NOTE TAKING - Listen to the text and take notes. Then answer the




B2 Module 4

Worksheet 8

30th May, 2014



NOTE TAKING - Listen to the text and take notes. Then answer the following the answer according to the notes you have taken.


In addition to searching for information, what is another reason more and more people use the Internet nowadays?



What did Jeff Bezos think shopping would be like in the future before he quit his good job in New York?



Why did the company begin in a garage?



Give two examples of the things that people can do at the site?



Give three examples of the items that sold in its first years?


6. Has made a profit yet? Under what condition will it make a profit?




1. What did the beekepers face with after the winter of two thousand six?


2. In the fall and winter of the 2007, what percent of the hives were lost?


3. How many managed hives does USA have?


4. What is the name of the virus found in half of the studied colonies?


5. Researchers know if this virus causes a colony to collapse T / F


6. What makes it difficult for researchers to understand what the new disorder is?


7. Tell what prevents bees from finding flowers to pollinate.


8. How far can the scent of the flowers travel now?




Answer the questions according to the reading.

Alcohol and Women Infertility

Alcohol consumption may be linked to a women's risk of infertility, say researches supported by the National Institute of Child Health. In a study of nearly 6000 women, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health looked at Data from those evaluated at seven infertility clinics. After adjusting for other factors that could affect results, such as age and cigarette smoking, researchers found a strong association between alcohol (more than the equivalent of seven cans of beer a week) and infertility due to ovulation problems. The inability to conceive

was about 30 percent more likely to occur in women who drank moderately and about 60 percent more likely in women who drank heavily.

1.The researchers supported by the National Institute of Child Health ----.

A) took care of women who're suffering from alcohol

B) have spent a lot of money on fertility

C) have been victims of infertility

D) said alcohol may affect women's fertility

E) have also worked for Harvard University

2. According to the passage, one can assume that women who are infertile, ----.

A) possibly drink more than seven cans of beer a week

B) are students at Harvard university

C) smoked a lot of cigarettes when they were very young

D) used to go hospitals because of serious problems

E) really don't like babies and some of them hate babies

3. The passage tells us that ----.

A) smoking is not as harmful as alcohol

B) a lot of researches have been done on smoking

C) we are unaware of the side-effects of infertility

D) beer is also a kind of alcohol

E) women who drink heavily have the risk of infertility



Earthquakes are probably one of the most frightening and destructive happenings of nature that man experiences. The effects of an earthquake are often terrible. Earthquakes have caused the death of many human beings, much suffering, and great damage. Today, the study of earthquakes has grown greatly as scientists all over the world study the causes of earthquakes.

Scientists hope that their studies will improve the ways of predicting earthquakes and also develop ways to reduce their destructive effects.

The scientific study of earthquakes is somewhat new. Until the 18th century, few factual descriptions of earthquakes were recorded, In general, people did not understand the cause of earthquakes. Many believed that they were a punishment from God. One early theory was that earthquakes were caused by air rushing out of caverns deep in the interior of the earth.

On November 1, 1755, a serious earthquake occurred near Lisbon, Portugal. Shocks from the quake were felt in many parts of the world. After the quake, Portuguese priests were asked to

observe the effects and to make written records. These records were the first scientific steps to write down the effects of an earthquake. Since that time, detailed records have been kept of almost every major earthquake.

Most earthquakes occur in areas around the Pacific Ocean. This belt of areas is called the 'ring of fire' and includes the Pacific coasts of North and South America, the Aleutian Islands,

Japan, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Half a million people within the 'ring of fire' have died because of earthquakes and much valuable property has been severely damaged or destroyed.

An earthquake is the oscillatory, sometimes violent, movement of the earth's surface that comes after a release of energy in the crust of the earth. Most destructive quakes are caused by the dislocation of the crust. Forces from beneath the surface of the earth cause the crust to bend and then break and the rocks on the surface move into a new position. The breaking of the rocks causes vibrations called 'seismic waves'. These vibrations travel from the source of the earthquake to distant places along the surface of the earth. The seismic waves cause the entire planet to tremble or ring like a bell.

The vibrations produced by earthquakes are discovered, recorded, and measured by instruments called seismographs. Vibrations are of two general types: surface waves and body waves. Surface waves travel along the earth's surface and body waves travel through the earth.

Surface waves usually have the strongest vibrations and probably cause most of the damage done by earthquakes.

Currently, scientists are making studies to predict earthquakes. At the present time, scientists do not have the knowledge required to predict the time and size of earthquakes. However, a large group of scientists at the National Centre for Earthquake Research in California, has been able to predict the areas where earthquakes might occur. Research at the centre about the physical and chemical nature of rocks and their behavior under the force of an earthquake will help engineers to design and build structure for areas that often suffer from earthquakes.

Mark the best choice.

