2015 ISPOR IMS CDM user forum November 08, 2015 Agenda Item 2 Presenter Time (min) Welcome Mark Lamotte 14.00 IMS CDM Version 9.0: • Hypoglycemia module + impact • New type 2 risk equations • Makeover of type 1 data inputs • NICE comments on 8.5 and how they were adressed Volker Foos Volker Foos Phil McEwan Mafalda Ramos 14.10 Pending developments • New user interface • The Reference Manual • User access Mark Lamotte Robert Chomuntowski 15.25 Coffee break All 15.40 Practical guidance in the use of the model • The choice for a web based patient simulation • Random walk and number of patients/iterations • Impact of BMI on study results • Sense and nonsense of certain sensitivity analysis Volker Foos Phil McEwan Matthew Madin Eleonora Lovato Questions/comments/feedback? ALL IMS Health Confidential 15.55 16.45 The IMS Core Diabetes Model Team 3 Scientific lead Mark Lamotte – mlamotte@be.imshealth.com Volker Foos – vfoos@ch.imshealth.com Commercial development Adam Collier – acollier@uk.imshealth.com Mike Gains – mgains@uk.imshealth.com External advisor Phil McEwan – phil.mcewan@heor.co.uk IT Robert Chomuntowski – RChomuntowski@pl.imshealth.com Training and model development Eleonora Lovato – ELovato@uk.imshealth.com Mafalda Ramos – mafalda.ramos@be.imshealth.com Matthew Madin-Warburton – MMadinWarburton@uk.imshealth.com IMS Health Confidential Abstracts/Presentation at ISPOR Milano 2015 Current research with the CDM Monday RESEARCH PODIUMS – II 10 November 2015 CE1 15:45 Basal Insulin Regimens: Systematic Review, Network Meta-Analysis and Cost–Utility Analysis for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guideline on Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults (Dawoud et al) Wednesday SESSION V 11 November 2015 Author Discussion Hour 4 PRM72 12:45-13:45 CONTRASTING PREDICTIONS OF CARDIOVASCULAR INCIDENCE DERIVED FROM ALTERNATIVE RISK PREDICTION MODELS IN TYPE 1 DIABETES PRM74 12:45-13:45 CONTRASTING MODEL PREDICTED LIFE EXPECTANCY IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES ACROSS DIFFERENT MORTALITY RISK PREDICTION MODELS VERSUS DATA FROM THE CANADIAN CHRONIC DISEASE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM PRM84 12:45-13:45 THE IMPORTANCE OF ACCOUNTING FOR BASELINE HYPOGLYCAEMIA FREQUENCY WHEN MODELLING HYPOGLYCAEMIA DISUTILITY IN TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS PRM85 12:45-13:45 VALIDATING APPROACHES TO MODELLING END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE USING THE IMS CORE DIABETES MODEL PRM88 12:45-13:45 THE IMPACT OF BASELINE HBA1C AND HBA1C TRAJECTORIES ON TIME TO THERAPY ESCALATION IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PRM98 12:45-13:45 INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF CONTEMPORARY RISK FACTORS FOR DIABETES COMPLICATIONS AND THEIR EVOLUTION ON RISK PREDICTION USING THE UKPDS 82 EQUATION PRM111 12:45-13:45 THE ROLE OF PATIENT LEVEL DATA IN ASSESSING HEALTH ECONOMIC VALUE: A CASE STUDY USING EDGE AND THE CORE DIABETES MODEL IMS Health Confidential CDM Version 9.0 The IMS CORE Diabetes Model Update to CDM v9.0 Scientific updates • Hypoglycemia module + impact • New cardiovascular risk equations • Type 1 update – Microvascular disease (EDIC) – Macrovascular (new T1D CV REs) – Mortality (T1D mortality RE) • NICE comments on 8.5 and how they were update in the T1D section of the 9.0 model 6 IMS Health Confidential Hypoglycemia Module The Hypoglycemia Module Developed to more precisely capture the economic impact of hypoglycemia Impact of events on: Direct cost Indirect cots QALE disutility Mortality CDM v8.5 CDM v9.0 diurnal Daily NSHE nocturnal Mild Daily diurnal SHE1 Daily nocturnal Severe 4 month diurnal 4 month SHE2 nocturnal 8 IMS Health Confidential Event Rates Treatment setting CDM v8.5 CDM v9.0 diurnal Daily NSHE nocturnal Mild Daily diurnal SHE1 Daily nocturnal Severe 4 month diurnal 4 month SHE2 nocturnal 9 IMS Health Confidential Event Rates (contd.) Log linear regression equations NSHE – Log-linear regression model1 Coefficient Intercept Baseline age Baseline HbA1c HbA1c reduction Duration of diabetes % allowed SU Basal analog used 14.771 -0.088 -0.667 0.427 0.189 0.007 -0.545 SE Z 1.740 0.021 0.148 0.143 0.035 0.002 0.175 8.49 -4.11 -4.50 2.98 5.33 3.57 -3.11 P(>|z|) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 CDM v9.0 diurnal Daily NSHE nocturnal SHE – Log-linear regression model1 Coefficient Intercept Baseline age Duration of diabetes Baseline HbA1c HbA1c reduction Biphasic Insuin 10.794 -0.101 0.163 -0.723 0.638 0.768 SE Z 2.036 0.025 0.039 0.173 0.166 0.312 5.30 -4.12 4.21 -4.17 3.85 2.44 P(>|z|) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.015 diurnal SHE1 Daily nocturnal diurnal 4 month SHE2 nocturnal 1McEwan et al. Predicting the frequency of severe and non-severe hypoglycaemia in insulin treated type-2 diabetes subjects. Presented at the ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin 2-6 November 2013 10 IMS Health Confidential Diminishing Disutility for NSHE Diminishing Disutility for NSHE • Two independent studies predicting the same trend of diminishing NSHE annual disutility Per event disutility (static vs. dim.) 0.012 Per-event Diminishing marginal effects 0.009 Per- event disutility • Overall assumption is