
• Use a loop when you want some code to
repeat itself, until a certain condition is met
• 3 types of loops:
– While
– Do-While
– For
• A counter is a variable that is used to keep track of
the loop, and often determines when to end it
• A counter must be increased or decreased by a
certain amount each time through the loop (each
time = an “iteration”)
• Increasing a counter = “increment”
• Decreasing a counter = “decrement”
• Examples of incrementing / decrementing:
students = students + 1
health = health – 1
lives = lives + 5
(shortcut: students++)
(shortcut: health--)
(shortcut: lives+=5)
While Loops
• While loops are not guaranteed to execute at all; it
depends on whether the condition is met
• Syntax:
while (condition)
• Examples: WhileLoop1, WhileLoop2, WhileLoop3
• While loops are excellent for error checking
• Example: ErrorCheck
• If you want to cause a loop to stop executing
if some condition is met, put the word break
inside an if statement.
• If you use break, it MUST be the last code in
an if statement. If you break this rule, you
will get an “unreachable statement” error.
• Do not confuse “break” with “line break,”
which is when you move down to the next
line when displaying.
1. (Loops1) Using 3 different while loops…display every
number from 1 to 21, and then a line break. Next, display
every odd number from 7 to 29, then another line break.
Finally, display every # from 20 to 4, backwards.
2. (TheLetterQ) Ask the user to enter a word that begins with
Q or q. Error check with a while loop: If the word does not
begin with Q or q, insult the user and have them try again.
This should continue until they get it right. At the end, display
how many mistakes they made.
(example: “You entered 14 words that did not
begin with Q or q.”)
(more on next slide)
• 3. (Celery) Ask the user how many numbers
they want to enter. Then, using a while loop,
have the user enter those numbers. Finally,
the total of those numbers
how many were odd
how many were even
how many were both greater than 70 and divisible
by 7.