Minimum Education for All Children In Southeast Asia

Minimum Education for
All Children In
Southeast Asia
By Anish Welde
Map of Southeast Asia
Key terms
Literacy rate: This is the amount of the population over
the age of 15 that can read and write any given language.
Southeast Asia: Made up of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia,
Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
UNICEF: An agency of the United Nations established in
1946 to help governments improve the health and
education of children and their mothers.
Key terms
Curriculum: The subjects that make up a course of study
in a school.
Rudimentary: Undeveloped, Limited to basic principles.
UNESCO: an agency of the United Nations charged with
instituting and administering programs for
cooperative,coordinated action by member states in
education, science, and the arts.
Numerate: Having basic arithmetic knowledge and being
able to work with numbers.
Topic Summary
All member states of Southeast Asia believe that education is
important in developing their nations.
There are a few restrictions such as how the nations can rapidly
expand the learning opportunity while maintaining the same
quality of education.
The following factors cause inequality in Southeast Asian nations:
Lack of facilities, lack of human resources (not enough teachers)
and the uneven spread of a population in a bigger country.
For each year of primary education girls complete, they marry
later, have few children, get better jobs, rise out of poverty
Topic Summary (2)
Lack of money for parents to send their children to school
with is another factor as to why many children do not get
the minimum education. This is because about 1/3 of the
population lives under the poverty line.
According to UNICEF, early childhood development
(ECD) will lead to better educational performance which
in turn will lead to better employment opportunities.
Children who start school late will lack skills and will likely
fall behind.
Topic Summary (3)
UNICEF calls upon communities to address gender
discrimination from birth. This promotes gender equality
in terms of education.
Many students experience harsh learning conditions such
as terrible sanitation, discrimination, harassment and
According to UNICEF, access to education of poor quality
might as well be equal to none at all. This is because
there is no point in an education where the child does not
become literate, numerate, or with lack of life skills.
Topic Summary (4)
Due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis
or hurricanes, minimum education is not possible for
many children in those Southeast Asian countries.
Education will help traumatized children after natural
disasters because school will provide a safe environment
for them.
1946 UNICEF was founded.
1954: UNICEF became a permanent part of the UN
1961: UNICEF focuses on education for children as well.
1990: The Convention on the Rights of a child became an
international law – guarantees a child’s right to education
1990: World Summit for children takes place
2002: UN Special Session on Children was held where
the General Assembly was addressed by children.
UN Involvement
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund) is key in aiding illiterate children in
Southeast Asia.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization also focuses on some parts of child
education in Southeast Asia.
How did this Topic
The UNICEF was originally founded as The International
Children's Emergency Fund (ICEEF) in order to aid
children after World War II.
Long Term Objectives
The UNICEF will continue to support children who are in
need of education.
Ensure that all countries abide to the Conventions of the
Right of a Child.