Inter-Industry Maritime SatCom Glossary & Certification Projects A Joint Initiative of InterManager and the GVF MSF George Hoyt, FNI InterManager Director, Projects, Face Of Shipping, Founder & CEO, Seagull AS of Norway, Advisor to Board, InterManager AGM, 13 October 2014, Singapore Maritime SatCom Glossary The Glossary comprises a highly comprehensive A to Z of more than 200 terms used on a daily basis by the satellite communications industry in its dialogues with the maritime community. A Joint Initiative of InterManager and the GVF MSF From “A” (Accelerator) to “Z” (Zone Beam) Accelerator A component in software (and sometimes using dedicated hardware) that reduces the effect of long round trip times inherent in satellite connections on TCP/IP data throughput. Also known as a Performance Enhancement Proxy (PEP). Zone Beam See Regional Beam. Broadcast The sending of one transmission to multiple users in a defined group (compare to unicast). Examples are network television distribution via satellite, XM-Radio, DirecTV, Dish Network, etc. BSS Broadcast Satellite Service. The international and domestic regulatory bodies identify the type of traffic being handled over satellites and assign specific RF spectrum (frequency bands) for their use in order to minimize mutual interference between services. Examples include Sky TV, DirecTV, Dish, etc. BUC Block Up-Converter. The BUC accepts LBand signals from the indoor C Band The portion of the RF Spectrum first used by commercial satellites. It is typically 3.625 to 4.2 GHz on the satellite’s downlink and 5.85 to 6.425 GHz on the satellite’s uplink. However, extended C-Band RF Spectrum is authorized in many parts of the world. Carrier The carrier is a CW (unmodulated) wave which is later modulated by the baseband signal. However, in common practice, signals with modulation are also referred to as carriers. Carrier Frequency The main frequency on which a voice, data, or video signal is sent. Microwave and satellite communications transmitters operate in the band from 1 to 14 GHz (a GHz is one billion cycles per second). Carrier to Noise Ratio (C/N) The ratio of the received carrier power and the noise power in a given bandwidth, expressed in dB. This figure is directly related to G/T and S/N; and in a video signal the higher the C/N, the better the received picture. DEFINE, MEASURE & IMPROVE InterManager members invest in “continuous improvement” We know that before we can effectively evaluate improvement, we must properly measure, and before we can measure properly, we must adequately define what we are going to measure InterManager 2012 New Projects Standard of Maritime Satellite Communication Global Seafarers Survey SatCom Solutions – What Ship Managers Want & Need = SAFETY Measure it to Manage it! Return On Investment SAFTEY …”ONLY INMARSAT IS ABLE TO MEET GMDSS STANDARD AND THEREFORE ABLE TO MEET RADIO LICENCE CERTIFICATE, WHICH HAS TO COMPLY WITH GMDSS REQUIREMENTS”... …”IF VSAT WERE TO VENTURE INTO THIS TERITORY, THEY WOULD IMMEDIATELY BECOME A SERIOUS COMPETITOR, BUT THAT WOULD MEAN SERIOUS STANDARDS NOT JUST “WOOLY” DEFINITIONS”… Return On Investment WHY- Shipping is a business HOW- Communicate, cooperate, collaborate, participate and learn. That will build trust! WHEN- Start talking to each other today! What’s Missing? EFFECTIVE CO-OPERATION BETWEEN SHIP MANAGERS AND SATELLITE COMMUNICATION PROVIDERS BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF BOTH “WORLDS” “DEFINITIONS”, SO WE CAN UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER – LOTS OF FRUSTRATION ON OUR PART UNDERSTAND SHIP MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE – WHO ARE TODAY’S “DECISION MAKERS” – WHY INTERNET IS NOT A PRIORITY TODAY, – HOW, WHEN, AND WHY INTERNET MIGHT BECOME A PRIORITY Challenges create OPPORTUNITES Seafarer Retention & Recruitment Excess Onboard Paperwork PIRACY MLC, Crew Welfare, Social Media, What SOLUTIONS can you offer? NEED & DEMAND The NEED for greater understanding of satellite solutions for the maritime community is increasing Demand for data services and the transfer of digital information on board vessels has risen dramatically USE of satellite technology Has rapidly expanded, because: Vessels become an extension of the office, Increased demand for on-board business applications, Decrease in hardware/service costs, Increased coverage over ocean routes, Smaller antennas, Standardization of products, Increased focus on services and solutions RESPONSE & OFFERINGS The satellite communications industry has responded with a growing diversity of offerings Ship managers, charterers, insurers, suppliers, and other maritime interests, must have the information necessary to differentiate those offerings GVF Maritime SatCom Forum A serious combined effort is now