How do enzymes lower the energy of activation? When bound to an

1. How do enzymes lower the energy of activation?
When bound to an enzyme, the bonds in the reactants can be strained (that
is stretched) thereby making it easier for them to achieve the transition state. This
is one way for which enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction.
2. How does the active site of an enzyme change when it binds a substrate molecule?
The enzyme's active site binds to the substrate. The temperature generally
increases the rate of a reaction, but dramatic changes in temperature.
3. Is the change to the active site of an enzyme permanent? How do you know?
Irreversible inhibitors bind permanently to the enzyme, blocking access to active
sites and I know because therefore reducing the rate of the reaction of the active
4. What types of molecular interactions occur between the active site and the
substrate? (Hint: You might need to read additional resources such as
Wikipedia's Active Site)
These protease inhibitors bind to an enzyme's active site and block interaction
with natural substrates. The molecule is hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic
5. How does pH affect the ability of an enzyme to bind a substrate? Explain the
The pH affects the ability of an enzyme that binds a substrate by denaturing an
enzyme, thereby abolishing its action as a catalyst.
6. How does temperature affect the ability of an enzyme to bind a substrate? Sketch
a graph depicting the relationship between temperature and enzyme activity.
Be certain to label both axes.
7. What specific changes occur to the structure of an enzyme when it is boiled? How
do enzymes lower the energy of activation?
Enter 1V4S into the PDB identification code box.
1. What is the name of the enzyme?
2. What is the name of the organism (scientific and common) from which the
enzyme was isolated?
Where in the organism is the enzyme located?
What is the function of the enzyme?
How many chains are present in this enzyme?
Capture an image of the molecule which displays a view that depicts the
function of the enzyme?
7. How many substrate molecules are bound to this enzyme? (Please note that not
all ligands are substrates!)
Predict how the enzyme likely binds to the substrate (e.g., hydrogen bonds,
hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions, weak covalent bonds) and explain your reasoning.