EC Assistance to Somalia Urban Development Programme for Somalia In support of decentralisation and towards achieving the MDGs EC Somalia Operations, January 2005 1 POLITICAL CONTEXT No recognised government for 14 years. Divided in – emerging local and federal structures. Clan dimensions Decentralisation • • • History of highly centralised dictatorship. New Transitional Federal Institutions in late 2004. Constitutions of Puntland and Somaliland – decentralised in principle but not fully in practice. 2 SOCIAL CONTEXT Somali Wealth Map Dense = poor Light = wealth DJIBO UT I BOSSASO Y # CEER IGAAB O AWD AL Y # SANAG BARI GALBEED BOROMA Y # BURCO Y # Y # HARGEYSA SOOL TOGDHEER LAS CAANOOD Y # Y # GAROOW E NUGAL IA OP HI ET • GALKACYO Y # DHU SA-MAREEB Y # BELET -W EYN E GALGADUD Y # HI RAN BAKOL XU DUR Y # GARBAH AREY Y # BAYDHABA M. SHABEL LE Y # GEDO • • Estimated population of 6.8 million (2/3 under 10 years) Over 40% live on less than 1 $/day Large Diaspora (brain drain) • Important Refugee / IDP populations MUDUG Y # JOWHAR BAY [ % Y # M. JUBA A Y N E K # BUAALE Y MOGADISHU MER KA L. SH ABELLE SOMALIA LOWER JUBA [ % Y # Capit al Regional c apit al Inter nat ional boundary Regional Boundar y KI SMAYO coast line Y # N 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Kilometers 3 Social context …cont SOMALIA: POST GU 2004 CRITICAL AREAS Alula DJBOUTI BOS SASO # Y Kandala Zeylac Las Qoray/ Badhan Lughaye Bak i Berbera Boram a El Afw ein Bos aso Erigav o Is kushuban Sheik h Gabiley Hargeisa BAND ARBE YLA # Gardo Taleh Xudun Caynaba Odw eine Bender Beila Burc o Buhodle Las anod Garow e Ey l Burt inle Galk ayo Jariban ET HI O PI A Goldogob Adado Hobyo Abudwaq Biy oley Bulo Burti Dolo El Der Tieglo Luuq ian O Haradhere Belet W eyne I nd El Bur El Barde Hudur ce a n Dusa Mareb Wajid Jalalaqsi Aden Yabal Belet H awa Baidoa Garbahare Jowhar Adale Wanle W ey ne Qans ah Dere El W aq Bur Hak aba KENYA Balad Afgoye Dinsor Bardera [ % Qory oley Kurtun W arrey Sak ow Brav a Jilib Kis may o Humanitarian Emergency (level 1) Non-Alert, with chronic vulnerability N Badhadhe 0 50 Higher than usual malnutrition rates VULNERABLE GROUPS Humanitarian Emergency (level 2) Livelihood Crisis Alert Jamam e No vem be r, 20 04 MOGADISHU Marka Sablale Buale Afmadow Deteriorating humanitarian and livelihood emergency in several areas (north, central and south) • food access problems • civil insecurity • low purchasing power Areas with IDPs Number of IDPs 400,000 (250,000 in Mogadishu) 100 150 200 250 Kilom eters Fo od Security Anal ysis Unit - Soma lia P .O. Box 1230 Vil lage Ma rke t, N airo bi, Ke ny a Em ail : fsa uinfo@ fsa u.o tel : 254-20-3745734 fax :254-20-3740598 FSAU is ma na ged by FAO, funde d by EC a nd USA ID- Som ali a FSA U Pa rtners are F EW S, WF P, FAO, U NOCH A SCF- UK, UN ICEF, C ARE, UN DP The bounda rie s a nd na me s o n these ma ps do not imply official endor se me nt or a cce pta nce by the U ni te d N atio ns. The re gi onal & Di str ict boundarie s re fl ect tho se endo rsed by the Gov ernme nt o f the Republ ic o f So mal ia in 1986. 4 Urban context Rapid expansion of cities Expansion has happened in an unplanned manner, with limited governance. Basic statistics: • Economic migration / devastation of rural economies • Insecurity, creation of large urban IDP camps. • 35% Urban – Few large cities Mogadishu 1 m+, Hargeisa 0.5 • 19.2% Adult literacy (34.9% Urban) • 14.3% of urban households headed by women • 7.5% of deaths in urban areas due to war 2% rural • 40% urban dwellings in of a non permanent nature • 38% economically active in urban areas 60% rural • 25-30% urban income originates from remittances. • 16.9 % enrolled in primary schools. 5 Urban context Poverty Estimated household income Urban Rural and nomadic Somalia Total household income ($ million) 672.4 875.2 1,536.5 Per capita household income ($) 291 195 226 Income 6 Challenges for Urban sector in Somalia Hierarchical process based on past interventions to ensure coherent approach to address the following problems: Rapid urban growth Serious lack of structures to guide and manage development 7 Relevance of MDGs to Urban development In decentralised governance structures, municipalities have a key role in delivery of social services. Gender empowerment – Specific training HIV/AIDS – Training and co-ordination with specialist agencies and municipalities. Environmental protection – special focus on sanitation. Drinking water – strong interlink with UNICEF Reduction of slum dwellings – focus on IDPs and improved security. Good governance – central pillar of programme. Productive