that per event annual utility impact decreases with increasing number of annual NSHE 0.006 0.003 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 – Large TTO study of >8000 respondents from five countries (UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Sweden) (1) NSHE event rate Consistency between two distinct studies 0.015 Lauridsen et al. Per- event disutility – Data from postal survey of 1305 respondents from the UK (2) Currie et al. 0.012 0.009 0.006 0.003 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NSHE event rate 1Lauridsen JT et al. Diminishing marginal disutility of hypoglycaemic events: results from a time trade-off survey in five countries..Qual Life Res. 2014 Nov;23(9):2645-50 2Currie et al. Multivariate models of health related utility and the fear of hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes, CMRO Vol. 22, No., 2006, 1523–1534 11 IMS Health Confidential Diminishing Disutility Research Abstract 1 (ISPOR Montreal 2014) – To show implications 1) Overall annual decline in QALE 2) QALE gain for a 50% reduction of NSHE 2) QALE gain per 1 event avoided Conclusions Nonlinear (diminishing) models produced higher overall and incremental utility scores for 1-4 NSHE/year and considerably lower scores for >=5 NSHE/year 1Foos et al. Illustrating the relationship between the number of hypoglycemic events, event rate reduction and the impact on estimates of quality of life improvement in health economic studies. ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting, Montreal, 31 May-June 4, 2014 | PDB80 12 IMS Health Confidential Diminishing Disutility (contd.) Research Abstract 2 (EASD 2015) – Case Study Objectives • Use CDM to project published real-world audit data for patients with type 1 diabetes switching to insulin degludec (ID) from either insulin glargine or detemir (IGD) over lifetime using static vs. diminishing approach • NSHE rate pre switch: 3.9 events/week (203 events/yr) • NSHE rate post switch: 0.36 events/week (18 events/yr) 1Evans et al. Insulin degludec early clinical experience: does the promise from the clinical trials translate into clinical practice—a case-based evaluation. Journal of Medical Economics 2014, 1–10 13 IMS Health Confidential Diminishing Disutility (contd.) Research Abstract 2 (EASD 2015) – Case Study Findings 0.000 • Use of a static disutility results in negative QALE predictions -0.038 Static -0.600 Diminishing -0.800 Conclusion -1.000 • When evaluating treatments associated with high rates of hypoglycemia, the static disutility approach may lead to misleading estimates of QALE that lack face validity -1.200 1Lovato -0.094 -0.400 Disutility • Baseline utility for diabetes without complications is 0.785 -0.086 -0.200 -1.056 IGD ID E et al. The importance of appropriately incorporating the effects of hypoglycaemia within a health economic model when hypoglycaemia rates are high. EASD, 14-18 September 2015, Stockholm, Sweden 14 IMS Health Confidential New Cardiovascular risk equations New CV risk prediction models Background • In 2012 the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) raised concerns regarding the appropriateness of using UKPDS risk equations Question • Can contemporary diabetes management strategies (including DPP4’s, GLP1’s, SGLT2’s etc.) be compared in decision analytic models that are based on evidence from the UKPDS? Rationale • UKPDS out of date • Study was conducted in the 1990 • Patients managed differently (intensive treatment with SU, insulin, MET, combinations) 16 IMS Health Confidential New CV risk prediction models IMS research1 to inform this question UKPDS Summary 0.0 • Compared to UKPDS REs (OM & risk engines) B) To predict the CV risk reduction associated with intervention vs. control 1McEwan 2Van 17 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.00 Risk equation 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 ADDITION CV risk reduction Framingham (Stroke) 1991 UKPDS 60 (Stroke) 2002 UKPDS 68 Stroke 2004 Hong Kong (Stroke) 2007 Framingham (MI) 1991 UKPDS 68 MI 2004 DCS (MI) 2010 Framingham (CVD) 1991 SNDR (CVD) 2008 DCS (CVD) 2010 Fremantle (CVD) 2011 ADVANCE (CVD) 2011 UKPDS 56 (CHD) 2002 ARIC (CHD) 2003 Tayside (CHD) 2006 Hong Kong (CHD) 2008 0.3 et al. PDB54, ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 18-22, 2013 Dieren et al. Heart. 2012;98(5):360–9 IMS Health Confidential Framingham (Stroke) 1991 UKPDS 60 (Stroke) 2002 UKPDS 68 Stroke 2004 Hong Kong (Stroke) 2007 Framingham (MI) 1991 UKPDS 68 MI 2004 DCS (MI) 2010 Framingham (CVD) 1991 SNDR (CVD) 2008 DCS (CVD) 2010 Fremantle (CVD) 2011 ADVANCE (CVD) 2011 UKPDS 56 (CHD) 2002 ARIC (CHD) 2003 Tayside (CHD) 2006 Hong Kong (CHD) 2008 ADDITION baseline CV r isk Risk equation A) To predict the baseline CVD risk of the ACCORD and ADDITION population ACCORD CV risk reduction Risk equation • REs were coded and validated in Microsoft Excel Risk equation • 10 contemporary risk equations (REs) were selected from a systematic review2 ACCORD baseline CV risk Framingham (Stroke) 1991 UKPDS 60 (Stroke) 2002 UKPDS 68 Stroke 2004 Hong Kong (Stroke) 2007 Framingham (MI) 1991 UKPDS 68 MI 2004 DCS (MI) 2010 Framingham (CVD) 1991 SNDR (CVD) 2008 DCS (CVD) 2010 Fremantle (CVD) 2011 ADVANCE (CVD) 2011 UKPDS 56 (CHD) 