1. Line 10, 'caverns' are probably………………… a) earthquakes occurring in the interior of the earth b) strong winds caused by earthquakes c) rivers and lakes in major earthquake areas d) deep holes under the ground

2. The first detailed records of an earthquake………………… a) were kept in the 17th century b) showed that earthquakes were a punishment from God c) were written down in Portugal

d) explained the theory that earthquakes started in the caverns in the interior of the earth

3. The rocks on the surface of the earth change their position when . …………………

a) the crust of the earth is bent and broken by underground forces

b) forces on the surface of the earth bend and break the crust of the earth c) the earth trembles or rings like a bell d) great damage and much suffering are caused

4. Seismic waves can be defined as………………… a) the bending and breaking of the rocks on the surface of the earth b) the vibrations that result from the breaking of rocks c) the release of energy in the crust of the earth d) the dislocation of the earth's crust

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text? a) Information about the types of vibrations. b) Studies on earthquake prediction at present. c) Examples of the biggest earthquakes that have occurred so far. d) History of the scientific study of earthquakes.



Circle the correct answer.


It's …………………. whether a university degree helps at all. a.

instantaneous b. debatable c. conventional d. reliable


Some people think drinking in…………………. can prevent heart disease. a.

consistency b. generosity c. moderation d. transition


The social…………………. of the problem must also be taken into account. a.

dimensions b. feature c. moderation d. adjustment


Internet connections through………………… phone lines are fairly slow. a.

restricted b. complementary c. remarkable d. conventional


Customers expect…………………. in the quality of service they receive. a.

dimension b. adjustment c. consistency d. transition


You can ………………. the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs. a.

generate b. enhance c. compete d.measure


The police do not ……………….. murder in this case. a.

suspect b. attend c. owe d.inspire


Her first novel was ………………… by her early childhood. a.

tended b.suspected c. inspired d. shortened


Players must make a ………………… to play for a full season. a.

commitment b. consistency c. adjustment d.transition


Clothes and blankets have been……………… among the refugees. a.

enhanced b. reacted c. reconsidered d. distributed


Match the words with the correct definitions.

_____1. Generate a) the quality of always being the same

_____2. Tend (to) b) limited

_____3. Measure c) possibly

_____4. Consistency d) the desire to know about something

_____5. Restricted e) to produce or cause something

_____6. Feature f) to discover the exact size or amount of something

_____7. Complementary g) open to question, controversial

_____8. Potentially h) to be likely to, be inclined to

_____9. Debatable i) a typical quality or important part of something

_____10. Curiosity j) useful or attractive together

C. Match the words with the correct synonyms.

______1. Perceive a) original

______2. Pursuit b) aspect

______3. Distinctive c) improve

______4. Innovative d) think of

______5. Generate e) promise

______6. Adjustment f) activity

______7. Commitment g) unusual

______8. Enhance h) unique

______9. Remarkable i) create

______10. Dimension j) adaptation

D. Match the words with the correct antonyms.

______1. curiosity a) fearfully

______2. conventional b) damage

______3. generosity c) discourage

______4. distribute d) disinterest

______5. efficient e) unusual

______6. urban f) prejudice

______7. restore g) ineffective

______8. tolerance h) collect

______9. bravely i) selfishness

______10. inspire j) rural


A. If clauses - Test - If clauses type 1 and type 2 Fill in the correct form of the verb.

1. If Jake……………….. the money, he will go to America. (have)

2. If I had a lot of money, I ………………………………some to charity. (give)

3. If the girls…………………….. shopping, they would have bought some new shoes. (go)

4. Jake will bring some CDs if he………………………………. some good ones. (find)

5. If I …………………………….her, I would wear the red top. (be)

6. If Pete were hungry, he…………………………… a hamburger. (eat)

7. If we…………………………………. to the café, we will drink tea. (go)

8. Ben……………………………… to a restaurant if he had more time. (go)

9. If the teacher corrected the tests, the pupils…………………………….. the marks. (know)

10. Ben will go to the club if his friend…………………………………… with him. (go)

B. Please choose the correct, most natural-sounding response to complete each of the following sentences:

1. If I ________ you, I would apologize to her right away. (to be)


b. were

c.have been

2. If I run into her, I ________ her that you're looking for her. (to tell)

a.would tell

b. tell

c. will tell

3. If you ________ that again, I will call the police. (to do)

a. to do

b. do

c. will do

4. He would never have asked her out on a date if she ________ him first. (to kiss)

a.hadn't kissed

b. didn't kiss

c. will not kiss

5. If you were her, what ________? (to do)

a. would you do

b. did you do

c. do you do

6. If she hadn't gone to England, she ________ Orlando Bloom. (to meet)

a. would not meet

b. did not meet

c. would not have met

7. If it doesn't start snowing, we ________ this evening. (to go skiing)

a.won't go skiing

b.wouldn't go skiing

c.don't go skiing

8. If you had saved some money earlier, you ________ broke right now. (to be)

a. would not have been

b. will not be

c. are not

9. If I ________ at the airport so late, I would not have missed my flight. (to arrive)

a. didn't arrive

b. hadn't arrived

c. would not arrive

10. If you buy one t-shirt, you ________ the second one free.

a. will have gotten

b. would get

c. get

C. Choose the correct answer.

1. Alice didn't get a good grade. She wishes she…………………. (work) harder.

a. worked b. had worked

2. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he………… (become) a professional football player.

a. became b. had become

3. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he…………… (not/run) so fast.

a. hadn’t run b. didn’t run

4. She's keen on computers. She wishes she……… (study) computer science next school year.

a. studied b. had studied

5. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. If only I ………….(know) how to use it.

a. knew b. had known

6. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I…………… (stay) at work late.

a. didn’t stay b. hadn’t stayed


Combine the two sentences to make one, using an adjective clause.