work for youths – Local Economic Development (ILO) 8 AID CONTEXT 1992 Council of Ministers authorised the Chief Authorising Officer (EC) ‘on behalf of the Somali people’ to act as NAO. Cotonou Partnership Agreement Decision 3/2001 of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers December 2001, gives access to Somalia for EDF funding. Strategy for the Implementation of Special Aid to Somalia (SISAS) – developed by EC 9 SISAS - objectives A Dual Long Term Objective To reduce poverty To promote a more peaceful, equitable and democratic society Intervention Objective To support the sustainable improvement of the livelihood of the Somali people by enhancing food security and economic growth and improve access to basic public and social services as well as the establishment of good governance. 10 SISAS: Sectoral focuses Focal Sectors: • Good governance, reconciliation and peace building. • Social Services (education, health and water). • Food Security. Non Focal Sector: * Private Sector development (including economic infrastructures) 11 SISAS Focal sector 1: good governance; reconciliation and peace building Support administrative structures in applying principles of good governance; Support contribution of civil society to the enhancement of good governance; Contribute to reconciliation and peace building. 12 AID IMPLEMENTATION No direct funding through Somali counterparts – in the absence of legal framework. Implementation of aid through grants – INGOs and UN Agencies. Calls for Proposals as a modality to award grants. Tenders of FWC for service assignments 13 EU Support to Urban Development in Somalia Sectoral interventions in urban areas (EDF and budget lines) Integrated projects in Berbera and Bossaso (Italian cofinanced). EC Consultative Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Development Co-Operation – Towards Sustainable Urban Development: A Strategic Approach (2000) 14 Somalia Urban Sector Profile Study (UN-HABITAT) – 2 main pillars identified: 1. Improvement of urban governance – programme in training in good local governance and leadership (UN-HABITAT). 2. Improvement of urban management – production of a strategy and programme for urban development found in: An Urban Development Strategy for the EC in Somalia (Sept 2002) An Urban Development Programme for the EC in Somalia (Oct 2003) 15 Present interventions for Proposals issued in mid 2004 – grant awarded to UN-HABITAT led consortium (Dec 04). Call Strong partnership: INGOs (UNA / NOVIB) focus on civil society UN Organisations: UNDP, UNICEF (Water) and ILO. Programme €6 million (18% funded by UNDP. Total 16 Objectives and Priorities Objective: Improve the quality of life of all citizens in towns and cities (over 10.000 people) in Somalia. Purpose: Improve management and planning of towns and cities in Somalia Expected results: Improved living conditions Improved security, health and welfare Improved water supply and sanitation systems Improved conditions of streets and the physical environment 17 Thematic focuses Interlinks with municipalities (potential associations) Information sharing Common advocacy Common policy development Effective use of resources. Interlink with Cotonou agreement Relevant central / Federal governance structures Support to legislative development and implementation Financial control and oversight. Skills development Policy formulation. 18 Thematic focuses Integrated City Programmes Cross cutting thematic focus related to urban governance e.g: Financial control, governance .etc. Expenditure / financial control Budgeting Revenue collection, control and accounting Relations with central / federal governance structures 19 Thematic focuses Land Property registration Town planning City governance City constitutions Administrative staff Councils and executives – accountability and participation. Civil society Private sector etc. Construction of the New Market 20 Thematic focuses … cont Local Economic Development Employment Urban / income generation Upgrading Focus on IDPs, Migrants and Returnees Improve basic transport infrastructure. Social Services Policy development / framework with central admin. Regulation of private sector Vocational training suited to local economy / LED Focus on informal training Preventive health. 21 Time frames Duration: 36 months Inception phase: 4 months Community dialogue, administration and detailed planning. Local project preparations and joint development of activities: up to total of 10. 22 Many thanks Apology from Eric Beaume and Somali government. EC Delegation Website: Europe Aid internet site: 23