2002 ARIC (CHD) 2003 Tayside (CHD) 2006 Hong Kong (CHD) 2008 Framingham (Stroke) 1991 UKPDS 60 (Stroke) 2002 UKPDS 68 Stroke 2004 Hong Kong (Stroke) 2007 Framingham (MI) 1991 UKPDS 68 MI 2004 DCS (MI) 2010 Framingham (CVD) 1991 SNDR (CVD) 2008 DCS (CVD) 2010 Fremantle (CVD) 2011 ADVANCE (CVD) 2011 UKPDS 56 (CHD) 2002 ARIC (CHD) 2003 Tayside (CHD) 2006 Hong Kong (CHD) 2008 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Conclusions and further proceedings IMS integrated eight alternative CV-REs into the CDM “While this research demonstrated that UKPDS REs perform “on average” versus newer sets of equations….” …IMS decided to integrate new CV risk equations in the CDM 1. To address concerns from HTA – E.g. TLV now requests use of S-NDR based REs for model submissions in Sweden 2. To cover relevant geographical regions (US, Asia, Europe, Nordics, Australia) 3. To expand the scientific scope of the model – Perform scenario analysis using different CV-REs – Demonstrate implications of using different CV-REs 18 IMS Health Confidential Eight New CV risk prediction models Summary End Point 19 Diabetes Type Data set Region Registry Nordics RCT Randomized cohort 20 countries from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America 2 Observational prospective 50K employees Germany (validated in Asia) 2 Observational prospective 1 Swedish NDR CVD=sudd card death, fatal IHD, nf MI, unst. Ang, PCI, CABG or f/nf stroke 2 ADVANCE risk engnie CVD = CHD or stroke 3 PROcam CHD event 4 ARIC CHD event 5 FREMENTLE CVD event = MI or stroke 2 6 HONG KONG RE 1 for stroke RE 2 for HF 7 Pittsburg EDC CHD defined as CHD death, fatal/nonfatal MI or Q-waves 8 EDIC CVD=MI or stroke or IHD IMS Health Confidential Study type 2 2 Observational retrospective Community based cohort US Observational prospective Community based cohort Australia 2 Observational retrospective Registry Asia 1 Observational prospective Population epidemiologically representative of all T1D in Pennsylvania US 1 Interventional turnedobservational US Eight New CV risk prediction models Can be selected as alternative choices in the simulation input interface CVD risk models available in CDM v8.0 • Framingham • UKPDS risk engines (UKPDS 56/60) • UKPDS OM1 (UKPDS 68) Type 1 diabetes specific equations 20 IMS Health Confidential Contrasting eight cardiovascular risk equations for use in type 2 diabetes cohorts Poster – EASD, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-18 September 2015 Objective • Compare cardiovascular incidence and predicted ICER (per QALE) across risk equations (RE) Methods • Baseline characteristics from the EDGE study • Comparators: MET+DPP4 (Vildagliptin) vs. MET+ SU • Treatment Effects • UK setting 21 IMS Health Confidential Contrasting eight cardiovascular risk equations for use in type 2 diabetes cohorts Conclusions 1. There was a noteworthy difference in predicted CI of CV events across the eight REs 2. Therefore economic assessments should utilize REs from the most representative population 3. Importantly, both the estimated QALE and ICERs were relatively stable across risk equations 4. Due principally by the health economic benefit being driven by quality of life improvements due to hypoglycaemia risk reductions and less weight gain in the M+D arm 22 IMS Health Confidential Type 1 update Microvascular disease (EDIC) Macrovascular (new T1D CV REs) Mortality (T1D mortality RE) Alternative option to model micro-vascular complications Microvascular disease The EDIC observational follow up study of the DCCT 1,441 subjects 1,375 subjects (annual examinations) Risk reduction with INT vs. CON Metabolic memory 24 IMS Health Confidential Microvascular disease CDM Approach 1 (transition probability tables) CDM clinical tables Background transition probabilities derived from DCCT cumulative incidence p = p (BG_int/con) * RR(HbA1c) * RR(SBP) * RR(ACE) * RR(Laser) * RR(Ethnicity) 25 IMS Health Confidential Microvascular disease Renal Eye Updated based on DCCT/EDIC Metabolic memory adjustments added Updated Updated Updated Updated CDM v9.0 Background risk INT/CON A1C ACE SBP BDR onset BDR-PDR PDR-SVL DCCT/EDIC1 DCCT/EDIC1 DCCT/EDIC INT only INT only X4 X4 X4 */* */* */* no change no change no change No-ME DCCT/EDIC1 INT only X4 */* no change X4 MAU onset DCCT/EDIC2 INT only X5 */* no change X2 MAU-GRP DCCT/EDIC2 INT only X6 */* no change X8 GRP-ESRD DCCT/EDIC2 X */* no change X2 Neuropathy DCCT/EDIC3 X7 X no change HbA1c adjustments updated based on EDIC 26 Conventional treatment removed IMS Health Confidential INT only ACE adjustments removed 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) New Laser/no laser therapy Race Metabolic memory X4 X4 X4 no change no change X8 Lachin et al. DCCT/EDIC research group.Diabetes. 2015 Feb;64(2):631-42 de Boer IH. DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Diabetes Care 2014;37:24–32 Albers JW et al. DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Diabetes Care. 2010 May;33(5):1090-6 White NH et al. DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Arch Ophthalmol. 