The Fox and the Crow A Crow once sat in a tree. She had a large

The Fox and the Crow
A Crow once sat in a tree. She had a large piece of cheese in her mouth. She wanted to eat it, but suddenly she
saw a Fox. The Fox came up to the tree. He looked up and saw the Crow. He saw the cheese also. The Fox wanted
to get the cheese.
«How beautiful you are Mrs Crow! What big eyes you have. What a pity you cannot sing».
The Crow opened her mouth and said: «Of course l can sing. Car-r! Car-r!»
Wren the Crow opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell out. The Fox ran up to the cheese and quickly ate it
up. «Thank you very much», said he.
The cheese was good and you sang well. «What a pity you don’t think well».
I. Підготовчі вправи.
1. Введення в аудіювання
Т: Today we are going to learn a tale. What tales do you know?
«Now you’ll listen to the tale The Fox and the Crow» But before that we’ll make some exercises.
В) Граматичні
Т: Put the words in to the Past indefinite Tense
To do - did
To make – made
To go – went
To see – saw
To run – ran
To come – came
To think – thought
To eat – ate
To begin – began
T: Put the words in to the Present indefinite Tense
Sat – to sit
Had – to have
Wanted – to want
Came – to come
Said – to say
Fell – to fall
Ran – to run
ІІ. Власне аудіювання
Listen to the text
ІІІ. Контроль аудіювання
Відповіді на питання
А) Put + when the sentence is right and – when the sentence is falt.
1 A Crow sat on the ground (-)
2 A Fox had a piece of chalk in her mouth (-)
3 A Fox came up to the tree (+)
4 The Fox said that the Crow had very big eyes (+)
5 The Crow ate the cheese (-)
Б) Listen to the sentences and choose the right ending.
1 A Crow sat in a
Tree +
2 Suddenly the Crow saw a
3 The Fox …a cheese in the Crow’s mouth.
4 The Crow opened he… and the Cheese fell out
5 The Fox said: «What a pity you don’t …well»
В) Give the right answer
1 what did the Crow want to do?
a) to eat+
в) to sing
c) to dance
2 Who the Fox saw?
a) the Rabbit
в) the Bear
c) the Crow +
3 What could the Crow do?
a) play
в) sing +
c) work
4 Who ate the cheese?
a) the Crow
в) the Fox +
c) the Bear
5 What did the Fox say after that when she eat the cheese?
a) thank you +
в) good buy
c) have a nice day
IV Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.
Т: Listen to the text once more and put the sentences in the right order.
1 A Crow had a large piece of cheese in her mouth. (2)
2 The Fox came up. (3)
3 A Crow once sat in a tree. (1)
4 The Fox wanted to get a cheese (4)
5 A Crow said: «Car-r! Car-r!» (6)
6 Fox said a Crow that she was beautiful. (5)
7 A Fox ate the cheese. (7)
Put the right word instead of points from the box.
1 A… sat in a tree
2 She had a large piece of…
3 The Fox… to the tree
4 The Fox… to get the cheese.
5 What a … eyes you have Mrs Crow.
6 A Crow opened her …
7 A piece of cheese…
8 The Fox ran up to the cheese and… ate it up.
Box: Crow, came up, cheese, big, wanted, mouth, quickly, fell out.
T: Tell, what of the animals is cleverer?