Medicine, Charity and the Poor Law

Medicine, Disease and Society in Britain, 1750 - 1950
Medicine, Charity and the Care
of the Poor
Lecture 4
Lecture Themes
• Links between sickness and poverty
• Access to medical care for the poor
• Increasing population, urbanisation
and industrialisation
• Increasing pauperism
• Was charity work always a good
thing? Did it produce results? Was it
Lecture Outline
• Poor Law Legislation – Comparison of
medical provision under the Old and New
Poor Law (1834)
• Charitable Provision: Hospitals and
• Who did they provide care for?
• What care did charitable institutions provide?
• How were Infirmaries organised and
• General voluntary, cottage and specialist
The Old Poor Law
1601 The Elizabethan Poor Law Act
1662 The Act of Settlement
Parishes or Townships unit of organisation
• a compulsory poor rate
• the creation of ‘Poor Law Overseers‘ to administer relief
• parish/community to provide welfare relief
Medical Provision
Medical men employed by contract, or paid per case, great
variety of provision, including unqualified healers
Personal contact with poor important, idea of expensive but
short-term solutions – flexible system
Out-relief key aspect of medical provision, workhouses
usually less important
Medical expenses at Birmingham workhouse, 1743-4.
Expenses for medical relief of indoor paupers in the Mirfield (Yorkshire)
The Poor Law Reform Movement
• Mid C18th – great population increase, harvest crises,
epidemics, growth of towns and migration put a huge
strain on the Poor Law system.
• For ratepayers, the costs were held to be scandalous,
while the poor felt the relief available to them was
Pressure for reform resulted in the appointment of a
Royal Commission in 1832. Commissioners were sent to
3,000 of the 15,000 parishes in every county in England
and Wales.
The Poor Law of 1834
1832-1834 The Poor Law Commission emphasised two principles:
• Less eligibility: the position of the pauper must be ‘less eligible’ than
that of the independent labourer. This meant that workhouse
conditions should be more distasteful, unpleasant and uncomfortable,
than any work or lifestyle available outside the workhouse. This
principle existed to deter people from claiming poor relief.
• The workhouse test: to obtain assistance, the poor person had to be
desperate enough to enter the workhouse, to receive ‘in-door’ relief.
No longer would paupers receive cash, food, goods or rent. The family
would be split in the workhouse.
1834 Poor Law Amendment Act
This established a national Commission for England and Wales.
The Scottish Poor Law was not introduced till 1845.
The New Poor Law
• Poor Law Unions unit of organisation – large, contained several
parishes, less personal contact.
• Boards of Guardians were established in every union to supervise
each workhouse, collect the poor rate and send reports to the
central Poor Law Commission.
• Poor Law medical Officers employed under contract. Work
through Relieving Offices who judged on social rather than
medical criteria.
• Cost cutting was driving force.
•Principle of ‘less eligibility’ and ‘workhouse test’ – Workhouse
(indoor relief ) used rather than outdoor (medical treatment often
only form of out-relief).
•‘Deterrence’ replaced ‘entitlement’. Conditions varied but often
This vast new workhouse, opened on 4 August 1849, was for the united
parishes for Fulham and Hammersmith. The largest workhouses not only
segregated the poor according to age, sex, and health, but provided
separate accommodation for each of the sexes according to ‘good’ and
‘bad’ character.
Leeds Union Workhouse became part of St James’ Hospital
and is now the Thackray Museum
Engels, Condition of the Working Classes (1844)
‘Englishmen are shocked if anyone suggests
that they neglect their duty towards the
poor. Have they not subscribed to the
erection of more institutions for the relief of
poverty than are to be found anywhere else
in the world? Yes, indeed - welfare
institutions! The vampire middle classes first
suck the wretched workers dry so that
afterwards they can with consummate
hypocrisy, throw a few miserable crumbs of
charity at their feet’.
1860s pressure for reform
• Medical profession, now much better organised and
more powerful, campaigned for improvements.