2008 Dec;126(12):1707-15 DCCT/EDIC Research Group. JAMA. 2003 Oct 22;290(16):2159-67 de Boer et al. Arch Intern Med. DCCT/EDIC Research Group, 2011 Mar 14;171(5):412-20 Martin CL et al. DCCT/EDIC Research Group.Diabetes Care. 2014;37(1):31-8 Gubitosi-Klug RA et al.DCCT/EDIC Research Group.Diabetes Care. 2014;37(1):44-9 Type 1 update – Macrovascular disease Two T1D specific CVD risk models were added to the CDM Pittsburg CVD model • Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study (EDC) • Long term prospective observational cohort study • Includes 658 subjects with childhood onset T1D diagnosed before the age of 17 • Follow up ongoing since 1988 (22- years) Risk factors • T1D duration • Background risk based on CVD incidence during EDIC • HbA1c adjustment based on EDIC • Risk score is weighted based on UKPDS 68 risk profile Risk factors • T1D duration • White blood cell count • HbA1c • Total Cholesterol • SBP • HDLc • Total Cholesterol • nonHDLc • HDL • Waist/hip ratio • Smoking • SBP • Microalbuminuria or greater • ACE 27 EDIC CVD model IMS Health Confidential Research Poster presented at this conference PDB72: Contrasting predictions of cardiovascular incidence derived from alternative risk prediction models in Type 1 diabetes Conclusions I. Differences between T1D models may be associated with population characteristics a. EDC population was epidemiologically representative of T1D cases (less stringent glucose control) b. DCCT/EDIC were fairly well controlled in early stages of the disease II. UKPDS model underestimated CVD 28 IMS Health Confidential Type 1 update – Mortality A new mortality risk equation specific to T1D and T2D was added WA mortality equations1 • Two UKPDS mortality equations (event fatality & long term diabetes mortality) were refitted based on data derived from administrative dataset from Western Australia (WA) The WA mortality equations can be selected in the simulation input interface: • Hospital and mortality records on 13,884 patients • Specific to T1D or T2D populations Risk factors • Gender • Age • Focus Event (stroke, MI, HF, ESRD, ulcer, amputation) • Event history • Diabetes type 1 29 Hayes A et al. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 27 (2013) 351–356 IMS Health Confidential Alternatively, for non-WA based predictions, a T1D morality adjustment can be applied from the Clinical setting: Alternative option for modelling microvascular complications Alternative option for modelling microvascular complications Based on parametric curve fitting Cumulative incidence of BDR 1 Original data from DCCT The DCCT Research Group. The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 1993;329:977-86 Cumulative incidence of PDR 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 Study Year Observed (INT) Observed (CON) 0 0 10 20 30 Study Year Observed (INT) Observed (CON) Cumulative incidence of SVL 0.025 Additional data from EDIC Lachin JM, White NH, Hainsworth DP, Sun W, Cleary PA, Nathan DM. Effect of intensive diabetes therapy on the progression of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes: 18 years of follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC. Diabetes. 2015 Feb;64(2):631-42. doi: 10.2337/db14-0930. Epub 2014 Sep 9 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 10 20 30 Study Year Observed (INT) Observed (CON) 31 IMS Health Confidential General approach Fitting Weibull regression equations to DCCT/EDIC data • Fitting progression from BDR to PDR • Data from DCCT and EDIC combined • Cumulative incidence related to published data Cumulative incidence of PDR Fitted Weibull Hazard: Where, t = duration of BDR 0 Coefficient λ0 k β HbA1c β Hyperlipidemia β MAU β MAP β CON 32 IMS Health Confidential 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Value 158.88 1.21 0.39 0.33 0.93 0.04 0.65 Offset 5 10 15 20 Study Year Fitted (Int) Observed (INT) 25 Fitted (CON) Observed (CON) 7.07 85 30 (BDR: background diabetic retinopathy, CON: conventional arm in DCCT, MAP: mean arterial pressure, MAU: microalbuminuria, PDR: proliferative diabetic retinopathy) Illustrating changes in HbA1c and predicted incidence DCCT/EDIC HbA1c progression compared to maintained DCCT profile Cumulative Hazard HbA1c Profiles (Observed) HbA1c (%) 10 9 8 7 6 0 5 10 15 Study Year INT 20 25 0.2 0.1 0 0 Cumulative Hazard HbA1c (%) 9 8 7 6 10 0.3 CON 10 5 0.4 30 HbA1c Profiles (Example) 0 BDR to PDR 0.5 15 Study Year 20 25 30 5 10 33 IMS Health Confidential CON 20 25 Fitted (Int) Fitted (CON) Observed (INT) Observed (CON) 30 BDR to PDR 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 Fitted (Int) INT 15 Study Year 15 20 Study Year Fitted (CON) Observed (INT) 25 Observed (CON) 30 Alternative option for modelling microvascular complications Weibull parametric curves fitted to DCCT/EDIC Data Retinopathy Nephropathy Neuropathy From None BDR PDF None ME None MA MA None To BDR PDF SVL ME SVL MA GPR ESRD DPN Diabetes Duration Years since BDR N/A Diabetes Duration N/A Diabetes Duration Years since Years since MA MA t variable Diabetes Duration λ 9.71 158.88 10.87 95.75 19.61 53.39 31.67 43.33 69.24 k 0.42 1.21 1.00 1.29 1.00 1.64 0.80 2.18 1.34 HbA1c (centred on 7.07) 0.39 0.62 0.51 0.22 0.56 Smoker 0.29 RAASi -0.04 SBP (centred on 120) 0.05 0.01 DBP (centred on 80) 0.07 Hyperlipidaemia 0.33 0.33 μAU 0.58 0.93 MAP (centred on 85) 0.02 0.04 Laser therapy Exposure to CON 34 Macular Edema IMS Health Confidential 0.89 -1.63 0.65 -0.41 