being undertaken to facilitate effective decisions regarding the acquisition, installation, and operation of maritime satcom systems and services A maritime subgroup comprised of industry experts, with the support and structure of GVF, has engaged with the maritime industry to provide information, education, training and support to expand the development of satellite networks around the globe GVF Maritime SatCom Forum (MSF) MSF Co-Chairs Martin Jarrold Chief, International Programme Development Global VSAT Forum Roger Adamson CEO, Futurenautics Mr. Adonis Volaris Managing Director, Telaccount Overseas Ltd, Cyprus Chairman, Cyprus Shipping Chamber ICT sub-committee The Glossary… 1 A Joint Initiative of InterManager and the GVF MSF Launched in Sept at the Informa VSAT 2014 conference in London, by the Global VSAT Forum (GVF) This document, earlier iterations of which were developed by the Maritime SatCom Forum Working Group of the GVF, has been further developed by the joint-chairs of the MSF, Martin Jarrold, Chief of International Programme Development, GVF, and Roger Adamson, Chief Executive, Futurenautics With Contributions from SatProf The Glossary… 2 A Joint Initiative of InterManager and the GVF MSF The MSF has built a strong relationship with InterManager – the international association of ship managers. Captain Kuba Szymanski, InterManager Secretary General has been a constant and forthright advocate of the Glossary. The Glossary has been endorsed by the Cyprus Shipping Chamber & InterManager. The Glossary… 3 The development of the Glossary was driven by requests from the maritime customer marketplace for a detailed explanation and elaboration of the terminology commonly used by satellite communications solutions vendors, and this document will serve to improve the quality and effectiveness of discussions at the interface of the solutions seller and the solutions buyer. The Glossary… 3 GVF, in collaboration with InterManager and Futurenautics, will engage in a continuing programme to disseminate the ‘Glossary’ as a key resource to enhance the future dialogues between the satellite solutions community and the maritime solutions customer environment. Commented Captain Kuba Szymanski… (18th September 2014) “The shipping industry needs more standardisation and I am delighted to see this joint project completed. Our new ‘Glossary’ shows that it is possible to identify and agree on terms to make the industry understandable for all stake holders, with special attention to seafarers who are, ultimately, the end users.” Oct 2014 Maritime VSAT Certification Project Global reach with online course delivery Global, scaleable, low cost – Over 10,000 enrolled Simulators teach and assess technical skills Courses are self-paced, available 24 hrs Automatic course and prerequisite linking for certification management Registration self service or by order. Dedicated student support staff Requires only a moderate-speed Internet connection and browser with Flash player Simulator skills assessments connect to LMS student scores Multi-language instant-switch capability Readily customized for each organization 28 Student learning system user interface, showing customization Marine Courses and Certifications Satcom Field Technicians and Engineers Operators on Board Vessels GVF Specialist Marine VSAT Operator Certifications GVF Marine Installation & Maintenance Certifications 562E: Operating the Sea Tel Model '09 series Marine VSAT 561: Fundamentals for Marine VSAT Operators 562E-IMA: Operating the Sea Tel Model 'IMA series Marine VSAT 562T: Operating the HCC SpaceTrack 4000 Marine VSAT Future courses 29 520: Satcom Fundamentals 503E: Sea Tel Model 09 series Installation and Maintenance 503E-S1: Sea Tel Model 09 series Installation and Maintenance 503T: HCC SpaceTrack 4000 Installation and Maintenance Future courses HOST-E Sea Tel hands on skills test (appr. by Sea Tel) HOST-T ST4000 hands on skills test (appr. by HCC) * HCC cert. also requires GVF 510 & 521 Interference-prevention emphasis: Blockage Workmanship Cross-pol Sample learning page (VSAT operator) 30 Sample learning page (VSAT operator) 31 Sample learning page (VSAT operator) 32 Sample learning page (field technician) 33 Oct 2014 Maritime VSAT Certification Project for InterManager members: Free training and certification of 10 seafarers serving onboard (1 per company) (Sponsored by Seagull AS, Norway) Free training and certification of 5 shore based personnel, (1 per company) (Sponsored by SatProf) Selection on 1st come, 1st serve, basis Oct 2014 After completion of the Maritime VSAT Certifications, InterManager will request feed back from participants to evaluate the benefits of certification, with regards to “ROI” Maritime SatCom Glossary & Certification Projects Thank You, QUESTIONS??