• 1866 Joseph Roberts, Medical Officer of the Strand
Union Workhouse founded the Association for the
Improvement of London Workhouse Infirmaries.
• Public opinion also in favour of change.
• Metropolitan Poor Law Amendment Act 1867 (later
extended to provinces) began the process of moving
infirmaries out of workhouses and medical need was to
replace the ethos of less eligibility.
Growth in Charitable Medical Institutions
• Voluntary Hospitals:
1720 Westminster
1736 Winchester
1800 (34), 1861 (230)
• Dispensaries:
1770 Aldersgate Street
1800 (33 of which16 in London)
• Specialist Hospitals:
1804 Moorfields Eye
1860s there were 66 in London
• Cottage Hospitals:
1859 Cranleigh
1875(148), 1895 (290)
The architecture of many of the eighteenth-century British voluntary
hospital reflected the wealth of its benefactors and was reminiscent of
contemporary country houses of the landed gentry.
• Patient admissions were strictly limited to the deserving
poor who had subscribers’ recommendation.
• Subscribers had the right to nominate or recommend
patients for treatment.
• The more they subscribed, the greater the number of
patients they could nominate in any year.
• Being able to cite high rates of recovery was an
important aspect of gaining subscriptions.
Who was eligible for care?
• ‘Deserving poor’, ‘industrious or labouring
poor’ ‘proper objects of charity’
• Not paupers but those who could not afford
to pay for care themselves
• Hoped that medical treatment would avoid
pauperisation and encourage good and
thrifty habits. Rules encouraged the reform
of the poor
Several categories of patients
were excluded
• Children under 7
• Pregnant women
• Infectious diseases
• Venereal diseases
• Chronic diseases
• Terminally ill
• Insane
Hospital Treatments
• Sore legs, cough, scrofula (skin
disease), lame hips, paralysis, fractured
elbow, worms.
• Accident cases also seen
• Usually more men than women
treated, with a focus on young
working men
Ward at the Middlesex Hospital, early 19th Century.
• Subscribers - right to nominate patients
• Governors - managed institution
• Medical staff - honorary appointments
• Matron and apothecary
• Patients - free treatment
This undated picture is labelled Luton cottage hospital. But Luton's mid to
late 19th century cottage hospital was literally in a cottage - in High
Town Road.
Doncaster Dispensary, 1792-1867. These images show the small,
simple premises that housed the institution in the mid-nineteenth
Gateways to Death?
• Florence Nightingale (1850s) - hospitals did
• Thomas McKeown (late 1970s/1980s) - C19
hospitals positively did harm
• John Woodward (1980s) - hospitals treated
many patients successfully
Why did hospitals develop?
‘Humanity, self interest, religion and the pursuit
of social status made common cause to
help those deemed unable to meet the
cost of private medical care’. Keir Waddington
The expansion in numbers of hospitals arose
‘not because of changes in medicine or
perceived medical need, but because the
economic and social climate changed in
ways that made these institutions attractive
to a range of political views’. Marguerite Dupree.
• Altruistic
• Economic
• Upheld the social
• Medical
• Christian charity and
civic virtue
• Maintained the
labouring classes,
• Reduced poor relief
• Reduced tensions
between classes
• Created middle-class
• Contributed to the
reform of the poor
• Provided experience to
Roy Porter, ‘Gift relationship’
‘An Act of conspicuous, self-congratulatory,
stage-managed noblesse oblige underlay
the infirmary. Poverty, malnutrition,
premature ageing, occupational accidents
and diseases would remain the abiding
realities of life for the labouring classes, as
would the coercive police functions of the
poor law for ensuring a tractable labour
force. The infirmary threw a cloak of charity
over the bones of poverty and naked
• Differences between Old and New
Poor Law – were the poor any better
• Why was the workhouse/hospital
• Who did it benefit?
• How successful was the hospital at
treating patients?