0.36 -0.36 0.36 0.17 Retinopathy data and equation fit BDR to PDR Incident ME • Limited reporting of any new data and very low event numbers in EDIC do not allow for robust estimation of incidence of SVL from PDR or ME Incident BDR 35 IMS Health Confidential PDR to severe vision loss ME to severe vision loss Nephropathy and neuropathy data and fit Incident MA GPR to ESRD • Risk equations fitted to neuropathy data published from DCCT and EDIC MA to GPR with impaired GFR 36 IMS Health Confidential MA to GPR Neuropathy NICE feedback on CDM-T1D NICE critiques on T1D CDM and 9.0 answer Item/area of concern Clinical data available Short-term outcomes associated to hypoglycemia events NICE critique Favors interventions targeted to reduce HbA1c and frequency of long-term complications CDM v9.0 (updates) • CDM also accounts for short-term effects on − Hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis − Weight changes reflect in quality of life − Drug adverse events are also available for T2D • Six different hypoglycemia types can be classified by severity level and period of the day Difficult to capture − Non severe − Severe grade 1-requiring 3rd party assistance − Severe grade 2-requiring medical assistance • The above can be diurnal or nocturnal • Available using Time changing hypoglycemia rates 38 IMS Health Confidential − Treatment algorithms in TD1 or, − Newly integrated multivariate regression approaches Not available *As optional, published numerical approaches are available to evaluate the impact of diurnal and nocturnal of non-severe hypoglycemia events as the frequency increases NICE critiques on T1D CDM and 9.0 answer (contd.) Item/area of concern Risk equations to predict longterm complications in T1DM May be dated and underestimating the risk of long-term complications Observational data from registries To assess the incorporation of recent data (ex. Swedish National Diabetes Register for T1D) Healthcare resource use related to hypoglycemia events 39 NICE critique IMS Health Confidential Further data collection needed CDM v9.0 (updates) • Eight additional sets of risk equations to predict cardiovascular risk − 2 for T1D − Including Microvascular disease risk equations based on EDIC study • Represent different and important geographic regions • New risk equations are based on recent observational data − Swedish National Diabetes Register − Hong Kong Diabetes Register • An excel module is available to calculate costs of hypoglycemia on the basis of healthcare resources required to treat hypoglycemia. The tool includes: − − − − − Emergency room Hospital visits, outpatient treatments Physician visits Phone calls Use of glucagon injections Other news CDM UI v9.5 Migration from 32 to 64 bit architecture 1. Primary focus is improved user experience 2. Technologies available today opens performance improvement opportunities 3. Currently available system runs on outdated platform 4. Migration to new architecture gives us new opportunities to extend the functionality of CDM and continuously improve user experience 41 IMS Health Confidential CDM UI v9.5 Item list changes New CDM Group location Simplified action selection Note: for completed simulations download to Excel icon available 42 IMS Health Confidential CDM UI v9.5 New item page changes New upload panel Tooltip based on user guide 43 IMS Health Confidential CDM Group removed CDM UI v9.5 Simplified Clinical table management Upload functionality available Multiple item selection 44 IMS Health Confidential The Reference Manual • The CDM is a complex model with many data inputs and many drivers • A document is needed to explain all what is in the CDM • The reference manual is this document • Outdated versions are existing • By end of January 2016 we expect it to be ready • Important tool for HTA bodies 45 IMS Health Confidential Future CDM access and password change User hygiene is of extreme importance both for IMS and for users • CDM password is linked to a company e-mail address (not private) • Password is temporary: Expires every three months • How to receive a password (first time): Send e-mail to IMSeService@imshealth.com and check whether access can be granted will be done • How to change password? – User will receive an e-mail with a request to change password 7 days before expiring – This e-mail will include a link – Password can only be changed by following this link (within 14 days after request to change) – Not changed in time, no longer access, so request to be renewed – No direct possibility to change password via the web • Purpose: People that leave company will not be able to access CDM anymore 46 IMS Health Confidential License Terms • Company license: – Renewal required annually – Thus expires for all it’s employees automatically – IMS can extend period for 1 month to support renewal contract • Academic license: – Expiration date at user level • HTA reviewer license – Duration agreed between company and IMS – Access is not complete: Only review of settings 47 IMS Health Confidential Practical guidance on the use of the model The choice for a web based patient simulation model approach using C++ Model Taxonomy Different methodological appraoches Decision tree: Estimates likelihood of various outcomes and associated