jRESP 2 Full follow-up on occasion t-a YˆFULL _ FU t - a jRESPFULL wj t a y j t - a j