The man was sick. He looked very pale.

The man, who looked very pale, was sick.


He was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded.



A nurse was nearby. He called to her.



The nurse called a doctor. He came quickly.



The doctor asked him to lie down. She looked very worried.



She gave the man an injection. It made him go to sleep.


E. Select the response that best completes the sentence.


Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn't know where ________. a. is our cat b. our cat was c. our cat is d. was our cat


Now, our cat is home again, and we can't believe how many ________. a. kittens does she have b. kittens has she c. she has kittens d. kittens she has

3. Can you imagine ________ ? a. how cute they are b. how cute are they c. how they are cute d. are they cute

4. The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what ________. a. are saying you b. that you are saying c. are saying you d. you are saying

5. My husband said _________ try to keep them all. a. don't we b. that shouldn't c. that we shouldn't d. that we don't

6. The cat belongs to my daughter, so my husband insisted that ________ them for adoption.

(give them away) a. she offer b. she offers c. she will offer d. she must offer

7. He told us ________ sad, and that it would be better for everyone. a. don't be b. doesn't be c. not be d. not to be

8. She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn't know whom ________ .

a. should she ask b. she should ask c. she ask d. she asks

9. She decided _____________ post some notices around the neighborhood.

a. that she b. what she c. what she would d. that she would

10. Neighbors dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out ____________ .

a. which one he's like b. which one he likes c. which one he liked d. which one they liked

11. One mother told her son, "_______ is daily care. Can you give that?" a. That a pet needs b. What a pet needs c. Which a pet needs d. Whether a pet needs

12. "Adopting a kitten depends on ____________ the ability to care for it." a. have you b. whether you have c. that have you d. if have you

13. Of course, the child agreed. Is it possible __________ the child would not agree?

a. what b. that

c. if d. whether or not

14. __________ a good home is important. a. Should a pet get b. Does a pet get c. If a pet gets d. Whether a pet gets

15. _________ happened. All but two of the kittens were adopted. (but – except) a. That we wanted b. What we wanted c. Which we wanted d. What do we want


Let it be

Fill in the gaps with a word from the box. The first one has been done as an example.

There are 4 words that you don’t need (distractors). 20 x 0.5= 10 marks

Sir Paul McCartney is probably (0) _____ most famous pop musician of the 20 th


(1)____ with John Lennon he formed the Beatles, and since their break-up has had a long solo career. Altogether he has (2)____ over 500 songs including Yesterday, the most played song of (3)____ time. He has recently also written a classical piece called Standing Stone which was premiered in 1997. His wife Linda died of cancer in 1998. He has four children.

When did you and John Lennon meet? ‘In 1957 when I was 15 and he was 16 and we were both still at school. We had a lot in common, we were both (4)___ about music and we both lost our mothers when we were teenagers. My mother had died of cancer the year before and

John’s mum was run over by a

(5)___ a year after we’d met. So there was always that special bond (6)____ us.’

When did you and John begin to write songs together?’

(7)____ was when I was still at school and John was at art college. We (8)____ to write at my house in the afternoon when my dad was working. We had about three hours before my dad (9)_____ home. John had a secondhand guitar and I played a bit (10)___ the piano. We had an old school notebook and I used to write at the top of the page A Lennon and McCartney original. We always said to each other




16. that we’d be the (11)____ songwriting team in the world, which is funny (12)____ that’s exactly what we became. We (13)____ the Beatles in 1960.

Are any of your lyrics about real people and events?’ Usually the Beatles’ songs which were my (14)___ weren’t personal, but there were some

(15)____: for instance, I wrote Let it be about my mother, (16)____ name was Mary. One night, when the Beatles were breaking up and I was feeling very depressed, I had a (17)____ where I saw my mum, who had died when I was fourteen. It was great to see her again and in the dream she said, ‘Don’t worry.

Everything will be (18)___.

’ It was such a nice dream I woke up and I felt much

(19)____ and

I started to write Let it be. Avterwards, thousands of people wrote to me saying that the song had helped them in (20)___ times. Later, after the Beatles had broken up, I formed Wings and

I wrote a lot of songs to my wife Linda, like Silly Love songs and The Lovely Linds.’ all between formed idea the all right car got it together because difficult greatest mad used become dream guitar on whose better exceptions happy other written


