pay offs without modeling the time of outcomes ...majority of approaches are STM: State transition model: Employ a descrete time approach (model cycles). Are also referred to as Markov Models Descrete event simulation model: Progress through the times at which specific events happen. DESs are inherently patient-level Dynamic transition model: Disease progression of indiiduals depends on others being diseased (infectious diseases) 50 IMS Health Confidential ...beyond, model approaches differ in the way they move the population through the model strucutre: Cohort approach Patient level appraoch DES requires PLS DTM requires PLS Model Taxonomy Cohort model vs. Patient level simulation approach Model structures differ in the way they process the diseased population through the time path A. The patients are moved individually through the model structure B. The entire cohort is moved as a whole through the model structure Economic models can bei either Patient level simulation (PLS) approach Outcomes modeled for individual patients and averaged Cohort model (CM) approach Outcomes modeled for the cohort as a whole 51 IMS Health Confidential Example: Transition probability of 0.05 to move from A to B in year 1 Implications Monte Carlo: if RAND(0-1)< 0.05 then AB i. Requires random generator at the decision node ii. Stochastic uncertainty iii. high run time i. Simpler ii. Can be solved in a spreadsheet approach iii. No stochastic uncertianty iv. Complexity limitations Cohort Models Complexity limitations Cohort models are memoryless (marcovian propery) A. Parallel complications have to be represented by „replicating states“ B. Time in state has to be tracked using complex „Tunnel States“ approaches which are computationally expensive C. Provide biased estimates if variable patient properties which have non-linear relationsip with outcomes are evaluated at the mean 52 IMS Health Confidential NICE position1: I. It should be noted that, depending on the complexity of the clinical scenario being modelled, the number of logical rules required to make the transition matrices dependent on the patient’s previous history, or the occupation time within each state, may make programming errors difficult to detect if the model is implemented within a spreadsheet package” II. If there are factors which vary between patients (e.g. age) which have a non-linear relationship with the model outcomes (e.g. costs and QALYs), then estimating the model outcomes for a cohort of patients using only average characteristics (e.g. mean age at starting treatment) will provide a biased estimate of the average outcome across the population to be treated“1 Complexity limitations in Spreadsheet approaches • State-Transition Models (STM) consist of a discrete set of mutually exclusive Health States (HS) 3 complications • In order to track the occurrence of parallel complications, the set of mutually exclusive health states has to be extended 1 3 3 0 compliction 1 compliction 2 parallel complictions No comp. A A&B B B&C 1 = 8 HS 3 complications A&C A&B&C 4 complications C 4 6 1 One complication only States required to consider history of 2 complications No comp. A A&B A&C B B&C B& D C C&D D 53 IMS Health Confidential 4 A& D 1 States required to consider history of 3 complications A&B&C A&B&D A&C&D B&C&D History of 4 complications A&B&D&C = 16 HS The number of required health states in a model implementation … is based on the number of complications considered Complications 0 1 2 3 4 4 1 4 6 4 1 5 1 5 10 10 5 1 6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 7 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 8 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 5 6 7 8 1 Total 16 = 24 32 = 25 64 = 26 128 = 27 256 = 28 Pascals Triangle N= .... = 2n The binominal coefficient is used in combinatorics to evaluate the total number N of possibilities (combinations) to choose k elements from a set of n elements 54 IMS Health Confidential The number of required health states in a model implementation … as a function of the number of considered complications Taking the example of the CDM -16 interdependent sub-models: Angina, Myocardial Infarction (MI), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), stroke, Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), diabetic retinopathy, Macula Edema (ME), cataract, hypoglycaemia, ketoacidosis, nephropathy, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), neuropathy, foot ulcer, and amputation Conclusions Maximum number of health states required to respesent complication history A. CDM requires PLS Health states required 300000 262143 250000 C. Possible in Excel? 200000 150000 131071 • Yes but requires VBA to code PLS model structure • Use Excel as front end 100000 CDM 50000 65535 32767 16383 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Number of distinct complications 1) McEwan et al. Pharmacoeconomics. 