Spanish Literacy Example

Class Syllabus: Spanish Literacy
Multicultural Academic Program (MAP) – Spring 2011
Instructor Information:
Delina Burggraf
Office: Willow Creek Campus
Office Hours: M-TH 5:30 – 6:00 PM and by appointment
Phone: (503) 533-2915
Resource Specialist: Hanna Nuno Phone: 503-533-2915
Class Location and Meeting Times:
Willow Creek Campus – Room 109
Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
March 28, 2011 – June 9, 2011
Finals Week: June 6 – June 9
Course Description and Objectives:
In this course students will improve their reading, writing and basic Math skills in order to enter the GED
preparation class. Students will receive instruction and personal support at their individual literacy level.
Because every student starts at a different skill level and learn at a different pace, each person will be ready
to enter the GED preparation class at their own time.
Students will advance to the GED preparation class upon successful completion of the course and
teacher recommendation.
Note: For additional information on PCC Prep Alternative Programs, visit our website or make an appointment with Marelis Licea to discuss the PCC
opportunities available to you.
We will use strategies for developing and improving reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar skills.
The strategies will include:
 Vocabulary development
 Sentence writing
 Paragraph writing
 Proper spelling, basic punctuation and capitalization
 Proper use of the verb tenses
 Increasing reading comprehension
 Comprehension, including basic charts, graphs and maps
 Identifying main ideas and supporting details
 Basic Math skills: basic arithmetic operations, basic geometry, fractions, percent, operations with
whole numbers, angles, decimals, measurements, and understanding and solving basic math
word problems.
Texts: 1) Students will use materials from the Educational webpage Conevyt – Oregon. This is the internet
site of National Institute for Adult Education designed by the Secretary of Public Education of Mexico. This
internet site contains written materials as well as videos and some interactive sections. Students in this course
will be able to access the site to use the materials as well as use books downloaded from the site.
2) Each student will be assign a Spanish textbook and a Math textbook according to their literacy levels in each
3) Students will also be train on how to access materials from the following sites: l
The students will receive a Pass/No Pass grade based on: attendance, active participation in class activities, inclass assignments, tests and quizzes, and a comprehensive final exam.
Attendance and Tardiness:
 Participation in class on a continuous basis is necessary for learning new concepts and developing
literacy skills. Please be prepared to make a serious commitment to attend all classes. Talk with the
instructor or the Resource Specialist if you need help or have questions. They are here to support you.
 If you are late to class, please enter the room silently. If you must leave early, please try to leave silently
and let the instructor know of your intent to leave before class is dismissed.
 Students who arrive 45 minutes after the class starts will be marked absent.
Classroom expectations: We are a community of learners with rights and responsibilities.
The goals of the course can be reached by students when they take charge of their own learning and put
a great deal of effort into achieving their personal learning goals.
Class starts at 6:00 o’clock.
We will be respectful and polite to each other.
We will foster an understanding of individual and cultural differences.
As PCC students, we follow the PCC code of conduct.
Disruptive conduct- such as persistently speaking or interrupting another speaker, or using your cell
phone in class- distracts from class activities and negatively impact student learning. Your instructor
will redirect you if your behavior is inappropriate. If the situation does not improve, you will be asked to
discuss your behavior with your instructor and Resource Specialist. If the situation still does not
improve, your instructor may also require that you have a conference with the Program Director.