Week 12 Designing Social Inquiry Democratic Peace Scholarship Proponents vs. Critics I36005 Soohyung Ahn Question • Read Layne, Spiro, and Correspondence. What are the major points of contentions (in terms of methodology) between these scholars? Who do you think has won the debate? Contents • Democratic peace theory + proponents • The element of democratic peace theory • Critics on this theory • Who won the debates? Democratic Peace Theory •Democratic peace is the proposition that democracies do not fight each other. •Immanuel Kant’ essay “Perpetual Peace.” • A republican constitution is the most desirable circumstance for perpetual peace. Immanuel Kant •The checks and balances and international law. The elements of democratic peace theory - Structural element : democratic structures give citizens leverage over government decisions. Therefore, a democratic leader is less likely to initiate a war with another liberal democracy. - Normative element : shared democratic and liberal values explain the peace that exists between democratic states. Michael Doyle • Statistic - A computerized database on interstate wars. In statistical analysis, he found no liberal nations fought wars with each other since 1816. (“the complete absence of wars” or “zero wars”) Bruce Russett • The causes of peace : the two elements. - democratic peace theory relies on two causal explanations. 1) institutional constraints 2) democratic norms and culture Critics on the theory David Spiro 1) Definition A statistical artifact in terms of its definition. - They selectively choose definitions of key variables so that data analysis yields the results they seek. - Democracy and War Immanuel Kant 2) The data • Zero is a insignificant result and is predicted by random chance. - Why? Although he used a computerized database, he did not perform any probability analyses to disclose why zero is statistically significant. - Example? Lotteries - Actually, the absence of war between liberal democracies is not a significant pattern for the past two centuries. - The number of wars between democracies is not statistically different from what random chance would predict. - Furthermore, both wars and democracies are rare over the past two centuries. Critics on the theory Christopher Layne • criticizes two elements of democratic people theory (institutional constraints / democratic norms and culture) • it is just a matter of degree • It is difficult to prove the cases why a non-event did not happen - The dog that did not bark agreement. The main points of critics • This theory use only the data which support their position and exclude evidence they cannot explain for their good. • The theory is based on normative theory, which cannot be substantiated. Who won the debates? • On the surface, Layne and Spiro can be considered the winner in the argument. • “the dog that did not bark argument” • Therefore, Neither position is perfect