2010;28(8):665-74 55 B. CM approach unfeasible IMS Health Confidential C++ provides a 90fold reduction vs. VBA1 The decision for a Web based model Back ends and front ends can be combined in arbitrary ways Back End (calculation engine) 56 Front End (inputs and outputs) Excel Excel Stand alone Visual Basic VB-Interface Stand alone Treeage Treeage Stand alone C++ Web Server based IMS Health Confidential The decision for a Web based model Back ends and front ends can be combined in arbitrary ways • Models are distributed across a range of involved stakeholders • This can easily result in the requirement of >100 copies of the model • Model updates become very complex/unfeasible if not managed on a central server 57 IMS Health Confidential Conclusions 1. We apply a PLS approach in the model because CM is unfeasible 2. We use C++ since any alternative approach would lead to unacceptable run time requirements 3. We use a Web based approach to optimize distribution and version control of the model 58 IMS Health Confidential Random Walk Random Walks Origin • In 1905 Karl Pearson described a simple model in which, at each time step, a single mosquito moves a fixed length a, at a randomly chosen angle B. Hughes, Random Walks and Random Environments, Vol. I, Sec. 2.1 (Oxford, 1995) 60 IMS Health Confidential How is this related to health economics? Monte Carlo Simulation Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Alive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P(Death) Rand() 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.797 0.246 0.105 0.279 0.956 0.686 0.932 0.077 =if (random number) < probability, death occurs 61 IMS Health Confidential Alive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 P(Death) Rand() 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.959 0.918 0.969 0.944 0.716 0.996 0.717 0.893 0.992 0.819 0.114 0.729 0.180 0.736 0.094 =random number (0-1) Illustrating the inefficiency of Monte Carlo Simulation Estimating the area of a triangle: ½*b*h Relative Error True Area − Estimate Area = True Area Converges fairly rapidly to a good estimate of the area 62 IMS Health Confidential Illustrating the inefficiency of Monte Carlo Simulation Estimating the area of a smaller shape Convergence is slower when we try to measure a smaller effect 63 IMS Health Confidential Illustrating the inefficiency of Monte Carlo Simulation Monte Carlo Estimate of the Area of an Even Smaller Shape Convergence is very poor when the effect we try to measure is very small 64 IMS Health Confidential Monte Carlo Simulation in a Disease Model Monte Carlo Estimate of a Survival Curve Simple Algorithm: • Every year attempt to remove each subject with probability 1/10 • Continue until no subjects remain • Plot the proportion of subjects remaining each year • Repeat Observe that the simulations stabilize and converge when the number of subjects is increased 65 IMS Health Confidential How many patients should you simulate? Trade–off between accuracy and run-time • The answer = it depends 66 IMS Health Confidential Number of bootstrap replications Standard error of predicted QALYs • The table below shows the relationship between the precision of predicted QALE and cohort size and number of replications Number of boostrap replications • ± 2× Standard Errors will give approximate confidence interval of mean estimate 67 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 IMS Health Confidential 100 200 300 400 0.0135 0.0092 0.0076 0.0066 0.0058 0.0053 0.0050 0.0046 0.0044 0.0041 0.0092 0.0066 0.0054 0.0047 0.0042 0.0038 0.0035 0.0033 0.0031 0.0030 0.0074 0.0054 0.0044 0.0037 0.0034 0.0031 0.0029 0.0027 0.0025 0.0024 0.0065 0.0048 0.0038 0.0033 0.0029 0.0027 0.0024 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 Cohort size 500 600 0.0061 0.0042 0.0034 0.0029 0.0026 0.0024 0.0022 0.0021 0.0020 0.0019 0.0053 0.0038 0.0031 0.0027 0.0024 0.0022 0.0020 0.0019 0.0018 0.0017 700 800 900 1000 0.0049 0.0035 0.0029 0.0025 0.0022 0.0020 0.0019 0.0018 0.0016 0.0016 0.0047 0.0032 0.0027 0.0023 0.0021 0.0019 0.0018 0.0016 0.0016 0.0015 0.0045 0.0031 0.0025 0.0022 0.0020 0.0018 0.0017 0.0016 0.0014 0.0014 0.0041 0.0029 0.0024 0.0020 0.0019 0.0017 0.0016 0.0015 0.0014 0.0013 Conclusion • It is worth estimating the expected health benefit from a particular scenario – There is a tool now to help with this • The precision of CDM output is a function of – Variability of simulated scenario – Cohort size – Number of bootstrap replications • We have look-up tables now to help inform on this choice 68 IMS Health Confidential Impact of BMI on study results BMI as a driver of analysis outcomes BMI impacts analysis outcomes via two routes: Direct and indirect 1. Directly impacts on patient quality of life 2. Indirectly impacts on patient quality of life and complication costs by affecting risk of complications Patient quality of life BMI Risk of complications Complication costs 70 IMS Health Confidential Indirect impact of BMI change on outcomes: Complication rates The impact of BMI on complication rates is smaller than you might think UKPDS68 UKPDS82 71 IMS Health Confidential Indirect impact of BMI change on outcomes: Complication rates (contd.) The impact of BMI on complication rates is smaller than you might think Swedish NDR • Similar for HKDR (Hong Kong) and PROCAM risk equations • BMI has no impact on complication rates when using Advance, ARIC or Fremantle risk equations 72 IMS Health Confidential Direct impact of BMI change on quality of life The relationship between weight/BMI and health utility has been widely reported Decrease in health utility per unit increase in BMI Change in Health Utility 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 73 IMS Health Confidential Solli et al. Marrett et al. Lee et al. (T2DM) Lee et al. (T1DM) Kontodimopoulos et al. Hakim et al. Dixon et al. Currie et al. Coffey et al. (T2DM) Coffey et al. (T1DM) Bagust et al. 0.000 Why Bagust? The Bagust disutility is commonly applied, especially in HTA submissions • The Bagust disutility (-0.0061) is NICE approved – NICE has rejected other utility values, including those derived from patient level trial data, and requested analyses be run with Bagust in past • The Bagust utility comes from a high quality, comprehensive study – Based upon a European type 2 diabetic population • Note that multiple different values can be obtained from the study – Depends on model chosen and the approach you are taking to disutility in your analysis • allowing for negative utilities: -0.0061 • or bounded between 0-1: -0.0038 • A meta analysed value, encompassing a greater body of evidence, may be a more appropriate choice 74 IMS Health Confidential What’s the impact? The direct impact of BMI on quality of life is much larger than the indirect impact • If we look at the impact of a 1 kg/m2 decrease in BMI for 1 year in 1,000 patients – The impact on complications (using the UKPDS68 risk equation) will result in 0.2 congestive heart failure events avoided. Using the Beaudet disutility of -0.108 this is a difference in utility of about 0.02 QALYs Change in utility – The direct impact of BMI on quality of life is more significant. Using the Bagust disutility (-0.0061) the direct impact on utility is approximately 6.1 QALYs, about 300 times the impact of the complication reduction 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Direct 75 IMS Health Confidential Indirect Recommendations A considered approach should be taken to BMI and BMI disutility • HTA submissions may require following the prescribed standard, however other studies have more freedom to explore assumptions • Be aware that chosen value may depend on other utility sources • Any assumptions made should be tested in sensitivity analysis – However, be aware that running sensitivity analyses around small differences in BMI treatment effect may produce counterintuitive results as a result of variation due to random walk (note that as for all parameters differences in BMI should be statistically different) – To illustrate a 0.1 kg/m2 treatment effect difference requires a minimum cohort size of around 6,000 to demonstrate a treatment effect beyond random walk • The key is ensure that you are using defendable values and assumptions 76 IMS Health Confidential Sense and nonsense of sensitivity analyses The rational beyond sensitivity analyses • There is widespread agreement that the appropriate methods for handling uncertainty can be collectively referred to as sensitivity analyses • Sensitivity analyses represent one of the key HTA requirements • Uncertainty is considered explicitly in the process of arriving at a decision by the HTA bodies • Correlation between high levels of uncertainty and negative decision have been indicated • In seeking to address parameter uncertainty, both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses should be undertaken 78 IMS Health Confidential Deterministic sensitivity analyses • Deterministic analyses serve to highlight which model parameters are critical to driving outcomes • Practice in relation to univariate sensitivity analysis is highly variable, with considerable lack of clarity in: • Relation to the methods used • The basis of the parameter ranges employed • A consistent and justifiable rational regarding the parameter ranges should be applied consistently to all the parameters included in the sensitivity analyses 79 IMS Health Confidential Some sensitivity analyses should always be considered • Several considerations should be kept in mind when deciding which parameters need to be tested in your analyses: • What are you trying to achieve with your sensitivity analyses? • Which are the key economic parameters? • Which are the main clinical drivers of your analyses? • Are you submitting to a specific HTA body? • Is there a significant difference between the two arms on a certain parameter? – Base case: if not significant difference, to be put equal – Test all non significant differences using the point estimates in 1 analysis – Don’t run sensitivity analyses in case there is no significant difference (will only cause confusion) • Combination of extreme values? 80 IMS Health Confidential Example of sensitivity analyses that could be run in the CDM Most common sensitivity analyses Change from baseline HbA1c in intervention arm equal to comparator / Upper and Lower values Change from baseline SBP in intervention arm equal to comparator / Upper and Lower values Change from baseline BMI in intervention arm equal to comparator / Upper and Lower values No disutility per unit BMI Change in discount rates on costs and benefits Shorter time horizon (eg. 5 years) Different risk equations Different HbA1c threshold for treatment discontinuation Different time spent on treatment Variation in the complication costs 81 IMS Health Confidential Q&A IMS82 Health Confidential Thank You